Chlorophyll-a and EPS contents of the developed biocrusts under sterile and non-sterile conditions
Cyanobacterial biocrust development was evaluated by analyzing chlorophyll-a and EPS contents of the tailings samples after a 6-week incubation period (Fig. 1).
Under the non-sterile condition, the inoculated tailings (NI, AI, and NI+AI samples) showed significantly higher (P ≤ 0.01) chlorophyll-a content compared to the tailings without the inoculants (BT and DW samples). The highest value of chlorophyll-a was found under the co-inoculation of the cyanobacteria (23.99 µg g-1 tailings), followed by the inoculation of Anabaena sp. (20.70 µg g-1 tailings), while the inoculation of N. muscorum resulted in the least amount of chlorophyll-a (15.89 µg g-1 tailings). The higher chlorophyll-a in the tailings inoculated with Anabaena sp. compared to those inoculated with N. muscorum could be attributed to the higher resistance of Anabaena sp. to the metal toxicity of the tailings. As mentioned previously, Anabaena sp. showed a better performance than N. muscorum to resist the inhibitory effects of the metal ions (lead, zinc, copper, and chromium) in the synthetic metal-enriched media. The higher chlorophyll-a in the co-inoculation of the cyanobacteria compared to the single inoculation suggests that there could be a mutually beneficial symbiosis between the cyanobacterial species, N. muscorum and Anabaena sp. The synergistic effect of the cyanobacterial mixture could be mainly attributed to the exchange of metabolites such as hormones, vitamins, and enzymes. It has been reported that Anabaena and Nostoc strains are highly capable of producing biologically active growth-stimulating phytohormones such as indole-3-acetic acid, and indole-3-propionic acid, brassinosteroid, and gibberellic acid, which would be a possible mechanism whereby the cyanobacteria exert beneficial stimulatory effects on their growth under the co-inoculation treatment strategy (Rezasoltani et al. 2019, Shariatmadari et al. 2015). The symbiotic interactions among cyanobacterial species have been previously reported to promote biocrust development. Gheda and Ahmed (2015) found that the soil inoculated with a cyanobacterial mixture (N. kihlmani and A. cylindrical) contained higher organic carbon and nitrogen compared to soil inoculated with single strains of the cyanobacteria. The results of their study showed that exopolysaccharides, indole acetic acid, and cytokinins were higher in N. kihlmani, whereas A. cylindrical had higher nitrogenase activity and gibberellin content. A study by Román et al. (2018) evaluated the effect of inoculating three nitrogen‐fixing species (N. commune, Scytonema hyalinum, and Tolypothrix distorta), individually and as a consortium, on soil properties. Their results showed higher cyanobacterial coverage and biomass, as well as carbon and nitrogen contents in the soil inoculated with the mixture of cyanobacteria. The results of their study demonstrated that the high synthesis of exopolysaccharides sheath by Nostoc with their water‐absorption characteristics played a primary role in establishing favorable growth conditions.
Under the non-sterile condition, the co-inoculation of the cyanobacteria and the single-inoculation of Anabaena sp. resulted in significantly higher secretion of total EPS compared to the inoculation of N. muscorum (P = 0.05), with the total EPS contents of 1.65, 1.56 and 1.36 mg g-1 tailings in AI+NI, AI, and NI samples, respectively. The inoculated strains also showed different effects in the amount of the EPS fractions. Under the co-inoculation and single inoculation of N. muscorum, TB-EPSs represented a higher fraction of total EPS.
Chlorophyll-a and EPS contents were significantly influenced by the sterilization of the tailings for the single inoculation of Anabaena sp. with higher values obtained in the sterile condition (P ≤ 0.01 ). However, the effect of sterilization was insignificant for the single inoculation of N. muscorum, co-inoculation, and water treatment (P ˃ 0.05). The difference in the EPS content of the tailings inoculated with Anabaena sp. under sterile and non-sterile conditions could be attributed to the high synthesis of the less condensed and more soluble LB-EPS by Anabaena sp. It has been reported that the two EPS fractions have different roles. The LB-EPS fraction is predominantly composed of low molecular weight molecules, likely having relevance as a carbon source readily available for microbial activity, thus more easily degraded by the soil microbial community in nutrient cross-feeding processes (Chen et al. 2014). While, the TB-EPS fraction is mainly composed of high molecular weight molecules that would be more resistant to microbial degradation and mainly play an important role in the improvement of tailings structure and cohesion. Consequently, the high synthesis of LB-EPS by Anabaena sp. might promote the availability of a carbon source for the indigenous microbial community inhabiting the tailings and could be partly utilized under the non-sterile condition. The high molecular weight sugars contained in the TB-EPS fraction, whose generation was significantly higher under the co-inoculation and single inoculation of N. muscorum, would be more resistant to microbial degradation, and thus did not exhibit a significant difference in the presence of the tailings microbial community.
Wind erodibility and surface strength of the developed biocrusts under sterile and non-sterile conditions
Table 2 presents the degree of wind erosion (%) of the non-sterile tailings samples subjected to five wind velocities of 10, 12.5, 15, 20, and 25 m s-1 for a 10-min exposure period. The degree of mass loss of the BT sample was relatively high even at the lowest wind velocity of 10 m s-1 and increased with the rise of velocity, with complete erosion at velocities higher than 12.5 m s-1. For the non-inoculated DW sample, the loose crust created over the surface of the tailings with water addition was gradually eroded with the wind flow and the tailings particles were blown away at higher rates upon exposure to wind velocities above 15 m s-1, resulting in a rmarked increase in erosion. The inoculated samples (NI, AI, and NI+AI) showed significant reductions in mass loss compared to the non-inoculated samples (P ≤ 0.01). At the wind velocity of 15 m s-1, the degree of mass loss of the inoculated samples was negligible. At the velocity of 20 m s-1, there was no significant difference (P ˃ 0.05) in the degree of erosion from the NI and NI+AI samples, while the degree of erosion was significantly higher in the AI sample compared to the NI and NI+AI (P ≤ 0.01). The most significant differences between the degree of erosion were highlighted at the highest wind velocity of 25 m s-1 with 2.44 %, 8.51 % and 0.85 % mass loss for the NI, AI, and NI+AI samples, respectively. Sterilization of the tailings did not have a significant influence on the degree of erosion of the developed biocrusts.
Table 2 Degree of wind erosion (%) of the non-inoculated and inoculated tailings samples under non-sterile condition at different wind velocities after a 6-week incubation time. The data represent means and standard deviations of three biological replicates
Wind velocity (m s-1)
17.95 ± 0.42
38.42 ± 2.83
95.99 ± 1.41
100 ± 0.00
100 ± 0.00
2.99 ± 0.14
4.01 ± 0.61
8.11 ± 1.82
25.17 ± 2.22
81.99 ± 3.54
0.28 ± 0.04
0.75 ± 0.06
2.44 ± 0.19
0.37 ± 0.09
3.11 ± 0.49
8.51 ± 0.78
0.23 ± 0.03
0.69 ± 0.02
0.85 ± 0.03
Fig. 2 illustrates the compressive strength of the samples resulting from the penetrometer test. As illustrated, the blank tailings had no compressive strength and the compressive strength of DW sample did not exceed 0.1 kg cm-2. The compressive strength of NI+AI sample, which was the highest value, reached 1.90 kg cm-2. The values for the NI and AI samples were 1.40 and 0.85 kg cm-2, respectively. As can be seen, measurements of resistance to breaking pressure of the inoculated samples correlated well directly with their stability against continuous wind force, with higher compressive strength of NI+AI accompanied with higher resistance when subjected to wind force.
As shown in Fig. 2, sterilization of tailings did not affect the compressive strength of the developed biocrusts for either co-inoculation or single inoculation of N. muscorum. In contrast, sterilization appeared to affect compressive strength of the tailings treated by single inoculation of Anabaena sp., with a higher value obtained under non-stile condition. This improvement in strength of tailings suggested that there are positive symbiotic interactions between the rest of the tailings organisms and the inoculated Anabaena sp. in providing a resistant biocrust.
The higher synthesis of chlorophyll-a and total EPS by Anabaena sp. compared to N. muscorum did not lead to a reduction in the wind erodibility of tailings. A study by Belnap et al. (2007) suggested that a minimum value of 10 μg chlorophyll-a g-1 soil would be necessary for achieving sufficient erosion control. The results of the present study highlighted that chlorophyll-a is not the only parameter that should be monitored for the formation of a resistant biocrust against fugitive dust emission. Besides chlorophyll-a content of the developed biocrusts, other factors such as cyanobacteria morphology and EPS fractions could greatly contribute to the final success of the biostabilization process. The high synthesis of LB-EPS by Anabaena sp. would stimulate the growth of the indigenous microbial communities inhabiting the tailings and show less contribution to the improvement of tailings structure and stability. The co-inoculation of the cyanobacteria was better at reducing the erosion rate of the tailings and increasing their surface strength. Anabaena sp. yielded higher chlorophyll-a and total EPS contents. While N. muscorum led to a higher synthesis of TB-EPS and its filamentous growth would bond the loose tailings particles, favoring the formation of a more stabilized biocrust against the induced wind. Inoculating cyanobacteria in a mixture would enhance the beneficial effects of the individual strains on biocrust formation, thus a comparatively more resistant structure to wind erosion could be generated.