Scoping review protocol on nonpharmacological interventions for possible sarcopenia or sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults



Background: Preventing sarcopenia earlier in community has become a new recommendation in recent years. Several nonpharmacological interventions to reduce the risk of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older people have been proposed, therefore there is a need to identify which of these interventions are effective. This scoping review will summarise the nature and extent of the existing literature that describes and examines nonpharmacological interventions for older adults with possible sarcopenia or sarcopenia in community.

Methods: Seven stages of methodology framework which originally proposed by Arksey and O’Malley and then enhanced by Levac et al and Daudt et al will be used. A search will be conducted in the following databases: Embase, Medline on Ovid, PsycINFO, CINAHL, All EMB Reviews on Ovid, Web of Science, Scopus, CBM, CNKI, WANFANG, VIP. Grey literature will also be searched from Google scholar. Searching will be restricted in date from January 2010 to December 2021 and in English and Chinese language only. Screening will be focused on published research articles and prospectively registered trials , including all the quantitative and qualitative study design. PRISMA-ScR will be followed for delineating the search decision process. The findings will be synthesised both quantitatively and qualitatively and classified using key conceptual categories. Moreover, it will be assessed whether the studies identified have been included in systematic reviews or meta-analyses, and the research gaps and opportunities will also be identified and summarised.

Discussion: The planned scoping review will enable to identify research status and gaps existing in literatures, which would be beneficial for detecting currently insufficient areas and developing new evidence-based practices of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent sarcopenia among older adults. To our knowledge, this protocol is the first on this topic.

Systematic review registration: Open Science Framework (OSF) Registration DOI 10.17605/OSF. IO/8BMNR Key words: Sarcopenia; Geriatrics; Older adults; Nonpharmacological intervention; Community; Scoping review

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Table 1 can be found in the supplementary files section.