Capping effect of overburden
Our datasets from across the Central Barents Sea reveal 7,380 hydrocarbon gas seeps originating from eroded structural highs bearing thermogenic hydrocarbon sources. Aiming to address whether such extensive hydrocarbon gas venting may be significant in the context of global marine methane seepage, we compare our gas flare mapping results with other pronounced marine seep regions that have been surveyed with echosounder systems.
Extensive gas flaring has been documented along the continental margin off Svalbard and along the western margin of the Barents Sea shelf from Bear Island to Kongsfjorden24,54,59. >1,000 gas flares occur within a ~600 x 50 km stretch of this continental margin and fuel a large plume of dissolved methane in the water column54. The pronounced Hornsund Fault Zone has been hypothesised to control subseafloor fluid migration, while shrinkage or expansion of the gas hydrate capacitor driven by seasonal water temperature fluctuations24,56 may further mediate seabed release. However, the shallowest seep clusters are located at 90 and 240 m water depth and are therefore significantly outside of the gas hydrate stability envelope. The stable isotope composition of emitted methane and absence of heavier methane homologs indicate a microbial gas origin54,60,61.
Along the northern US Atlantic margin, ~570 seeps were identified within 94,000 km2 at 50 – 1,700 m water depth, ~440 of which originate at water depths bracketing the upper limit of the gas hydrate stability zone57, similar to parts of the western Svalbard margin24,56. The origin and migration pathways of the gas are not clear, yet dynamics of the upper gas hydrate stability zone limit is hypothesized to control seep occurrences57.
In contrast to the northern US Atlantic margin and the continental margin west of Svalbard, at Sentralbanken high, the gas seep clusters crosscut bathymetric contours and appear across a wide range of water depths, which is not characteristic for gas release fuelled by the retreat of a gas hydrate layer. However, recovery of gas hydrates at 360 m water depth show that the deepest SW parts of the structural high may be within the zone of gas hydrate stability. We note that seabed gas release is less pronounced at this deeper region, yet it also lies outside of the eroded structural top. At the apex of Sentralbanken high, the absence of a seismic bottom simulating reflector and no confirmed gas hydrate recoveries, together with very extensive and geologically constrained seepage (Fig. 6) suggest that there is no gas hydrate layer capping natural degassing of petroleum reservoir today. At Storbanken high and Kong Karls platform, shallower (~100 – 290 m) water depths point to very limited potential to host pressure and temperature dependent gas hydrates.
In continental margin settings off Western Svalbard and the northern US Atlantic margin, the sedimentary overburden may limit fluid release25,57. However, across the uplifted, eroded and repeatedly glaciated Barents Sea shelf, the sedimentary rock overburden has been significantly reduced42, and only a thin veneer of marine and glacigenic deposits of the last glacial-interglacial cycle overlay the erosional surface of the Mesozoic sedimentary succession. The reduced capping effect of the overburden and limited capping effect of gas hydrates, together with hydrocarbon abundance in the shallow subsurface, provide the ideal geological setting for extensive seepage. Based on the timing of the last Barents Sea ice sheet collapse62 – the last major erosional event to affect this region – hydrocarbon leakage associated with the degradation of the overlying overburden seal has been possible, and potentially ongoing, for the last c. 15,000 years, at least.
At the three Barents Sea sites 7,380 seeps have been identified within 3,730 km2 of surveyed area (Fig. 7). This density of seepage significantly exceeds the ~1,000 seeps within 30,000 km2 of the Western Svalbard margin54 and the 570 seeps within 94,000 km2 of the northern US Atlantic margin57. Given limited water column data coverage (Fig. 7, Fig. S3), we can confidently assume that the actual number of seeps within investigated structures in the northern Norwegian Barents Sea must be substantially higher, making this one of the most active submarine methane release hotspots globally.
Methane dynamics in sea water
Because free methane gas is not subject to microbial degradation in the water, bubble transport through the water column is a potent delivery mechanism to the atmosphere40. Methane from marine seep sources has been shown liberating to the atmosphere at shallow shelf settings (20 - 50 m water depth at Santa Barbara Channel offshore California63, < 50 m water depth on the East Siberian Arctic shelf64, 50 – 120 m water depth offshore Svalbard65, etc.) where gas bubbles reach close to the sea surface. In deeper water settings, the longer exposure of bubbles to sea water decreases the transport efficacy. However, large, persistent and dense methane seep clusters may be prerequisite for enhanced free gas transportation through the water column due to the creation of a smaller concentration gradient between the methane plume and seawater, which may slow down bubble dissolution40,66. We encountered a water column supersaturated with respect to atmospheric methane equilibrium at all sampling stations, pointing towards the expansion of the methane plume across the actively seeping area. We further detected at least 80 seeps reaching the surface mixed layer and enrolled in sea-air gas exchange (Fig. 4e), and consider it highly likely that there are more beyond our limited multibeam echosounder data coverage in the shallow water column sections. It is interesting to note that the Sentralbanken study site has been circumstantially investigated in terms of methane mixing ratios in air prior to our discovery of seabed gas and oil seepage67. Methane mixing ratios above the structural high were found to exceed 2,000 ppb during the autumn and winter months67 (the background methane mixing ratio is ~1,950 ppb). Platt et al.67 interpreted the excursions from baseline methane mixing ratio as long-distance transport from land-based sources, however, our new findings should motivate re-examination of atmospheric methane concentrations in this area.
The simultaneous release of both methane gas and oil at Sentralbanken high, may contribute to the extreme size and density of free methane gas transport in the water column at this site. Oil coating of methane bubbles is known to increase their lifetime in the water column68. The presence of persistent oil slicks within the seepage area and observations of oil droplets reaching the sea surface during sampling of these slicks, indicate that oil is leaking from the seafloor and reaching the sea surface. However, our methane concentration data collected within oil slicks visible both on sea surface and on SAR data, did not show elevated methane content compared to surface water samples collected outside the slicks (Fig. 6), nor was gas ebullition identified during sampling despite smooth sea-surface conditions. Video-guided bubble collection above the seafloor is therefore necessary to confirm if oil coats gas bubbles or gas and oil travel through the water column independently.
Implications for formerly glaciated hydrocarbon-bearing shelves
Our datasets from the Barents Sea document extensive oil and methane leakage from hydrocarbon reservoirs that have experienced uplift and glacial erosion, constituting an important source of methane to the water column, and, possibly, atmospheric inventory. Significantly, there are numerous analogous geological settings (sedimentary basins with petroleum potential that have experienced uplift and glacial erosion) across North Atlantic and Arctic continental margins where we may expect abundant hydrocarbon leakage: the Timan-Pechora Basin in the Pechora Sea31, the Sverdrup Basin on the northern margin of North America69, the Eastern Basin in the Russian part of the Barents Sea45, the western (Norwegian) part of the Barents Sea41, sedimentary basins surrounding British Isles46,70 and sedimentary basins of western and eastern Greenland47,71,72 (Fig. 1). Indeed, landscape evolution modeling37,48 suggests that several of these are more severely eroded than the Barents Sea shelf, for example, the eastern and western Greenland shelf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Norwegian Sea shelf, increasing the likelihood of reservoir seals being weakened or removed. However, studies of ongoing free gas release across these frontier basins are currently lacking. Expanded mapping and quantifying of seabed point-source emissions across high latitude glaciated shelves should be prioritised and may motivate rethinking of the contribution of thermogenic methane to global marine carbon sources.