Costa de Ponent Primary Care Management (Area Metropolitana Sud – Catalan Institute of Health), which in 2016 had 53 PCTs for a catchment population of 1,334,381 people, of which 1,042,920 had been visited during that same year. A random sample of 20 PCT will be chosen from the 53; 10 will be included in the IG, and 10 in the CG.
Study population:
Family physicians (GPs) working in the selected PCT in the Area Metropolitana Sud of the ICS.
Study period: pre-intervention study period from October to December 2021 and post-intervention period from January to December 2022.
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients assigned to the 20 randomized primary care teams out of the 56 that make up the "Costa de Ponent" Primary Care Department that serve a population of 1.3 million people, having any of the specific or unspecific diagnoses related to vertigo
Exclusion Criteria:
- Primary care teams in which> 60% of their professionals have received a course on vertigo in the last 5 years will be excluded.
- Primary care teams who are not interested in participating in the study will be excluded.
- Patients who die during the year before and after the training intervention.
- Displaced patients.
Explanation for the choice of comparators
Active Comparator: Training group
The professionals of the primary care teams that are in Intervention group would receive the training at the beginning of the study
Other: Training on vertigo
Online training on vertigo management in primary care with a face-to-face session.
On the one hand, the course will contain theoretical content and clinical cases will be used as the methodology of the course, with feedback paths for each correct or incorrect answer from the students and videos recorded expressly for the course. In addition, there will be a face-to-face session where all participants must perform the diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers proposed in the course, to evaluate the use of the training and also to standardize the way of doing them for the study
No Intervention: Common Practice
The professionals of the primary care teams that are in Control group will be offered the training after the conclusion of the study
Intervention description
We will design a virtual course for GPs with interactive clinical cases to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with vertigo. Support material will include videos explaining the main diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers. Finally, we will review and practice the maneuvers in a face-to-face session. In this session we will also standardize the diagnosis and management of vertigo. The IG will complete the course before and the CG after the study period. The IG and CG will receive an information session about the study, where the informed consent of all professionals interested in participating will be requested.
Data from the whole population assigned to participating PCT will be obtained from the Information System for the Development of Research in PC (SIDIAP) before starting the training and during a year thereafter.
Exposure variable:
Allocation to the intervention and control groups (IG / CG).
Primary Outcome Measures:
Dependent variables:
• Register of ICD-10 vertigo diagnoses:
- Specific diagnoses registered during the study: BPPV (H81.1), Meniere's vertigo (H81) and vestibular neuritis (H81.2).
- Unspecific diagnoses registered during the study: dizziness or vertigo (R42) and other peripheral vertigos (H81.3).
- Ratio of specific diagnoses: ratio of specific versus nonspecific diagnoses. Effectiveness: higher proportion of specific diagnoses and lower of nonspecific diagnoses in the IG compared to the CG (see Supplementary material 1 for the complete list of diagnoses considered specific and nonspecific).
• Percentage of patients treated with antivertigo agents (betahistine, sulpiride, dimenhydrinate) in relation to all patients with vertigo in the PCT. Effectiveness: lower proportion of antivertigo prescriptions in the IG compared to the CG.
• Percentage of referrals to neurology and / or ENT due to vertigo (H81.1, H81.1, H81.3 and R42). Effectiveness: lower proportion of referrals in the IG compared to the CG.
• Total number of sick leave days due to vertigo in the IG. Effectiveness: less sick leave days in the IG compared to the CG.
Independent variables:
• Characteristic of the PCT: teaching center yes / no, number of tutors, rural / urban.
• Characteristics of physicians: age, sex, years of professional practice, tutor yes / no.
Study flowchart Fig. 1
Participant timeline
Work plan and chronogram. (Fig. 2)
PHASE 1. Preparatory: Meeting of all the researchers to agree on the work protocol and the manual of procedures. Planning of the distance learning course. Contact with the company that will provide technical support and elaborate the course materials. Recording of the videos with all the diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers with simulated patients.
This phase will start in November 2019 and will last until March 2021. Meetings of the whole research team with the specialist in Otorhinolaryngology (Dr. Xavier Gonzalez Compte) who is supervising the results will be held.
We will contact SIDIAP to help us to randomize the participating centers among the EAPs of Costa de Ponent as well as to help us to define well the variables of the study.
PHASE 2. Presentation and offer of the study to 20 EAPs in the area (DAP Costa de Ponent): Those that accept to participate will be randomly assigned to the GI or GC.
The EAPs that are part of the IG will be offered the course at the beginning of the study and those of the CG, once the follow-up period of the study is over.
The study presentation visits will take place in the second quarter of 2021. Time will be given to the researchers during the summer and until October 2021 to carry out the course and the face-to-face sessions will be held in October-December 2021.
PHASE 3. Period of information collection will be extended during January 2022-Dec 2023.
PHASE 4. Analysis of results: All data will be passed to a statistical technician for analysis. All the researchers will meet on one or several occasions to analyze with the technician all the possible analyses to be made as well as their best interpretation. The final report of the study will be written with the consent of all the researchers. This phase will begin in January 2024 and will last until March 2024.
Dissemination of the results in national and international congresses and publication of
the results in journals of impact. All this during the year 2024.
Sample size
Population sample:
To improve vertigo diagnostic codes, accepting an alpha risk of 0.05 and a beta risk < 0.2 in a two-sided test, a total of 356 patients are needed per each group (IG and CG) to detect as statistically significant a difference of 30% and 40% in correct diagnoses (BPPV, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraine and Menière's disease) for the CG and IG, respectively, with no loss to follow up anticipated (GRANMO calculator, Institut Municipal d 'Investigation Médica, Barcelona, Spain, using the ARCSINUS approach). To evaluate the final sample size, we take into account that the Intercluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) most commonly used in cluster-randomized trials in PC is 0.05. This ICC translated to a size of 45 individuals (assuming 10 clusters per group) in the design is adjusted by 1.24, i.e., n = 712 * 1.24 = 884 (45 per center).
Similarly, the comparison of expected variation proportions for the prescription of antivertigo agents is 58.21% and 48% for the CG and IG, respectively (374 per group before adjustment by design) and 20% and 10% for referrals to neurology and ENT (195 per group before adjustment for design). All proportion estimates are based on the results of the previously published study19.
However, data from all patients with a new diagnosis of vertigo and dizziness during the study period (one year after the intervention) in participating centers will be collected, ensuring a number greater than the sample calculation.
Recruitment will be carried out in the Primary Care Management Costa de Ponent corresponding to the Southern Metropolitan Area of the Catalan Institute of Health, which in 2016 had 53 PCTs for a catchment population of 1,334,381 people, of whom 1,042,920 had been visited during that same year. A random sample of 20 PCTs will be chosen from the 53; 10 will be included in the IG and 10 in the CG.
Each primary health center will be personally visited to offer physicians the possibility of participating in the study.
Assignment of interventions: allocation
- We have taken all the 'Metropolitan Sud' centers.
- We have excluded centers that have taken BPPV courses and training.
- We have excluded the pediatric centers.
- From the remaining centers, we have used the random function to select 30 centers.
- We made a second random to classify them into two groups (control and intervention).
The data will be collected by computerized exploitation without the need to look at other data in the medical record and will be coded in such a way that the patient cannot be identified.
Statistical methods
Data analyses will follow Consort Cluster recommendations ( and intention-to-treat analysis will be used for comparisons between groups. We will firstly analyze the baseline comparability of the two groups to verify homogeneity regarding study variables. Descriptive statistics will be performed for all baseline variables, using Student’s t or Mann-Whitney U test for quantitative variables, and Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables.
The t-test will evaluate differences in outcome variables between groups pre- and post-intervention. Logistic regression multivariate analysis will be performed to analyze the relationship between baseline variables of primary care centers and professionals and outcome variables. Significance will be set at 5% for all analyses. Statistical software R (revised version 3.2.4) will be used.
Oversight and monitoring
The management structure comprises the principal investigator (IP), the members of the VERTAP group (BPPV research group) and a collaborating center that will manage the data.
The members of the VERTAP group are the responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial and will divide the tasks to oversee day-to-day timely completion of the trial and will meet monthly to discuss the progress of the trial monthly to discuss the progress of the trial.
The IP will monitor with each meeting that the study objectives are being met in a timely manner.
The oversight committee consists of the investigators from the VERTAP group and they will periodically review the progress of the study.
The final analysis will be performed by the database research center and our statistician and our statistician. Additional follow-up may be performed at the discretion of the monitoring manager.
Data collected in this trial will include information recorded and encrypted in the database.
Dissemination plans {31a}
Dissemination of the results in national and international congresses and publication of the results in journals of impact. All this during the year 2024.