Mass rearing of A. socialis colony
The process for mass rearing of A. socialis comprises three phases: 1) field production of standard cassava plant material (genotype COL1468) to obtain a regular supply of seed-stakes for host plantlet propagation; 2) screen house host plantlet production (COL1468) for controlled glasshouse infestations; and 3) massive adult whitefly production through rearing in the glasshouse. We developed the method described here, which facilitates the production of an average of 7600 whitefly adults per plant, by adapting previous studies [11].
1.1 Field production of seed-stakes: Every three months, we vertically planted 300 stakes of the genotype COL1468, which tolerates a high whitefly population density, in the field, separating both plants and rows by 1 meter. The optimal length of each seed-stake was approximately 20 cm or 5 axillary buds. We fertilized these plants one month after planting with N:P:K (15:15:15) and during the rest of the growing cycle supplemented them with micronutrients when the plants showed deficiencies (such as iron and zinc). We monitored the plants each week and controlled pests and diseases with pesticides as needed. At eight months, we began harvesting of the planting materials (seed-stakes) for growing plants in the screen house. We immediately interrupted pesticide use to avoid any effect on whitefly colony development.
1.2 Growing of host plantlets in screenhouse: On a weekly basis, we collected one hundred seed-stakes (aged 8 to 10 months) from the field. Thereafter, we planted seed-stakes in 2 L pots containing sterile substrate (1:3 sand to black soil; no clay topsoil) and maintained them in a whitefly-free screenhouse for six weeks (Figure 1A). We applied fertilization 15 days after planting with N:P:K (15:15:15) and watered when needed. Manual control of pests required their continuous monitoring; we avoided the use of agrochemicals for mites, thrips, and other organisms at this stage, as traces of pesticides could significantly affect whitefly development and population reproduction fitness.
1.3 Whitefly colony: We maintained the A. socialis colony permanently in a glasshouse with daily average temperature of 27.5 °C ± 0.1 °C and relative humidity of 66% ± 0.3% (mean ± SEM). We separated the glasshouse into two spaces: i) the infestation chamber and ii) the development chamber. In the infestation chamber (i), we permanently kept two groups of plants: a) infested COL1468 plants with fourth instar nymphs, and b) clean COL1468 plants. Twice a week, we moved 30 six-week-old COL1468 host plantlets from the screen house into the infestation chamber, where we allowed whiteflies to oviposit for 72 to 96 hours (Figure 1B). Immediately thereafter, we introduced another group of 30 six-week-old COL1468 host plantlets to the infestation chamber and shook the previously infested group of plants to remove the adults. We transferred the group of adult-free plants infested with oviposited eggs to the development chamber (ii) (Figure 1C & D).
When A. socialis nymphs reach the fourth instar stage (approximately 30 days after infestation), we water-sprayed each leaf of the plants to remove exuviae, honeydew, sooty mold, and most of the white wax this species produces in their immature stages. This procedure did not disturb the nymph development cycle and allowed leaf by leaf inspection for opportunistic undesirable pests, permitting their manual removal prior to the leaves being placed into the infestation chamber where whitefly adults would emerge. Because adult whiteflies prefer the youngest leaves, we cut the shoot apices of the introduced plants to improve the infestation of the new un-infested plants (Figure 1E & F).
Phenotypic assay to measure cassava defense responses against whitefly infestation
We developed a robust and easy-to-use whitefly infestation assay to assess the relative levels of cassava defense responses (resistance vs susceptible) against whitefly infestation. We designed a full-bench caging free-choice experiment to be performed under practical glasshouse-base condition (hereafter referred to as a glasshouse WFR assay). We evaluated two full-sib cassava families (240 and 198 individuals for each family), segregating for resistance to whitefly in eight infestation trials with 176 replications across four years (2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018). We included 19 cassava genotypes in these experiments as checks, of which 10 genotypes had a known resistance response to A. socialis infestation based on previous studies [12].
We therefore chose high levels of whitefly infestation to standardize the WFR glasshouse assay. Nine genotypes used as checks carried traits of economic importance to the cassava program’s stakeholders, although their resistant response to high whitefly infestation levels were unknown (Table 1). Thus, for the purpose of validating the effectiveness of glasshouse-based assay, we used only the data gathered from the 19 M. esculenta hereafter (Additional file 1).
Table 1. Cassava genotype checks used in bioassays of resistance to whitefly A. socialis, carried out during 2013–2018. WFR: resistant to whitefly; WFS: susceptible to whitefly. CBSD: cassava brown streak disease; CMD: cassava mosaic disease.
Whitefly response and other biotic stress response and author reference
Type of variety, origin
WFS, is host for A. socialis mass rearing [11]
Landrace, Colombia
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Colombia
WFS, is parental of segregant family [12]
Landrace, Colombia
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Ecuador
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Ecuador
WFR, is parental of segregant family [11]
Landrace, Ecuador
WFS [12]
Landrace, Ecuador
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Paraguay
WFS [12]
Landrace, Peru
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Peru
WFR [12]
Landrace, Peru
WFR [12]
Landrace, Peru
WFR [12]
Landrace, Peru
WFR [12]
Landrace, Peru
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Peru
WF response unknown, CBSD resistant [30]
Landrace, Peru
WFR [12]
Landrace, Peru
WFS, is parental of segregant family [31]
African improved variety
WF response unknown, CMD resistant [32]
African improved variety
2.1 Production of clean cassava planting material: We re-propagated eight-week-old in vitro plantlets of the genotypes listed in Table 1 at CIAT´s cassava program tissue culture lab. Once these materials showed four expanded leaves, we transferred them to a screen house for tissue hardening in soil, where they were transplanted into black plastic bags (10 cm W x 15 cm H) filled with sterile soil substrate (1:2 sand: black soil).
2.2 Infestation with A. socialis: Approximately two months after soil transfer, we moved the new cassava plantlets displaying at least five fully expanded leaves to the infestation glasshouse to conduct the WFR assay. Here we placed the plants on a table (18 m L x 3 m W), each separated by 20 cm, with total capacity of 100 plants (Figure 2A). On the experimental table, we placed one COL1468 plant and one ECU72 plant as a susceptible and resistant checks, respectively, and one host plantlet of COL1468 as an infestation control in each replicate. We covered each table with a large white mesh tent (18 m L x 3 m W x 3 m H) to confine the whitefly adults after infestation (Figure 2B). Prior to whitefly infestation, we identified and marked those leaves preferred by A. socialis adults as Leaf-1 and Leaf-2, where Leaf-1 corresponded to the youngest expanding leaf and Leaf-2 to a young fully expanded leaf (Figure 2C & D). We then marked the stem with a permanent ink marker below Leaf-2 to monitor the position of this leaf when whiteflies reached the fourth instar stage. Infestation occurred with the adults perched on six COL1468 plantlets that remained 72 to 96 hours in the infestation chamber of the whitefly colony glasshouse (Figure 2E). We transferred these plants to the infestation glasshouse and shook them above the experimental plants, releasing approximately 22,000 adults.
Seven days after infestation, we transferred the plants to another screen house to facilitate the development of immature whiteflies, simultaneously avoiding unwanted infestations by other undesirable pests. Forty days after infestation, when most nymphs had reached the fourth instar, we marked Leaf-2 on the upper side of the petiole with a permanent ink marker for easy recognition during image capturing. We water-sprayed Leaf-1 and Leaf-2 as described in the whitefly colony methodology (Figure 2F). We collected clean infested leaves, placed them outspread between two reusable paper towels, and stored them at 4 ֯C prior to image acquisition. With this method, we were able to store the leaves for several weeks until the image could be captured.
Image acquisition to develop the Nymphstar plugin
Here we proposed an image-based nymph count scoring system (Nymphstar) to reduce labor and accelerate the data acquisition necessary to assess whitefly infestation levels in planta. Previously published data prioritized high-quality images as a prerequisite for building an image-based whitefly nymph identification tool. To minimize potential shortcomings arising while retrieving meaningful data from each cassava whitefly-infested leaf image, we pre-treated the leaves with 50% ethanol to eliminate undesirable residues such as white wax and honeydew, which may introduce noise into the analysis. This process revealed a high contrast between the characteristic black color of the third and fourth instar nymphs of A. socialis, and the green color of the leaves (Figure 3-1).
To capture the images, we immediately placed each leaf into the ORTech Photo-e-Box Bio using a black fabric that absorbed less light as a background to increase the contrast and favor even lighting of the leaf. We fixed the camera—a 12.3-megapixel regular camera Nikon D300s, with an AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR 40 mm f/2.8G lens—onto a Copy-Stand (Kaiser Reproduction Stand RS1/RA1 5510) at 70 cm from the black background (Figure 3-3). In cases where the leaves were bigger than the available visual field, we divided them into two or three pieces (Figure 3-2). To standardize the image-capture settings, we used the Nikon Control Pro 2 software. We captured the images through the RGB color model (red, green, blue color space) with a resolution of 4228 x 2848 pixels and stored them in JPG format.
Nymphstar: Image analysis for nymph counting and nymph density estimation
We developed the image analysis application Nymphstar in Java language, as a plugin for ImageJ software (National Institute of Health, USA). To phenotype plants with different leaves sizes and morphologies, we analyzed captured leaf images using the application to obtain the total number of nymphs and the leaf area they covered. The Nymphstar plugin operates on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes.
Based on preliminary work [33], we designed the Nymphstar application for image analysis to follow three main steps; we illustrate an overview of the Image processing flow of Nymphstar in Figure 4.
(1) Pre-processing comprised performing operations on the images to suppress undesired objects that distort nymph detection; the first step was noise reduction of the original image with a Gaussian blur filter [34,35]. We accomplished this specific step with a machine learning technique called Bayesian learning, using color as the training feature.
(2) Processing comprised application of different methods to extract the desired information from the image, according to [29]. We used the image sharpening filter “Unsharp Mask” to generate a smooth effect and loss of edges [36]. To remove undesirable objects on the produced image, we used the ImageJ plugin “Analyze Particles” [37]. It may be difficult to count nymphs crowded on leaves with high infestation without losing some data during the process. In order to account for each individual nymph within the cluster, we used the “Watershed Segmentation” plugin of ImageJ as described before [38].
(3) Post-processing comprised the analysis and interpretation of the extracted nymph data. We carried out nymph quantification by applying the Euler number implemented in the MorphoLibJ package of imageJ [39].
Accuracy and efficiency test of Nymphstar
We tested the data accuracy and image processing speed of Nymphstar against those of manual counting of ground-truth images. We randomly selected 2% of the total images obtained from the 19 M. esculenta checks evaluated and classified them into one of three infestation levels adapted from the population scale of six levels proposed by previous studies [11].
An expert entomologist, a person with an intermediate level of experience in nymph counting, and a beginner performed manual counting using the selected images taken with the protocol of image acquisition and quantified the nymphs by visual inspections on the computer screen using a digital counter to mark and count the number of nymphs. For manual counting, the time was registered with a digital stopwatch recording the time per picture, while for digital counting, running Nymphstar on a computer with an Intel Core I7-7500U processor with a speed of 2.7 GHz and 16 GB of RAM, we estimated the time from the creation time (hh:mm:ss) of each image recorded in file properties.
Finally, we contrasted the original images with the output images produced by Nymphstar to verify the segmentation between background, leaf, and nymphs.
Statistical analysis
We performed statistical analysis using SAS software 9.3 for Linux with the PROC GLM procedure. We estimated the effect of whitefly (A. socialis) infestation on 19 cassava clones (Table 1) by averaging the number of nymphs found in leaves 1 and 2 per plant, obtained from Nymphstar, across the experiments performed in 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018 for mean nymph numbers and in 2017 and 2018 for percentage of area occupied by nymphs. Our preliminary descriptive analysis of the data showed that the distribution of the nymph variable corresponded to a negative binomial distribution; we therefore used a generalized linear model for this type of distribution, for nymph numbers per leaf, before establishing differences between means of genotypes using independent-samples t-tests (LSD). We regarded P < 0.0001 as significant in detecting statistical differences. We used the same model and test of comparison of means to evaluate the percentage of areas occupied by the insects but adjusting the model to a binomial distribution for this type of data. For the accuracy test of Nymphstar, concordance correlation method was used to evaluate the agreement between manual counting (Expert, intermediate and beginner evaluators) versus Nymphstar plugin counting. The epiR R package was employed to calculate the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and the respective confidence interval at 95%. Bias was determinate for each pair of comparison by computing the average difference of both measurements. Correlation and Bland-Altman plots were produced using ggplot2 R package.