Yield and yield components of peanut and cotton
The highest peanut pods yield was observed in treatment MP (5,192 kg/ha in PingDu, 4,967 kg/ha in GaoTang, and 5,146 kg/ha in LiJin), while the lowest peanut pods yield was obtained under treatment SC (3,816 kg/ha in PingDu, 3,775 kg/ha in GaoTang, and 3,726 kg/ha in LiJin) (Table 2). In addition, the maximum seed cotton yield was found under IC treatment (7,160 kg/ha in PingDu, 6,846 kg/ha in GaoTang, and 6,778 kg/ha in LiJin), whereas the lowest seed cotton yield (4,420 kg/ha in PingDu, 4,124 kg/ha in GaoTang, and 4,276 kg/ha in LiJin) was recorded in MC treatment in 3 positions (Table 3). Intercropping with root barriers significantly reduced peanut pods yield by 9.34% (NC) and 14.54% (SC) in PingDu, 11.10% (NC) and 15.55% (SC) in GaoTang, and 8.43% (NC) and 13.27% (SC) in LiJin, compared with no root barrier treatment (IC) (Table 2). In seed cotton yield, the reduction was 17.26% (NC) and 20.67% (SC) in PingDu, 12.05% (NC) and 16.87% (SC) in GaoTang, and 10.70% (NC) and 14.46% (SC) in LiJin, compared with IC (Table 3).
Table 2
Yield and yield components of peanut in different cropping systems.
Position | Treatment | Peanut pods yield (kg ha−1) | Yield components |
Pod density (pods m−2) | 100-pod weight (g) |
PingDu | MP | 5192a | 190.9a | 272a |
IC | 4465b | 163.0b | 274a |
NC | 4048c | 152.2c | 266b |
SC | 3816d | 144.9cd | 263b |
GaoTang | MP | 4967a | 189.3b | 262a |
IC | 4470b | 224.9a | 199bc |
NC | 3974c | 182.7b | 217b |
SC | 3775c | 182.5b | 207b |
LiJin | MP | 5146a | 196.7a | 262a |
IC | 4296b | 161.7b | 266a |
NC | 3934c | 151.9c | 259ab |
SC | 3726c | 147.3c | 253b |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column of the same position indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); MP: monocropping of peanut; IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton without barriers; NC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with 100 µm nylon mesh barrier; SC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with solid barrier. |
Table 3
Seed cotton yield and yield components in different cropping systems.
Position | Treatment | Seed cotton yield (kg ha−1) | Yield components |
Boll density (bolls m−2) | Boll weight (g boll−1) |
PingDu | MC | 4420d | 82.53d | 5.36a |
IC | 7160a | 158.18a | 4.53b |
NC | 5924b | 133.78b | 4.43b |
SC | 5680c | 105.86c | 5.37a |
GaoTang | MC | 4124d | 80.69c | 5.11bc |
IC | 6846a | 115.93a | 5.91a |
NC | 6021b | 117.23a | 5.14b |
SC | 5691c | 108.83b | 5.23b |
LiJin | MC | 4276d | 73.39d | 5.83b |
IC | 6778a | 108.66b | 6.24a |
NC | 6053b | 114.20a | 5.30c |
SC | 5798c | 98.83c | 5.87b |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column of the same position indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); MC: monocropping of cotton; IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton without barriers; NC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with 100 µm nylon mesh barrier; SC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with solid barrier. |
We then measured the peanut pod density and cotton boll density where intercropping (IC) significantly decreased peanut pod density by 14.61% and 17.79% in PingDu and LiJin, respectively, while increased peanut pod density by 18.81% in GaoTang compared with MP. The boll density of cotton in IC was significantly increased by 91.66%, 43.67%, and 48.06% in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively compared with MC. Root barriers significantly reduced the pod density of peanut and the reduction was 6.63% (NC) and 11.10% (SC) in PingDu, 18.76% (NC) and 18.85% (SC) in GaoTang, and 6.06% (NC) and 8.91% (SC) in LiJin compared with IC. The changes of boll density of cotton by root barriers were -18.24% (NC) and -33.08% (SC) in PingDu, 1.12% (NC) and -6.12% (SC) in GaoTang, and 5.10% (NC) and -9.05% (SC) in LiJin, compared with IC. Intercropping did not change 100-pod weight of peanut except for that in GaoTang where 100-pod weight was significantly decreased by 24.05% compared with MP. Intercropping significantly reduced boll weight of cotton by 15.49% in PingDu, while increased boll weight of cotton by15.66% and 7.03% in GaoTang and LiJin, respectively, compared with IC. Compared with IC, the 100-pod weight was reduced (2.92% of NC and 4.01% of SC) in PingDu and (2.63% of NC and 4.89% of SC) in LiJin, while induced (9.05% of NC and 4.02% of SC) in GaoTang. In PingDu, SC significantly increased boll weight of cotton by 18.54% while NC did not change this parameter, compared with IC. In GaoTang and LiJin, root barriers significantly reduced boll weight of cotton by (13.03% of NC and 11.51% of SC) and (15.06% of NC and 5.93% of SC), respectively, compared with IC (Tables 2 and 3).
Competition parameters
In general, the value of LER for all of the treatments were found higher than one suggesting yield advantage of peanut/cotton intercropping system (Table 4). Among all the treatments, IC had the maximum LER: 1.24, 1.28, and 1.21 in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively, while lowest LER was recorded by 1.01, 10.7, and 1.04 in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively, under treatment SC. Relative to NC, treatment SC significantly reduced LER by 4.72%, 5.31%, and 4.59% in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively. Similar changes of LERp and LERc were further observed where root barriers significantly reduced LERp and LERc in all of the experimental positions except that LERp did not show significant differences between SC and NC in 3 positions (Table 4).
Table 4
LER for peanut and cotton in different root barrier treatments and positions.
Treatment | PingDu | GaoTang | LiJin |
LERp | LERc | LER | LERp | LERc | LER | LERp | LERc | LER |
IC | 0.43a | 0.81a | 1.24a | 0.45a | 0.83a | 1.28a | 0.42a | 0.79a | 1.21a |
NC | 0.39b | 0.67b | 1.06b | 0.40b | 0.73b | 1.13b | 0.38b | 0.71b | 1.09b |
SC | 0.37b | 0.64c | 1.01c | 0.38b | 0.69c | 1.07c | 0.36b | 0.68c | 1.04c |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton without barriers; NC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with 100 µm nylon mesh barrier; SC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with solid barrier; LERp denotes partial LER for peanut; LERc denotes partial LER for cotton. |
Economic analysis
Input value, output value, and net return were significantly affected by the cropping systems (Table 5). Overall, the cost of inputs for IC was between MP and MC in all experimental positions. IC produced a significantly higher output value (24.21% of MP and 4.24% of MC) in PingDu, (22.49% of MP and 5.38% of MC) in GaoTang, and (22.92% of MP and 5.38% of MC) in LiJin. Averaged for 3 positions, IC produced a significantly higher output value by 23.76% and 4.98% in MP and MC, respectively. Compared with MP, the net returns in IC were significantly increased by 20.08%, 10.9%, and 15.22% in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively. The net returns in IC were significantly increased by 54.95%, 67.31%, and 65.78% in PingDu, GaoTang, and LiJin, respectively, compared with MC. Averaged for 3 positions, the net returns in IC were significantly increased by 15.47% and 62.18% compared with MP and MC, respectively (Table 5).
Table 5
Output, input and net return as affected by intercropping systems.
Position | Pattern | Input ($ ha−1) | Output ($ ha−1) | Return ($ ha−1) |
PingDu | MP | 2215c | 3779c | 1564b |
MC | 3291a | 4503b | 1212c |
IC | 2816b | 4694a | 1878a |
GaoTang | MP | 2071c | 3615c | 1495b |
MC | 3210a | 4202b | 991c |
IC | 2770b | 4428a | 1658a |
LiJin | MP | 2166c | 3744c | 1577b |
MC | 3271a | 4367b | 1096c |
IC | 2785b | 4602a | 1817a |
Average | MP | 2151c | 3696c | 1545b |
MC | 3257a | 4357b | 1100c |
IC | 2790b | 4574a | 1784a |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column of the same position indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); MP: monocropping of peanut; MC: monocropping of cotton; IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton; Peanut seeds: 5.0 ¥ kg−1, cotton seeds: 7.0 ¥ kg−1; Labor cost for peanut: 8400 ¥ ha−1 (80 ¥ man-days−1 × 105 man-days ha−1); Labor cost for cotton: 15200 ¥ ha−1 (80 ¥ man-days−1 × 190 man-days ha−1); Material input for peanut: 6517 ¥ ha−1 in PingDu, 6430 ¥ ha−1 in GaoTang, and 6483 ¥ ha−1 in LiJin; Material input for cotton: 7410 ¥ ha−1 in PingDu, 6855 ¥ ha−1 in GaoTang and 7270 ¥ ha−1 in LiJin. Exchange rate: 6.87 ¥ ≈ 1US $. |
Nutrient accumulation in soil and plants of peanut and cotton
The N, P, and K accumulation in the soil of peanut and cotton strips were significantly greater in IC than MP or MC in all 3 experimental positions with only one exception where IC decreased the peanut strip K by 9.53% in GaoTang (Table 6). However, for NC treatment, the N, P, and K accumulation in the soil of peanut and cotton strips were significantly lower than IC in all 3 experimental positions with 3 exceptions where N accumulation of peanut strip was increased by 2.77% in PingDu, P accumulation of cotton strip was increased by 6.71% in GaoTang, and K accumulation of peanut strip was increased by 25.50% in LiJin. In addition, the significantly higher accumulation of N, P, and K in the soil of peanut and cotton strips of SC treatment was recorded compared with IC, suggesting that solid root barriers might inhibited the accumulation of the soil nutrient in both peanut and cotton strips (Table 6).
Table 6
Contents of soil N, P, and K in peanut and cotton strips of different cropping systems.
Position | Treatment | Peanut strip N (mg kg−1) | Cotton strip N (mg kg−1) | Peanut strip P (mg kg−1) | Cotton strip P (mg kg−1) | Peanut strip K (mg kg−1) | Cotton strip K (mg kg−1) |
PingDu | MP | 40.16c | - | 15.27b | - | 250.16d | - |
MC | - | 43.78c | - | 16.73b | - | 201.98c |
IC | 50.24b | 51.63a | 19.66a | 19.66a | 324.15a | 300.11a |
NC | 51.63a | 46.81b | 18.56a | 17.60b | 283.35b | 181.73d |
SC | 35.46d | 34.51d | 13.24c | 13.52c | 261.74c | 283.17b |
GaoTang | MP | 45.63c | - | 18.94b | - | 445.97b | - |
MC | - | 52.41c | - | 15.10c | - | 330.00d |
IC | 53.11a | 57.86a | 21.97a | 19.97b | 403.45c | 432.71a |
NC | 47.35b | 56.43b | 17.24c | 21.31a | 506.31a | 425.31b |
SC | 43.44d | 43.14d | 15.23d | 15.02c | 253.47d | 345.14c |
LiJin | MP | 25.02c | - | 16.54c | - | 323.67d | - |
MC | - | 25.37b | - | 11.86c | - | 184.97d |
IC | 31.23a | 31.44a | 29.41a | 29.41a | 473.65a | 473.91a |
NC | 29.61b | 30.69a | 24.96b | 18.83b | 438.68b | 211.12c |
SC | 25.71bc | 21.31c | 16.15c | 11.15c | 381.41c | 351.43b |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column of the same position indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); MP: monocropping of peanut; MC: monocropping of cotton; IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton without barriers; NC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with 100 µm nylon mesh barrier; SC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with solid barrier. |
The accumulation of N in the stem and leaf of peanut did not show significant difference between MP and IC, while IC significantly changed cotton N in the stem and leaf of PingDu and GaoTang compared with MC (Table 7). For the accumulation of N in peanut pod, IC showed significantly higher N accumulation than MP in 3 positions and higher accumulation of N in cotton bud was also found in IC compared with MC in PingDu and GaoTang. Root barrier treatment NC significantly increased the accumulation of N in the stem and leaf of both peanut and cotton compared with IC in GaoTang and LiJin while the changes were not unique in peanut pod and cotton bud when compared between NC and IC. SC significantly reduced the accumulation of peanut pod N in 3 positions and cotton bud N in PingDu and LiJin, compared with IC.
Table 7
Contents of N, P, and K of various organs in different cropping systems.
Position | Organ | Treatment | N | P | K |
Peanut N (mg kg−1) | Cotton N (mg kg−1) | Peanut P (mg kg−1) | Cotton P (mg kg−1) | Peanut K (mg kg−1) | Cotton K (mg kg−1) |
PingDu | Stem+Leaf | MP MC | 44.70a - | - 46.21b | 41.87b - | - 54.43b | 228.02c - | - 238.39d |
IC | 43.61a | 49.03a | 41.23b | 57.32a | 260.59b | 274.00a |
NC | 43.52a | 49.87a | 44.75a | 56.54a | 274.97a | 267.30b |
SC | 43.71a | 46.21b | 40.70b | 56.65a | 214.69d | 251.97c |
Pod/Bud | MP MC | 32.12c - | - 39.09b | 44.44b - | - 85.31d | 147.57c - | - 201.54d |
IC | 47.9a | 44.64a | 60.36a | 106.27a | 178.05a | 228.56a |
NC | 36.4b | 45.07a | 45.34b | 104..64b | 165.09b | 205.65c |
SC | 32.2c | 43.03c | 39.37c | 101.47c | 143.04d | 207.32b |
GaoTang | Stem+Leaf | MP MC | 30.91ab - | - 37.31a | 41.17b - | - 37.09b | 279.05c - | - 233.58d |
IC | 30.26b | 35.46b | 49.61a | 38.16ab | 284.50b | 253.91b |
NC | 31.61a | 36.81a | 49.08a | 39.23a | 288.97a | 251.47c |
SC | 29.93b | 36.43b | 37.91c | 37.80b | 271.64d | 270.70a |
Pod/Bud | MP MC | 42.44b - | - 38.96c | 40.96c - | - 39.14c | 66.81c - | - 134.82c |
IC | 46.47a | 40.12b | 43.04b | 43.60a | 72.45a | 167.41a |
NC | 47.87a | 41.78a | 44.50a | 42.35b | 68.73b | 139.83b |
SC | 41.13c | 41.33a | 33.06d | 39.71c | 65.46d | 133.12d |
LiJin | Stem+Leaf | MP MC | 35.53b - | - 42.81b | 50.28b - | - 52.53c | 223.36c - | - 249.87d |
IC | 35.41b | 42.93b | 52.52a | 56.60a | 228.07b | 342.51b |
NC | 36.88a | 45.96a | 51.19b | 56.76a | 235.87a | 353.30a |
SC | 33.63c | 38.71c | 48.61c | 55.27b | 220.91d | 309.16c |
Pod/Bud | MP MC | 38.30b - | - 45.13a | 39.67b - | - 49.27d | 100.38c - | - 162.13d |
IC | 39.61a | 45.16a | 43.09a | 61.70a | 103.87a | 259.40b |
NC | 40.72a | 13.45c | 43.62a | 55.02b | 102.31b | 268.68a |
SC | 38.27b | 42.62b | 37.38c | 51.34c | 99.46c | 257.25c |
Means denoted by different letters within the same column of the same position indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test (P < 0.05); MP: monocropping of peanut; MC: monocropping of cotton; IC: intercropping of peanut and cotton without barriers; NC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with 100 µm nylon mesh barrier; SC: intercropping of peanut/cotton with solid barrier. |
IC significantly increased the accumulation of peanut P in the stem and leaf of GaoTang and LiJin compared with MP and increased the cotton P in the stem and leaf of PingDu and LiJin compared with MC. Additionally, IC showed significantly higher P accumulation in peanut pod and cotton bud of 3 positions, compared with MP and MC. Root barrier treatment NC and SC showed lower P accumulation in the stem, leaf, peanut pod, and cotton bud of the seedlings in 3 positions than IC with a few exceptions, suggesting that root barriers inhibited the accumulation of P in both peanut and cotton plants.
For the K accumulation, intercropping increased the K in the stem, leaf, peanut pod, and cotton bud within a certain range compared with MP and MC. In peanut, NC showed significant higher K in stem and leaf while lower K in the pod, compared with IC. SC showed significant lower K in all of the organs of peanut compared with IC. In cotton, similar results were observed where root barrier treatment NC and SC significantly reduced the K in all of the organs in 3 positions except the SC of stem and leaf in GaoTang and NC of all of the organs in LiJin, compared with IC. These results indicated that root barriers reduced the accumulation of plant K in the organs of both cotton and peanut (Table 7).
Soil bacterial communities
Most of the root barrier intercropping treatments significantly affected diversity indices and affected community structure of soil bacterial community in both peanut strip and cotton strip (Table S1). At blossom-needling stage (0-20 cm), MP showed significantly higher number of OTUs, ACE, and Chao index values than other treatments, while at blossom-needling stage (20-40 cm), NC-C showed significantly higher number of OTUs, Shannon index, ACE, and Chao index values compared with other treatments. Again, NC-C processed higher number of OTUs, ACE, and Chao index values than other treatments, whereas SC-C processed the highest Shannon and Simpson index values at podding stage (0-20 cm). In 20-40 cm top soil of podding stage, however, only NC-C showed significant higher Shannon index values compared with other treatments (Table S1).
At the phylum level, IC obviously raised the relative abundance of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia, while declined the relative abundance of Gemmatimonadetes, Actinobacteria, and Chloroflexi compared with MP and MC at blossom-needling stage (0-20 cm). NC-P and NC-C did not show obvious changes of the bacterial communities, whereas SC-P and SC-C visibly increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, and greatly declined the relative abundance of Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia compared with IC (Fig. 2a & Fig. S1). At podding stage (0-20 cm), IC greatly induced the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes whereas reduced the relative abundance of Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia compared with MP and MC. NC-P and NC-C did not show significant changes compared with IC. By contrast, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes were obviously declined while the relative abundance of Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were clearly elevated in SC-P and SC-C compared with IC (Fig. 2d). At blossom-needling stage (0-20 cm), the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, and Bacteroidetes were induced while the relative abundance of Nitrospirae and Chloroflexi were reduced in IC compared with MP and MC. Compared NC-P and SC-P with IC, the relative abundance of Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria, and Nitrospirae were increased while Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, and Bacteroidetes were decreased. Compared NC-C and SC-C with IC, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes were induced while Actinobacteria, and Gemmatimonadetes were reduced (Fig. 3a & Fig. S1). At blossom-needling stage (20-40 cm), the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae, and Bacteroidetes were higher while Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Latescibacteria were lower in IC than MP and MC. Additionally, the relative abundance of Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia showed higher whereas Actinobacteria, and Gemmatimonadetes showed lower in NC-P and NC-C than IC. SC-P and SC-C processed higher relative abundance of Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Latescibacteria while lower Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, and Nitrospirae compared with IC (Fig. 3d).
The PCoA analysis revealed evident change in soil community structure of different cropping systems and the bacterial community of all of the treatments grouped well. At blossom-needling stage, no obvious difference was detected among treatments (Figs. 2b & 3b). However, IC, NC-P, and NC-C exerted a distinct difference as compared to the communities of other treatments in both 0-20 and 20-40 cm of the top soil at podding stage (Figs. 2e & 3e).
We then used the novel Tax4Fun tool to further explain the predictive functional profiling of microbial communities. At blossom-needling stage, the metabolic functions related to fatty acid biosynthesis, lipoic acid metabolism, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, biosynthesis of ansamycins, D-Alanine metabolism, cell cycle-Caulobacter, sulfur rely system, ribosome, protein export, etc. were significantly higher in the MP group in both 0-20 and 20-40 cm of the top soil especially compared with SC-P and SC-C groups (Figs. 2c & 3c). Strikingly, these putative KEGG pathways were significantly depleted in MP group, but visibly enriched in IC, NC-P, and NC-C groups at podding stage in both 0-20 and 20-40 cm of the top soil (Figs. 2f & 3f). These metabolic results indicate differential regulation of the soil bacterial community functional profiles by the different cropping systems and crop growth stages.