Operational and sustainable human activities management progressively need advanced techniques to obtain numerous and up-to-date information on the pattern, state, characteristics, and development of an urban environment. Today, the satellite observations data is considered an effective data source for environmental analysis that is essentially well-matched to offer information on LULC characteristics and their environmental impact changes over time at various spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, there have been significant advances in estimating land surface environmental conditions from satellite observations, mainly from thermal infrared remote sensing data. Near-surface temperature and water vapor are of critical importance to investigate and assess the geo-environmental impact hazards. With the development and innovations in earth observation data, technologies, and theories in the broader field of earth observation, and environmental remote sensing has quickly increased popularity among a wide variety of communities from several aspects as LU/LC mapping, LST analysis, impermeable surface area estimation and geo-environmental safety assessment, which will be illustrated in the following sections:
LULC types and areal change analysis
The LULC classification has been carried out for the multi-temporal Landsat satellite data for the last four decades in the current work. The LULC classification has been categorized into seven classes viz. water bodies (waterlogged, lakes, sea, fish farm, and canal), urban (Residential, industrial, and commercial zones), agriculture (high and low density) land, bare (Sand dunes, sand sheet, and mountainously areas) wetland, clay, and salt crust (Fig. 4a&b). The accuracy assessment for the LULC classified maps was analyzed. The accuracy assessment results will give the users an overall accuracy of the map and an accuracy for each class in the obtained classified map. Therefore, the pixels derived from the images were used to compare similar sites in this field.
Furthermore, validate the classified maps the random points for TM 1984 and OLI 2018 have been collected from Google Earth images. The overall accuracy percentage for classified images were for the TM 1984 is 91.7, and for OLI 2018 is 90.10. The results' reliability was derived with the help of the Kappa coefficient, and the values of the Kappa coefficient are 0.92 and 90 for the TM 1984 and OLI 2018. The pattern and spatial distribution of LULC changes were shown by preparing the multi-temporal LULC maps. The areal distribution of LULC changes was shown in Table (1).
Table 1
The results of change detection of land-use/landcover between 1984 and 2018.
Surface area in 1984 (km2)
Surface area in 2018
Average yearly rate of change (km2/year)
Urban areas
Water bodies
Salt crust
Baren areas
There is a significant increase in the urban area, including settlement and industrial, from 26.21 km2 to 151.10 km2. Also, there was a significant increase in vegetation, including dense and scattered vegetation, from 306.67 km2 to 1215.36 km2.
While the salt crust decreased from 567.75 km2 to 278.26 km2. Along with LULC changes, the rate of change has been calculated for a time span of 34 years to depict which LU types are converting very rapidly to other LU types (Table 1). The obtained results indicated that the majority of the barren land area was converted into agriculture and urban with an average rate of change +26.72 and +3.67 km2/year, respectively. Simultaneously, the same situation happens to the clay and salt crust areas, which reduced from 204.04 to 199.34 km2 and 567.75 to 278.26 km2 respectively, to transform into fish farms and vegetation land with an average rate of change -0.138 and -8.51 km2/year, respectively. Nevertheless, the wetland area was detected to have changed drastically for a time span of 34 years, whereas the area declined from 275.44 km2 to 26.86 km2 with a rate of change -7.31 km2. The water bodies decreased in area from 1984 to 2018 as -73.57 and the change rate -3.06 km2/year due to the shrinkage of Al- Manzala and Al- Malha lakes (Fig. 4a & 4b). Overall, the SCR's sustainable development is founded to have occurred and continuously lead to some environmental issues. The main issue causing uncontrolled rapid urbanization and land reclamation was the demand for LU for human activities such as residential, industrial, commercial, other concrete buildings, and agricultural activities. Therefore, most of these LULC developments lead indirectly to environmental and land degradation hazards such as increased salinization processes, pollution of water, soil, and waterlogging (Fig. 5).
Moreover, according to the change detection calculations of the obtained LULC maps of SCR, we observed that the study area had changed drastically for the last four decades whereas 50% of SCR is increased and 50% of SCR is decreased (Table 1). These SCR land surface changes are subjected to the human and natural actives for sustainable developments and their environmental land degradation processes.
Multi-temporal thematic thermal maps and their distribution
In the present study, LST was derived from multi-temporal Landsat satellite data (TM 1984 and OLI/TIRS 2018). The thermal band of TM+5 and TIRS+8 was used to map the SCR region's thermal distribution anomalies. The LST was estimated using the conversion of radiance to AT satellite brightness temperature and spectral emissivity. Figure (6a) shows the calculated LST of the SCR region. Table (2) shows that the maximum temperature of TM 1984 recorded was 59.8°C and a minimum temperature value of 5°C.
On the other hand, on OLI/TIRS 2018 (Fig. 6b), the highest temperature value recorded was 57.38°C and the lowest temperature was 13°C OLI/TIRS 2018. Therefore, the average LST of the area for thermal multi-temporal data within a time span of 34 years has increased from 31.97°C to 43.92°C with an LST change of 0.352°C per year, which reveals that the SCR is facing many environmental changes according to LULC changes. Table (2) shows the estimated values of seven major LULC classes; It reveals that the clay, wetland, urban, and salt crust areas in 1984 exhibited the highest LST having a mean value of 45.7°C, 41.43°C, 35.46°C, and 33.46°C, respectively. However, baren land, water bodies, and vegetation have lower LST, with a mean value of 21.5°C, 22°C, 24.27°C, respectively. Moreover, the statistical estimated LST values in 2018 show that the LST values of clay, salt crust, wetlands, and urban areas exceed other LULC classes with a mean value of 51.69°C, 47.29°C, 45.20°C, and 44.90°C, respectively.
On the other hand, water bodies show the lowest LST values having a mean of 35.37°C. Other scholar has also witnessed that the highest values of LST are in the urban area and other impervious surface, while the lower LST values are found around vegetated and baren, lands areas. Within the time span of 34 years, the agricultural and reclaimed land activities in SCR have been increased. Therefore, the vegetative covers absorb heat during the daytime and release it at night; thus, LST's low values is commonly recorded in such LULC class. The temperature value around dry saline soil, residential, industrial, roads, and concrete pavements become considerably higher than bare land. However, waterlogged, surface water, and wetland show relatively low LST value in the study area. Results of LST change detection between 1984 and 2018 (Fig. 6c) showed that the whole area has increased in temperatures (red color) except for the southern part of El-Manzala lake and Sahl El-Tina plain (blue color) in the west and east of the Suez Canal, respectively as a direct impact of El-Salam Canal construction in 2003. El-Salam Canal gets its water from the Nile and passes under the Suez Canal through a siphon to deliver fresh water to Sinai. This canal intercepted the groundwater flow to the northern area of El-Manzala lake and the sea, increasing the water levels in the southern area (Mansour 2015), consequently lowering its LST. On the other hand, the availability of water in Sahl El-Tina plain after 2003 has led to major humanmade activities (agriculture and fish farming) on this plain's clay soil nature. The faulty agriculture water drainage has led to the rising of the waterlogging problem in this area. Consequently, the land-use changes in the Sahl El-Tina plain have lowered the LST of this area. Also, the construction of the second Suez Canal branch in 2014 has lowered the LST in this area, confirming the power of land-use changes over LST.
Finally, the agriculture expansion on El-Salheya plain of relatively higher land elevation from its surroundings has led to the infiltration and flow of irrigation water to the lowlands of the El-Ballah area, which acts as a discharge zone for the whole Ismailia governorate in the west of the Suez Canal (Mansour 2015), thus, Lowering the LST in this area (Fig. 6c).
Table 2
The results of land surface temperature changes in land-use/landcover classes between 1984 and 2018.
Temperature ranges in 1984 (°C)
Temperature ranges in 2018
Mean Temperature in 1984
Mean Temperature in 2018
12.48 - 57.88
31.26 -56.05
Urban areas
8.6 - 53
31.24 -56.51
18.59 -59.8
34.52 -56.88
Water bodies
5 - 48.73
13 - 57.38
Salt crust
7.5 - 55.9
31.38 -56.76
9.75 - 42.89
13 - 57
Baren areas
5 - 48
33 - 49
Relation between LST, LULC classes and change detection of the land degradation hazards
Comparing the LST images and the LULC classification images, the relationship between the LULC classification and the LST can be clearly understood. The terrestrial change of LST has changed over with speedy LULC changes within 34 years timespan. Across the SCR area, Cluster analysis between 1984 and 2018 LST ranges for LULC classes and four cross-sections have been made to represent the variations of LST between all major classes (Figs. 7 and 8, respectively). Cluster analysis was successfully used to classify LULC and determine the LST groups of distinct populations that may be significant in the land degradation for the obtained results of enhanced satellite data of 1984 and 2018. The R-mode dendrogram of the LST variables of the LULC in SCR was construed and displayed in two main clusters (Fig. 7).
In 1984 (Fig. 7a), the first cluster group was clay with the salt crust, and urban may point to high LST values. The second cluster has vegetation with bare land, water bodies, and wetlands pointing to lower LST values. Figure (7a) shows the natural response of different classes to LST values, as the salt crust and urban areas usually have the same spectral signatures and LST, hence clustered in the same group with high LST of the clay class. In addition, there is a clear correlation between the other classes showing the effect of shallow groundwater on barren lands and the rest of the classes with lower LST values, thus clustering in the same group.
On the other hand, in 2018 (Fig. 7b), the first cluster group was transformed into vegetation and water bodies, which reveals that the higher vegetation cover helps lower the LST and the increase in the groundwater level. This relationship highlights the increase in agricultural activities as a major source that is a threat to water quality, waterlogging, and salinization. Furthermore, the cluster group found between bare land and clay, salt crust, urban and wetlands may reflect the role of urbanization processes in SCR and increase LST rate, particularly in the impervious surface and saturated saline soils. Hence Figure (7b) reflects the increase of human activities response on the LULC classes’ LST. Therefore, four cross-sections have been produced across the SCR area to represent LST variations between all major classes with the LULC transformation as a land surface reflection (Figs. 4 and 8). Generally, the cross profiles reveal an abrupt increase in LST and land surface reflection of the study area. In profile one from E-W, it is demonstrated that the human activities increased based on the LULC changes and due to change of LST values (Fig. 8a and b). It is found that the salt crust, clay, and wetlands on the eastern side of the Suez Canal were transformed into fish farms and agricultural areas. At the same time, on the western side of the Suez Canal, the water body of El-Manzala Lake, bare land, and wetland were transformed into agricultural, industrial, and fish farms. LST also increases and decreases due to the transformation of LULC classes. For example, the salt crust and water bodies recorded maximum LST of 50°C and 20°C in 1984, respectively. These classes were changed in 2018 into fish farms and agricultural areas with recoding LST reaching 55°C and 40°C, respectively. Profile two from NE-SW shows the decline in LST values of salt crust, barren land, waterlogged, and scattered vegetation classes in 1984 (Fig. 8c and d). These classes were transformed in 2018 into dense vegetation, large waterlogged, wetland, and barren land classes. The barren land and salt crust recorded maximum 40°C and 42°C in 1984. These classes were modified in 2018 into agricultural and waterlogged areas with recoding LST as from 48 to 54°C and from 35 to 40°C, respectively.
Moreover, profile no. Three from NW-SE shows the increasing LST values of baren land, particularly mountainous areas, from 1984 to 2018 (Fig. 8e and f). The baren land area recorded maximum 43°C and 46°C in 1984 and 2018, respectively. These changes in LST value may be due to the increase of the seismic activity and sand dune migration that covered the dried natural drainage distributaries in this area. Finally, profile four from N-S indicates the increasing and altering LST values of vast barren land area in 1984 at south bitter lakes (Fig. 8g and h). It was converted in 2018 into dense vegetation, waterlogged, wetland, and urban classes. The barren land area recorded maximum 35°C in 1984. At the same time, its maximum value of the LST baren land was modified and maximum record as 45°C, 32°C, 40°C, and 46°C in 2018 for dense vegetation, waterlogged, wetland, and urban, respectively.
Detecting and monitoring the hydro-environmental impact and land degradation
Visual interpretation of the resulted maps depends on RS image characteristics and prior knowledge of the investigated area. Fieldwork and other ancillary geological and environmental data were carried out to help identify and map environmental land degradation. The multi-temporal optical and thermal satellite data were considered a base map for allocating changed environmental land degradation classes. The multi-temporal hotspots of SCR were mapped using ERDAS Imagine, Envi, and ArcGIS software; six hotspots were chosen to detect and monitor the hydro-environmental impact and land degradation (Fig. 9). The multi-temporal hotspot maps show the change in the extent and spatial distribution within the time span of 34 years of the satellite data due to the natural and/or human activities, particularly agricultural, industrial, and urban activities. Therefore, by comparing the LST images and the LULC classification images, the relationship between the LULC classification and the LST can be clearly understood. The following section will compare different hot spots from the enhanced LST and LULC multi-temporal satellite between 1984 and 2018 to identify the hydro-environmental and land degradation in SCR. These degradations include natural, human activities, water pollution, groundwater level rising, salinity increase, and seismic activity.
At hot spot no. 1, the enhanced multi-temporal LST and LULC images (Figs. 9&10) show that Lake Manzala (LM) and its surrounding area have a significant change in human and natural activities. The water temperature is mostly lower than in other types of LULC. However, the water body proportion, the average size of the water body, isolation, water quality, and water body fragment affect the change in LST values. Hence, the water quality deterioration of LM has changed LST values dramatically. Between 1984 and 2018, LM LST values increased from 5-28°C to 38 - 45°C near the industrial and urban zones. The vast amounts of contaminated wastewater and accumulated bottom sediments near these sites contain heavy metals that could be monitored and detected based on the observation of change in LST values, particularly at the drains. The pattern of surface water temperature changed to circular rims around these areas (Fig. 10). The contaminated water and sediments' heat pockets are indicated by the shades of green and yellow colors in the LST (Fig. 10).
These results agree with Arnous and Hassan (2015); their findings revealed that the water and sediments of LM constitute an ultimate sink for heavy metals in the LM aquatic system. The industrial, agricultural, and domestic wastes, sewage water, and commercial activities; led to a harmful concern for the natural environment of the LM and its surrounding area. Moreover, the southern LM area suffers from an increasing water level due to El-Salam Canal's digging in the last two decades. It prevents the groundwater flow from reaching the northern wetlands as it acts as an artificial barrier (Mansour 2015). This action has led to the transformation of the wetlands to land reclamation, agricultural, urban areas, and fish farms.
At hot spot no. 2 (Figs. 9&11), the LULC of this area at 1984 show that it was mostly covered by clay, salt crust, barren land, and ponds classes, which have LST values ranging from 5 to 64°C. These classes were rapidly reclaimed by several development activities, besides the natural processes and both severely affected the LU/LC pattern. The transformed LULC classes in 2018 included the saline soils, cultivated lands, salt crusts, waterlogging, barren lands, fish farms, and urban areas (Fig. 11). The main converted classes were saline soils, barren lands, cultivated lands, and fish farms, while salt crusts, waterlogged, and urban areas have small spatial distribution. The detection and the monitoring of the results of environmental impacts and land degradation was based on the change detection of LST values and agree with the results of Arnous et al., 2017; El-Rayes et al., 2017 and Moubarak et al., 2020.
The change of the LST values may be attributed to the dominance of saline soils and barren lands, and to the natural evaporation process acting on the saturated soils, leading to increased soil salinity and increasing LST values from 38-48°C to 47-53°C. Salt crust is mostly located in the middle and the coastal zones under the impact of evaporation of the seawater and waterlogging along the ground surface, associated with LST change values from 33-48°C to 46-50°C.
On the other hand, the agricultural activities and fish farms decrease LST values from 33-48°C to 13-37°C depending on the water's salinity degree. The transformation of agricultural lands may elucidate the significant extent of fish farms after digging Salam Canal. Besides, many waterlogged sites appeared, and the saturated saline soils increased near the cultivated lands and are related to the increasing groundwater level and shallow clay layers. Moreover, the sand dunes class's LST values in 1984 are 33-37°C, which increased after 34 years to 46°C due to migrations of sand dunes covering the vast area of saline soil and clay classes. Also, exposed waterlogged areas have lower LST values ranging from 13 to 32°C less than the sand dunes LST values (46°C). While the area at Malha Lake in 1984 is mostly covered by saline water bodies and saturated soil with LST values 5-32°C, which increased to 46-54°C after being transformed into barren and saline soil after backfilling and draining the primary area of the Malha lake.
At hot spot no. 3, This hot spot is a perfect example to show the effect of shallow water table on surface soil moisture and agricultural activities to detect the depth to water table via retrieval of moisture in the surface soil based on the multi-temporal LST results analyses (Fig. 9&12). it was evident that LULC changes, especially those related to the surface soil moisture, varied extensively in this hot spot, and was confirmed with several studies such as (Mansour 2015; Arnous and Green 2015; Arnous et al., 2015 and Hassan et al., 2019). Therefore, the hydro-environmental information could be acquired or estimated from LST data analyses, such as fluctuation of the water table or water table level rise, which are the primary reason for waterlogging problem occurrence. The least LST values were identified in waterlogged areas 5- 24°C in 1984 and 13-32°C in 2018, especially at El-Balah due to change of the source and water quality with the groundwater level rising, increasing the LST of wet saline soil to 29-32°C and LST of the fish farms (13-32°C in 2018). In contrast, the cultivated areas are characterized by low to moderate LST values due to the change in crop type and irrigation systems. The extensive land reclamation and agricultural activities caused the appearance of many hydro-environmental problems such as waterlogging and soil salinization due to irrigation and though rising waterlogged sites by seepage towards low topographic areas. The highest LST values were detected in barren soil (50-57°C in 2018), particularly at El-Salhyia plain due to low vegetation density and well-drained soil. Some sites located at the eastern side of the new Suez Canal suffered from a change in the LST values from 33-37°C in 1984 to 46-49°C in 2018 due to the increase in evaporation of the heavily moist surface soil. It is worth mentioning that in 1984 there was a large lake east of Suez Canal navigation route with temperature ranges between 21 to 24°C. This lake dried out due to the increase in vegetation crops in this area which is irrigated by mixed fresh and groundwater (pumping from wells dug in the area).
At hot spot no. 4, the LULC and LST multi-temporal maps of this area within the time interval of 34 years shows various consequences, especially in the urban ecosystems east and west of the Suez Canal. LULC classification was acquired to represent unique socio-economic activities based on their environmental land degradation effects and the existing national LULC classification standards. Speedy urbanization driven at or around both Ismailia and New Ismailia Cities by population growth and economic development has severe and extensive modifications to the land surface, causing the replacement of natural surfaces such as vegetation with impervious surface materials such as concrete, asphalt, and buildings. It also transformed the barren land and agricultural area to dry and saturated saline soil and waterlogged areas (Fig. 13). The widespread LULC transformations have created ecological and environmental problems at multiple scales in this hot spot. The LULC of this area in 1984 shows that the urban area of Ismailia City has LST values ranging from 25 to 32°C (Fig. 13). After 34 years, the rapid urbanization such as residential, industrial, parks, and institutional LU and land reclamation to the sustainable development of this hot spot area led to increasing the LST values from 40 to 57°C in 2018. In addition, the barren land (LST values 29-32°C in 1984; 46-57°C in 2018) and agricultural areas (LST values 21-24°C in 1984; 13-35°C in 2018) are transformed into extensive agricultural actions associated with decrease the LST values. These actions lead to some hydro-environmental problems such as increasing the waterlogged areas in the west and east Suez Canal and increasing soil salinization. This agricultural expansion could raise the moisture of the surface soil by irrigation and increase waterlogged areas by seepage towards low laying areas. Therefore, the exposed waterlogged areas have lower LST values ranging from 5 to 14°C in 1984, while LST values in 2018 are increased to 13 – 35°C. It may reveal the increasing water salinity and the widespread of the saturated saline soils associated with groundwater level rising.
Furthermore, the saline areas that transformed into waterlogged in the eolian plain and the windblown deposits, particularly at the southern of Wadi El Tumilat, due to the continuous groundwater level rising. On the other hand, it is a value observing around the new Suez Canal due to the increase in surface soil moisture. These above results agree with many literature reviews such as (Ghodeif et al., 2013; Arnous and El-Rayes 2013; Arnous et al., 2015; Mansour 2015; Arnous and Green 2015; Hassan et al., 2019).
At hot spot no. 5, the LULC of this area at 1984 show that it is mostly covered by urban, barren land, saline soil, and low density of vegetation classes, which have LST values ranging from 5 to 64. These classes are rapidly reclaimed by several development activities, besides the natural processes, severely affected the LU/LC pattern. The transformed LULC classes in 2018 include the saline soils, cultivated lands, salt crusts, waterlogging, barren lands, and extensive urban areas (Fig. 14). The main converted classes were saline soils, barren lands, cultivated lands, and fish farms, while salt crusts, waterlogged, and urban areas with a small spatial distribution. The change of the LST values may be attributed to the dominance of saline soils and barren lands and to the natural evaporation process acting on the saturated soils, leading to increased soil salinity and is associated with increasing LST values from 21-42°C to 44-53°C within timespan 34 years. Salt crust is mostly located along the coastal zones of the Suez Canal's eastern side, leading to the spreading of the seawater and waterlogging along the ground surface associated with evaporation and impacting the LST change in values from 33-42°C to 46-53°C.
On the other hand, the agricultural activities lead to the decrease in LST values from 33-37°C to 46-49°C depending on the salinity degree of water. The conversion of barren land to agricultural lands and new urban extension, particularly at Suez City, lead to the appearance of numerous waterlogged locations and increasing the saturated saline soils nearest and close to the cultivated lands; may be related to increasing groundwater level and presence of shallow clay layers. The exposed waterlogged sites have lower LST values ranging from 5 to 14°C less than the LST values of the other classes. Moreover, the sand dunes class's LST values in 1984 are 33-37°C, which increased after 34 years to 46°C due to migrations of sand dunes covering the vast area from saline soil and clay classes. While saline water bodies mostly cover the area at the eastern side in 1984, with saturated soil and sand dunes having LST values 21-41°C, which are increased to 44-53°C after being subjected to seismic activities near neotectonics features.
These neotectonics features could be detected and monitored through the analyses of the LST multi-temporal data. The fault plan may offer a perfect avenue to moisture or vegetating growth and may form specific drainage patterns easily detected on the enhanced satellite data. According to the enhanced satellite data results and the epicenters data of this hot spot, there is a sudden change of course of the drainage system with displacement inferring to structural control of the area and the overlay with epicenters around the area. These integrated and overlaid data revealed that the study area was subjected to tectonic activity and active faults based on the detection of some neo-tectonic features and the tracing of some structural tectonic active faults in the SCR area (Fig. 15). Moreover, this area witnesses more urban (settlement and industrial) activities, which increased the LST values from 14 -24°C in 1984 to 36 – 40°C in 2018.
At hot spot no. 6, according to the comparison of LST multi-temporal data, there is a high increase in the vegetation cover and land reclamation in most of this hot spot which is intensively cultivated and mostly irrigated. After digging some new canals, there is a decrease in the barren land and the appearance of waterlogged and salinization effecting soils with patchy vegetation. These observed results of the land degradation and hydro-environmental impacts are confirmed with (Arnous 2004 and Arnous et al., 2020). This was associated with changing the LST values from 5-48°C to 13-53°C, related to the major environmental degradation indicator in this arid environment, mainly surface water, waterlogging, and wetlands problems (Fig. 16). Therefore, the enhanced data results reveal a significant decrease and/or increase in the area covered by water bodies. The area of water bodies (LST values 5- 14°C) shows a positive change due to the construction of irrigation canals, drains, and new farms established in recent years resulted from extensive human agricultural activities, mostly related to irrigation. In irrigated areas, farmers may not control irrigation, which commonly results in excess water being added to the groundwater. Continuous irrigation for further agricultural activities and new land reclamation with excess water induces a rise in the groundwater table especially in areas with shallow clay lenses. The seepage of water creates waterlogging of low-lying areas from irrigated uplands and from the canal system. In addition to transforming the saline saturated soils into dry saline soils, associated climatic change leads to an increase in the LST values of 1984 to 2018 from 33-42°C to 46-53°C.
Table 3
The change in soil water level (perched condition) and salinity between 2003* and 2018.
TDS in 2003 (mg/l)
TDS in 2018
Water table 2003 (m)
Water table 2018 (m)
* Geriesh, 2004
Table (3) and (Fig. 17) sum up the relation between increased agriculture and waterlogging (groundwater rising). Increasing the vegetation cover in the area East of the Bitter Lakes decreased the groundwater levels from the year 2003 to 2018 due to the mixed irrigation between surface (Sinai Canal) and groundwater and over pumping from wells. However, some areas suffered from waterlogging due to the shallow clay layers underneath (return flow) which prevents the vertical percolation of water and increases the surface water salinity due to Evaporation. Deeper groundwater has lower salinity and is less affected by the evaporation process. Where the maximum effective evaporation depth in this area is about 0.6 m below the ground surface (Geriesh 2003).