2.1. Study Area
The Sefidrood watershed is one of the most important major watersheds in Iran. Various researches on this watershed were conducted due to its climatic diversity, agriculture, and manufactured developments (e.g., Nosrati et al., 2015; Shayeghi et al., 2020; Taheri et al., 2021; Nasseri et al. 2021). The selected study area is one of the upstream basins in the watershed called Ghorveh-Dehgolan, which finally flows into the Caspian Sea. This mountainous basin is located at latitude 47° 07' 30" and latitude 48° 12' 00"; also, its altitude varies from 1475 to 3150 m. The watershed area is about 7302 km2. According to the Iran Water Resources Management Company's guidelines regarding water balance modeling, this basin is divided into three main areas: 1) Plain, 2) Highlands Over Looking the Plain (HOLP), and 3) Other Areas (OA). This basin contains three alluvial aquifers located in Chahardooli, Dehgolan, and Ghorveh plains, and each of them has its own HOLP, as well. The area of the aquifers is 781, 169, and 321 km2, respectively. According to the above classification, the Ghorveh-Dehgolan basin has seven study areas to study the water balance. The connection of the water balance components regarding the topology of the basin is presented in section 3.2. The location of the study areas, the pattern of altitude changes, and the location of hydro-climatological stations are depicted in Fig. 1.
2.2. Ground and Global Gridded Information
Observed variables used in the water balance modules include forcing variables and required variables for the calibration process and evaluation of the results. Forcing data includes precipitation and air temperature. Required data for calibration includes observed monthly streamflow values (recorded at Salamatabad hydrometric station) and monthly groundwater level information over the period of 2000-2001 to 2012-2013. In addition, air temperature and precipitation values have been calculated by Modified Inverse Distance Weighting (MIDW) method (Abedini and Nasseri, 2008) over the watershed. In addition, groundwater levels have been estimated via the Thiessen polygon method. To model evapotranspiration, observations on air temperature (maximum, minimum, and average), wind speed, sunny hours, and relative humidity are required on a monthly time scale. In addition, vegetation products Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Leaf Area Index (LAI), and values of surface temperature and albedo from the MODIS sensor have been used.
2.3. Modeling Procedure
In this section, the numerous components of the modeling procedure are introduced. These items consist of modeling ET using the METRIC algorithm, proposing a comprehensive water balance structure that includes climatological and groundwater modules, and combining the ET estimation model with the presented water balance structure. In fact, by considering the degree of freedom of the METRIC model, an attempt has been made to provide a range of ET of the area. Due to the lack of ground measurements on the ET, the structure of the water balance model has been modified to allow the use of the interval values in its structure. This is the noblest point of the proposed water balance structure. In addition, to evaluate the behavior of the water balance model and its parameters accurately, the uncertainty of the model parameters in the classical (using the results of deterministic ET in the classic-deterministic-water balance model) and the modified models have been evaluated. To assess the models’ uncertainties, the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method has been used. In the following, these components are presented in terse statements.
2.3.1. Modeling of Evapotranspiration using METRIC Method
The Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) has been employed to estimate ET (Allen et al., 2007 a, b). According to the METRIC algorithm, ET (mm.h−1) is obtained for the satellite overpass time using the residual approach of the surface energy budget equation as follows,
ET =3600\(\frac{Rn - G - H }{\lambda }\) (1)
where Rn is the net radiation flux (W.m−2), G is the soil heat flux (W.m-2), H is the sensible heat flux (W.m−2), λ is the latent heat of vaporization (J.kg−1°C−1), and 3600 is the conversion factor from seconds to hours. The net radiation flux (Rn) is a key term in the energy balance model and is estimated based on the surface radiation budget according to Eq. (2).
\({R}_{n}=\left(1-\alpha \right){R}_{s\downarrow }+{R}_{l\downarrow }- {R}_{l\uparrow }\) (2)
where \({R}_{s\downarrow }\) is the incoming shortwave radiation (W.m−2), \({R}_{l\downarrow }\) is the incoming longwave radiation (W.m−2), \({R}_{l\uparrow }\) is the outgoing longwave radiation (W.m−2), and \(\alpha\) is the surface albedo. These radiant fluxes have been calculated according to the Eq. (3)-(5),
\({R}_{s\downarrow }= {G}_{sc}\).\(cos\theta\).\({d}_{r}\).\({\mathcal{T}}_{sw}\) (3)
\({{R}_{l\downarrow }= \epsilon }_{a}\sigma {T}_{a}^{4}\) (4)
\({{R}_{l\uparrow }= \epsilon }_{s}\sigma {T}_{s}^{4}\) (5)
Here, \({G}_{sc}\) is solar constant (1367 W.m−2), \(\theta\) is the solar incidence angle (rad), \({d}_{r}\) is the inverse squared relative earth-sun distance (m−2), \({\mathcal{T}}_{sw}\) is the atmospheric transmissivity (dimensionless), \({\epsilon }_{a}\) is the atmospheric thermal emissivity (dimensionless), \(\sigma\) is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67×10−8 W.m−2k−4), Ta and Ts represent the air and land surface temperature (K), respectively, and \({\epsilon }_{s}\) is the surface thermal emissivity (dimensionless). The relationships presented by Allen et al. (1998), Brutsaert. (1975), and Waters et al. (2002) have been used to estimate \({\mathcal{T}}_{sw}\), \({\epsilon }_{a}\), and \({\epsilon }_{s}\), respectively.
The soil heat flux (G) is the conducted heat between the surface and subsurface soil layers due to a temperature difference, and has been calculated based on the Rnet flux using the following empirical equation (Bastiaanssen, 2000):
\(G=\frac{{T}_{s}}{\alpha }(0.0038\alpha +0.0074{\alpha }^{2})(1-0.98{NDVI}^{4}){R}_{n}\) (6)
NDVI is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (dimensionless). The sensible heat flux (
H) is defined as the rate of heat loss to the air due to the temperature gradient between the surface and atmosphere. It is estimated based on the Bulk Transfer theory and the assumption of the resistance against the heat transfer along with the atmospheric boundary layer. The term
H is obtained from Eq. (7):
\(H={(\rho }_{a}\times {C}_{p}\times dT)/ {r}_{a}\) (7)
where \({\rho }_{a}\) is the air density at constant pressure (Kg.m−3), \({C}_{p}\) is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure (J.kg−1.K−1),\({r}_{a}\) is the aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s.m−1), and \(dT\) denotes the temperature difference between two specific heights (K) (i.e., 0.1 and 2 meters). The term ra is calculated using Eq. (8):
Here, \({C}_{H}\) is the heat exchange coefficient (dimensionless), and \(U\) is the wind speed at the reference height (m.s−1). \({C}_{H}\) has been determined using the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) (Monin and Obukhov, 1959).
METRIC employs an iterative process to update \(dT\) and \({r}_{a}\) using specific boundary conditions, i.e., cold and pixels. The pixels, which have been used for internal calibration of METRIC, play an effective role in estimating ET with high accuracy. They have been chosen based on the region's characteristics, such as vegetation, land cover, and climate (Allen et al., 2007 a, b). Generally, the cold pixel is selected as a homogenous, wet, and well-irrigated area covered by a full canopy. The surface and near-surface temperatures are similar at this pixel. The hot pixel is defined as a homogenous bare agricultural land, wherein ET is assumed to be zero.
Expert judgment as to the appropriate selection of the pixels can lead to making different choices for anchor pixels, and thus, a diverse range of ET values is provided in each time step. These ET patterns play ensemble roles as a probable pattern of actual ET over the research area. In the current study, the ranges of the collected ensemble ET have been used to stochastically model the water balance, while ET medians are considered to implement a deterministic model. Apparently, the more candidate of hot and cold pixels are selected, the better level of confidence is obtained for the results. The used code of the METRIC method has been developed and evaluated in Taheri et al. (2021).
2.3.2. Water Balance Modeling
In this study, to detect the correct interaction between surface water and groundwater, the combination modules of climatological and groundwater balance models as a comprehensive and integrated water balance model have been used. To this end, the structure of conceptual models developed by Rao and Al-Wagdany (1995) and Kazumba et al. (2008) have been used to model monthly climatological and groundwater balances, respectively. The model uses one layer of soil to store surface moisture and simulates the processes of storing available surface water and interacting with groundwater. In addition, to correct the amount of monthly precipitation over the watershed, a correction factor has been used (de Voss et al., 2010). This coefficient has been added to the parametric degree of freedom of the model, which must be determined during the calibration process. Moreover, the model has been revised using the snow budget proposed by Guo et al. (2005). According to the revision, the separation of precipitation into snow and rain is done by the temperature threshold method (two separate parameters for the snow temperature threshold and rain temperature), and snow melting is calculated by the melting coefficient.
The groundwater balance modeling (based on Kazumba et al., 2008) is conducted via simple and linear reservoirs, and alluvial aquifers are considered as separate tanks and are exchanged with each other through hydraulic conductivity. Due to the role of groundwater in streamflow production, a parameter has been used as Groundwater Threshold (GT) in surface water balance, which has been determined during the calibration process.
Most of the water balance models use empirical or statistical methods to determine ET values (e.g., Thornthwaite and Mather, 1957; Rao and Al-Wagdany, 1995; Xu et al., 1996; Guo et. et al., 2002, 2005; Jazim, 2006). Since the experimental and statistical methods do not consider environmental effects, inaccurate ET values may be estimated. Therefore, in the present study, ET values have been calculated using an energy balance model in the form of the METRIC framework. Based on the proposed methodology, the calculated ET (from the METRIC method) has been extracted from surface water. Its remained part was withdrawn from groundwater resources to wrap up the actual water balance during the modeling period. Fig. 2 shows the conceptual diagram of the proposed comprehensive water balance model, which is based on the Rao surface water and the Kazumba groundwater models. More Details about the model are also provided in Appendix (A).
2.3.3. Combination of Water Balance and METRIC Models
In the present study, two scenarios have been proposed to implement the proposed water balance model by considering the ET values calculated by the METRIC model. In the first scenario, the median ensemble values of ET calculated per month with the requisition to supply it with available water and through penalties in the calibration process are used.
Unlike the first scenario, where the value of ET is assumed to be constant, in the second scenario, it is possible to consider an interval for the amount of ET. In other words, if the median values of ET are not supplied by the available water, its amount can be reduced to a minimum of ET per month so that it is equivalent to the available surface water plus the soil moisture in that month. After revising the interactions of the water balance components, including implementing actual ET, withdrawal from groundwater model, and snow budget, the Interval-Based Water Balance (IBWB) is proposed. In the proposed IBWB model, the ET loss has been provided based on the available water, which is included the sum of snowfall, soil moisture of the surface layer with a delay in each time step, rainfall from which the amount of direct runoff has been deducted, and the calculated returned water (returned water of agricultural farms, industrial or municipal effluents). So, the conceptual components of the proposed IBWB are as same as the determinist comprehensive water balance model, as described before, except the withdrawal from groundwater considering the interval ET values. In the developed IBWB model, the ET band is used instead of the median value. Thus, after obtaining the ET band from the remote sensing data, the model is allowed to oscillate the amount of ET in the interval. Thus, if the available water is sufficient to provide median ET, ET is considered equal to median ET. However, if the available water is less than the median ET, the model is allowed to reduce the ET rate to the lower value of the calculated interval of ET. In addition, it should be noted that the seasonal adjustment coefficient is considered for the ET band, the value of which is optimized during the calibration process. The minimum evapotranspiration values are considered by seasonal adjustment coefficients (four distinct coefficients for each season) to adjust the values as it is used to adjust for precipitation.
Including the uncertainty of ET based on the proposed method provides a possibility commensurate with the uncertain and complex nature of ET to estimate and apply it in water balance modeling.
2.3.4. Uncertainty Assessment Method
The Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) technique is a global uncertainty assessment method based on the Monte Carlo sampling-simulation and Equifinality hypothesis that is proposed by Beven and Binley (1992). This method has been used in the uncertainty assessment of various hydrological and environmental models because of its simplicity and effectiveness (Beven and Binley, 2014; Mirzaei et al., 2015). In addition, the GLUE method has been used as a benchmark global uncertainty assessment method in various researches (e.g., Solomatine and Sheresta, 2009; Nasseri et al., 2013, 2014; Wani et al. 2017; Ahmadi and Nasseri, 2020, Yin et al. 2020).
In the current research, the GLUE has been employed to assess the parametric uncertainty of the proposed water balance models, including its determinist and modified interval-based frameworks. The readers are addressed to Mirzaei et al. (2015) for more details and citations of the GLUE method. Although the famous uncertainty assessments using the GLUE method with a single likelihood function are dominated in the literature, multiple criteria GLUE method has been used due to the importance of streamflow and groundwater level in the current research. This method has been used before in Yin et al. (2020), Pang et al. (2019), Xiang et al. (2019), and Smith et al. (2019). The selected likelihood function in the current research is Nash-Sutcliff (NSE) (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970), which is introduced in the coming section.
2.4. Evaluation and Calibration: Metrics and Methods
In this section, the optimization method, and the implemented statistical indicators that have been used to compare and evaluate the uncertainties and efficiencies of the water balance models, are presented.
2.4.1. Evaluation Metrics
For statistical evaluation of the results and comparing observed and computed streamflow values and groundwater level, Nash-Sutcliff (NSE) (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970), coefficient of determination (R2) and Kiling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) metric (Gupta et al., 2009, Knoben et al. 2019) as similarity statistics and Mean Square Error (MSE) as dissimilarity ones and also TaylorS (Lui et al. 2016) index have been used. The R2 index varies between zero and one, and higher values indicate a better statistical performance of the calculations versus the observed values. On the other hand, lower values of MSE indicate better model performance in simulation. The numeric range of KGE and TaylorS metrics is from negative infinity to 1, and a value of 1 indicates the highest compatibility between the simulated and observed values. Eq. (9) to (12) show the mathematical formulations of the R2, KGE, MSE, TaylorS, and NSE, respectively,
\({R}^{2}=\frac{\left[\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left({X}_{Obs}-\stackrel{-}{{X}_{Obs}}\right){\times \left({X}_{Sim}-\stackrel{-}{{X}_{Sim}}\right)}^{2}\right]}{\sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{\left({X}_{Obs}-\stackrel{-}{{X}_{Obs}}\right)}^{2}\times \sum _{i=1}^{n}{\left({X}_{Sim}-\stackrel{-}{{X}_{Sim}}\right)}^{2}}}\) (9)
\(MSE=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n}{({X}_{Obs}-{X}_{Sim})}^{2}\) (10)
\(KGE=1-\sqrt{{\left(CC-1\right)}^{2}+{(\sigma -1)}^{2}+{(\beta -1)}^{2}}\) (11)
\(TaylorS=\frac{4(1+CORR)}{{\left(\sigma +\frac{1}{\sigma }\right)}^{2}\times (1+{CORR}_{0})}\) (12)
\(NSE=1-\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{\left({X}_{Obs}-{X}_{Sim}\right)}^{2}}{\sum _{i=1}^{n}{\left({X}_{Obs}-\stackrel{-}{{X}_{Obs}}\right)}^{2}}\) (13)
In the above, X represents the simulated and observed variables, including streamflow and groundwater level. \(\stackrel{-}{X}\) and CC represent the mean, correlation coefficient, respectively. σ is the ratio of the mean of the computed to the observed values, βis the ratio of the standard deviation of the computed to the observed values and \({CORR}_{0}\)is the maximum theoretical correlation (in this study, equal to 1). Sim and Obs represent simulated and observed values, respectively.
To evaluate the performance of the models’ uncertainties, two metrics, Average Relative Interval Length (ARIL) and \({\text{P}}_{\text{l}\text{e}\text{v}\text{e}\text{l}}\), presented by Jin et al. (2010), have been used. These statistics are calculated using the upper and lower limits of the confidence levels. ARIL describes the amplitude of the uncertainty bands versus the observed values.\({\text{P}}_{\text{l}\text{e}\text{v}\text{e}\text{l}}\) also describes how much of the observed data is grouped by the computed uncertain bands. These metrics are calculated according to the following equations,
\(ARIL=\frac{1}{n}\left(\sum _{t=1}^{n}\frac{{UpLi}_{t}-{LoLi}_{t}}{{Obs}_{t}}\right)\) (14)
\({P}_{level}=\frac{{NQ}_{in}}{n}\times 100\) (15)
In the above formulas,
UpLi and
LoLi are the upper and lower values of the uncertainty bands of the confidence intervals, respectively.
t is the current time step and
n is the total number of time steps. The value of
\({NQ}_{in}\) indicates the number of observations covered by the indefinite band. In fact, the lower the ARIL index, the lower the uncertain amplitude of the model results. In addition, in a model with good performance, the value of
\({\text{P}}_{\text{l}\text{e}\text{v}\text{e}\text{l}}\) index equals to the level of confidence. To simultaneously consider these two indicators, the Normalized Uncertainty Efficiency (NUE) has been used (Nasseri et al.
2014). NUE is calculated by Eq. (16),
\(NUE=\frac{{ P}_{level}}{\omega \times ARIL}\) (16)
where \(\omega\) is the scale coefficient (which is assumed to be 1). A high value of NUE means a high proportion of the number of observed values surrounded by high and low limits of uncertainty. Therefore, the model with a higher NUE index is preferred to the other model.
2.4.2. Calibration of the Scenarios
In this study, to optimize the parameters of the IBWB model (Table A1, in Appendix), the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) method has been used (Duan and Gupta, 1992; Chu et al., 2011). This method is a powerful global optimization algorithm and is designed based on the characteristics appropriate to the calibration of conceptual models of the basin simulator. Convergence evaluation of the optimization process has also been done by minimizing the MSE statistics for streamflow values (at the outlet of the watershed) and aquifer levels’ values. Due to the simultaneous optimization of the parameters of the surface and underground models, the fitness function has become dimensionless and then has been combined as Eq. (17). Due to the high importance of the output flow, this variable in the objective function has gained more weight through the R2 between simulated and observed values.
\(\text{Z =}\sqrt[\text{4}]{\left(\prod _{\text{i=1}}^{\text{3}}\frac{{\text{MSE}}_{\text{G}}}{\text{var}\left({\text{observation}}_{\text{G}}\right)}\right)\text{×}{\left(\frac{{\text{MSE}}_{\text{Q}}}{\text{var}\left({\text{observation}}_{\text{Q}}\right)}\right)}^{\left(\text{1-}{\text{R}}_{\text{Q}}^{\text{2}}\right)}}\) (17)
In Eq. (17),
MSEQ represents the mean square error of streamflow,
MSEG indicates the mean square error of the groundwater level,
R2Q shows the correlation between the observed and computed values of streamflow, and
i index counts the number of aquifers in the region.