3.2.1 Gel vs. rough glass
Wear measurement of hydrogels should be conducted in water for the stability because the gels easily change their volume due to drying. However, when lubrication occurs, the viscous resistance of lubricant also donates to the friction force, and wear is reduced because the contact of gel/substrate is hindered. That makes it difficult to understand the relationship between friction and wear and to judge whether this evaluation method is appropriate. Therefore, we first performed the sliding test in the gel vs rough glass system, in which the gel and the counter substrate are expected to surely form contact due to very fast drainage.
To our best knowledge, the equation for wear of gels has not been developed, we use the wear model of rubber and polymer. From the classical wear model developed by Archard, Schallamach and Tabor, the abrasive wear of the gels was assumed to be described by the friction force \(F\) (Eq. (1)), or the normal load \(N\) for more simple expression (Eq. (2))[25–27].
These are based on the premise that the real contact area \({A}_{\text{r}}\) is proportional to the normal load \(N\). In the classical wear model, the wear amount \(W\) is proportional to the friction force \(F\) or normal load \(N\), and the sliding distance \(l\), as in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), regardless of the material. If it is described by Ratner's wear model for polymer materials[28], \(k={k}_{2}/H\sigma \epsilon\), and \(k\text{'}={k}_{2}\mu /H\sigma \epsilon\). \(H\) is the hardness, \(\sigma\) is the tensile strength, \(\epsilon\) is the breaking elongation, \(\mu\) is the friction coefficient, and \({k}_{2}\) is the constant.
For soft matters including gels, the real contact area is equal to the apparent contact area. When the gel is in contact with the bottom surface of the rough glass substrate, Eq. (1) is expected to describe the result well rather than Eq. (2) because the real contact area \({A}_{\text{r}}\) is not proportional to the load\(N\) anymore.
In Fig. 5, the relationship between friction stress and sliding time, which was measured under the condition that Flat, the gel with a flat surface, slid against the glass substrate with surface roughness, \({R}_{\text{z}}\) = 53 µm, is presented. The friction stress tended to decrease with time, which perfectly follows the decrease in normal force (Fig. S3). Also, the decrease in normal force depends on the volume change caused by the wear loss of gels and not the stress relaxation due to the solvent flow in the gel (Fig. S4).
The results of the wear amount measured by UV spectrometry and TOC are shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6a, the wear amount on the left axis means the amount of PVA polymer released into the lubricant as wear particles. The loss of PVA gel, wear amount divided by the polymer fraction (~14%) in PVA gel, is also shown on the right axis and it refers to the weight of PVA gel. If the polymer fraction of the gel is known, it can be described in both formats, but we discuss wear behavior hereafter using the value of wear amount.
Since the UV spectrometry only measures 1.5 mol% of PVA, which is the un-saponified fraction, and is easily affected by the contamination, TOC is expected to be more reliable. An approximate straight line was drawn (not shown in Fig. 6) for the PVA concentration obtained from the UV spectrometry, and the modified values, denoted as “modified-UV” in Fig. 6, were calculated by setting the intercept to 0. The modified values were similar to those obtained from the TOC measurements. In UV spectrometry, the absorbance at 280 nm was considered to be affected by contamination, such as the adhesive agent or others. The contaminant had the absorbance at the wavelength of 280 nm and molar absorptivity was relatively higher than PVA. However, the amount of contaminant might be so small that it did not affect the TOC results in this measurement system.
It was confirmed that the wear amount increased with the sliding time in both UV and TOC. Especially in TOC, the wear amount changes more moderately as the sliding time is longer. The wear amount was approximately 400–1100 times the volume derived from the surface roughness of the glass; hence, it can be said that abrasive wear occurred when the gel was ground by the rough glass. In this measurement, the indentation depth of the gel was more than approximately 300 µm; hence, the gel was compressed sufficiently compared with the surface roughness of the glass substrate.
In the microscopic image of the sample surface taken immediately after the wear measurement (Fig. 7), it was confirmed that there were obviously more severe annular wear scars with longer test time. This corresponds to the wear amount obtained from the UV spectrum and the TOC measurement. Because rotational sliding friction and wear tests were performed in this work, annular wear scars were generated concentrically from the center of rotation.
To examine the relation of wear amount and friction or normal load in detail, the plot in which the wear amount is on the vertical axis and the product of friction force \(F\) and sliding distance \(l\), calculated as \(Fl={\sum }_{\text{i}}{f}_{\text{i}}\left({t}_{\text{i}}\right)\bullet {\Delta }t\bullet v\), is on the horizontal axis is presented in Fig. 6b. The \({f}_{\text{i}}\left({t}_{\text{i}}\right)\) is the friction force at the sliding time \(t={t}_{\text{i}}\), \({\Delta }t\) is the data acquisition time, and \(v\) is the sliding velocity. In the system where the gel slid against the rough glass, the result was consistent with the classical wear model in which the wear amount is proportional to the product of friction and sliding distance(Eq. (1)). The fact that the results of Flat on rough glass fit well with Eq. (1) means that the friction and wear behavior of this system is as follows:
1. The asperity of the glass substrate makes firm contact with the gel, also the gel is in contact with almost the entire glass surface until it reaches the bottom of the asperity because the gel is sufficiently compressed. Then, the contact area of the gel and the glass substrate with the asperity becomes smaller as the load decreases with the stress relaxation of the gel.
2. Friction is dominated by the resistance of gel/glass, and the viscous resistance of lubricant is small because the system is not lubricated, due to the firm contact of gels and glass asperity.
3. Wear particles are easily released into the lubricant, and the rate of transfer to the glass or the gel itself is small.
Also, the results of the wear amount follow Eq. (2) well, and the plot is presented in Fig. S5.
We would like to claim that the results are consistent with the classical wear model because this method accurately measures the wear particles in the lubricant. In particular, the TOC indicated a remarkable linearity in Fig. 6b, suggesting that the wear amount can be accurately quantified.
The relationship between the surface roughness of the substrate and the specific wear rate is shown in Fig. 8. The specific wear rate is defined as the value at which the weight of the PVA (polymer) contained in the lubricant is divided by the total sliding distance. As shown in Fig. 8a, the specific wear rate increased as the surface roughness of the substrate increased, and the rate of change gradually decreased. It is known that the wear rate is proportional to the surface roughness, and this trend is observed for metals[14], polyethylene[29], and rubber in lubricant[30]. The results shown in Fig. 8a depend on the fact that the volume that can be ground is large because the contact area between the gel and the glass is large as the surface roughness of the substrate increases. The larger the surface roughness, the easier it is for the contact area to change with stress relaxation. Therefore, the specific wear rate changes moderately as the surface roughness gets larger.
The microscopic images taken after the tests (Fig. 8b-f) also show that the sample slid against the substrate with a larger surface roughness was more severely worn. However, the friction stress did not show a clear correlation with the size of the surface roughness on the substrate and the specific wear rate (Figs. S6a and S6b).
3.2.2 Gel vs. flat hydrophobic glass
Next, the results for the hydrophobically treated glass substrate with a flat surface used as the counter substrate of the gel will be described. The schematics of the system are shown in Fig. 9. In this system, two kinds of gels, Flat and Concave, were used. It is predicted that mostly adhesive wear occurs because the substrate with a flat surface was used, unlike the case the rough substrate was used.
The friction stress of Flat was slightly lower than Concave (Fig. 9c). It is predicted that Concave exhibits lower friction than Flat, due to the smaller contact area by the difference in surface geometry, and we have already obtained the results that the friction stress of Concave was lower than that of Flat under the normal pressure of 11 kPa. (The description for this is stated in supporting information for review only. The data is now submitted to the journal, Soft Matter, published from The Royal Society of Chemistry.) The reason for the relatively low friction of Flat under the normal pressure of 28 kPa (Fig. 9c) is considered as follows. When Flat contacts the FDTS-treated hydrophobic substrate, both wetting and dewetting domains are formed by lodging the lubricant water between the gel and the glass substrate[31]. Then, forced wetting occurs during the sliding motion and shows low friction[30, 31]. For Concave, it is difficult for a water film to exist between the gel and the glass substrate due to higher pressure at the flat region than that of Flat, this makes firm contact with gel and glass, and the water inside the dimples may be relatively difficult to contribute to lubrication under 28 kPa of normal pressure; hence, it can be said that the effect of lubrication in the high-velocity region is small. Owing to these effects, the friction of Flat was considered to be relatively low compared with Concave.
The specific wear rate measured in the tests with Flat and Concave sliding against the FDTS-treated glass substrate are displayed in Fig. 10. The results of the gel sliding against the other gel are also shown, but they are described later. The specific wear rates adopted in Fig. 10 are the values calculated from the TOC.
Although friction stress of Flat was slightly lower than that of Concave (Fig. 9c), the specific wear rate of Flat was higher than that of Concave. Since the friction stress does not correspond to the wear amount, it can be seen that the classic wear model cannot be applied to systems with different geometries, Concave and Flat. Wear reduction of Concave is predicted considering its surface geometry, because the contact area of Concave is smaller than that of Flat. However, the real contact area under sliding cannot be easily compared because there are both wetting and dewetting domains for Flat, as mentioned earlier. The contact area or normal pressure may define the wear of the gels, but there is no evidence that the difference in wear amount of Flat and Concave is attributed to these parameters.
Annular wear scars were observed concentrically for Flat, but almost no wear scars were observed for Concave (Fig. 11). From the friction behavior, the microscopic images and the wear evaluation using the lubricant, we predict that the effect of determining the degree of wear is not the contact area or friction, but the ability of the dimples to trap the wear particles into them. The small wear particles generated by the sliding motion are expected to be taken into the dimples, which suppresses further wear of the surface due to the wear particles[32].
3.2.3 Gel-on-gel
Finally, the results on friction and wear when a gel slides against the other gel are discussed. The sliding tests were conducted under three configurations: Flat-on-Flat, Concave-on-Flat, and Concave-on-Concave, using two types of gels, Flat and Concave, which had different surface geometries (Fig. 12a). The sliding velocity dependency of the friction stress is available in the Supporting Information (Fig. S7). We evaluated friction and wear of the gels at the sliding velocity of 0.01 m/s for 7200 seconds, in this work.
Figure 12b displays the sliding time dependence of the friction stress, and Fig. 10 shows the specific wear rate. For these measurement conditions, both the upper and lower gels were worn, as shown in Figs. 12c–h; therefore, the specific wear rate shown in Fig. 10 is the sum of the wear of PVA released from both gels. Comparing the sliding friction, the friction stress was higher in the order of Flat-on-Flat, Concave-on-Flat, and Concave-on-Concave. However, the wear was larger in the reverse order, that is, Concave-on-Concave, Concave-on-Flat, and Flat-on-Flat. In addition, the optical microscope images revealed that there were more severe wear scars on the surface of Flat, but there were few wear scars on the surface of Concave.
The results for Flat-on-Flat shown in Figs. 10 and 12 are counter-intuitive, showing higher friction and more severe wear scars than Concave-on-Flat and Concave-on-Concave, but with very low wear amount. Friction for the configuration of gel-on-gel will be explained as below. The most influential effect for the higher friction of Flat-on-Flat compared with Concave-on-Flat or Concave-on-Concave is predicted to be the high contact ratio because the contact ratio is reduced for the latter two configurations due to the surface dimples of Concave. From the presence of wear scars, it is clear that friction occurs in the condition that the gel is in contact with each other, and the difference in contact area affects the friction. Since they are sliding in a relatively high velocity region, partial lubrication is also expected to occur, and the viscous resistance due to lubrication is also predicted to be higher in Flat-on-Flat than in Concave-on-Flat or Concave-on-Concave, because the water in surface dimples of Concave behaves like a thick lubricating layer, and the viscous resistance does not increase, considering Newton’s law of viscosity.
Regarding the wear, the wear amount of Flat-on-Flat was the smallest among all the combinations, including Flat vs. flat glass, although the friction was highest in gel-on-gel configuration and severe wear scars were generated. This result indicates that, unlike the case of abrasive wear, most of the wear particles are not released into the lubricant, but deform the surface and/or transfer to the upper and lower gels as they grow larger (Fig. 13a). This effect is expected to occur because the gel is flat and soft on both sides, making it easy to contact with each other firmly, and there is no pathway for the particles to be released into the lubricant.
Comparatively, Concave increased the wear amount when the counter substrate was gels, and the wear amount was the highest for Concave-on-Concave. One of the reasons for this result is that the gel is soft and easily deformed, the surface of the gel on one side probably enters the dimples of the gel on the opposite side, and wear is likely to occur at the edges of the dimples. Furthermore, the more effective and plausible reason is as follows: when wear particles are generated on the surface, they are considered to be scraped by the dimple’s edges, and they are moved from the gel surface to the lubricant (Fig. 13b). Scraping with dimples’ edges is expected to release the generated small particles into the lubricant much more efficiently than the case of Flat, therefore, the evaluated wear amount in the lubricant increased. We also predict that the observed wear scars were reduced because the wear particles are less likely to grow large on the gel surface. In particular, the configuration of Concave-on-Concave has the largest number of dimples compared with other configurations, therefore, it is considered to have the largest wear amount and the minimum wear scars due to the scraping effect. The meaning of “scrape” in this paper is that the dimples on Concave merely take the wear particles into them and make the counter surface planar; not that the dimples generate new wear scars on the counter surface. In the case of Concave sliding against a flat glass substrate, fewer wear scars were observed and the wear amount was small compared with the case of Flat gel sliding against the flat glass substrate. In this system, scraping of the counter gel does not occur, and thus the result is appropriate.
Figure 14 shows the similar plot of wear amount vs. the product of the friction force and the sliding distance as shown in Fig. 6b. Unlike the case of abrasive wear using rough glass, this figure shows that it is impossible to predict the concentration of wear particles released into the lubricant from the friction force when the gel has surface dimples or when the gel slides against the gel. Moreover, we have already shown that these results are not predictable from the observed severity of wear scars. In contrast to the classical model, which assumes simple adhesive or abrasive wear, the effects of trapping and scraping of wear particles by surface dimples have a much larger effect on the particle concentration than the magnitude of sliding friction between gel and substrate.