This study is a cross-sectional analysis of the effects of personal and governmental measures across 24 countries on mitigating COVID-19 disease spread. The data used in this study were collected from February 21, 2020, to July 8, 2020, representing 139 days of data for each country. All analysis presented in this paper uses publicly available data. Subsequently, we first present the data and then the model-based analysis.
Key Variables of Interest
Survey data released by the Institute of Global Health Innovation (IGHI) at Imperial College London and YouGov [9] provide reported mask-wearing across multiple countries. The survey covers 26 countries (as of July 8, 2020), with around 21,000 people interviewed each week. Further details about the survey design can be found in Supplement S2.1. We restrict our analysis to 24 countries because two countries – China and Hong Kong – do not have publicly available data on outdoor mobility which we control for in this study. The data present global insights on people’s reported behavior in response to COVID-19. The dataset provides the percentage of population in each country who report wearing a mask in public places. Because these surveys were conducted at an interval of several days, we interpolate (linearly) to estimate the percentage of the population that would wear masks in public spaces for days when the data were unavailable (Fig. 1). We use the significant variation of mask-wearing across countries to measure the association of people reporting mask-wearing and the spread of COVID-19.
Outdoor mobility
Google Community Mobility Reports provide data on relative mobility changes with respect to an internal baseline across multiple categories namely, retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential (Fig. 2). A summary of the community mobility is shown in Table S2 in the Supplement. Apart from the Google Mobility reports, we also utilize mobility data from Apple to test the robustness of the model to different measures of mobility. We note that neither Google nor Apple provides absolute measures of mobility, but rather present relative changes with respect to benchmarks they use internally. Finally, drops in mobility could be driven by both individual actions (e.g., cautious behavior) as well as institutional actions due to NPIs enacted by governments. To control for mobility declines due to institutional actions, we also include country-specific interventions enacted both nationally and provincially.
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Governments across the 24 countries enforced different policies to control the spread of COVID-19. Prior research has shown that these policies played a significant role in reducing human to human physical contacts and led to a slowdown in the spread of the disease. However, these policies were implemented at different levels, some nationally, some provincially. We use data from COVID-19 Government Response Event Dataset [1] to control for government policies in estimating the effect of masks. Figure S10 lists the types and counts of national and provincial government policies implemented across the 24 countries we consider in this study. The dataset contains 5,816 entries on policies at the National and Provincial levels. Finally, the inclusion of these interventions helps control for some of the observed drops in mobility that are not necessarily associated with individual actions but by the presence of institutional policies. Detailed information about the interventions are included in the Supplement (Section S2.5).
Because the data span multiple countries and weeks, we include time and country fixed effects in the model. The model controls for country-level heterogeneity using fixed-effects, where the variable for a country assumes a value of one if the data considered are specific to that country, and zero otherwise. This allows for control of country-level characteristics that are not in the model and helps reduce the errors due to omitted variables in our analysis. In addition to country-level differences, we also control for time-based differences (e.g., people are more aware and cautious over time) by incorporating time-fixed effects, where the variable Weekt takes a value of 1 if the data are from week ‘t’ (where t = 1 represents the first week for a given country in the data). In addition, we control for each country’s testing capability (Fig. 3a) by accounting for the total number of daily tests in the country. Finally, we also control for actions people take to educate themselves by including the Google Trends (Fig. 3b) data for the search term ‘coronavirus’.
Outcome Variable
Data for the number of active daily cases in each country were obtained from the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health [20]. We use a seven-day moving average of cumulative confirmed cases and cumulative recovered cases to compute daily active cases and daily growth rate. The dataset aggregates this information across multiple national, state, and local health departments within each country. The daily growth rate is then related, through a reduced-form econometric model, to the independent variables described earlier. We describe the derivation in the Supplement (Section S1.1). We illustrate the daily cases and growth rate for one country, Italy, in Fig. 4.
A reduced form econometrics model was used to relate the growth rate of daily active infections to the independent variables described earlier. Similar models have been used by [3] to determine the effect of anti-contagion policies on the spread of COVID-19. In brief, the model assumes that the daily growth rate (ratio of active infections today to active infections the day before) is affected by institutional measures such as NPIs as well as individual measures such as outdoor mobility and mask-wearing. The covariates listed above help control for other factors that could affect growth over time. Because the epidemiological parameters for new diseases such as COVID-19 might not be well understood, reduced form techniques allow for the estimation of the impact of governmental and personal measures to help contain the spread of the virus. To filter out the high variation in growth rates when the number of cases is very low at the beginning of the pandemic, our model initializes when a country reaches 20% of peak new cases as observed by July 8, 2020,. For robustness, we also test other starting times in the Supplement and find results in line with the ones presented here. The Supplement also provides further details about the methodological approach and model formulation used in this paper.
We provide some brief notes on the operationalization of the independent variables and the model initialization below:
Responses to the survey about mask-wearing are subject to biases. For example, individuals might overestimate the efficacy of their mask or their wearing pattern. To alleviate some of these concerns, we compute the natural log of the mask-wearing variable to discount its impact on the growth rate of daily active cases. This transformation yields a curve that grows at a slower rate as the values of mask-wearing increase, thereby diminishing the impact of higher levels of mask-wearing. We also test for other functional forms (square-root and linear) and present those results in the Supplement (Table S7).
Due to the high correlation across the different mobility data categories obtained from Google, we only include Mobility: Parks and Mobility: Transit Stations in the model. Because we are interested in determining the impact of mobility in general, the two mobility variables suffice in capturing the individual’s movement patterns during this time. In Supplement S3.4, we present results including other types of mobility and also run the model with Apple Mobility data in the place of Google Mobility Reports.
The CoronaNet dataset from [1] collected information on all the government policies introduced by different countries across the world. They categorized the policies into 19 different policy-types. We use their categorization in the model. From February 21, 2020 to July 8, 2020, we check if a policy p was implemented in a country j on day t. If the policy was implemented, we assign a value of 1 to \({s}_{j,t,p}\), where s represents the level of policy coverage. If the policy was introduced at a provincial level, we normalize \({s}_{j,t,p}\) by the population of the state. Because several policies were introduced at the same time or close together, they too suffered from collinearity issues. To minimize multicollinearity issues, we choose only a specific set of policies to include in the analysis. The Supplement (Section S2.5) discusses this selection mechanism.
Due to uncertainty of the lag in COVID-19 incidences and the difficulties in detection during the early days of the disease [21], similar to prior research we tested the focal model across multiple lag periods (shift) from zero to 14 days and for different initialization thresholds (th) for each country (zero percent to 20% of a country’s peak daily cases by July 08, 2020). We chose the best shift and th values using a k-fold cross-validation process (k = 5). The chosen model had the highest maximum likelihood estimate of the data as well as the lowest prediction error. We discuss this procedure in the Supplement (Section S4.1). The results presented in the next section correspond to a model with a shift of nine days and a th of 20% of peak new cases by July 12, 2020. Finally, the model was estimated on 1,422 observations across 24 countries. We restrict our analysis to the first 60 days after model initialization based on \(th\). However, we test the robustness of the findings for other lengths of data. This allows for greater variation in mask usage within the data.
In the next section, we describe our results and their policy implications.