Characterisation of wood pulp fibre sheets
FT-IR and WAXS are used to characterise cellulose structure after alkali treatment according to Table 1. The FT-IR technique can characterise the two polymorphs of cellulose, cellulose I and cellulose II. As an example, Dinand et al. 2002; Hurtubise, Krassig 1960; Nelson, O’Connor 1964; Oh et al. 2005 showed that the bands at 1430 cm-1 and 895 cm-1 could be used to study cellulose crystal structure since cellulose I and cellulose II spectra differ in these two bands. In cellulosic pulp fibres with a significant amount of cellulose I, the characteristic band is at 1430 cm-1. For samples with more cellulose II, the absorption band at 895 cm-1 should be more pronounced. In cold alkali treated samples, the band assigned to cellulose I (1430 cm-1) is present in the AE-1 sample (pulp, 5%NaOH, 10 min, 5°C) (Fig. 2), and the cellulose I form is maintained. For samples CII-2 (pulp, 18%NaOH, 1200 min) and CII-1-SS (oriented sheets, 18%NaOH, 10 min), the band 895 cm-1 shows increased intensity, see Fig. 2. This confirms that at higher NaOH concentration, 18% (w/w), cellulose I was transformed to cellulose II.
WAXS data are presented in Fig. 3 and Table 2, and it is confirmed that the treatment in 18% NaOH results in conversion from cellulose I to cellulose II. In Fig. 3, the intensities of the lattice plane peaks are apparent by colour coding for the four different materials: the unmodified holocellulose reference (HC), alkali extracted at 5% NaOH (AE-1-SS) and at 18% (CII-1-SS and CII-2-SS), see conditions in Table 1. Intensities of peaks from different planes are quantified in Fig. 3, and estimated crystallinities are in Table 2. It is interesting that the holocellulose reference and the cold alkali sample AE-1-SS show almost identical (200) plane peaks, indicating that the cellulose microfibril structure is undamaged by the 10-minute treatment, although hemicellulose content is reduced (Table 3). In contrast, the CII-1-SS and CII-2-SS samples show not only cellulose II structure ((1-10), (110) and (020) peaks in Fig. 3) but also that the fraction of disordered regions is increased.
Table 2. Crystallinity of untreated holocellulose sheet (HC), alkali extracted (AE) and mercerised sheet steeping samples determined from WAXS curves
Holocellulose HC
The intrinsic viscosity of the pulp steeping samples (alkali treatment of pulp fibres rather than sheets) was measured to determine conditions in cold alkali extraction and mercerisation in which hemicelluloses could be removed without significant cellulose degradation (see Fig. 4). Dissolved pulp viscosity is known to increase when low molar mass molecules (mainly hemicelluloses) are removed through alkali treatment (Sixta 2006). For cold alkali extracted pulp, viscosity reaches its highest value after 10 min treatment (see AE-1 sample). After that, the viscosity decreased. Fast removal of primarily hemicelluloses during the first 10 minutes of cold alkali extraction was supported by SEC data, in accordance with increased viscosity AE-1 (see MWD curve in Fig S1). Results from MWD need to be interpreted with care since full dissolution was not confirmed. Samples treated with higher NaOH concentration show similar behaviour; viscosity increases after 10 min treatment but decreases after prolonged treatment (Fig. 4). Wood cellulose shows almost instantaneous swelling at low temperature, facilitating the extraction of low molar mass fractions (mainly hemicelluloses) (Sixta 2006). The drop in viscosity with longer treatment (samples AE-2, AE-3, and CII-2) is due to reduced cellulose molar mass during prolonged alkali treatment (Golova and Nosova 1973; Knill and Kennedy 2002; Saukkonen et al. 2012; Albán Reyes et al. 2016).
Next, the carbohydrate composition of the holocellulose pulp, cold alkali extracted pulp and mercerised pulp was measured, see Table 3. The cold alkali treatment effectively removed hemicelluloses, especially xylose. The increased viscosity must then be due to the removal of hemicelluloses. In the first 10 minutes of the extraction, the hemicellulose content decreased by 56 %. However, prolonged extraction time (1200 min, sample AE-3) does not necessarily mean a decrease in hemicellulose fraction. On the contrary, data show a slight increase in hemicellulose fraction (w/w), possibly by reduced glucose content from cellulose degradation. Reduced viscosity (see Fig. 4) and increased COD, i.e., dissolved organic material in the filtrate, with prolonged time (see supplementary material Fig S2), are in support of reduced cellulose molar mass and weight fraction due to degradation.
When holocellulose pulp is mercerized, the hemicellulose content is reduced from 210.5 g/kg to only 30.5 g/kg, see sample CII-2, Table 3. The two materials treated for 10 min (AE-1 and CII-1) show very similar levels of hemicelluloses despite NaOH concentration differences. Note that although the same alkali treatment conditions were used for wet pulp and dry oriented fibre sheets, wet pulp shows slightly higher reduction in hemicellulose content than dry sheets, see supplementary material Fig. S3. This is in accordance with results by Spinu et al. 2011.
Table 3. Carbohydrate composition of holocellulose pulp and selected alkali treated pulp. Note that NaOH concentration is much lower for AE samples (5%, 5°C) compared with CII samples (18%, 23°C)
(g kg-1)
Hemi- cellulosea
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
(g kg-1)
a Total amount of hemicelluloses is expressed as the sum of xylose, arabinose, galactose, and mannose, assuming an addition of glucose at glucose: mannose ratio of 1:3
The SEM micrographs show significant fibre shape effects from alkali treatments (Fig. 5). The untreated holocellulose fibres spontaneously collapse during drying and appear flat, ribbonlike and straight, while the alkali-treated fibres show a more porous network in the dried state with smaller, irregular diameters and shapes. Alkali treated fibres are also more swirled in an irregular manner, rather than straight, see Fig. 5. When comparing cold alkali extracted pulp (B and C) with mercerised pulp (D), the mercerised fibres appear to have a more tubular shape and be more curved and wavy. It is worth noting that (C) samples treated for an extended time (20 h) show rougher fibre surface morphologies, perhaps related to microfibrils. A short treatment time (10 min) of holocellulose wood fibres seems to make fibers more wavy, less flat and, as we know, with lower hemicellulose content.
Pulp or sheet steeping in alkali?
The two methods, pulp steeping and sheet steeping, were compared to consider these routes for subsequent preparation of hot-pressed fibers or biocomposites. Fibre orientation was achieved by a dynamic sheet former. Cold alkali treated and mercerised holocellulose with 10 min treatment times were used as examples of modifications for pulp and sheets. For pulp fibre steeping, the pulp was easy to handle during alkali treatment. The fibres became highly swollen once in contact with the lye. However, in the following oriented sheet preparation step, the handling of wet fibre sheets was difficult. This was especially problematic for the mercerised fibre sheets, which tended to disintegrate during removal from the wire mesh.
Sheet steeping, in contrast, meant that it was straightforward to prepare high quality oriented sheets from holocellulose fibres. The steeping stage of dried sheets was slightly more elaborate than for pulp and required care to prevent damage of submerged holocellulose sheets in the swollen state. Cold alkali extracted paper sheets easily fell apart if mishandled. The mercerised sheets were less sensitive but showed notable shrinkage in contact with the lye (see Fig. 6). The level of shrinkage is in the order of 13-14%. Similar shrinkage was also reported when sheets from bleached kraft pulp and microfibrillated cellulose were treated with 20% NaOH (Nakagaito and Yano 2008). A possible explanation for the observed shrinkage is the longitudinal contraction of microfibrils proposed by Nakano (Nakano et al. 2000; Ishikura and Nakano 2007), and here we observed that fibres themselves also changed shape, possibly due to microfibril shrinkage. No shrinkage was observed for cold alkali treated sheets.
SEM micrographs of the oriented fibre sheets were obtained to investigate the morphological effects on the sheet network from the two protocols (pulp steeping and sheet steeping). The untreated holocellulose fibres are straight, flat and aligned from the dynamic sheet forming step (Fig. 7 A). Sheets made from pulp steeping protocol in Fig. 7 C, E (first alkali treatment, then sheet preparation) have less oriented fibres, also curved. This must be due to changes in fibre shape during alkali treatment (see Fibre properties section, Fig. 5). The straight holocellulose fibres are much easier to orient in the dynamic sheet former than the alkali treated fibres, which are curved and wavy. Materials made via sheet steeping protocol appear to preserve the orientation of the holocellulose sheet, with more straight fibres. It is evident that the degree of fibre orientation is higher in sheet steeping than pulp steeping protocols (see B and C for cold alkali extraction, and D and E for mercerisation in Fig. 7). Furthermore, it is noted that despite the observed shrinkage of mercerised sheets, the fibres appear to broadly maintain their preferred orientation.
Materials were then subjected to physical and mechanical testing. Results are shown in Fig. 8 and summarised in Table 4. Sheets made from untreated holocellulose fibres show excellent properties. The density is 706 kg/m3, anisotropy of longitudinal/transverse strength ~5, tensile strength 172 MPa, and Young’s modulus 16.8 GPa. The reason is better utilization of axial fibre properties in sheets with preferred fibre orientation in one direction. Since the level of anisotropy in properties should correlate with the degree of fibre orientation in the sheet, a higher anisotropy value is desirable. Pulp steeping samples (AE-1-PS and CII-1-PS) have an anisotropy of strength of <2, while sheet steeping samples (AE-1-SS, CII-1-SS) maintain the anisotropy of the untreated sheet at ~5. These results are supported by SEM micrographs in Fig. 7 in that there is less orientation in the fibre network of pulp steeping samples. This reduces tensile properties in the machine direction.
We observe that the choice of alkali treatment protocol affects mechanical performance. Pulp steeping results in lower density and inferior mechanical performance, more noticeable in mercerised samples (Table 4 and Fig. 8). Samples prepared by sheet steeping show higher density and better mechanical performance. The difference in mechanical performance is dramatic; samples prepared by sheet steeping are 8-10 times stronger than those prepared from the pulp. Modulus is also superior for sheet steeped samples, but here the effect is less pronounced. Lower stiffness in mercerised samples is expected since cellulose II is less stiff than cellulose I (Nishino et al. 1995), although interfibre bonding and fibre orientation also are of obvious importance. The superior mechanical strength and modulus of materials from the sheet steeping protocol is due to higher density (higher volume fraction fibers), higher degree of orientation and possibly better interfibre adhesion.
Table 4. Physical and mechanical properties of prepared pulp fiber sheets. Data for oriented sheets are measured along the axis of preferred orientation. Standard deviations are available in parentheses. Note that d - thickness, 𝜌 - density, Vf - fibre volume fraction, 𝜎 - tensile strength, E - Youngs modulus and 𝜀 - strain to failure
103 (1)
145 (4)
706 (14)
103 (1)
132 (2)
784 (21)
80 (2)
105 (3)
765 (14)
127 (10)
11.5 (1.1)
1.1 (0.1)
120 (2.6)
164 (3.1)
733 (25)
115 (3.8)
146 (2.3)
789 (29)
108 (7.2)
7.1 (0.3)
5.3 (0.4)
a PS indicates sample was prepared from pulp steeping, SS indicates sample was prepared using sheet steeping, HP indicates sample was densified by hot pressing.
b Fibre volume fraction as calculated based on
Fig. 9 shows stress-strain behaviour for representative materials. A significant increase in strain to failure ( ) is observed for the mercerised materials prepared by sheet steeping, and the behaviour is more non-linear with lower yield stress and more ductile behaviour. This is helpful in that the original brittleness problem of the oriented fibre material is solved. Nakagaito et al previously showed an increased ductility in microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) sheets mercerised by sheet steeping. This effect was also observed in composites reinforced with mercerised MFC or wood pulp sheets (Nakagaito and Yano 2008). Although the experimental conditions were different Gomes et al. reported a doubling in strain to failure from 4% to ~9% for individual curaua fibres treated for 2 h with 15% NaOH solution (Gomes et al. 2004). However, we do not observe this increased ductility in sheets prepared from the mercerised pulp (see Table 4). Possibly, the poorly bonded fibre network (low density and low strength) results in poor interfibre stress transfer; thus, any gain in ductility of the fibres is not reflected in the sheet behaviour.
We next used sheet steeping samples to explore the possibility of further improving mechanical performance by using a continuous hot press (105 °C, ~5.5 MPa) available as an industrial process. In our test with cold alkali treated sheets, no significant effect was observed. The mercerised sheets, however, showed substantial increase in strength (108 vs 74 MPa), modulus (dramatic increase: 7.1GPa vs 2.1GPa) and strain to failure (5.3% vs 3.7%) accompanied by only a slight increase in density and fibre volume fraction, see CII-1-SS/HP in Table 4. The increase in modulus is remarkable, becoming more than 3 times higher than non-densified sheets, although the density is only mariginally increased. The most likely explanation is improved interfibre bonding from hot-pressing.
Sheet steeping potential
Collectively our results show that the sheet steeping protocol allows physical and chemical modification of fibres without sacrificing good network properties such as density and fibre orientation. The sheet steeping protocol allows for increased fibre orientation and density (fibre volume fraction) in the sheet compared with pulp steeping based on chemically modified fibres. Higher fibre orientation and density (fibre volume fraction) are important for mechanical performance. The high degree of fibre orientation is because of well-preserved, straight holocellulose fibres that facilitate subsequent fibre alignment. For the pulp steeping protocol in contrast, poor alignment of the chemically treated pulps is due to changes in fibre shape, as treated fibres were observed to be more wavy and curved than untreated holocellulose fibres. For sheet steeping, transformation to cellulose II and extraction of hemicelluloses, at comparable levels to pulp steeping, was achieved while maintaining the network structure. The mercerised sheet steeping material showed increased strain to failure in tensile testing. Rapid hot-pressing of mercerised sheets using a scalable belt-press resulted in much improved Young’s modulus, strength and strain to failure; this is an inspiration for further studies of thermoformed “molded fibre” type of materials.