Size and morphology characterization. Figure 2 shows the gas-phase size distributions of AgNP aerosols atomized from AgNP suspensions of 0.01 and 0.1 wt%. The average size of an AgNP aerosol from the 0.01-wt% suspension was found to be about 38 nm, which was roughly consistent with the size of a primary AgNP particle (~30 nm) in the suspension. This agreement in size confirmed that a droplet generated from the 0.01 wt% suspension mainly contained a single AgNP. The width of the distribution was reflected by the size distribution of the droplets generated in the atomization system. The average droplet diameter was estimated to be about 1.6 µm, based on the size of the AgNP aerosol shown in Text S1 in the Supplementary Information (SI). When the suspension concentration of 0.1 wt% was used to generate AgNP aerosols, the average size increased to 66 nm (Fig. 2), more than double the size measured when using the 0.01 wt% suspension. On the basis of the mass balance39, the tenfold higher concentration of the suspension resulted in a threefold larger particle size at a given droplet size and given particle density, assuming that a spherical aerosol was formed from the solvent evaporation of a droplet containing colloidal particle(s). Hence, the increased average size could be attributed to the increase in the concentration of AgNPs in the droplet, that is, the suspension concentration. This size increase also suggests that a droplet generated from the 0.1 wt% suspension contained more than one AgNP, leading to aggregate formation. Overall, the above results demonstrate that the sizes of the aerosols generated from our system were controllable by the suspension concentration.
The SEM images in Figure 3 exhibit AgNPs deposited on the copper plates without probe molecules (i.e., RhB) added, and the corresponding size distributions of the three AgNP aggregates. AgNPs generated from the 0.01 wt% suspension formed submonolayer films (Fig. 3a). The average measured size of the primary particles was 48 nm (Fig. 3d), which was in fair agreement with the primary particle size (30 nm) and aerosol particle size (38 nm). This agreement in size suggests that the AgNPs were deposited on the substrate without much aggregate formed in the air prior to impaction. The medium aggregate size was obtained by using a 0.1-wt% AgNP suspension to generate AgNP aerosols with a broad size range (Fig. 2) and then using DMA to extract only particles of around 70 nm. The deposited AgNPs formed spherical aggregates (Fig. 3b) with an average measured aggregate size (86 nm, Fig. 3e). Without DMA for size selection, the deposited AgNPs generated from the 0.1-wt% suspension formed even larger spherical aggregates (Fig. 3c) with an aggregate size (218 nm, Fig. 3f) more than double that of the AgNP aerosols found in the gas phase measurement (Fig. 2). This size difference between the gas phase measurement and SEM observation may have been attributable to the particle bounce effect40. As discussed in the Supplementary Information (Text S3), we expected particle bounce to occur for all of the deposited particles studied. As a result, the AgNPs deposited on the substrate may have been redistributed by this expected particle bounce. Only large aggregate AgNPs, which have a higher adhesion force due to the higher contact area between a particle and a substrate41, may remain deposited. Using the two suspension concentrations and DMA, we fabricated aggregates of three different sizes: 48, 86, and 218 nm.
Aggregate size dependence of Raman enhancement. Figure 4 shows the SERS spectra of RhB at 10−6, 10−8, and 10−10 M using the aggregate sizes of 48, 86, and 218 nm. A standard RhB solution was dropped onto the aggregates. At 10−6 M RhB, all of the characteristic vibrational peaks were clearly observed at 500–1700 cm−1 for the AgNP aggregates of all three sizes (Fig. 4a). The peak assignments are listed in Table 142. Among the peaks, the C-C stretching mode at 1649 cm−1 was found to be most intense, and thus was used as the representative peak for calculating an enhancement factor. No peaks were seen in the absence of AgNPs (Fig. 4a), which confirms that the AgNP aggregates were responsible for the Raman enhancement of the RhB peaks. Raman enhancement generally increases with the number of contact points (hot spots) between SERS nanoparticles of a given primary size 27–29 in the laser sensing volume. Hence, the AgNPs of the largest aggregate size in the present study, 218 nm, were expected to show the heist peak intensity at 1649 cm−1, as they had the largest number of contact points. We were interested to find, however, that the medium-size AgNPs (86 nm) exhibited the highest target peak. By aggregate size, the peak intensity follows the order 86 nm > 218 nm > 48 nm. The peak intensity from the 218-nm aggregates was higher than that from the 48-nm aggregates, which can be explained by the larger number of contact points. The higher peak from the 86-nm aggregate versus that from the 218-nm aggregate was attributable to deformation and damping of the electron cloud in the high degree of AgNP aggregation31,32. The deformation and damping effect cause redshifts of the surface plasmon excitation wavelength of the AgNPs. The redshifts reduce the excitation, and therefore the sensitivity for Raman enhancement. Similar observations have been made on the AgNP aggregates in the size range from 520 to 1600 nm36, with a higher Raman enhancement observed for the smaller aggregates. At the 10−8 M RhB (Fig. 4b), only the 86-nm aggregate clearly showed the RhB peaks, but no RhB peaks were seen for the 48 and 218 nm aggregates. The 48 and 218 nm aggregates exhibited some peaks which could not be assigned to RhB. These peaks were found to be non-reproducible and likely due to the photocarbonization4344. No clear RhB peaks were seen in any of the aggregates at 10−10 M RhB (Fig. 4c), suggesting detection limits of >10−10 M and >10−8 M RhB for the 86-nm aggregate, and the 48 and 218 nm aggregates, respectively, in this study.
Table 1
Main peaks of Rhodamine B and the peak assignments.
Raman shift [cm−1]
C-C bridge band stretching and aromatic
C-H bending
Aromatic C-C bending
C-H stretching
C-C stretching vibration mode
The aggregate size dependence of Raman enhancement was summarized in terms of the analytical enhancement factor (AEF) for the RhB representative peak at ~1650 cm−1 (Fig. 5). The AEF was calculated with the following formula45
where ISERS is the intensity of RhB with a given aggregate size of AgNPs in the SERS experiments, and IRS is the intensity of RhB without AgNPs (i.e., normal Raman measurement). NSERS and NRS are the numbers of RhB molecules for ISERS and IRS, respectively, in the laser sensing volume. Note that we assume that NSERS equals NRS in this study, as the laser sensing volume is the same in the SERS and normal Raman measurements. The SERS experiments for 10−6 M RhB gave AEF values of 2.4 × 103, 4.2 × 103, and 4.0 × 103 for the 48-, 86-, and 218-nm AgNP aggregates, respectively, whereas the AEF value at 10−8 M RhB available only for the 86-nm aggregate was 3.4 × 104. These results demonstrate that the 86-nm AgNP aggregate was the most sensitive nanostructure in the present study. The high sensitivity attained can be attributed to the optimal AgNP aggregate size, as discussed above.
Premixed atomization of AgNPs and probe molecules. Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate that the 86 nm AgNP aggregate was the most sensitive nanostructure in the SERS sensing. Here, we further explored Raman enhancement in the 86-nm AgNP aggregates by premixing RhB with the AgNP suspension before the atomization (i.e., by taking the premixed atomization route). Figure 6 shows SERS spectra of RhB at 10−6, 10−8, and 10−10 M concentrations in the 86-nm AgNP aggregates. Similar to the earlier experiments, no clear RhB peaks were seen at 10−10 M. The AEF values at 10−6 and 10−8 M RhB were found to be higher with the premixed atomization than with the post-dropping (Fig. 7). The AEF values with premixed atomization were estimated to be 5.1 × 104 and 3.7 × 106 for the 10−6 and 10−8 M concentrations, respectively, or 12 and 110 times higher than the AEF values with the post-dropping. The further Raman enhancement in the premixed atomization route was attributable to the greater number of opportunities for the trapping of the probe molecules (RhB) in hot spots (Fig. 8). The increased trapping of RhB in hot spots increased AEF values.