The draft RSQ, generated from Phases 1 and 2 and subject to quantitative psychometric evaluation in Phase 3, is presented in Table 1. The RSQ is written below an 8th grade reading level (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level = 7.7).
Table 1 Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire
Questionnaire Component
For the following questions, please think about your experiences in the past 30 days.
Item Stem
Over the past 30 days, how often did you experience the following?
Response options
Never (0 days out of the last 30 days)
Rarely (1-5 days)
Occasionally (6-15 days)
Most days (16-29 days)
Every day (all 30 days out of the last 30 days)
Item 1: Morning Cough
Morning cough with phlegm or mucus
Item 2: Cough Frequently
Cough frequently throughout the day
Item 3: Shortness of Breath
My shortness of breath makes it difficult to do normal daily activities such as walking up a flight of stairs or carrying a heavy object
Item 4: Easily Winded
Becoming easily winded during normal daily activities (e.g., doing laundry, carrying groceries)
Item 5: Wheezing
Wheezing or whistling in your chest at times when you are not exercising or doing other physically strenuous daily activities (e.g., while resting)
Table 1 legend: Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire content. The same set of response options are presented with each item. See Administration and Scoring.
Phase 3: Quantitative Psychometric Evaluation
Rating Scale Functioning
Observed category averages and category thresholds derived from the GPCM were ordered as expected (Additional File 1), providing empirical evidence that it requires a higher frequency of respiratory symptoms in order to endorse a more severe response option (e.g., “Every day” vs. “Most days”).
Internal Structure
Results from the parallel analysis revealed one significant factor (eigenvalue = 3.14), providing support for unidimensionality of the RSQ (Additional File 1). This factor accounted for 62.7% of the variance.
Graded Response Model (GRM)
After confirming unidimensionality and ordinality of response options, the GRM was fit in Mplus using the weighted least-squares estimator and theta parameterization. Fit statistics for the initial GRM indicated poor fit of the data to the model (chi-square = 285.086, df =5, p < .001; CFI = 0.963; RMSEA = 0.303; SRMR = 0.085). Due to the conceptual similarity between items, in conjunction with large observed modification indices, the model was re-run allowing for two correlated errors (“Morning Cough” and “Cough Frequently,” and “Shortness of Breath” and “Easily Winded”). This model exhibited acceptable fit (chi-square = 3.056, df = 3, p= 0.383; CFI = 1.000; RMSEA = 0.006; SRMR = 0.005).
The RSQ items’ discrimination parameters were approximately 1 or higher, suggesting that the items were effectively differentiating between respondents with different levels of respiratory symptoms. Item 5 (“Wheezing”) had the highest discrimination value (3.18), indicating that this item contributed the most in estimating respondent’s total RSQ scores. The RSQ items’ discrimination parameters are presented in Table 2, along with the difficulty parameters generated from the GRM.
Table 2 RSQ parameter estimates from the graded response model (GRM)
Item discrimination (SE)
Difficulty parameters
(Never vs. Rarely or higher) (SE)
(Rarely vs. Occasionally or higher) (SE)
(Occasionally vs. Most days or higher) (SE)
(Most days vs. Every day) (SE)
0.714 (0.067)
-0.334 (0.093)
1.010 (0.116)
2.083 (0.187)
3.385 (0.308)
0.971 (0.078)
-0.183 (0.075)
1.032 (0.094)
1.953 (0.146)
2.866 (0.225)
1.121 (0.102)
0.127 (0.068)
0.921 (0.085)
1.599 (0.120)
2.410 (0.181)
1.110 (0.099)
-0.055 (0.069)
0.857 (0.084)
1.595 (0.118)
2.421 (0.176)
3.179 (0.885)
0.337 (0.053)
1.113 (0.072)
1.767 (0.107)
2.282 (0.151)
Table 2 legend: This table shows the parameter estimates (item discrimination values and difficulties) generated from the GRM. SE = standard error of the estimates. See Table 1 for item content.
Test Information and Reliability
The TIF produced from the GRM (Figure 1) indicates that the RSQ most precisely estimates respiratory symptoms from thetas of 0.2 to 2.4. Converting the TIF to a reliability function (Figure 2), we observe that the RSQ exhibits a reliability of 0.80 or higher from thetas of -0.40 to 3.00.
Next, within the context of a classical test theory framework (1) test-retest reliability of the RSQ scores, (2) differences in RSQ scores between study groups as a proxy for the RSQ’s ability to detect change, and (3) convergent validity were evaluated. Given the high correlation between the GRM-derived scoring and the raw scores (r =.94) and the complexities associated with using scoring from a 2-parameter IRT model, it is recommended that researchers use the raw RSQ item scores to calculate a composite (mean). Therefore, raw scores were used for the remaining analyses.
Test-Retest Reliability (Stability)
Test-retest reliability among participants who did not report being sick with a cold or flu-like symptoms at either timepoint (n=128 of the 145 participants in the retest sample) was good (absolute ICC = .89).
Differences Between Study Groups as a Proxy for Ability to Detect Change
As a proxy for detecting change over time, it was anticipated that Smokers’ RSQ scores would be significantly higher than Former Smokers’ scores. Mean RSQ scores for Smokers and Former Smokers were 2.09 (SD=.91) and 1.75 (SD=.85), respectively. Smokers’ RSQ scores were significantly higher than Former Smokers’ scores (t(400) = 3.87, p <.001; d =0.39). Given the observed differences in years smoked between study groups, these analyses were replicated in a linear regression model controlling for years smoked. The adjusted (least squares) means were similar to the unadjusted means (Smoker M= 2.00, Former Smoker M = 1.79), and the groups’ RSQ scores remained significantly different (p = .018). Nonparametric testing with a Mann-Whitney U test, conducted as a sensitivity check, yielded the same conclusions (i.e., p < .001).
Exploratory analysis: Additional differences between study groups. As an exploratory analysis, independent samples t-tests were conducted to evaluate whether there were significant differences between Switchers and (1) Smokers’ and (2) Former Smokers’ RSQ scores. Switchers’ mean RSQ scores were 1.72 (SD=.69). Switchers’ RSQ scores were significantly lower than Smokers’ (t(374.84)= 4.59, p <.001; d = 0.46), and did not differ from Former Smokers’ scores (t(382.44) = 0.34, p = .736; d = 0.03). These conclusions remained when regression models were used to control for the number of years smoked: adjusted (least squares) means were similar to the unadjusted means (Switcher M = 1.76), and the RSQ scores of Smokers and Switchers (p = 0.005) remained significantly different, while the scores of Switchers and Former Smokers did not differ (p = 0.679).
Convergent Validity
As anticipated, higher RSQ scores were related to poorer self-reported health status (rs = .38, p <.001). With respect to known-groups validity, RSQ scores were significantly higher among participants who reported one or more respiratory symptom-relevant diagnoses (M =2.16, SD = .92) compared to those who did not (M=1.58, SD = .64; t(496.07) = 8.86, p <.001, d=.74); similarly, RSQ scores were significantly higher among participants who reported a diagnosis of COPD (M=2.76, SD = .92) when compared to participants who did not (M=1.67, SD = .68; t(126.94) = 11.55, p<.001, d=1.52). Nonparametric testing (Mann-Whitney U test) yielded the same conclusions (i.e., p’s <.001).
Exploratory Analysis: Association Between RSQ and COPD
Results from the linear regression with self-reported COPD and non-COPD diagnoses as the predictors (i.e., asthma, allergies, congestive heart failure, obesity) revealed that these diagnoses accounted for 29.2% of the variance in RSQ scores. After controlling for all other respiratory symptom-related diagnoses, COPD diagnosis was significantly related to RSQ scores (p <.001) and explained 20.6% of the variance. Controlling for age and years smoked did not have a material impact on results with a small increase in the overall variance accounted for by the model (31.1%) and COPD diagnosis was still significantly related to RSQ scores (p <.001) and explained 17.0% of the variance.
Finally, to directly evaluate the relationship of RSQ scores to self-reported COPD diagnosis, a logistic regression was run with COPD diagnosis as the outcome and RSQ scores as univariate predictors. The analysis showed that with every 1-unit increase in mean RSQ scores, the odds of COPD were 4.72 times greater (95% CI = 3.47 - 6.40, p <.001).
Administration and Scoring
See Additional File 1.