Table 1. Overview of included studies
Population (people with dementia/carers/ sample size)
Qual: themes generated
Quant: outcomes
Time period of data collection
Azevedo et al.
Argentina, Brazil, Chile
321 family carers of people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Care Burden, Mental health, Behaviour
Quantitative cross-sectional study
Questionnaires were applied via telephone - age, sex, education level, socioeconomic status (through appropriate instruments for each
Country), kinship, medical diagnosis, and severity of dementia.
Individuals with dementia felt sadder and had increased anxiety symptoms. Compulsive-obsessive behaviour, hallucinations, increased forgetfulness, altered appetite, and increased difficulty in activities of daily living were reported more frequently. Carers reported feeling more tired and overwhelmed.
May to July 2020
Borelli et al.
58 people and carers (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, mental health, cognition
Quantitative cross-sectional study
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q), Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Beck Depression (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI).
Cognitive decline was shown, as well as behavioural symptoms especially apathy/depression and functional decline. Increased carers’ psychological distress.
May 2020 to July
Borg et al. 2021
398 carers accompanying a people with dementia living at home (HC) and 159 accompanying a people with dementia living in a nursing home (NHC) (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden,
Mental health
Quantitative cross-sectional study
Online survey - Anxiety was assessed with the GAD-7 scale, Depressive symptoms were assessed with the CES-D scale, caregiver’s burden was assessed using the validated short version of the Zarit Burden Interview, and level of self-rated stress was assessed with a visual analog scale ranging from 0 (no stress at all) to
10 (highest stress you can imagine).
Half of the carers exhibited poor mental health, including depression, anxiety, or self-reported stress. 126 PWD (34%) went to day care facilities before lockdown, this type of professional support was totally suspended during the lockdown.
Community and care homes
17th March – 11th May 2020
Borges-Machado et al.
36 carers (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, mental health
Survey - Barthel Index (BI), The NPI 30 was used to analyse the BPSD, CarerQol was used to address Carer-
Qol-7D, and CarerQol-VAS.
Increased caregiving burden and a decline in their well-being. People with dementia decreased their volume of physical activity, and conversely increased their sitting time, decreased well-being.
November 2019 – June 2020
Boutoleau-Bretonnière et al. (2 papers)
38 carers (about people with Alzheimer’s disease and carers)
38 behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (Bvftd) and
38 Alzheimer disease (AD) carers (about carers)
Cognition, Mental Health, care burden
Behaviour, Care burden
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire.
Standardised surveys,
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)
Only 10 had neuropsychiatric changes. Confinement seems to impact neuropsychiatric symptomatology in people with AD with low baseline cognitive function. The duration of confinement significantly correlated with both the severity of their neuropsychiatric symptoms, as well as with the distress experienced by their carers.
Bvftd carers - increased burden regardless of behavioural changes. AD carers -increased burden related to changes in people with AD neuropsychiatric symptoms.
26th March - 9th May 2020
Cagnin et al.
87 Memory centres, 4,913 family carers (about people with dementia on regular clinical follow-up)
Mental Health,
Carer burden,
Cognition, Behaviour
Quantitative, observational sub-study nested in a larger multicentre
Nation-wide survey
Nation-wide survey - regarding people with dementia’ and carers’ modifications of dementia-related symptoms after beginning of quarantine and clinical data on previous physical independence and awareness of current pandemic.
Quarantine induces a rapid increase Behavioural and psychological symptom (60%) and stress-related symptoms of carers (two-thirds).
14th – 24th April 2020
Capozzo et al.
32 people with dementia and Carers (about people with dementia)
Mental health, behaviour
Quantitative population-based study
Structured questionnaire: Clinical Dementia Rating Scale–frontotemporal dementia (CDR-FTD), the Behaviour and Language items.
Significant worsening of clinical picture and quality of life since the start of social distancing, significant worsening of behaviour and language functions.
10 April and 30 April
Carlos et al.
204 participants were interviewed: 166 (81.4%) Abbiategrasso Brain Bank (ABB) donors and 38 (18.6%) Memory Clinic patient (about people with dementia)
Mental health
Quantitative, cross-sectional telephone-based survey
Medical records,
DSM-5 criteria, CDR scale, self-devised a Structure Questionnaire, GDS-5 scale.
Unable to adapt and suffered from depression and cognitive complaints.
9th April 2020 – 4th May 2020
Carpinelli Mazzi et al.
239 carers of people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Access to care, Mental health,
Care burden
Telephone survey: Italian versions of Zung’s depression and anxiety assessment
Scales (ZDAAS), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), The ZBI (Zarit Burden Interview).
people with dementia were deprived of care services and time of isolation had a significant negative effect on anxiety and depression in carers.
Cohen et al.
119 family carers of persons with AD or related dementia
Living at home (about people with dementia and carers)
Behaviour, mental health, health
Questionnaire survey: designed a visual analog scale to study the burden of care that
family members or paid caregivers experienced before and during the epidemic, demographics of family members, paid caregivers, and dementia subjects
Increased anxiety (43% of the sample), insomnia (28% of the subjects), depression (29%), worsening gait disturbance (41%), and increase use of psychotropics to control behavioural symptoms. Social isolation, lack of outpatient rehabilitation services, and increased stress of family carers
Cohen et al.
80 family carers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease (about people with dementia and carers)
Mental health, care burden, access to care
Questionnaire survey: Items included demographic characteristics of
both subjects with dementia and family members
and problems of management, rehabilitation, and
care that subjects experienced during the first 4 weeks of the coronavirus quarantine in our setting, anxiety, burnout and stress
that a family caregiver experienced.
Increased stress caregiver, half of the subjects with dementia experienced increased anxiety and that most family members discontinued all sort of cognitive and physical therapies
April 2020
El Haj et al.
72 participants (about people with AD)
Mental health
Invited the carers to rate the severity of depression of people with dementia using a four-point scale.
Increased depression in the people with dementia during the lockdown.
Retirement homes
12th May – 27th November 2020
El Haj et al. 2020
58 Participants (about people with Alzheimer's disease)
Mental health
On-site carers instructed participants to assess their depression and anxiety with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
Participants reported higher depression and anxiety during than before the Covid-19 crisis.
Retirement homes
Gan et al.
205 people with dementia (about people with dementia)
A descriptive and retrospective study based on medical
Demography, medical history, and neuropsychological
evaluation that included the C-MMSE), MoCA, activities of daily living, the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and the
etiological data at baseline and follow-up were reviewed. The
Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) was used to assess the severity of CI as 0.5, 1.0 (mild), 2.0 (moderate), or 3.0 (severe).
Confinement might ease the cognitive and neuropsychiatric deterioration of people with AD compared to those not in crisis and help prevent RCD in people with AD.
1 April and 30 November 2020
Giebel et al. 2021
14 unpaid carers, 7 people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Service usage
Qualitative interviews
Co-produced questions about inequalities in accessing post-diagnostic care
4 themes:
(1) Getting the ball rolling: the process of diagnosis; (2) Balancing the support needs of people with dementia and carers; (3) Barriers to accessing support; and (4) Facilitators to accessing support.
January – March 2020
Giebel et al. 2021 (2 papers)
569 participants, 61 people
with dementia, 285 unpaid carers, and 223 older adults (about people with dementia and carers)
Mental wellbeing,
Service usage
Quantitative 3-time point survey
Co-produced survey on service usage, General Health Questionnaire, Short version of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire
Social support service use significantly reduced since pandemic;
Higher variations in service usage linked to increased levels of anxiety in people with dementia, and lower levels of mental well-being in unpaid carers.
April – August 2020
Giebel et al. 2021/ Hanna et al. 2021, 2022 (5 papers)
50 baseline participants (42 unpaid carers, 8 people with dementia), 20 follow-up interviews (16 unpaid carers, 4 people with dementia) (about people with dementia and carers)
Service usage, Cognition,
Everyday functioning,
Mental wellbeing
Qualitative interviews
Co-produced questions about service usage before and since the pandemic
People with dementia were reported to deteriorate faster, struggled accessing social support services, and experienced difficulties deciding about whether to receive paid home care. Inequalities in accessing care noted. Mental health issues noted for people with dementia and unpaid carers.
April – July 2020
Helvaci Yilmaz et al.
54 individuals diagnosed with AD and carers (about people with dementia and carers)
Caregiver burden, cognition, mental health
AD worsening symptom was forgetfulness and agitation. The carers thought that something terrible would happen to the patient and felt they could not find time for themselves. Drug rejection increased the burden twofold.
April 1st-May 30rd 2020
Lara et al. 2020
40 with Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (about people with dementia)
Mental health
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory and euroqol-5D questionnaire.
Worsening of neuropsychiatric symptoms – agitation, apathy and aberrant motor activity being the most affect symptoms.
2 months
Manini et al. 2021
94 carers (about people with dementia)
Mental health
A telephone-based questionnaire developed by authors- patient’s clinical data, living arrangements, and access to day care services, living arrangements and lifestyle habits due to lockdown measures; access to outdoor spaces, access to emergency care.
Apathy, irritability, agitation, aggression and depression were the most common symptoms by people with dementia.
30th April - 8th June 2020 and follow up 9th March – 15th May 2020
Ng et al.
50 people with
Mild FTD and 50 people with mild AD dementia (both)
Access to care, behaviour
Phone based survey - to identify major themes of particular concern to patient–
Caregiver dyads of FTD.
Preliminary findings demonstrate that people with FTD have significant worsening in behaviour and social cognition, as well as suffer greater negative consequences from disruption to healthcare services compared to people with AD.
Panerai et al.
Carers of people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, cognition, mental health
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q) and the Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI)
Increased risk for burning out of carers, Neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with dementia significantly increased as well.
April 14th and May 16th 2020
Paolini et al.
38 older adults with mild/moderate dementia (about people with dementia)
Mental health, cognition
Two questionnaires, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the FLEI Mental Ability Questionnaire (FLEI)
Cognitive functioning worsened during lockdown and experienced stress (S) during the first wave of lockdown.
March to May
Pongan et al.
Carers of people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, behaviour,
Mental health
Cross-sectional online survey, The Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES), the GAD-7 scale (The General Anxiety Disorder-7), The CES-D scale (Center for Epidemiologic Studies-
Impact on behavioural disorders in people with dementia and these disorders are associated with poorer mental health of carers.
15th April – 15th June 2020
Rainero et al.
97 dementia centres, 4913 people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, health
Survey, Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
Carers reported a high increase in anxiety, depression, and distress. Acute worsening of clinical symptoms in people with dementia
April 2020
Rajagopalan et al.
104 dementia and their carers (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, behaviour, mental health
Mixed method
Validated instruments and a semi-structured interview guide
Worsening of behaviour, problems in accessing care, disruptions in functional activities and struggles in enforcing infection prevention contributing to caregiver distress.
15 May and 25 June 2020.
Rising et al.
25 people with dementia and Caregiver (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, cognition, mental health
Semi-structured interviews
Four themes emerging: disruption of socialization, fear and risk mitigation, coping strategies, and caregiver burden
Talbot; Briggs
19 people with dementia (about people with dementia)
Cognition, Mental health
Semi-structured interviews
Generated five themes: the forgotten person with dementia, confusion over government guidance, deterioration of cognitive function, loss of meaning and social isolation, safety of the lockdown bubble.
June – July 2020
Tam et al.
498 participants carers and people with dementia (about people with dementia and carers)
Care burden, health services, mental health
Survey - themes: 1) information and resource needs, 2) caring for someone living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (specific to care partner surveys),
3) mental health and well-being needs, 4) the use of technology for social connection during the pandemic.
Reported several serious concerns, inability to visit the person that they care for in long-term or palliative care. Reported that the pandemic increased their levels of stress overall and that they felt lonelier and more isolated than they did before the pandemic.
June 8, 2020, and August 19, 2020.
Tsapanou et al.
339 carers (about carers and people with dementia)
Carer burden
Mental health
Quantitative, Exploratory sequential mixed-methods design – Quantitative
Online questionnaire was created regarding both changes of the patient they take care of, and changes to their own burden
Significant decline, both in an overall aspect of the people with dementia, and in specific domains (mostly communication and mood). Carers -significantly increased physical and psychological burden
November 2020 – April 2021
Tuijt et al. (2 papers)
30 people living with dementia, 31
Family carer (about people with dementia and carers)
Cognition, care burden
Access to care
Interviews were semi structured
Semi-structured interviews
1) awareness of restrictions, 2) restructuring caring relationships to manage covid-19 risk, 3) protective factors, 4) the psychological and cognitive impact of restrictions, and 5) the importance of social engagement.
Three main themes were derived relating to: proactive care at the onset of covid-19 restrictions; avoidance of healthcare settings and services; and difficulties with remote healthcare encounters.
May - August
West et al.
15 participants (people with dementia and
Health, access to care, Mental health, care burden
Semi structured qualitative
8 key themes, with subthemes: Fear and anxiety, food and eating (encompassing food
Shopping and eating patterns), isolation and identity,
Community and social relationships, adapting to covid-19, social isolation and support structures, and medical interactions.