3.1. Characterization of the modified electrocatalyst
Figure 1A shows the SEM images of the SMWZCPE modified electrode which reveals that silver nanoparticles, CNT and zeolite dispersed in a uniform distribution on the graphite paste.
Figure 1B demonstrates well the EDX spectrum of SMWZCPE which approves the existence of C, O, Ag, Al and Si by a good percentage in the formed electrocatalyst. The uniform spreading of the elements along the entire catalyst surface offered an opportunity to improve the active electrochemical surface area and increasing the elecrocatalytic efficiency.
3.2. Electrocatalytic oxidation of propylene glycol
Figure 2 presents the CVs obtained at the bare carbon paste electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 and modified electrode SMWZCPE in 0.5 M H2SO4 with and without 0.5 M propylene glycol at a scan rate of 100 mVs− 1. CV verified at the bare electrode seemed unremarkable indicated catalytic inactivity. However, the CVs of the modified electrode offered a developed electro-catalytic activity towards propylene oxidation. The oxidation of propylene at modified electrode reveals a reversible oxidation peak at 0.7 V and 0.38 V with a peak current ~ 50 times more than the bare one. This indicated that the electro catalytic activity of the modified electrode surface can be improved upon addition of zeolite, silver nanoparticles to the carbon nanotube matrix where a large effective surface area was obtained inducing higher adsorptivity of propylene through active hydroxyl function group to the modified electrode surface.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique is applied to examine the conductivity (catalytic activity) of the modified electrode towards propylene oxidation which is inversely proportional to the impedance. EIS scans distinguished at the peak potential 0.7 V for bare in 0.5 M H2SO4 and SMWZCPE electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 with and without 0.5 M propylene glycol. Figure 3 as Nyquist plots showed a semi-circle links to a charge transfer resistance and a line links to a diffusion process at both high and low frequencies, respectively. The experimental results were fitted with one-time constant model (Fig. 3 inset) including Rs (solution resistance), R1 (charge transfer resistance), W (Warburg impedance linked to diffuesion prcess) and Q1 (constant phase element of capacitance). Constant phase element was attributed to microscopic roughness and surface heterogeneity [39, 40]. Bare electrode show a large semicircle diameter than that of modified SMWZCPE electrode signifing that impedance reduced and conductivity upsurges. These results support well the high oxidation peak current acquired from CVs response for modified SMWZCPE electrode.
The impedance (ZCPE) of a constant phase element is:
ZCPE= [C (jω) α]−1
Where α is an exponent account for surface heterogeneity, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, j is the imaginary number (j = (-1)1/2), ω = 2πf is the angular frequency in rad/s, f is the frequency in Hz = S− 1 [41–43]. The EIS outcomes have confirmed the conclusions drawn from the above cyclic voltammetry experiments. The outcomes of EIS analysis are listed in Table 1.
Table 1
Electrochemical impedance parameters.
R1/ kΩ
Q1/ µF
W/ k Ω cm2 s− 1/2
Rs/ Ω
SMWZCPE/0.5 M prop + 0.5 M H2SO4
The outecomes certified well CV data, where SMWZCPE electrode have the highest current and lowest impedance values.
3.3. Impact of carbon nanotube loading
The loading of CNT into the catalyst ingredients has a substantial influence on the catalytic activity of the modified electerode towards propylene oxidation due to growth of surface area. Figure 4 displays the CVs respone for propylene oxidation on modified electrode SMWZCPE with various loading of CNT (0.01–0.04 mg) in 0.5 M H2SO4 at scan rate of 100 mVs-1. The propylene oxidation is reliant on the loading amount of CNT and anodic peak current increase with the increase in CNT loading in the synthesized electrocatalyst (direct relationship). Also, the onset potential shifts to more negative values for the best performing. As clearly interpreted, the increase in anodic peak currents indicates a corresponding increase in avaliable active sites with higher adsorption extent for hydroxyl group, which required for propylene oxidation [31–33].
3.4 Effect of scan rate
Effect of varying the potential scan rate (ν ranging from 10 to 400 mVs− 1) was performed on modified SMWZCPE electrode in 0.5 M H2SO4 in absence of propylene glycol to confirm the electrochemical activity of the catalyst in aqueous solution (Fig. 5). Increasing the scan rate resulted in higher anodic peak current density and positive shift occurs in the forward peak potential. A linear relationship between the anodic peak current and square root of the scan rate was gotten as shown in the inset of the figure, with the following equation: Ip (µA) = 34.13 + 3.71 ν 1/2 (mVs− 1) (r2 = 0.9766).
The impact of the potential scan rate (ν ranging from 10 to 500 mVs-1) on the electrocatalytic anodic peak current of modified electrode SMWZCPE was also achieved in 0.5 M H2SO4 with 0.5 M propylene glycol and established in (Fig. 6). As the scan rate increase (10–500 mV/s), the oxidation peak current amplified constantly and the peak potential moved positively. The plot of anodic peak current and square root of the scan rate (Inset B) leads to a linear relation: Ip (µA) = 91.22 + 2.77 ν 1/2 (mVs-1) (r2 = 0.9466), which approves that the oxidation process of propylene glycol is diffusion controlled mechanism with some adsorption [44, 45].
3.5 Effect of propylene glycol concentration
The synthesized electrode was applied to distinguish the impact of propylene concentration for fuel cells application. The oxidation of propylene in the range 0.01 to 0.5 mol/ l was considered on this electrode. Figure 7 shows the conduct of this modified electrode for various propylene concentration from 0.01 to 0.5 mol/L by CVs at the scan rate of 50 mV s − 1. The propylene oxidation curves expose that anodic current peaks increase with expanding propylene concentration [46, 47]. This obtained results confirm that our modified electrode SMWZCPE act as effective catalyst for the oxidation of propylene in 0.5 M H2SO4. Figure 7 (inset B) demonstrates a linearity by: Ip (µA) = 23.27 + 218 C (r2 = 0.9956). It's suggested that the above relationship between Ip and [propylene] is owing to a diffusion-controlled mechanism.
3.6 Stability of an electrocatalyst
The stability of an electrocatalyst is an essential and evaluated by chronoamperomety. The chronoamperometric curves were obtained in the solution of 0.5 mol/l H2SO4 containing ( 0.01–0.5 mol/l ) propylene for 20 minutes at constant potential 0.7 V. Figure 8 demonstrate current – time relation for different concentrations of propylene glycol, in the first the modified electrode SMWZCPE reveals continous decay of anodic oxidation current and after ~ 2.5 min reached relatively stable value until the end of experiment (~ 20 mins). This denotes good mechanical and electrocatalytic constancy of the modified electrode toward PG oxidation.
Finally, based on the obtained outcomes its confirm that SMWZCPE modified electrode shows good promises to improve the activity of oxidation reaction of propylene glycol in acidic medium fuel cells.