Understanding the emerging warming patterns in the tropical Pacific holds several keys to understanding how the Earth’s climate responds to increasing levels of greenhouse gases 1–4. This is true on interannual timescales, as changes in El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are intrinsically linked to changes in the tropical Pacific mean state 5–7 and on decadal and longer timescales, as slow variations in the strength of Pacific trade winds and ENSO modulation can explain the periods of temporary slowdown of global warming trends 3,8–11 with links to climate sensitivity 12,13. At these different timescales, the tropical Pacific warming modulates atmospheric tropical circulation, rainfall14, and teleconnections to mid-latitudes15,16. Therefore, it is imperative to understand and predict changes in the tropical Pacific (or more generally the Indo-Pacific), yet progress has been hindered by discrepancies between the observed and modelled trends17, diverging theories1, and uncertainties in future projections18. Accordingly, our goal is to investigate these changes and reconcile the lingering discrepancies using a broad array of realistic and idealized warming experiments of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6).
Recent studies demonstrate that Pacific surface winds, sea surface temperature (SST) and sea level pressure (SLP) gradients along the equator have increased over the satellite era 14,19–21. Furthermore, the Indian Ocean has been warming at a faster rate than the Pacific since the 1950s 22,23. Whether these trends are driven by anthropogenic climate change remains under debate. Clement et al.24 proposed a mechanism by which the Pacific SST gradient may increase in response to atmospheric warming, as the surface water in the western Pacific warms faster than the upwelling-cooled water in the east. This effect, dubbed the ‘ocean thermostat’ (OT), has been demonstrated as a transient response in box models 25 and several ocean GCMs 26,27. In the latter case, the OT typically involves a central, rather than eastern Pacific cooling; consequently, the Indo-Pacific temperature contrast increases with a CO2 rise, but the effect eventually reverses after decades to a century 27. The potential importance of inter-basin warming contrasts in driving the Pacific cooling11 is also documented in experiments imposing SST changes in the Indian and Atlantic oceans 9,23,28,29. In addition, off-equatorial wind-evaporative-SST (WES) feedbacks in the Pacific trade wind belts may further contribute to the OT effect and the lack of warming in the tropical central and eastern equatorial Pacific 30.
While the observations have shown a strengthening of the Pacific east-west SST gradient in the satellite era, in future forcing scenarios the majority of GCMs archived in the previous model intercomparison (CMIP5) predicted a weakening of the zonal SST gradient 17,18, associated with the formation of the eastern equatorial Pacific (EP) warming pattern. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this SST gradient weakening, including enhanced evaporative damping over the warm pool 31, increased static stability and slowdown of the ascending branch of the Walker circulation 32, low cloud feedbacks 33 and warming of the extra-tropical regions that provide source water for equatorial upwelling 27,34. However, the robustness of this weakening has been questioned due to the inability of the CMIP5 models to capture the observed tropical Pacific trends 17,35, a large spread in the projected future changes 18, GCM biases in SST and winds along the equator 36,37 and deficiencies in simulated ENSO 38,39
Here we utilize the CMIP6 archive - a new chapter in climate model development, to address these outstanding challenges using an updated and expanded collection of GCMs with new forcing scenarios, which enables a better assessment of both historical and future trends, offering new insights into the drivers of inter-model and observation-model discrepancies in the tropical warming patterns with implications for future projections.
Temporal evolution of the tropical Pacific response to global warming
We investigate the warming pattern in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans across several types of CMIP6 model experiments, from abrupt CO2 increase to realistic scenarios forced by different concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and aerosols. To fully capture the observed and simulated trends 23,27,40, we define the equatorial east-west SST gradient as the surface temperature over the Indo-Pacific warm pool region minus the central-east Pacific temperature (Methods). We will consider the time evolution of this Indo-Pacific gradient in a multi-model mean sense, and in parallel discuss inter-model differences.
All but one model show a long-term weakening of this gradient across the future projections and abrupt CO2-increase experiments (Fig1b-e). However, in the historical full-forcing experiment, the models show no significant trend on average (Fig 1a), albeit with a significant inter-model spread (Fig 1a, also Fig 5). In other words, the long-term changes in the tropical Pacific appear to be disconnected from the historical simulations. Potentially, this delayed response can be caused by two major factors. The first factor is the competition between the ocean thermostat effect and the opposing atmospheric and oceanic mechanisms that act to weaken the Pacific zonal temperature gradient in response to CO2-forcing. The other factor is the effect of aerosol emissions , which can influence the warming patterns in the tropical Pacific 41,42 and delay the expected weakening of the east-west temperature gradient. We will explore these two factors separately, first examining hypothetical CO2-only scenarios, then analyzing realistic full-forcing historical and future Shared Social Pathway (ssp) scenarios with both aerosol and GHG-forcing, and finally analyzing a subset of models wherein we can separate the aerosol and CO2 effects.
Ocean thermostat and EP warming pattern in CO2-forced experiments
Taken together, the CO2-only simulations show a small transient strengthening of the equatorial Pacific temperature gradient lasting about 10 years for the abrupt CO2 experiment, and no initial change over 50 years followed by a delayed weakening for the gradual 1pct forcing (Fig 1d-e). Thus, depending on how abruptly the system is perturbed and the model in question, the long-term weakening response of the zonal temperature gradient can be indeed delayed by a transient strengthening or an initially flat trend in response to CO2-forcing.
To understand these initial (transient) changes and the spread between the models, we separate models based on their initial response in the abrupt CO2-forcing experiments and extract two end-member categories (see the legend of Fig 4). The ocean thermostat category (OT) contains 7 models which are characterized by a strong transient response (above 0.25 K increase in the temperature gradient) for the first 25 years. The eastern equatorial Pacific warming (EP) category contains 13 models that exhibit an immediate weakening of the gradient (below -0.25K) in the first 25 years. The rest of the models fall in between these end-members.
The initial response of the OT category is characterized by cooling anomalies in the central equatorial Pacific as well as south-east Pacific (Fig 2a) and an anomalous pressure gradient between the Indian and Pacific Oceans (Fig 3a). Note that in order to highlight the spatial pattern of temperature change, we subtracted the mean warming signal over the region. The lack of warming in the eastern and central Pacific can be explained by continuous upwelling of cold water that balances the CO2-induced radiative forcing, while the western equatorial Pacific and the Indian ocean, along with the Maritime continent, warm at a faster rate. This sets up an anomalous equatorial Indo-Pacific pressure gradient, strengthening local winds and leading to a transient cooling 26,27 in the central and parts of eastern equatorial Pacific (Fig 2a). The off-equatorial wind-evaporation-SST (WES) feedback 27,30,43 further strengthens the trade winds south of the equator (Fig 3a), contributing to the lack of warming in the central and eastern Pacific.
The surface warming patterns are very different in the EP category, which instead show a broad warming from the eastern to central Pacific (Fig. 2c) and associated low pressure anomalies there (Fig 3c). Such changes are thought to be related to strong low-cloud feedbacks 44,45 in response to the CO2 forcing, causing eastern Pacific marine boundary layer cloud cover to reduce, which in turn increases warming at the ocean surface and weakens the Walker circulation (Fig 3c).
While the two categories of models are vastly different in their initial response, they converge eventually to a warming pattern characterized by an enhanced eastern equatorial warming 45,46, with a sharp meridional contrast especially in the southern hemisphere (Fig 2b and 2d). The magnitude of this pattern is, however, still much weaker in the OT category. The transition from cooling to warming (OT models) or the strengthening of warming (EP models) in the eastern Pacific can be explained by the gradual warming of the upper ocean, which reduces the effect of the ocean thermostat. This allows other competing mechanisms, such as decreased vertical mass flux over the warm pool 32, enhanced evaporative damping in the west, and enhanced extra-tropical warming to become dominant, leading to slowdown of the Walker circulation 27,47. In the EP category, these mechanisms, in addition to the cloud feedbacks, allows for a greater Walker circulation slowdown and a broader equatorial warming.
Thus, the structure, magnitude and the timing of emergence of the Pacific warming pattern are controlled by the competition between the ocean thermostat versus the eastern Pacific warming effects 27,46. The balance between these mechanisms appears to be related in part to mean state differences between the models – on average, the OT models are colder, including the warm pool, and have stronger south-easterly and north-easterly Pacific trade winds than the EP category (Fig S2). Stronger off-equatorial winds favor the WES feedback, strengthening the OT-response, whereas a colder warm pool may reduce evaporative damping, weakening the EP-response.
While most models do exhibit the transient strengthening of the temperature gradient in the first 10 years of the abrupt CO2-increase experiment (Fig 1a), only several show a particularly strong change, exceeding +0.2 K and lasting up to 25 years (Figs 4a and 5a). These latter models have a particularly small magnitude long-term response. On the contrary, models that do not display the transient ocean thermostat have a much stronger long-term EP warming. Overall, initial and long-term changes in the temperature gradient in the abrupt forcing experiments are highly correlated (Fig. 4a). Furthermore, long-term changes in the gradual 1pct simulation are highly correlated with the initial changes in the abrupt experiments by the same models (Fig. 4b). In 1pct experiments, the OT models also show the longest delay (up to 80 years) in weakening of the gradient.
Thus, despite some inter-model spread, the initial response in the abrupt CO2 forcing experiments gives a very good prediction of the strength of the long-term EP warming across hypothetical CO2 scenarios and, as discussed next, it is also a very good predictor for the long-term response in realistic ssp experiments and the trends in historical simulations forced only by CO2.
Full-forcing historical and future projections
Similar to the 1pct CO2-only experiments, realistic ssp scenarios show a high correlation between the long-term response of the zonal temperature gradient and the initial response in the 4xCO2 abrupt experiments (Fig 4e,f). This is the case both for the ssp858 scenarios, in which aerosol emissions decline rapidly, and the ssp730 scenario, which maintains aerosol emissions close to the level of 2000-2010 48. Consequently, in the long-term tropical Pacific response, CO2 and other GHGs dominate over aerosols, and again the characteristics of the initial response in the abrupt 4xCO2 experiments define long-term changes.
In contrast, we find no correlation between historical simulations and the initial response in the abrupt-forcing experiments (Fig. 4d). This could be because in the historical experiments GHG changes are relatively low, compared to abrupt 4xCO2 or 1pct CO2, and hence natural variability dominates the signal 49. However, 4-5 models show a significant ensemble-mean strengthening of the Pacific SST gradient for the recent decades (Fig 5b) that is consistent with observations and yet inconsistent with CO2-only scenarios for the same models. On the contrary, for 14 models with GHG-only historical runs available, the correlation between the simulated historical trends and the initial response in the 4xCO2 experiments is quite high (0.73 versus 0.18 for the full historical forcing, Fig. 4c). In other words, without aerosols, these models would predict trends for the past 60 year – from flat to a substantial gradient weakening – that are consistent with the initial respone in the 4xCO2 experiments. This suggests that aerosol effects can strengthen the SST gradient temporarily or delay its weakening, which, in addition to noise caused by natural variability, causes the correlation between historical simulations and abrupt CO2-only experiments to break down.
Opposing aerosol and GHG effects
To investigate further how aerosols modulate the tropical Pacific response to global warming, we have analyzed a subset of 12 models for which two complementary simulations are available: historical GHG-only and aerosol-only experiments. For these models, we can compare mean changes in surface temperature and pressure patterns in the full-forcing historical simulations to these hypothetical partial-forcing experiments. We focus on the changes since the 1950s where reliable measurements of both the radiative forcing and global temperatures are available.
The full-forcing historical simulations show an enhanced warming over land with stronger warming over the continents at mid to high latitudes but less warming over South Asia. The patterns of change over the ocean are much more muted, with only a hint of warming in the equatorial east Pacific (Fig. 6a). Likewise, while the SLP and wind anomalies show significant changes in the extra-tropical Pacific and the Indian ocean (the latter effect is likely related to aerosol emissions over Asia), the anomalies are small in the equatorial Pacific with only weak signature of westerly wind anomalies in the east. This relatively weak response contrasts the the GHG-only historical simulations, whose multi-model-mean warming pattern looks similar to the EP warming pattern in the 4xCO2 experiments, and is characterized by a clear equatorial warming signal in the eastern and central Pacific and anomalous wind convergence towards a negative SLP anomaly off South America.
In contrast, the aerosol-only model-mean historical simulation shows a clear equatorial cooling signal, albeit of a smaller magnitude. The pattern looks similar to an EP pattern but of opposite sign. Unlike the OT-type response, this cooling is not accompanied by low pressure anomalies over the Indian ocean. Instead, low pressure anomalies develop over the southern Pacific and western Atlantic and weak positive anomalies develop along the equator, leading to an anomalous equatorial divergence of winds especially pronounced in the southern hemisphere.
In the model-mean sense, the aerosol and GHG forcings appear to produce opposite trends in the tropical Pacific and therefore largely cancel each other in the historical simulation, forming a muted warming pattern. Nevertheless, individual models within this subset reveal large inter-model differences. These differences include the overall temperature sensitivity to aerosol and GHG forcings, the extent to which aerosols cause a patterned versus uniform cooling, and whether the response to aerosols and GHG-forcing is linearly additive or subject to nonlinear interaction. To illustrate these differences, we analyze three models in more depth (Fig S3). The HadGEM3-GC31-LL model stands out because it has a stark contrast between the full-forcing historical experiment, which generates a central equatorial Pacific cooling of similar magnitude as the observations, and the GHG-only historical experiment, which shows a clear EP warming. This contrast is probably driven by nonlinear interaction between aerosols and GHG forcings, since a linear superposition of the aerosol and GHG-only simulations does not produce equatorial cooling (Fig S4).
Several other models, notably CESM2-FV2, TaiESM1 and UKESM1, generate a strong SST gradient strengthening in the historical simulations, but do not show an OT-type response in CO2-only scenarios (Fig 5). Similar to HadGEM3-GC31-LL, these historical trends might be driven mainly by aerosol forcing and nonlinear aerosol-GHG-interaction, rather than the OT mechanism.
Two other models, MIROC6 and CNRM-CM6, show generally similar warming patterns between the historical full-forcing and GHG-only simulations, and are less sensitive to aerosol forcing than HadGEM3-GC31-LL (Fig S4). Yet, CNRM-CM6 develops a slight equatorial cooling response in both the GHG-only and full-forcing scenarios (Fig S5), while MIROC6 has a slight eastern Pacific warming trend in the full-forcing simulation, and a clear eastern Pacific warming trend in the GHG-only simulation (Fig S6). Thus, CNRM-CM6 is representative of the models that show a gradient strengthening or no trend in the historical simulations due a delay of EP warming likely driven primarily by an OT-type response with aerosol effects superimposed, while MIROC6 may represent models that show a slight weakening of the gradient in the full historical experiments since they do not have strong aerosol or OT-type effects, and thus generate historical trends opposite to the observations.