First phase:
Relationship of the Medical Schools with respective periods, including the absolute and relative number of students, who answered the questions and their respective options indicated as priorities are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
List of Medical Schools with respective student samples and response marked as highest priority item containing the absolute and relative numbers of these students
Questions | Medical Schools with respective student samples for periods and responses considered as a priority in absolute and relative numbers |
6º T** (64) | IS*** (21) | 7º T (28) | 8º T (47) | IS (24) | IS (32) | 7º T (21) |
Improvement T/L**** | Capac. Precep. | Increase pesq. | Capac. precep. | Capac. precep. | Capac. precep. | Capac. precep. | Capac. precep. |
(nº abs.)%* | (20) 31% | (6) 29% | (8) 29% | (24) 51% | (8) 33% | (15) 47% | (10) 48% |
Problem T/L | Lack of disp. precep. | Lack of disp. precep. | Absence capac. precep. | Absence capac. precep. | Absence capac. precep. | Absence capac. precep. | Absence capac. precep. |
(nº abs.)% | (25) 16% | (4) 19% | (11) 39% | (15) 32% | (8) 33% | (10) 31% | (10) 48% |
* Absolute number in parentheses and the respective percentage |
** T- Term |
*** IS- Internship |
**** T/L-Teaching and Learning |
Table 2 shows the main categories created from the speech presented by the preceptors of the 3 Medical Schools considered: UNIFESO, UFF and UFT to the question chosen for this study. The UFV did not participate in the research related to the preceptors.
Table 2
Categories formed from the speech presented by the preceptors of UNIFESO, UFF and UFT
Categories formed from the speech presented by the preceptors of UNIFESO, UFF and UFT |
Specifically in relation to teaching and learning in primary care or in Basic Family Health Units (BHFU) as you, review it? What would you suggest to improve teaching learning in these scenarios? |
Categories | Speech presented by preceptors of UNIFESO |
Community Projects Learning is teaching Planning Qualification of the preceptor Permanent education and continued | "Having contact with the community is very important for learning" "The inmates learn a lot by teaching the younger ones" "Smaller numbers of students" "The large number of students and the population to be served limits the time that can be spent at all" "Integrate the academy and the City Hall to enable a better practice" "Bringing the academy closer to the scenarios" "I try to help in the themes and in the proposed schedule" "Support is needed with specialists advising us in the Units" "We need continuing education activities as well as continuing education" |
Categories | Speech presented by preceptors of UFF |
To learn is to do Qualification of the preceptor Planning Updating the preceptor Emergency reopening Early insertion Active learning methods | "The best way to learn is to do living all the senses" "They should take advantage of the knowledge of the specialists in the Units to go beyond ethics to the doctor-patient relationship and technical knowledge" "The teachers are specialists and they do specialty activities at HUAP* and do not want to go to HBU**, because they do not want to leave the hospital environment, the university should compete with teachers with this profile to work directly at the BHFU ..." "Supervision should be more active" "The preceptory should be performed with professionals involved in the service" "Willingness to act in TCS***" "HBU** needs to be structured to receive students and teachers and to understand what it means to insert the discipline in the unit" "We can not forget about the need and constant effort in reading articles" "Reopening the Emergency in HUAP* would make possible a great experience" "I think precocious insertion, if it was in later stages of graduation would be more productive" "Use of active learning methods" |
Categories | Speech presented by preceptors of UFT |
Qualification of the preceptor Planning Community Projects | "It must have specialized academic training with specialized didactic material" "HBU** extrapolates the number of people assisted and there is no time to discuss cases" "It should improve the counter reference for the discussion of diagnoses" "We have a deficit of discussion time" "Decrease local demand" "There should be standardization of subjects and application of learning in activities" "They need more practice of community interventions" "Should have more time available and carry out projects in the community" |
Source: Authors Creation |
*HUAP - Antônio Pedro University Hospital |
**HBU - Health Basic Unit |
***TCS - Supervised Field Work |
It is possible to notice from the speeches presented that the categories "planning" and "qualification of the preceptor" were common to the Schools researched and pointed out more frequently in the teachers' discourses.
Second phase:
Workshops (Supplemental Digital Appendix F) were carried out based on clinical topics selected according to the interest of the students and the preceptor of the BHFU and according to their relevance in daily practice with the BHFU such as: Is physical activity beneficial for those who already had Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)?
We verified that of all tools available, the Evidence Based Health Portal offered the best research conditions to the tutor and to the students when it made available 12 Databases and the Atheneu library.
Using of the Portal offered 3 databases considered excellent by the students and preceptor as sources of search of information with criteria of Evidence Basead Health (SBE): Dynamed; Pro Quest and BMJ - British Medical Journal - for presenting studies with clinical evidence from (clinical) questions under the use of systematic reviews.
Around 20 workshops were carried out with 2 Groups of 5 Internists - called G1 and G2 - and their respective preceptor of a BHFU of the Secretary of Health of Teresópolis - RJ - during the first semester of 2013.
The synthesis of the list of workshops, themes and their respective considerations are shown in Table 3.
Table 3
List of workshops held with selected themes and their considerations
Selected themes and activities | Considerations |
Group G1 Period: 01/2013 to 04/2013 |
Weekly workshops with the participation of the preceptor and five interns. Pre and post-test application with the Likert scale. Themes: Is prophylactic use of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®) beneficial to heart disease patients? Is prophylactic use of Aspirin® beneficial to healthy people? Is physical activity beneficial for those who have had *AMI? And who did not? What is the relationship between smoking and cardiovascular disease? Diet and cardiovascular disease? Application of Omega 3 and 6. What real benefits can come from using it? Use of polyvitamins and calcium for treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Applying the post-test. | Excellent reception. The proposal to discuss clinical issues has been accepted. ****MBE and Telehealth discussion. Themes chosen from consensus with the group and the meaning of the same for students and preceptor. Discussion of topics from very practical issues such as a TV show call. Elemental questions that include broader questions. Full use of the Portal and its databases in addition to the **BVS. Discussion on systematic reviews. Construction of a flowchart to access the databases. |
Group G2 Period: 04/13 to 07/13 |
Weekly workshops with the participation of the preceptor and five interns Application of the Pretest with the Likert scale. Themes: The use of Zinc. What benefits can they bring to health? The use of Zinc in childhood, youth and adult life. Are there differences? Use of pumpkin seeds, phytotherapy and some applications of folk medicine, complementary or alternative in the treatment of common complaints in PC. Phytotherapy Vertigo: What is it? Etiology and its diagnosis. How do you treat it? Efficacy and indications of cinnarizine (anti-dizziness) and Ginkgo biloba (herbal medicine used as anti-dizziness)? Application of Posttest with the Likert scale | Excellent welcome. Discussion by clinical topics. ****MBE and Telehealth discussion. Themes chosen from consensus with the group and the meaning of the same for students and preceptor. Full use of the Portal and its databases in addition to the **BVS. Use of systematic reviews and the ***SBE Portal. ***SBE is expanded to have 12 databases. |
Source: Authors Creation |
*AMI: Acute Myocardial Infarction |
**BVS: Virtual Health Library |
***SBE: Evidence Basead Health |
****MBE: Evidence Based Medicine |
Finally, after the Workshops, we verified the following results in relation to pre and post-acquired knowledge of the Portal: 67% (40/60) points expressed for the preceptor in the pre-application of the research and 92% (55/60) achieved after the application of this tool, and also 62% (220/325) and 76% (247/325) respectively in the pre-application for the G1 and G2 groups of internal, as well as 92% (300/325) and 84% (272/325) for the post-application of the G1 and G2 groups, respectively. These results may signal a greater knowledge gain, as the higher the score obtained in the post-test, the greater the possibility of increasing knowledge (Table 4).
Table 4
Application of questionnaires using Likert scale with Internists (10 students) and respective preceptor with score analysis of 1 to 5 for each question
Questions | PRE 10 Internists (G1 + G2) and preceptor (Prec.) | POST 10 Internists (G1 + G2) and preceptor (Prec.) |
| Prec. | G1 | G2 | Prec. | G1 | G2 |
1) Teaching and learning in Primary Care leave to be desired | 4 | 24 | 17 | 5 | 25 | 16 |
2) I have knowledge of search portals | 4 | 12 | 17 | 5 | 22 | 21 |
3) I have knowledge of the resources of Telemedicine and Telehealth | 4 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 24 | 19 |
4) I have knowledge of digital libraries | 5 | 16 | 21 | 5 | 24 | 23 |
5) My training with Internet tools such as research sites, digital libraries and Telemedicine and Telehealth is important | 5 | 20 | 23 | 5 | 23 | 25 |
6) My training with Internet tools such as research sites, digital libraries and Telemedicine and Telehealth is more important than the use of printed books and that the use of the library of the Institution | 3 | 13 | 10 | 4 | 11 | 21 |
7) I have knowledge about evidence-based medicine | 1 | 12 | 18 | 4 | 23 | 24 |
8) Apply Evidence Based Medicine in Basic Care | 2 | 17 | 20 | 4 | 24 | 22 |
9) Apply Evidence Based Medicine in the other practice scenarios (*) * preceptor only works at BHFU | - | 17 | 20 | - | 23 | 21 |
10) Application of Evidence Based Medicine can improve my knowledge | 5 | 20 | 25 | 5 | 25 | 25 |
11) Application of Evidence Based Medicine can improve my performance in Primary Care | 5 | 22 | 25 | 5 | 24 | 25 |
12) My teachers or preceptors (**) have knowledge about Evidence Based Medicine ** for the preceptor = students | 1 | 20 | 19 | 4 | 20 | 20 |
13) I discuss with my teachers or preceptors (**) medical practice based on evidence-based medicine. ** for the preceptor = student | 1 | 15 | 16 | 5 | 24 | 22 |
Total possible (absolut number) | 60 | 325 | 325 | 60 | 325 | 325 |
Total presented (absolut number) | 40 | 220 | 247 | 55 | 300 | 272 |
Total (relative number) | 67% | 68% | 76% | 92% | 92% | 84% |
Source: Authors criation |
Regarding the open question: about the perception about the application of Internet tools one can verify the following categories created: "knowledge expansion"; "Applicability in practice"; "Rapidity of information" and "updating", there being no distinctions in the speeches of the students of Groups G1 and G2 in both the pre-application and the post-application of the research. In relation to the preceptor this one expressed a category like those offered by the inmates, in this case the "acquisition of knowledge".
In the next step, we verified the studies on this subject in the Virtual Health Library (BVS). Important to pointed out this Library is chosen for its recognized dimension and academic representation in the scenario of teaching in the Brazilian health area, being present by the BVS Network in 30 countries of the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe, as well as presenting a quality criterion guaranteed by the Certification Seal provided by BIREME/OPAS/OMS.
For research, we used 3 fundamental terms: "preceptory"; "training" and "basic care". The term "tutoring" was also used instead of "preceptory", terms already classified in the descriptors in health. The overall result presented here was about 175 documents, including 171 articles and 2 thesis. We chose to "filter" this research using as main subject "tutoring" which resulted in 90 documents and later added "complete text" which finalized 24 national or international documents (23 articles and 1 thesis). To better analyze these results, we summarized some of these studies on Table 5.
Table 5
List of selected references with title, study modality and respective theme from the BVS research using the terms preceptory and basic care:
Title and type of study | -Object of study with intervention proposal- |
Ensino e Aprendizagem em Serviços de Atenção Básica do *SUS: desafios da formação médica com a perspectiva da integralidade. “Narrativas e Tessituras” PhD Thesis (Albuquerque, 2007) | Focus on teaching and learning and evaluation in *SUS basic services with analysis of their obstacles and potentialities for the transformation of training and assistance in the perspective of completeness with reference to the **DCNs. It proposes that new care projects for care and training be built collectively. |
Improving education in primary care: development of an online curriculum using the blended learning model. Article (Lewin, 2009) | Effectiveness of using mixed learning curriculum at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio using modules available on the web. |
A preceptoria na rede básica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro: opinião dos profissionais de Saúde Article (Trajman et al, 2009) | Opinions evaluations of 351 health professionals from PC of the ***SMS from Rio de Janeiro on the preceptory activity. It was verified that there is little appreciation and stimulation to the preceptory actions justified by the working and teaching conditions as well as by the improvement of the salaries, the infrastructure and the opportunity of professional qualification. The**** IES and the State are responsible for carrying out effective partnerships to mitigate this situation. |
Estrategia de superación para perfeccionar la labor del tutor em los estudiantes de Medicina de la Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Morón. Article (Alonso, 2010) | Study finds that the training of tutors is still insufficient for the general practitioner at the School of Medical Sciences of Moron in Cuba. It proposes a coping strategy to improve the work of the tutor considering three components: Overcoming, teaching assistential work and methodological work. |
Becoming a super preceptor: a practical guide to preceptorship in today's clinical climate. Artigo (Barker et al, 2010) | It suggests ways to apply realistic techniques to ensure that the preceptory is successful. |
Competencias docentes del Médico de Familia em el desempeño de la tutoría em la carrera de Medicina Article (Sotolongo et al, 2005) | It verifies the absence of a system of selection and training of tutors. Moreover, the authors criticizes the lack of suitability of scenarios for teaching due to material difficulties. It was observed that the inadequate teaching-service relationship results in improvisation and lack of teacher motivation. It proposes the exercise of skills that can favor a higher quality pedagogical management for family doctors who act as tutors. |
| |
*SUS: Brasilien’s Unified Health System |
**DCNs: National Curricular Guidelines |
***SMS: Health Departament of Rio de Janeiro |
****IES: Higher Education Institutions |