Perturbation amplitudes used in dynamic balance reactions assessment are given for each individual stroke subject in Table 1. The majority of post-stroke subjects were able to tolerate perturbation amplitude set to 10% of body weight without losing a balance that would require engagement of safety harness. The assessed biomechanical data was normally distributed.
Responses to forward perturbations
Fig. 2a shows CoMAP, CoPAP and GRFAP trajectories for unperturbed walking and for walking after being perturbed in the forward direction (LF and RF) for a representative healthy subject and a representative right-side hemiparetic subject. Following LF perturbation CoMAP trajectories were similar in both subjects; movement of CoMAP, which was accelerated forward by the perturbation, was decelerated backward and brought back to unperturbed values in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. GRFAP and CoMAP following LF perturbation were similar for both subjects showing forward displacement of CoPAP and accompanying braking action of GRFAP in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. Similar movement of CoMAP, CoPAP and GRFAP can be seen after RF perturbation for the healthy subject. CoMAP following RF perturbation in the stroke subject showed increased forward deviation due to the action of perturbation until the next heel strike when it was finally decelerated backward and brought back to unperturbed values in the “stepping” period of the gait cycle. GRFAP and CoPAP signals following RF perturbation in the stroke subject were similar to those for unperturbed walking in the “in-stance” period. Increased forward displacement of CoPAP and related increased braking action of GRFAP can be seen in the “stepping” period.
Fig. 2b shows ΔCoMAP following LF and RF perturbations for all subjects where 44% of stroke subjects were in the “outside” subgroup. Majority of the subjects in the “outside” group deviated considerably from the symmetry line indicating left or right asymmetry in their responses. ΔCoMAP was significantly affected by the group (F(2,162) = 47.452, p < 0.001) and by interaction of group and perturbation onset (F(2,162) = 3.703, p = 0.027) as shown in Fig. 2c. Post-hoc analysis showed greater ΔCoMAP for the “outside” subgroup compared to “inside” subgroup and the healthy group.
Fig. 2d and 2e show mean values and standard deviations for the ΔGRFAP in the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods in a group of healthy subjects and for both subgroups of stroke subjects. ΔGRFAP was significantly affected by the group (“in-stance” F(2,162) = 41.041, p < 0.001; “stepping” F(2, 162) = 56.369, p < 0.001), by perturbation onset (“in-stance” F(1,162) = 9.676, p = 0.002) and by interaction of both factors (“in-stance” F(2,162) = 3.711, p = 0.027; “stepping” F(2,162) = 3.732, p = 0.026). Post-hoc analysis for the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods showed significant differences in all between-group comparisons.
Responses to backward perturbations
Fig. 3a shows CoMAP, CoPAP and GRFAP trajectories for unperturbed walking and for walking after perturbation in the backward direction (LB and RB) for a representative healthy subject and a representative right-side hemiparetic subject. Following LB perturbation CoMAP trajectories were similar in both subjects; movement of CoMAP, which was decelerated backward by the perturbation, is accelerated forward and brought back to unperturbed values in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. GRFAP and CoMAP following LB perturbation were similar for both subjects showing backward displacement of CoPAP soon after the perturbation ended and accompanying accelerating action of GRFAP in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. Similar movement of CoMAP, CoPAP and GRFAP can also be seen after RB perturbation for the healthy subject. CoMAP following RB perturbation in the stroke subject showed increased backward deviation due to the action of perturbation until the next heel strike when it was accelerated forward and brought back to unperturbed values in the “stepping” period of the gait cycle. GRFAP and CoPAP signals following RB perturbation in the stroke subject were also similar to those after LB perturbation in the “in-stance” period, however, backward displacement of CoPAP and accelerating action of GRFAP were less pronounced. In the “stepping” period of the response following RB perturbation, a pronounced decrease in CoPAP can be observed immediately after the heel strike of the non-paretic leg, which was related to a shortened step, with an accompanying increase of the accelerating action of GRFAP.
Fig. 3b shows ΔCoMAP following LB and RB perturbations for all subjects where 27% of stroke subjects were in the “outside” subgroup. Majority of the subjects in the “outside” group deviated considerably from the symmetry line indicating left or right asymmetry in their responses ΔCoMAP was significantly affected by the group (F(2,162) = 10.735, p < 0.001) and by perturbation onset (F(1,162) = 9.026, p = 0.003) as shown in Fig. 3c. Post-hoc analysis showed greater ΔCoMAP for the “outside” compared to “inside” subgroup and the healthy group.
Fig. 3d and 3e show mean values and standard deviations for the ΔGRFAP in the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods in a group of healthy subjects and for both subgroups of stroke subjects. ΔGRFAP was significantly affected by the group (“in-stance” F(2,162) = 24.344, p < 0.001; “stepping” F(2, 162) = 41.105, p < 0.001), by perturbation onset (“in-stance” F(1,162) = 9.506, p = 0.002; “stepping” F(1, 162) = 7.055, p = 0.009) and by interaction of both factors (“stepping” F(2,162) = 3.697, p = 0.027). Post-hoc analysis for both periods has shown significant differences between the “outside” subgroup and the healthy group and between the “inside” subgroup and the healthy group.
Responses to inward perturbations
Fig. 4a shows CoMML, GRFML and CoPML trajectories for unperturbed walking and for walking after perturbation in the inward direction (LI and RI) for a representative healthy subject and a representative right-side hemiparetic subject. Following LI and RI perturbations CoMML trajectories were similar in both subjects; movement of CoMML, which was accelerated medially by the perturbation continued movement in the medial direction throughout the entire “in-stance” period of the gait cycle which was shortened in relation with unperturbed walking. Movement of CoMML in the medial direction was decelerated and brought back to unperturbed values in the “stepping” period. GRFML and CoPML following LI and RI perturbations were similar for both subjects showing medial displacement of CoPML in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. In the “stepping” period of the response following LI and RI perturbations, a pronounced increase in CoPML can be observed in the lateral direction as compared to unperturbed walking immediately after the heel strike of the non-paretic leg, which was related to a wider step with accompanying increase in accelerating action of GRFML in the medial direction.
Fig. 4b shows ΔCoMAP following LI and RI perturbations for all subjects where the majority of stroke subjects were in the “inside” subgroup. Fig. 4c shows mean values and standard deviations for the ΔCoMML in a group of healthy subjects and for both subgroups of stroke subjects. No statistically significant interactions were found.
Fig. 4d and 4e show mean values and standard deviations for the ΔGRFML in the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods in a group of healthy subjects and for both subgroups of stroke subjects. No statistically significant interactions were found.
Responses to outward perturbations
Fig. 5a shows CoMML, GRFML and CoPML trajectories for unperturbed walking and for walking after perturbation in the outward direction (LO and RO) for a representative healthy subject and a representative right-side hemiparetic subject. Following LO perturbation CoMML trajectories were similar for both subjects; movement of CoMML, which was accelerated laterally by the perturbation was decelerated and brought back close to unperturbed values in the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle. GRFML and CoMML signals following LO perturbations were similar for both subjects; CoPML was displaced laterally throughout the “in-stance” period of the gait cycle, which was substantially lengthened in relation with unperturbed walking; GRFML showed a substantial impulse increase immediately after the perturbation ended. GRFML and CoMML following LO perturbation in the “stepping” period were similar to unperturbed walking for both subjects. Similar movement of CoMML, GRFML and CoPML can also be seen after RO perturbation for the healthy subject. CoMML following RO perturbation in the stroke subject showed increased lateral deviation due to the action of the perturbation until the next heel strike when it was decelerated in the “stepping” period of the gait cycle. GRFML and CoPML signals following RO perturbation in the stroke subject were similar to those in unperturbed walking in the “in-stance” period. In the “stepping” period of the response increase in medial displacement of CoPML can be observed, which was related to a cross-step, with accompanying increase in accelerating action of GRFML in the medial direction.
Fig. 5b shows ΔCoMML following LI and RI perturbations for all subjects where 56% of stroke subjects were in the “outside” subgroup. Majority of the subjects in the “outside” group deviated considerably from the symmetry line indicating left or right asymmetry in their responses. Additionally, some of them showed symmetrical responses indicating inferior responses regardless of perturbation timing. ΔCoMML was significantly affected by the group (F(2,162) = 10.103, p < 0.001) and by perturbation onset (F(1,162) = 6.277, p = 0.013) as shown in Fig. 5c. Post-hoc analysis showed greater ΔCoMML for the “outside” subgroup compared to “inside” subgroup and the healthy group.
Fig. 5d and 5e show mean values and standard deviations for ΔGRFML in the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods in a group of healthy subjects and for both subgroups of stroke subjects. ΔGRFML was significantly affected by the group (“in-stance” F(2,162) = 23.695, p < 0.001; “stepping” F(2, 162) = 18.699, p < 0.001) and by perturbation onset (“in-stance” F(1,162) = 5.190, p = 0.024). Post-hoc analysis for the “in-stance” and “stepping” periods has shown significant differences between “outside” and “inside” subgroups and between the “outside” subgroup and the healthy group.
Clinical outcome measures
Scores on a battery of clinical outcome measures assessed in the group of stroke subjects are given in Table 1. All subjects were assessed within a window of two days after the dynamic balance responses assessment. FSST scores of two subjects and FGA scores of ten patients were not assessed as they started to feel slight dizziness in the course of assessment.
Clinical outcome scores and the corresponding ΔCoMAP (for forward and backward perturbations) and ΔCoMML (for inward and outward perturbations) assessed in the group of post-stroke subjects are displayed as scatter plots together with Spearman correlation coefficients (Fig. 6). Predominantly moderate and statistically significant relationship (Spearman correlation coefficient between 0.4 – 0.59) exists between the ΔCoMAP assessed following the perturbations commencing on the hemiparetic leg directed forward and the majority of clinical outcome measures. Correlation of clinical outcome measures and the ΔCoMAP (backward perturbations) and ΔCoMML (inward and outward perturbations) predominantly showed insignificant weak (Spearman correlation coefficient between 0.2 – 0.39) or very weak correlation (Spearman correlation coefficient between 0 – 0.19).