This method is based on the conversion of contemporary weather notes into quantitative values. The unbroken and accurate descriptions that Morgagni reported in his Logs can be transformed into quantitative values, using for calibration the observed amounts in the Poleni record over the 24-year common period. Calibration is a challenging item, because weather notes depend on the skill and accuracy of the observer, the modality of observation and/or recording, and perception of the weather phenomena.
A difficulty is the exact time correspondence between Poleni and Morgagni observations. Poleni observed at noon, but his rain-gauge recorded over the previous 24 hours. Morgagni observed three times a day, i.e. one hour after sunrise, two after noon, plus a note for the night. However, the sunrise and the sunset changed over the calendar year, in Padua the night is 1/3 of the day at the summer solstice and 2/3 at the winter solstice, and very likely Morgani missed the situation over night when he was sleeping.
The precipitation series by Poleni (instrumental) and Morgagni (visual, but with event classification) are analysed over the common period 1740-1763. The comparison of the frequencies is useful to test the accuracy of the visual observations. Overall, there is very good agreement in the occurrence of the precipitation events according to the two series, with the lowest difference in winter and the highest in summer (Fig. 2). The lower frequency of the Poleni’s series in summer may be explained by the fact that he passed the hottest months in a countryside locality with better climate than Padua, and charged a trained servant to take note of the weather record. Evidently, this person was not very accurate. Finally, it should be considered that several summer months are missing in the Morgagni series.
The analysis of the contemporary precipitation events of the two series allows to calibrate the method, associating to the weather notes reported by Morgagni the daily precipitation amounts measured by Poleni.
Morgagni wrote several (i.e. two or even three) comments a day, often different between them according to the weather variability.
The daily precipitation amount (DPA) is given by the integral of the precipitation intensity (PIN(t)) over time (t), i.e.
$$DPA= {\int }_{{t}_{0}}^{{t}_{fin}}PIN\left(t\right) dt$$
where t0 and tfin are initial and final times of the precipitation event. Poleni measured the daily amounts DPA. Morgagni made an effort to give an accurate evaluation of PIN, using a number of different adjectives and adverbs, including a variety of their combinations, therefore it was not easy to extract classes from them, and sometimes the “label” of the class itself was composed by more than one adjective and/or adverb. Sometimes PIN is represented by the precipitation type, e.g. drizzle, rain, shower. Less clear is the duration, i.e. t0 and tfin. Morgagni often referred to the duration in terms of “long”, “continuously”, “ceaseless”, without specifying the exact number of hours.
Some weather notes include only PIN; some others include some information about the duration. Therefore, it was necessary to adopt two classifications: one for PIN alone, and another for the combination of the two variables, e.g. “continuous little rain” was considered a different class than “little rain”. When duration is missing, that is the majority of the cases, the events characterized by the same intensity are considered within the same class (PIN alone) and supposed to have the same duration. This leads to apparent paradoxes when matching the Morgagni definitions to the Poleni DPA; e.g. a continuous drizzle, defined simply “drizzle” by Morgagni, but lasting over the whole day, could be associated to the same large amount of an intense but short shower, even if a shower belongs to an intensity class greater than drizzle.
In total, 37 classes are recognized (Table.ESM1). To increase the representativeness of the statistical approach, when an original definition is used only a few times, the related events are merged with classes with similar definition, based on slightly different terms, but with the same meaning. Every class is identified with one or two letters. The English translation of the Italian original definitions is only indicative, as it is impossible to find the precise correspondence of the many diminutives, nicknames and terms of endearment, of which the Italian language is extremely prolific.
The most populated class, i.e. 47% of the cases, is “rain” (N), without further specification. Then, the most numerous classes are “light rain” (U) 11% of the total, and “big rain” (G), 6%. According to this result, about a half of the daily amount reconstructed using this method are characterized by the same value, the one associated to class U.
Once each precipitation event is attributed to a specific class, the next step is to associate a quantitative value to each class. Each class is composed of the ensemble of the matched amounts, i.e. those read by Poleni in the days when precipitation events belonging to that class occurred. This establishes for each class a broad and skew distribution, characterized by a specific mode, median and mean. The mode is scarcely representative, being determined by the most frequent precipitation type, i.e. fine and light rains. The mean and the median are better representative to distinguish one class from another, and are represented in (Fig.ESM6).
The results for the three most numerous classes, i.e. “big rain”, “rain” and “light rain”, are shown in Fig. 3 with the indication of the most significant statistical values, i.e. median, mean and mode. The precipitation amounts associated to each class are quite scattered and the mode does not seem to be the best representative of each class. For example, according to the results, the mode of the class “rain” is lower than the mode of the class “light rain”, i.e. in a rainy day the amount of rain collected is lower than in the case of light rain. This is not reliable from an objective point of view, and it can be explained because the information concerning the duration of each event was missing, therefore it is likely that if a light rain lasted for enough time, the daily total amount can be even higher than the amount collected in a rainy day.
Between the mean and the median, the choice may be subjective. In this paper, we assume the latter as representative of each class.
The daily precipitation amounts with the values in the gap reconstructed using all the 37 classes is shown in Figure 4. The result is not fully satisfactory because the method misses the lowest and highest values.