Gender and age can both be affected by mortality, but that effect can differ within
the gender as well as the age group.
A descriptive analysis (Table 1) and a General Linear Model Univariate (Two-way ANOVA)
showing the interaction effect between the variables and the Gender (Variables*Gender),
the Variables and the Age (Variables*Age), and the Variables, the Gender, and the
Age (Variables*Gender*Age) was conducted (Table 2).
A Mean compare was used to compare the means of each Variable according to each gender
and age group to specify the most vulnerable gender (Table 3) and age group affected
by mortality (Table 4).
In Chad, from 1990 to 2017, the total number of Deaths in infants (under-5) is 11955. The male gender is highly exposed with 12510 (95%CI -4867-29888 52%) than the female gender with 11401 (95%CI -5976-28779 48%).
In the male gender, the mortality is as followed in the age subset: Early neonatal
8007 (95%CI -22092-38106 21%), Post neonatal 12817 (95%CI -17282-42917 34%), and 1-4years 16707 (95%CI -13393-46805 45%).
The female gender mortality in different age subsets are as followed: Early neonatal
5626 (95%CI -24473-35725 16%), Post neonatal 12170 (95%CI -17928-42270 36%), and 1-4years 16407 (95%CI -13692-46506 48%) as described in Table 1.
As shown in Table 1, the total number of YLLs in infant mortality in Chad during the
period of 1990-2018 is 1036599. In the male gender, the total number is 1085166 (CI 1067788-1102544 52%), and 988032 (CI 970654-1005410 48%) in the female gender. The male gender is higher than the female gender, with the
same percentage as in mortality.
The male gender YLL number in Early neonatal age subset is 703651 (95%CI 673551-733750 22%). In the Post neonatal age subset, we have 1120495 (95%CI 1090395-1150595 34%), and the 1-4years age subset has 1431352 (95%CI 1401253-1461452 44%).
As it can be seen in Table 2, the interaction effect within and between all categories
are statistically significant. According to our research questions, we will be interested
in the interaction effect between the variables and the gender, the interaction effect
between the variables and the age, and finally the interaction effect between the
variables, the gender, and the age.
• The interaction effect between the Variables and the Gender (Variables*Gender)
is statistically significant. It demonstrates the effects of gender and the variable.
This interaction is represented by this following statistical identity:
F = 29.543 P = .000 (P) 2 = .084 Observed Power = 1.000 .
• The interaction effect between Variables and Age (Variables*Age) shows a strong
relationship which is statistically significant. This proves the high influence of
the Ages on the Variables. The following is its statistical criteria, according to
Table 2:
F = 710.025 P = .000 (P) 2 = .814 Observed Power = 1.000 .
• Table 2 also shows the interaction effect between the Variables, Gender, and
Age (Variable*Gender*Age). This relationship is also statistically significant which
does not verify the null hypothesis. It also interprets the relationship effect between
the above three. It is represented by this following statistical criteria as its statistical
F = 10.088 P = .000 (P) 2 = .059 Observed Power = .985 .
All the interactions are statistically significant. This rejects the null hypothesis
and proves that there is a difference between all groups.
In order to determine which gender has higher mortality, and which age group is more
involved in infant’s mortality, we compared the Means in the male and female gender
(Table 3), followed by a comparison of Means in the age category (Table 4). The ANOVA
statistical report for the Means Compare is mentioned below each table.
As recorded in Table 3, the male gender has a total mean of 548838 (52%), which is slightly higher than the female gender 499717 (47%). When comparing the Standard Deviation of the male and the female gender, we can
also notice that the male gender has a Standard Deviation of 583489.867, therefore, not far from the Standard Deviation in the female gender which is
563294.955. These two values are very closed and justify the P value .433 which is higher than the (.05), because their observed difference (Standard Deviation) between the two categories
are not statistically significant.
This means that the male and the female gender are different groups and have a different
interaction effect on infant’s mortality in Chad, but with a difference which is not
statistically significant.
When looking at Table 4, then we can observe that every age subset mean is different
from one to each other. First comes the 1-4years which is 717547 (45.6%), followed
secondly by the in the Post neonatal subset 552360 (35.1%), and finally the Early
neonatal subset 302924 (19.3%).
The Standard Deviation in each age subset are considerably different and gradually
grows according to the age subset ascension as follow: Early neonatal 314926.988,
Post neonatal 547743.706, and 1-4years 710144.333.
View all these statistical indexes, including the P value (P = .000) of the mean compare
in the age category, we can say that age has a significant interaction effect with
infant’s mortality, and the 1-4years age subset is the most affected in Chad from