3.1. Fresh stage properties
The results of fresh stage properties of SCGC mixes are summarised in Table 5. An enhancement in flowability, passing ability and viscosity was noticed when CSA were used in SCGC. The range of slump was observed as 675 - 735 mm for SCGC mixes. As mentioned above, CSA have a glassy nature (Mavroulidou 2017a), which enhanced the flowability and increased the workability of SCGC mixes. The highest slump was identified for Mix 60CSA-SCGC (735 mm), while the lowest slump was for Mix 0CSA-SCGC (675 mm). Meanwhile, T500 slump flow and V-funnel time reduced with the increment of CSA in SCGC. CSA have low water absorption (0.42%), which led to a reduced T500 slump because of the release of excess water, which formed a non-homogeneous mix with a higher probability for bleeding and segregation.
For the control mix (0CSA-SCGC), V-funnel time was 7.48 s, and it decreased when the CSA content increased. A reduction of 34.2% was observed for Mix 60CSA-SCGC compared to the control mix. The cause for this phenomenon was the lower viscosity of SCGC mixes when CSA were added. Viscosity influences the consistency and causes variation in the flowing time, a mix with low viscosity can flow easily. Based on the slump flow, the mixes were classified under category SF2 (slump flow class); while they were in category VF1 (viscosity class) on the basis of V-funnel time (The European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete Specification, Production and Use “The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete” 2005). The range of passing ratios for SCGC mixes was 0.78 - 0.98, indicating that the CSA substitution enhanced the passing ability of SCGC mixes.
The U-box values varied between 15 - 20 mm, which further confirmed the increase in the passing ability of SCGC mixes, as also reported in the previous study (Gupta and Siddique 2020b). For Mix 0CSA-SCGC, the difference in filling height was 20 mm; it decreased to 15 mm for Mixes 20CSA-SCGC and 40CSA-SCGC. For Mix 60CSA-SCGC, an increase in filling height difference was noticed (18 mm). As CSA particles were heavy, they settled easily at the bottom of the U-box and increased the filling height. Also, for mixes with more than 40% CSA, chances of segregation and bleeding were higher due to the glassy nature and low water absorption of CSA particles.
The sieve aggregation ratio fluctuated from 3.65 - 11.75 when the CSA content increased from 0 to 60%. All values recorded were lower than 15%, which lies within the acceptable range according to (The European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete Specification, Production and Use “The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete” 2005). The combined action of FA, UFS, and the filler action of CSA were responsible for the enhancement in properties in the fresh stage since they provided a binder effect, thus forming a more homogeneous mix, as also evident from Fig. 7. FA and UFS as binders significantly support the matrix development by filling up the matrix pores and creating a compact matrix. Therefore, it can be concluded that the CSA substitution up to 60% has no adverse effect on the fresh properties of SCGC, and satisfactory properties can be attained.
Table 5: Properties of fresh SCGC.
Slump (mm)
T500 slump flow (s)
V-funnel (s)
Passing ratio
U-box (mm)
Sieve segregation ratio (%)
3.2. Hardened stage properties
3.2.1. Compressive strength
The compression tests were performed at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 365 days, and the results are shown in Fig. 2. An increase in the compressive strength was observed with 20% CSA substitution. The 28-days compressive strength of the control mix was 34.38 MPa, and it increased to 37.42 MPa for Mix 20CSA-SCGC. However, when the CSA content increased beyond 20%, the trend reversed, and the compressive strength decreased. The lowest value was recorded for Mix 60CSA-SCGC (33.10 MPa).
Similar to conventional concrete, the compressive strength increased with age. Yet, the extent was insignificant beyond 90 days (only 2 - 7% increment was identified at 365 days with respect to 90 days). The 90-day compressive strength was in the range of 41 - 46 MPa, while the 365-day compressive strength varied between 44 - 48 MPa. The largest increase was recorded between the age of 7 to 28 days (58 - 86%). At all curing ages, the lowest compressive strength was observed for Mix 60CSA-SCGC, while the highest compressive strength was achieved by Mix 20CSA-SCGC. It is interesting to note that, even at 60% CSA substitution, the compressive strength remained marginally higher than the control mix. This implies that up to 60% CSA substitution, there is no detrimental effect on the compressive strength of concrete.
The increase in compressive strength can be explained by the binder action of UFS and interlocking effect of CSA (Al-Jabri et al. 2011), which resulted in the formation of additional Ca products, acting as fillers to create a denser microstructure and thus increased the compressive strength of SCGC mixes. Furthermore, the ultrafine size of the UFS particles, again acting as a filler and leading to the generation of Ca -based products, reduced the chances of air penetration into SCGC, which could decrease the mix density and weaken the matrix structure.
The decrease in the compressive strength beyond 20% CSA substitution, on the other hand, can be attributed to inadvertent excess water in SCGC due to the presence of CSA, which has very poor water absorption (0.48%). The excess water increased the water to cement ratio of the mix and decreased the stability of the SCGC matrix due to a higher risk of bleeding and segregation, which eventually led to the strength decrease. One possible solution is to reduce the water-cement ratio for mix with higher CSA content, as CSA absorbs less free water in the mix. This could potentially create a mix with a similar slump yet possessing compressive strength similar to or higher than the reference mix.
The above observations generally agreed with previous studies. An enhancement in the compressive strength was noticed for FA-based GPC produced using CSA by Mahendran and Arunachelam (Mahendran and Arunachelam 2016). With 100% CSA substitution, the compressive strength of 40.7 MPa was obtained under ambient curing. However, the highest compressive strength was obtained at 60% substitution. Also, higher strength was obtained, when CSA content was increased in GPC, and the lowest strength was noticed for the control mix (30.08 MPa). The variation in the results, when compared to the current study, can be attributed to the difference in the interaction between different GPC ingredients. The testing conditions also varied and thus resulted in different interactions based on the ingredients, proportions, temperature and humidity conditions due to the lack of standard provisions for GPC (Imtiaz et al., 2020).
On the other hand, the effects of NaOH concentration and CSA substitution on the properties of GPC were studied by Rathanasalam et al. (Rathanasalam et al. 2020). CSA were used as a complete substitution of sand with NaOH solution of 10, 12 and 14M. Higher compressive strength was obtained when CSA were used in place of sand. An increase of 12.35% in 3-day compressive strength by GPC mix produced using 12M NaOH solution and 15% slag was achieved, in comparison with compressive strength of the reference mix. Merinkline et al. (Hanio Merinkline et al., 2013) also noticed an overall improvement in the compressive strength of concrete (6.36% increase in 28-day strength) when sand was replaced with CSA. The findings of the previous studies generally aligned well with the results of the current study, with only minor variation due to different interactions between different constituents.
3.2.2. Water absorption
The water absorption test measures the amount of water absorbed by SCGC mixes as well as the volume of permeable voids in SCGC, which is a crucial durability parameter. Fig. 3 depicts the experimental results of the water absorption experiments. In general, the water absorption of concrete decreased with age as the microstructure and properties of the SCGC matrix improved.
At 28th day, the water absorption was in the range of 6 - 8%. The lowest water absorption was noticed for Mix 20CSA-SCGC, while the highest water absorption was observed for the control mix. This trend was observed at all ages. At 365th day, the lowest water absorption was 5.08%, while the highest water absorption was 5.83%, indicating a reduction of the water absorption. When the CSA content increased from 0 to 20%, the water absorption decreased (11 - 13% for various ages), while with further substitution, a reverse trend was observed. The highest decrease in water absorption was 12.58%, occurring at the age of 28 days with respect to water absorption at 7 days. The decrease can be related to pore reduction due to enhancement in the microstructure because of binding properties imparted by FA, UFS and CSA (provided interlocking effect as can be seen from Fig. 7). However, the free water content in SCGC increased with further substitution of CSA due to its low water absorption and glassy surface, which increased the number of voids in the SCGC matrix (refer to Fig. 7 (c)) and thus increased the water absorption. At 60% CSA substitution, the values were similar to the control mix. This trend of the water absorption was similar to that of the compressive strength, and the change of the microstructure was responsible for these two properties.
In addition to water absorption, volume of permeable voids was also obtained, as presented in Fig. 4. The highest permeable voids volume (13.11%) was observed for the control Mix (0CSA-SCGC) at 28 days; it reduced to 11.46% for Mix 20CSA-SCGC. At 90th and 365th days, the lowest values achieved were 10.37 and 8.64% (for Mix 20CSA-SCGC), respectively. These results can also be also related to the compressive strength of SCGC mixes. The denser and compact microstructure for mix with 20% CSA (refer to Fig. 7 (b)) had fewer voids compared to other mixes and, therefore, lower water absorption and volume of permeable voids.
Previous studies also reported similar observations. A reduction in water absorption was observed due to CSA substitution up to 20% was reported by Gupta and Siddique (Gupta and Siddique 2020b). CSA were used at substitution levels of 0 - 40% for sand, and after 20% substitution, an increment of 10% in water absorption was noticed for each consecutive mix. In another study by Al-Jabri et al. (Al-Jabri et al. 2011), the water absorption was found to reduce with the inclusion of CSA in concrete (up to 50% of CSA content); but with further CSA substitution, the value increased. These findings supported the results of the current investigation. However, due to the different interaction mechanisms of various concrete ingredients and mix designs, some variations are expected. Previous studies (Sivaranjani S and Sridhar M, 2019; Un, 2017) have shown that GPC and traditional concrete behaved similarly, it is thus reasonable to compare such concrete based results with the GPC based findings in this study.
3.2.3. Chloride ion resistance
The RCPT values were obtained at the age of 28, 90, and 365 days, and the results are shown in Fig. 5. The range of RCPT values at 28 days was 963 - 1293 Coulombs, with Mix 20CSA-SCGC and Mix 0CSA-SCGC recorded the highest and lowest values, respectively. At 90 days, the values decreased to 590 - 955 Coulombs, which further reduced at 365 days to 394 - 672 Coulombs. At all ages, the lowest RCPT values were observed for Mix 20CSA-SCGC.
When the CSA content increased beyond 20%, the RCPT values started to increase, which indicates a reduction in resistance to chloride ion penetration. The reasons for this decrease are: (1) the combined filling action of UFS and CSA, which reduced the air content in the matrix structure and thus strengthened its microstructure; and (2) the additional binding effect due to UFS and CSA resulted in a denser microstructure. The outcome was a reduction in RCPT values. However, when the CSA content increased beyond 20%, a degradation in the microstructure was expected, leading to an increase in the number of voids. This provided an easy passage for the penetration of chloride ions, which increased the probability of chloride-induced corrosion. Thus, to ensure satisfactory durability performance against chloride attack, the CSA content in SCGC should be limited to 20%. In addition, with an increase in age, chloride ion penetration resistance also increased, as indicated by the decreasing RCPT values. Once again, the improvement in microstructure with age contributed to greater resistance.
Lower RCPT values are critical to ensure durability performance in the longer term, and it also relates to water absorption and compressive strength. A higher RCPT value also indicates a higher water absorption and poor compressive strength. As per ASTM C1202 (ASTM C1202 2012), the RCPT values of Mix 20CSA-SCGC of all ages were classified as ‘very low’, while for mixes with 40% and 60% of CSA, the RCPT values were considered ‘low’ at 28 days and ‘very low’ at 90 and 365 days.
The classification of chloride penetration resistance based on the charge passed was done in accordance with ASTM C1202 (ASTM C1202 2012) guidelines, as shown in Table 6. According to the measured charge passed, the probability of chloride penetration for Mix 20CSA-SCGC fell under the ‘very low’ category (at all ages).
Chloride ion resistance of GPC mixes produced using CSA as a substitution to sand was studied by Sivaranjani and Sridhar (Sivaranjani S and Sridhar M, 2019). The results concluded that CSA substitution reduced the chances of chloride attack and provided satisfactory results from durability’s perspective. Similar results were also reported by Rohith and Elavenil (Rohith et al. 2018). In short, the outcomes of the present study are validated by similar previous studies as mentioned above.
Table 6: Classification of chloride permeability based on total charge passed (ASTM C1202, 2012).
Charge passed (Coulombs)
2000 - 4000
1000 - 2000
100 - 1000
Chloride ion permeability range as per ASTM C1202
Very low
3.2.4. Sorptivity
Sorptivity test was conducted to determine the resistance of GPC against water permeation in the unsaturated state. Factors affecting sorptivity are aggregates characteristics, mix proportion, admixture type and placement method. The results of the sorptivity test are displayed in Fig. 6. In comparison with the control mix, the sorptivity coefficient significantly decreased when 20% of CSA were added as a result of filler action and additional reactions of UFS and CSA. With further substitution, the sorptivity coefficient started to increase again. For the control mix (0CSA-SCGC), sorptivity coefficient at 28 days was 0.0061 mm/sec1/2, which decreased to 0.0049 mm/sec1/2 for Mix 20CSA-SCGC and increased to 0.0059 mm/sec1/2 for Mix 60 CSA-SCGC.
Similar to the previous observations, the sorptivity coefficient decreased with an increase in curing ages due to improved matrix structure, which lowered the chances of water permeation. At 90 days, the sorptivity coefficient was in the range of 0.0039 - 0.0052 mm/sec1/2, while at 365 days, the range was further reduced to 0.0036 - 0.0043 mm/sec1/2. The decrease in the sorptivity coefficient of Mix 20CSA-SCGC at the ages of 28, 90, and 365 days was 19.67, 25, and 16.27% in comparison with the control specimen, respectively. Even at 60% CSA substitution, the sorptivity coefficients remained slightly lower than the control mix.
The reason for the reduction in sorptivity can again be related to the enhancement in the pore structure of SCGC matrix due to the presence of FA, UFS and CSA, which acted as filler materials and additional reaction products (Ca -based). Large and permeable pores were partially filled by additional Ca products produced by UFS and CSA, resulting in smaller and non-permeable pores (Al-Jabri et al. 2011; Jindal et al. 2017). A denser GPC matrix was also formed with increasing age due to further Ca -based products. The results can also be directly related to the results of water absorption.
A reduction in sorptivity was reported by Mathew and Usha (Mathew and Usha 2016) when CSA were incorporated in GPC as a partial substitution to sand. The results of the current study are also consistent with the results of (Gupta and Siddique 2020b). Sand was replaced with CSA at various levels (i.e., 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60%), and the water absorption of specimens was found to decrease up to 20% CSA substitution. Meanwhile, specimens with higher CSA substitution levels (>20%) resulted in higher water absorption with respect to the reference mix. These results are consistent with the present results.