3.1 Fuzzy MF of uncertain input variables
The node's demand and the pipe's roughness coefficient were considered as the uncertain input variables. The MF of these variables were determined based on Eq. 5 and Eq. 7. Due to the large number of the WDN's nodes and pipes, the MF of some nodes are presented as examples, in Figs. 2 to 5.
As shown in Fig. 2, the crisp demand value of node 54 in the first year is 3.367 (l/s), and the base range of the node's MF is between 2.86 and 4.04 (l/s). The crisp demand values of the node from the second to fifth years increase to 3.381, 3.401, 3.429, and 3.463 (l/s), respectively, due to the increasing population covered by the node.
The pipe's roughness coefficient changes during the planning period are calculated using Eq. 6, which decreases with increasing the pipe's age. Therefore, the roughness coefficient of pipes increases with repair and decreases with the replacement of pipes. Figures 6 to 9 show the MF of some pipe's roughness coefficient as example. According to the optimal pipes' instructions, only repair operations are recommended on the pipe no.16 during the planning period (Jafari 2020). Therefore, the roughness coefficient of this pipe decreases during the planning period (Fig. 6). According to the optimal instruction, repair operations are recommended for pipe no. 60 from the first to third year. In the fourth and fifth year, replacement and repair operations are recommended for this pipe, respectively (Jafari 2020).
3.2. Extreme values of uncertain input variables
After determining the MF of the WDN uncertain input variables, it is necessary to extract their extreme values in five α-cut. The extreme values are used to calculate the nodes' pressure and obtain the MF of the nodes' pressure. Extreme values of the different fuzzy α-cuts related to the nodes demand and the pipes roughness coefficient provide in Tables 4 and 5 as the example.
Table 4
Extreme values of the demand node No.54 during planning period (l/s)
\(\alpha -Cut\) | Min. | Max. |
Y = 1 | Y = 2 | Y = 3 | Y = 4 | Y = 5 | Y = 1 | Y = 2 | Y = 3 | Y = 4 | Y = 5 |
0 | 2.86 | 2.87 | 2.89 | 2.91 | 2.94 | 4.04 | 4.06 | 4.08 | 4.12 | 4.16 |
0.2 | 2.96 | 2.98 | 2.99 | 3.02 | 3.05 | 3.91 | 3.92 | 3.95 | 3.98 | 4.02 |
0.4 | 3.06 | 3.08 | 3.10 | 3.12 | 3.15 | 3.77 | 3.79 | 3.81 | 3.84 | 3.88 |
0.6 | 3.17 | 3.18 | 3.20 | 3.22 | 3.26 | 3.64 | 3.65 | 3.67 | 3.70 | 3.74 |
0.8 | 3.27 | 3.28 | 3.30 | 3.33 | 3.36 | 3.50 | 3.52 | 3.54 | 3.57 | 3.60 |
Table 5
Roughness coefficient extreme values of the pipe No.60 during planning period
\(\alpha -Cut\) | Min. | Max. |
Y = 1 | Y = 2 | Y = 3 | Y = 4 | Y = 5 | Y = 1 | Y = 2 | Y = 3 | Y = 4 | Y = 5 |
0 | 70.83 | 69.90 | 69.30 | 103.37 | 100.01 | 97.39 | 96.11 | 94.91 | 142.14 | 137.52 |
0.2 | 74.37 | 73.39 | 72.48 | 108.54 | 105.01 | 95.62 | 94.36 | 93.19 | 139.55 | 135.02 |
0.4 | 77.91 | 76.89 | 75.93 | 113.71 | 110.01 | 93.85 | 92.62 | 91.46 | 136.97 | 135.52 |
0.6 | 81.46 | 80.38 | 79.38 | 118.88 | 115.02 | 92.08 | 90.87 | 89.74 | 134.39 | 130.02 |
0.8 | 85.00 | 83.88 | 82.83 | 124.05 | 120.02 | 90.31 | 89.12 | 88.01 | 131.80 | 127.52 |
3.3. Uncertain input scenarios
By combining the extreme values of the input variables, four uncertain scenarios obtain for each fuzzy α-cut. These scenarios considered as the inputs of the studied WDN simulation model to determine the fuzzy MF of the output variable. As an example, the demand values of node No.54 and the roughness coefficient of pipe No.60 for the scenario S1 simulation are presented in Table 6.
Table 6
Demand values of node No.54 and roughness coefficient values of pipe No.60 in scenario S1
| \(\alpha =0\) | \(\alpha =0.2\) | \(\alpha =0.4\) | \(\alpha =0.6\) | \(\alpha =0.8\) |
q (l/s) | C | q (l/s) | C | q (l/s) | C | q (l/s) | C | q (l/s) | C |
Scenario No.1 (S1) | Y = 1 | 2.86 | 70.83 | 2.96 | 74.37 | 3.06 | 77.91 | 3.17 | 81.46 | 3.27 | 85.00 |
Y = 2 | 2.87 | 69.90 | 2.98 | 73.39 | 3.08 | 76.89 | 3.18 | 80.38 | 3.28 | 83.88 |
Y = 3 | 2.89 | 69.30 | 2.99 | 72.48 | 3.10 | 75.93 | 3.20 | 79.38 | 3.30 | 82.83 |
Y = 4 | 2.91 | 103.37 | 3.02 | 108.54 | 3.12 | 113.71 | 3.22 | 118.88 | 3.33 | 124.05 |
Y = 5 | 2.94 | 100.01 | 3.05 | 105.01 | 3.15 | 110.01 | 3.26 | 115.02 | 3.36 | 120.02 |
3.4 MF of the uncertain output variable
In WDNs, changes in node pressure are uniform versus changes in node demand and pipe roughness coefficient. Therefore, the extreme values of the network's input variables lead to the extreme values of network nodes' pressure. In this study, the limit values of nodes pressure are calculated using the EPANET hydraulic simulation model and the values of various uncertain scenarios, including the minimum and maximum demand of nodes and the roughness coefficient of pipes. These output values (nodes pressure) are used to obtain the MF of the nodes' pressure. For example, the pressure MF of nodes No. 104 and 63 during the planning period shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
As shown in Figs. 10 and 11, the MF of the nodes' pressure are triangles. It indicates changing of the nodes' pressure is uniform and nonlinear due to the nodes' demand and pipes roughness coefficient changes. Nodes' pressure of scenarios S3 and S2 in each fuzzy α-cut have the maximum and minimum values between the four scenarios, respectively. The pressure values of scenarios S1 and S4 are in the range of scenarios S2 and S3. Therefore, pressure values of the S2 and S3 scenarios are considered as the lower and upper limits of the nodes' pressure MF. In scenario S2, the nodes' pressure conditions are critical, so it is called the "critical scenario" in this study.
According to Fig. 10, in scenario S2, for fuzzy α-cut less than 0.4, node No.104 will always face a pressure shortage during the design planning period because the node's available pressure is less than the node's required pressure. In scenarios S1, S3, and S4 for all fuzzy α-cuts, the required pressure and demand of node 104 will be met. The nodes ' required pressure is supplied in the critical scenario (S2) for fuzzy α-cuts greater than 0.4.
In node No.63, in critical scenario (S2), only for fuzzy α-cut less than 0.2, the required pressure demand is not supplied. In the other scenarios, including S1, S3, and S4, the node required pressure is continuously supplied for all fuzzy α-cuts.
3.5 Uncertainty analysis of the WDN nodes pressure
Based on the proposed approach, various uncertain scenarios are defined to investigate the pressure situation of nodes after implementing the optimal instructions for the replacement and repair of network pipes. Knowing the status of node pressure requires analysis of node pressure in various uncertain scenarios, which is discussed below.
3.5.1 Scenario S2: Scenario S2 is the critical scenario of the studied WDN. Therefore, first the nodes pressure in the scenario is investigated. Figures 12 to 16 show the nodes pressure of the studied WDN in this scenario.
As Fig. 12 shows, in the S2 scenario and zero fuzzy α-cut, in the first year after the implementation of the optimal instructions, the required pressure of most nodes is not supplied. In this case, the required pressure of only three nodes is supplied. Out of 101 nodes that have pressure deficiency, 22 nodes have negative pressure. Due to the nodes demand increase and also the pipes roughness coefficient decrease in this scenario, the pipes hydraulic head loss increases significantly and as a result the hydraulic grade line located lower than the pipe and leads to negative pressure in some nodes. From the second to the fifth year, the nodes' pressure situation will be better than the first year, so the nodes' average pressure in the second to fifth years is 28.73, 18.46, 21.12, and 18.92 meters, respectively. Jafari (2020) stated that the nodes pressure improvement in the second year is due to the optimal instruction. In the S2 scenario and lower uncertainty level, i.e., \(\alpha =0.2\), despite the nodes' pressure improvement compared to \(\alpha =0\), in the first year only eight nodes and the second to fifth years respectively 22, 13, 21, and 12 nodes have a pressure higher than the required pressure, and in the remaining nodes there will still be a lack of pressure (Fig. 13).
3.5.2 Scenario S3: In scenario S3, the pipes' longitudinal head loss and the nodes' pressure values will be the minimum and maximum, respectively. In this scenario, all nodes' required pressure and, consequently, demand is supplied during the planning period (Fig. 14).
In this scenario, at the highest uncertainty level of the input parameters, the nodes' average pressures from the first to fifth years are 48.12, 52.48, 51.82, 52.59, and 51.95 meters, respectively. in other alfa-cut, the required pressure of all nodes is supplied.
The occurrence of pressure higher than the maximum allowable pressure in the WDN nodes causes various issues and problems such as pipe bursts and leakage. Therefore, observing the maximum allowable values of the nodes' pressure is essential in the WDN design and operation.
3.5.3 Scenarios S1 and S4: Scenario S1 is a combination of the minimum input variables and scenario S4 is a combination of the maximum input variables. Figures 15 and 16 show the nodes pressure of the studied WDN in scenarios S1 and S4 at the highest input uncertainty level. In scenario S4, in the first year, 45 nodes out of 104 nodes (equivalent to 43%) have a lower pressure than the required pressure. In the following years, the number of nodes with pressure deficiency decreased so that from the second to fifth years, 21, 23, 22, and 23 nodes have pressure deficiency, respectively. In this scenario, nodes pressure redundancy does not occur in the first year, but six nodes have pressure redundancy from the second to fifth years. A study of the higher uncertainty levels shows that the required pressure is supplied to most network nodes (more than 85%).
In scenario S1 and in the first year, 35 nodes out of 104 network nodes (equivalent to 33%) have a pressure lower than the required pressure. In the following years, the number of nodes with pressure deficiency decreased so that from the second to fifth years, 12, 16, 13, and 16 nodes have pressure deficiency, respectively. In this scenario, the nodes pressure redundancy does not occur in the first year, but seven nodes have pressure redundancy per year from the second to fifth year.
Based on the above analysis, the nodes pressure deficiency of the studied WDN occurs in different scenarios and under the highest uncertainty level of the nodes' demand and the pipes roughness coefficient. At the highest level of uncertainty, the uncertainty interval of the pipe roughness coefficient and the nodes' demand are equal to [-20 + 10] and [-15 + 20] percent of the crisp values, respectively. The mean pressure uncertainty interval of the WDN nodes due to the uncertainty of the pipe roughness coefficient and nodes demand is presented in Table 7.
Table 7
Mean pressure uncertainty interval of nodes in the four scenarios and \(\alpha =0\) (%)
Year Scenarios | First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth |
S1 | -9 | -8.4 | -6.2 | -5.6 | -6 |
S2 | -84 | -54 | -58 | -53 | -58 |
S3 | 27 | 18 | 19 | 18 | 19 |
S4 | -13 | -8.4 | -9.1 | -8.3 | -8.9 |
The negative and positive signs in Table 7 indicate the decrease and increase of the nodes' pressure due to input variables' uncertainty compared to the crisp value. According to this table, in the critical scenario (S2) and the highest uncertainty level, the average pressure uncertainty interval of the WDN nodes is negative and between 53 to 84%. In other words, in this scenario and the highest uncertainty level, the nodes pressure is significantly reduced (more than 50%). In the condition the WDN nodes pressure is much less than the minimum allowable pressure, the uncertainty interval of the nodes pressure is unacceptable and will cause many operational problems. In Scenario S3, the average pressure uncertainty interval of the WDN nodes is positive and between 18% and 27%. Despite the pressure increase, the pressure of different network nodes is still lower than the allowable pressure, so in the scenario and zero fuzzy \({\alpha }-\text{c}\text{u}\text{t}\), the pressure uncertainty intervals are acceptable. In scenarios S1 and S4, the average interval of node pressure uncertainty is always negative and changes from 5.6 to 13%. With the pressure reduction, the nodes pressure is always higher than the minimum allowable pressure and is acceptable.
3.6 Uncertainty analysis of WDN reliability
In order to evaluate the WDN hydraulic performance under uncertainty of input parameters, the network reliability index (\({\text{R}\text{e}}_{\text{s}\text{y}\text{s}}\)) that developed by Jafari 2020 is used. The hydraulic reliability index values of the studied WDN under scenario S2 during the planning period, are presented in Fig. 17.
As shown in Fig. 17, in the critical scenario (S2) and zero fuzzy \({\alpha }-\text{c}\text{u}\text{t}\), the reliability index is very low and in the range of 0.3 to 0.42 during the planning period because of the pressure deficiency in most of the WDN nodes. Reliability index values fluctuation in the S2 scenario during the planning period is due to the nodes' pressure fluctuations (decreases or increases) in different years. In scenario S3, the reliability index values in the highest uncertainty level are in the range of 0.93. The high value of the reliability index in this scenario is due to supplying the required pressure of the WDN nodes. In scenarios S1 and S4, the reliability index values are between 0.70 to 0.80. It is due to the pressure supply of a large number of the WDN nodes. Despite the high uncertainty level of the input variables, the studied WDN performance in these two scenarios is relatively good.
In S2 scenario and \({\alpha }=0.2\), the reliability index in the first year, is less than 0.50, which indicates low WDN performance. Failure to supply pressure of most network nodes causes reducing the WDN hydraulic performance (Fig. 18).
The reliability index values at the \({\alpha }=0.4 , 0.6\), show that the index values are still about 0.70 to 0.80 in the first year. However, even in the critical scenario, the index values are more than 0.85, from the second to fifth years, which indicates the acceptable performance of the WDN (Figs. 19 and 20).
Based on the uncertainty interval of the input variables, the uncertainty interval of the reliability index in four scenarios and \({\alpha }=0\) is presented in Table 8.
Table 8
Uncertainty interval of reliability index in the four scenarios and \({\alpha }=0\) (%)
Year Scenarios | First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth |
S1 | -12 | -17 | -14 | -18 | -16 |
S2 | -64 | -53 | -60 | -52 | -62 |
S3 | 10 | 3 | 2.6 | -2 | -1.6 |
S4 | -16 | -22 | -17 | -19 | -17 |
The negative and positive signs in Table 8 indicate the decrease and increase of the reliability index due to the input variable uncertainty compared to the crisp input variables. In S2 scenario and the highest uncertainty level, a 20% decrease in pipes roughness coefficient and a 20% increase in nodes demand, the reliability index uncertainty of the WDN is between − 52% and − 64% during the planning period. The crisp value of the reliability index in this scenario is about 0.30 to 0.40, so with a decrease of 52 to 64% due to the input's uncertainty, the index values reduce to less than 0.2, which indicates WDN performance is feeble at the highest uncertainty level.
In scenario S3 and \({\alpha }=0\), the uncertainty interval of the WDN reliability index is between − 2 to 10 percent. Therefore, considering the crisp index values in scenario S3, the reliability index values are always more than 0.9.
In Scenario S1 and \({\alpha }=0\), the reliability index values range from 12–18% during the planning period. In uncertain conditions, the reliability index values are always more than 0.70 due to the crisp value of this index. In the S4 scenario and \({\alpha }=0\), the uncertainty of the reliability index values also decreases and is in the acceptable range of 16–22%. The index value in uncertain conditions is always more than 0.68. At higher uncertainty levels, except in the first year, the reliability index uncertainties are always less than 15%.
3.7 Investigation of computational features of the proposed approach
In addition to uncertainty analyses of the optimal instructions as one of the innovations of this research, reduction in the calculations volume and run time in analyzing the uncertainty of optimal instructions is another innovation of this research. Based on fuzzy alfa-cut method and by applying five alfa-cuts for each node and pipe in four scenarios, a total of 20 simulations to calculate the pressure values of network nodes are required. If the optimization method is used to find the limit values of network nodes' pressure, the number of simulation iterations increases significantly (Table 4).
Table 4
Computation specifications of the proposed uncertainty analysis approach
Method | Number of iterations | Run time (hr) | Computer properties |
Optimization | \(6\times {10}^{5}\) | 834 | CPU-8cor, RAM-16Gb and HDD-100Gb |
Simulation | 20 | 0.027 | CPU-2cor, RAM-8Gb and HDD-50Gb |
As shown in Table 4, using proposed approach reduces the volume of calculations and run time in the uncertainty analysis of optimal instructions and ease of handling the uncertainty of input variables.