Plant phenology is a central feature of community assembly (Ratche and Lacey 1985; Primack 1987) and an important trait involved in boosting the invasion of non-native species or in the resistance of the native community to their advance (Hulme 2011; Wolkovich et al. 2013; Zettlemoyer et al. 2019). Here we generated the first set of phenological reproductive data of native and non-native woody species for multiple years in a seasonal semiarid subtropical forest (central Argentina, South America). Our study makes a remarkable contribution, considering that most studies of non-native phenology were conducted in the Northern Hemisphere for only few seasons and were focused mainly on forbs and grasses (Wolkovich et al. 2013; Godoy and Levine 2014; Durham et al. 2017; Zettlemoyer et al. 2019). We found that non-native species exhibit different phenological strategies from those of native species; we also observed distinct patterns in the temporal predictability of fruiting and flowering among their individuals. Those differences might underlie their invasion success and contribute important knowledge for their management (Wolkovich and Cleland 2011).
Flowering phenology
Flowering length of natives and non-native woody species was on average 1.4 months, but non-natives began to flower 1 month later; thus, there was a slight flowering overlapping between native and non-native woody species (Fig. 2-3; Appendix S2). Consequently, the flowering phenology of non-native woody species is explained by the Vacant niche strategy (Wolkovich and Cleland 2011). In general, previous studies have found that the expansion of non-native species is associated with early flowering (Chambers et al. 2013; Wolkovich and Cleland 2013; Zettlemoyer 2019). However, Godoy et al. (2009), observed that late flowering phenology of non-native species might be also responsible for the invasion; our findings are in line with the latter observation.
In our subtropical semiarid study area, we found that the beginning of flowering of native woody species coincides with the start of the growing period (i.e., spring). This is a period of climatic uncertainty, where late frosts may occur and there is a notable shift from drought to rainy and cold to warm days. This climatic variability may affect some flowering features, such as the number of flowers per individual and the quantity of floral rewards, which might depend on the amount of available resources, like water or soil nutrients (Leiss and Klinkhamer 2005; Thompson 2016; Waser and Price 2016). Moreover, such climatic uncertainty during spring may underlie the differences in flowering individuals among reproductive periods. In fact, the number of flowering individuals of native species showed higher temporal variability or less predictability than that of non-native species. On the other hand, non-native woody species flower on average one month later, when climatic conditions are more stable and the availability of pollinators is high. Moreover, the likelihood of competition for pollinators might be easily sorted out by non-native woody species, since they exhibited a higher and more predictable number of flowering individuals than natives. Indeed, as has been observed in other communities, a higher offer of flowers per individual or better floral reward by non-native species may have positive effects on pollinator attraction (Lopezaraira-Mikel et al. 2007; Aizen et al. 2008; Dietzsch et al. 2011; Zaya et al. 2021).
Finally, as in most of the studies in invasive species, some idiosyncratic responses were observed among native and non-native species (Tecco et al. 2013; Dyderski and Jagodzinski, 2019; Mazzolari et al., 2020). For example, the native Ruprechtia apetala is a late flowering species; thus, it behaves similarly to many non-native ones, whereas the non-native Morus alba flowered very early, simultaneously with many native species (Appendix S2). Thus, even though we can describe a general pattern, there are clear exceptions showing other strategies.
Fruiting phenology
As flowering phenology, fruiting phenology of non-native species also showed a delay in the beginning of fruit production but, additionally, the fruiting period was longer in non-natives than in native woody species. These results support a Vacant niche plus a Niche breadth strategy for non-native species (Wolkovich and Cleland 2011). The delay in fruiting by non-natives implies the exposure of their mature fruits in autumn and winter, a period of scarce food resources for animals. Moreover, the length of the fruiting season is a defining factor in the number of interactions that species can establish (Morellato et al. 2016), with a longer fruit exposure providing non-native species with higher chances to explore interactions than shorter periods. Additionally, fruiting was temporarily more predictable in non-native species. Therefore, fruits produced by non-natives were offered for a longer time, but also in a more stable pattern among reproductive periods. Both a longer fruit exposure and a stable offer over the periods mean a higher propagule pressure by non-natives, and these strategies contribute to invasion. Fruit production late in the season was observed in non-native species in studies from other ecosystems (Lediuk et al. 2014; Jaryan et al. 2016; Durham et al. 2017) and may impact ecological interactions and ecosystem process. Indeed, Bellis et al. (2021) observed in Cordoba mountains that fruiting in winter by one of the non-native woody species here studied, the tree Ligustrum lucidum, modified the composition and abundance of bird communities. However, the study of Vergara-Tabares et al. (2016) also in Córdoba mountains, claims that the uncoupled fruiting phenology of the non-native Pyracantha angustifolia with natives is not a key attribute for its invasion. These authors did not find differences in the number of bird visits and fruit consumption in two invasive Pyracantha species, one with coupled phenology with natives and the other with a winter uncoupled phenology. Thus, they suggest that other attributes such as fruit characteristics (e.g., color, number), may be responsible for their invasion. Interestingly, in a recent work they found that the dominant native L. molleoides increases the number of dispersed fruits when its phenology overlaps with that of non-native Pyracantha species (Vergara-Tabares et al. 2021). Additionally, the provision of food during a period of regional resource scarcity might generate important changes in animal behavior and physiology (e.g., changes in food availability are linked to hormonal shifts; Gleditsch and Carlo 2011; Rojas et al. 2019). Finally, the differences in fruiting phenology (beginning and duration) might impact seed dispersal and seedling recruitment, generating particular windows for non-native recruitment (Morellato et al. 2016). However, the limited knowledge about the presence of seed dormancy and seed requirements for germination preclude associating phenology with seedling establishment.
Finally, as we mentioned for the flowering phenology, it is important to highlight that among non-native species, Morus alba, seems to be an exception to this general pattern, with an early and short fruiting phenology (Appendix S2). This species has a fruiting phenology even earlier than that of most native woody species, which could be considered a Priority effect strategy (Wolkovich and Cleland 2011).
Temporal predictability in flower and fruit production
The number of individuals bearing flowers and fruits was higher in non-native species in the four studied periods. Many native species showed a reduction or even absence of individuals with flowers or fruits in some reproductive periods. By contrast, non-native species had a reduction only exceptionally (e.g. Lantana camara fruiting). The higher stability of flower and fruit production in non-natives among years could be a consequence of the differences observed in the phenological patterns. That is, non-native species tend to produce their flowers under more stable and benign weather conditions than natives, which may decrease the chances of failures in flower production than flowering in more unstable climatic conditions. All in all, this different flower and fruit production among individuals might lead to a higher propagule pressure of non-native species, a key trait to trigger invasions (Simberloff 2009; Cassey et al. 2018).