Plant samples
During the field studies for the taxonomic revision of the genus in Turkey, plant samples were collected from 21 natural populations of Adonis L. (A. volgensis Stev. ex DC., A. paryadrica (Boiss.) Kandemir & Aytaç. A. aleppica Boiss., A. annua L., A. microcarpa DC., A. dentata Del., A. aestivalis L. subsp. aestivalis L., A. aestivalis L. subsp. parviflora (Fisch. ex DC.) Busch., A. eriocalycina Boiss., and A. flammea Jacq.) in different regions between the years 2014 and 2018 (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Botanical identification of all samples was carried out based on the related literature [4, 8, 9, 13, 16, 27–35].
Table 1
Sampling locations and geographic distribution of Adonis populations in this study.
No | Taxa | Latitude | Longitude | Altitude (m) | Locality |
1 | A. volgensis 161 | 39°76'870" | 44°14'774" | 1580 | B9 Iğdır: Elmagöl |
2 | A. volgensis 167 | 40°46'264" | 42°95'340" | 1827 | A9 Kars: Kağızman |
3 | A. paryadrica 179 | 40°21'289" | 38°57'439" | 2276 | A7 Giresun: Alucra |
4 | A. paryadrica K10548 | 36°60'230" | 39°09'888" | 1900 | B7 Erzincan: Kemah |
5 | A. aleppica 117 | 37°39'885" | 38°44'698" | 576 | C7 Urfa to Bozova road |
6 | A. aleppica 141 | 36°93452" | 37°38'829" | 803 | C6 Antep to Kilis road |
7 | A. annua 123 | 37°53'903" | 36°82'373" | 489 | C6 Maraş-Süleymanlı |
8 | A. annua 143 | 36°93'452" | 37°38'829" | 803 | C6 Antep-Kilis road |
9 | A. microcarpa 102 | 36°61'688" | 36°57'067" | 224 | C6 Hatay: Kırıkhan |
10 | A. microcarpa 122 | 37°53'898" | 36°82'374" | 493 | C6 Maraş: Narlı |
11 | A. dentata 108 | 36°80'804" | 36°93'789" | 476 | C6 Kilis to Hassa road |
12 | A. dentata 114 | 37°01'059" | 38°03'994" | 494 | C7 Urfa: Bentbahçesi |
13 | A. aestivalis subsp. aestivalis 144 | 38°27'653" | 30°16'245" | 1120 | B2 Kütahya to Afyon road |
14 | A. aestivalis subsp. aestivalis 148 | 38°01'864" | 34°05'018" | 1174 | B5 Aksaray to Adana road |
15 | A. aestivalis subsp. aestivalis 168 | 39°97'982" | 41°47'076" | 1830 | B8 Erzurum: Pasinler |
16 | A. aestivalis subsp. parviflora 115 | 37°01'059" | 38°03'994" | 494 | C7 Urfa: Bentbahçesi |
17 | A. aestivalis subsp. parviflora 129 | 37°05'282" | 38°08'719" | 554 | C7 Urfa: Birecik-Suruç |
18 | A. eriocalycina 132 | 37°37'213" | 40°70'214" | 980 | C8 Mardin: Zinnar |
19 | A. eriocalycina 164 | 40°28'104" | 42°95'687" | 1820 | A9 Kars: Kağızman |
20 | A. flammea 135 | 37°37'213" | 40°70'214" | 980 | C8 Mardin: Zinnar |
21 | A. flammea 154 | 39°61'516" | 32°65'337" | 1063 | B4 Ankara: Haymana |
Morphological analysis
Adonis species should be collected during the growing season since the morphological characteristics such as achene and flower are very important easy to identify (Fig. 2). In our study, morphological analysis was performed based on Flora of Turkey using the following features: flower diameter, sepal shape, sepal width and length, feather in sepal, number of petals, petal shape, petal color, petal width and length, blackish in petal base, aggregate width and length, surface type of achene, achene width and length, hump position, hump shape, hump width and length, beak width and length, beak shape, beak surface and beak color.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing
Total genomic DNA from each accession was extracted as previously described by [36]. The quality of DNA was confirmed by electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gel, and the DNA concentration was measured using The NanoDrop® ND-1000 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. The final DNA concentration was adjusted to 50 ng/µL for ITS analysis, and the diluted DNA was stored at -20°C. PCR reactions were prepared using ITS1 (5'-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3'), ITS4 (5'-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3’), P16 (5'-CCAYTGAACCTTATCATTKAGAGGA-3') and P25 (5' GGGTAGTCCCGCCTGACCTG-3') primers from previous reports [37–39]. PCR amplifications were performed in a thermal cycler (Labcycler). The PCR mixture consisted of 1 X buffer, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.25 mM of each dNTP, 1 µM (20 pmol) primer, 0.5 U Taq polymerase, and 50 ng/µL DNA template in a 20 µL reaction mixture. The amplification conditions were as follows: an initial denaturation step of 3 min at 95°C, 38 cycles of 60 s at 95°C, 60 s at 67°C, 120 s at 72°C, and a final extension step of 10 min at 72°C. The amplification products were resolved in 1.5% agarose gel in 1 X SB buffer at 6 V/cm for 120 min, stained with ethidium bromide (0.5 ug/mL), and visualized under a UV-trans illuminator. The sizes of the base pairs were determined based on a DNA ladder between 50 and 1.000 bp (Vivantis Product No: NM2421). PCR products were sequenced using an ABI 3500XL (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) automated sequencer.
Molecular cloning and sequencing
The raw data obtained from the sequencing process were edited using ChromasPro Version 1.7.5 (Technelysium Pty. Ltd. 2003-2013). The sequence alignment was performed on ClustalW 2.1 program [40] and adjusted manually. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Neighbor Joining Tree-Jukes-Cantor model of Geneious V. 11.1.4 program. The phylogenetic tree was visualized using Interactive Tree of Life [41]. Branch support values were calculated using a full heuristic search using maximum number of trees 1000 and 1000 bootstrap replicates. ITS sequences of Ranunculus asiaticus L. (GU257963), Delphinium polycladon Eastw (AF258743), and Adonis vernalis (AJ347910) taxa used as out-group in the phylogenetic tree were retrieved from NCBI GenBank based on related studies [26, 42–44].