2.1 Study Area
Karapuzha reservoir (Lat.11°37’NLong. 76° 10’ 30’’ E) situated at Wayanad District of Kerala State is a major reservoir suited fishing and for farming. (Fig. 1). It has a canal system to irrigate an area of 5221ha acres of land in Vythiri and Sultanbathery Taluks in Wayanad District. The confluence of Mananthavady and Panamaram Rivers forms the Kabini River. Other tributaries, such as Bhavanipuzha, Karapuzha, and Narasipuzha, originate in the Western Ghats and run through the state of Kerala. This reservoir was built in 1979 with the goal of irrigating roughly 9000 hectares. This reservoir was established on about 9000 hectares of land in 1979. The total water spread area of this reservoir is 855 ha (8.55 sq. km) at Full Reservoir Level (FRL).
2.2 Modelling approach
2.3Ecopath withEcosim(EwE)
Ecopath is a tool designed to build, parameterize and analyse trophic models of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Christensen et al. 2005). It relies on the basic constraints of mass balance to decide the trophic fluxes among functional groups in accordance with its method Polovina (1984) and was developed by Christensen and Pauly (1992). The programme was updated to include a time-dynamic model (Ecosim) and a spatial dynamic model (Ecospace) for direct application in fishery management. This tool has a significant advantage in terms of the applicability of a wide variety of hypotheses, such as thermodynamics, information theory, trophic level description, and network analysis, all of which are important in ecosystem science. It was used to examine a variety of elements of the resulting food web networks (Villanueva et al., 2008). Often, mass-balanced models allow for the comparison of different ecosystems and ecosystems at various times. (Neiraetal. 2004; Panikkar and Khan, 2008; Shannon et al. 2004). Ecosim is a complicated simulation on a system scale, with important parameters inherited from the Ecopath fundamental model. This study examines the transfer of biomass between functional groups as a function of their abundance at certain harvest rates, taking into consideration trophic relationships and foraging behaviour (Pauly et al. 2000). The Ecopath food web model of the Karapuzha Reservoir employs biomass estimates of 14 functional groups, as well as their prey and predators, to depict how the food web linkages within the reservoir system are mass-balanced. This food web model was created from the field data using a similar model criteria and use of Christensen and Walters methods (2004).) Earlier, Ecopath used steady-state assumptions, but is now focused on parameters of equilibrium over a span of one year. With the ecopath parameterization, two master equations are used. The first is to illustrate how to break the production into components for each component. (Christensen and Walters 2004)
Where Bi is its biomass, Bj is the biomass of predator j,(Q/B)j is the consumption/biomass ratio of predator DCji is the fraction of prey i in the diet of predator jYi
is the catch of functional group i, Ei is the migration rate ( emigration–immigration), and BAi is the biomass accumulation rate for group i Other mortality is 1 - EEi, where EEi is ecotrophic efficiency of group i, that is, the fraction of yearly productivity P/ Bi expended in the ecosystem by predators and/or exported from the ecosystem by fishing.
Masterequation 2 shows the energy surplus of each group i, where its consumption rate Q/BI equals the production rate P/ Bi, the non-assimilated food UNi and respiration RI: The Fig. 3 shows Biomass observed (points) and predicted (line) by EwE model for the main species of Karazpuha. Biomass in tonnes /km2(Fig. 2)depicts the time series of observed total catch (tonnes/km2/yr), mean trophic level of catch (TLc), L-index for Karapuzha and biomass diversity (Kempton Index).Table 1 List The species and/or functional groups included in the model. Based on The model is mass-balanced on the fundamental assumption that total input equals total output across all groups in the system (Banerjee et al. 2017). Biomass dynamics are described in various coupled differential equations in Ecosim. Since it is well documented, it will not be clarified here. ( Christensen et al. 2005). The Static Ecopath Model presupposes the energy balance between functional groups (Alvarado,et al. 2019)and the selected year was 2008 during which information on local fish has begun to be obtained, as the basis for the time dynamic ecosim model).We have been able to calibrate this temporal dynamic model with the time series(2008–2011).We simulated different fishery scenarios with 30 years from 2011(Fig. 3).The following sections describe the theory and methods used in our modelling approach.
Table 1
Input and output parameters of the Karapuzha reservoir model
Group name
Trophic level
Biomass (t/km²)
Production / biomass (/year)
Consumption / biomass (/year)
Ecotrophic Efficiency
Production / consumption (/year)
FlowToDet (t/km²/year)
Omnivory index
Aquatic Birds
Clarias gariepinus
Major Carps
Minor Carps
2.4 Data
The information gathered during field studies conducted was used. The fish lengths were converted into biomass using the isometric growth equation: W = a Lb, with wet weight, l being the standard length, an intercept, and b being the slope when a log transformation determines the weight-length connection. (Alva-Basurto and González, 2014).The values are collected from the field study and some from Fishbase (Froese and Pauly 2006). Biomass (B; tons/km2) values were derived from single-species stock evaluations, estimated through dividing catch with fishing mortality. The consumption (Q) was estimated using an empirically constructed equation that included morphometric data, ambient water temperature, and nutrition data (Pauly 1989, Palomares and Pauly 1998). Based on our research into food and feeding patterns, a fish diet matrix was created for each species. The Unknown Biomass Non-fish groups were derived from comparable ecosystem research. By Adding Natural Mortality Fishing Mortality, the P/B ratio, the total instantaneous mortality was obtained (Paul 1980). P/B and Q/B Values are for the fish groups derived from Fishbase (Froese and Pauly 2010). There are rather poor catches of various species in Karapuzha. The Nellarachal Fish Cooperative society provided the catch data. Figures for fishing encompass a 7-8-year period of exploitation. This study employed the Karapuzha Reservoir Ecopath model, which covers a period of time. Fishfunctional, one detritus, and two primary producers were among the 14 functional groupings in 2008. (phytoplankton and macrophytes). While the Ecotrophic Efficiency (EE) values were below one, we considered the Karapuzha Reservoir to be balanced (Christensen et al. 2008). We have made use of evaluation of input parameters, biomass, and vital rates with a pre-balancing tool (Link 2010). The food web was displayed with the following key input variables: biomass (B), production/biomass ratio (P/B), consumption/biomass ratio (Q/B), diet composition, and fishing. In the food web model, the following essential input parameters were displayed: biomass(B), the production/biomass ratio (P/ B),the consumption/biomass ratio(Q/ B).
2.5 Ecosim module
This module provides a system-level dynamic simulation capacity that is focused on the Ecopath template with core beginning parameters. Observing time and harvest rates as they change with biomass. Ecosim uses a system of differential equations that expresses biomass flow between groups (Walters et al. 1997; Christensen and Walters 2004; Christensen et al. 2008; Heymans et al., 2016). The root of ecosim is from the basic ecopath equation which is where dBi / dt refers to the biomass transition from the functional group(Bi)overtime t, gi is the net gross efficiency (production/consumption ratio), Qji,
consumption job, Qiji The consumption by, Ii is the immigration of group i, MO i, Fi and ei are the non-predation natural mortality, fishing mortality, and emigration of group i ,respectively. The consumption rates, Qij, are estimated based on the foraging arena theory when biomasses are divided into vulnerable and non-vulnerable states. The transfer efficiency, vij, between these two states determines predator-prey interactions (bottom-up, mixed or top-down ( Christensen etal.,2008; Ahrenset et al., 2012)
While Aij is an active predator rate in search of, feeding on prey I, Bi is a biomass of Prey Pj is a biomass for predators and Vij is a vulnerability of prey in predators. Flow control type i.e., vij = 2, vij = 1 and vij = 2,which represent mixed flow control, a bottom-up, and top-down control, respectively ( Walters and Martell 2004; Christensen and Pauly 2004; Ahrens et al.2012). The parameters most relevant for the calibration of Ecosim models are the exchange rates of vulnerability (vij) from prey to predator (Chagaris et al 2015).The rate of predation Once the predator concentrations in its Ecopath base numbers change, mortality remains roughly stable at lower values of vij(2). We conducted a study to alter the vij is to reduce the total squared deviation (SS).)between the predicted and observed biomass (Pranovi and Link 2009).In a follow-up diagnostic, we assessed how communities reacted to exceptionally high fishing and fishing mortalities. Furthermore, the fishing mortality rates in Ecosim were compared to the value estimate in the single-species assessment model at maximum sustainable yield. (the time series the data captured between 1988 and 2011 was used as effort. The Ecosim module compared the data observed with the predicted data for the evaluation of the fit of the model. Ecosim's model shows the number of squared deviations from the predicted log caught ( Christensen et al. 2008; Heymans et al. 2016). With a compatible Plug-in, the step by step mounting process was used .The fishing effort was described by the number of days (sum of fishing days of all fishers per year). To evaluate the fit of the model, the predicted and observed catch data was compared using the Ecosim module. The model used by Ecosim is the number of squared deviations from log catches from predicted ones ( Christensen et al. 2008; Heymans et al.,2016) The step-by-step fitting process was used with an integrated plug-in (Scott et al. 2016).In this method, the observations are automatically searched to best fit over a set of hypotheses to evaluate fishing effects (via effort timeseries/fishing mortality), shifts in prey predator dynamics vulnerability settings) and primary production variation ( PP anomaly: represents changes in primary production that can be either time-series or time observations). The three variables (following Mackinson et al. 2009a) was presented in each hypothesis tested. This method consisted of 7 steps in general (Table 1). This method uses Akaike Information Criteria (AIC
AIC = nlog (minSS/ n) + 2k. (5)
to check statistical hypotheses(Akaike,1974)associated with changes in predatory dynamics (also called vulnerabilities: min SS is the minimum square sum based on the relationship between anticipated and observed data sets; k is the number of data sets. parameters.
Primary Production Changes (P anomalies, given P spline points for time series smoothing); fishing impacts and permutations of the factors mentioned above (Table 1). AIC is a model choice method which penalises the application of too many variables for selecting the "correct" version (one that provides the lowest AIC) which takes into consideration the best fit. The second order, Akaike Information Criterion (AICc), was calculatedas follows and was used in the present study:
AICc = AIC + 2k(k-1)/(n-k-1)(6)
for the dataset's limited sample size in our situation, the fitting process has been performed five times. The indicators in the Karapuzha Reservoir are calculated using the "best"fitted models when the time-dynamic fitting process is done. The protocol begins using ananalysis of reference templates (fishing effects, predator-prey-interactions, PP- anomalies), then measuring different combinations of these three variables (fishing effects, predator-prey interactions, and PP- anomaly). Using a weighted sum of squared differences (SS) and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the difference between model.The estimates and time-series observations that best fit are determined (Wagenmakers et al. 2004).During the Fitting Process, we estimated 11 parameters (vulnerability).Once the model with the lowest AIC was established, we determined three metrics for the assessment of the ecological effect of fishing: trophic level of catch (TLc), biomass diversity Kempton index, Q), and loss of production caused by fishing (L index). For the mean trophic level of fishing (TLc) reflected a fishing strategy which accounts for trophic levels of the species in the catch (Christensen1996; Paulyetal.,1998). This indicator is the average TL from the species in the catches:
where is the catch of functional group i in year k, and TLi is the trophic level of the functional group i. The index of Kempton (Q) is a biodiversity measure (Kempton 1976) Christensen et al. 2008, describe the slope of the cumulative abundance group curve. The indices calculate mortality impacts in ecological models, whether from fishing or climate change. Biomass diversity, considering only organisms with trophic levels above 3 ( Ainsworth and Pitcher 2006; Christensen et al. 2008).According to Libralato et al., 2008,“By calculating the the theoretical loss in secondary production was measured”. For quantifying the secondary production loss because of fishing operations, this index contains both ecological properties ( PP and transfer efficiency) and fishing features (trophic level of catch and PP required)w here P1 shows the production of autotrophic and detritus( P1 = PP / FD, PP is the measured net PP and FD is detrital flows) TE is an average transfer efficiency for trophic levels, PR and TL, respectively, are primary production and trophic levels for functional group i. For Ecosystem-based confidence intervals, L index 50 and Lindex75%were used ( Libralato et al. 2008). The dynamic module Using the Karapuzha reservoir model, Ecosim was utilised for a set of fisheries simulations to examine probable changes in ecological attributes as a result of increasing or reducing fishing activity.. The various scenarios were simulated by changing, at the same time, the fishing effort of gillnets and by increasing fishing effort by 25,50,75,and100%from baseline adopted in 2008 as a reduced fishing effort value of 10% and 20%.From 2011to2041(30 years)simulation were carried out. We also made two simulations with fishing mortality that yielded maximum sustainable yield MSY) projections from the EwE programme. After the model calibration, Ecosim Estimated the FMSY and MSY for each of the primary target species. For each functional group, we have calculated two kinds of FMSY and MSY: stationary and full compensation with Ewe. In the stationary method, we obtained the MSY and FMSY figures for each group fished using the Ecosim model of equilibrium for a range of fishing mortality values, thus retaining steady other groups of biomass (Fig. 6) This method assumes that the availability of food and the consequences of predation are both predictable, and that the availability of food and the consequences of predation are both predictable. Fish mortality of other groups in the The base values of ecopaths are constant. Differences are allowed with the full compensation method. In the biomasses of all groups and only in response to changes induced by fishing, We determined the FMSY equilibrium and full compensation for each species ( Walters et al. 2005).In two further simulations, we used the expected full compensation for FMSY and stationary FMSY. We analysed patterns of biomass and catch in reference ( MSY and biomass thresholdand target) for the of these FMSY scenarios on the key targeted organisms overfishing of resources showing fishing mortality above the FMSY (Stationary) reference points were discovered. We came up with FMS equilibrium and full compensation for each species Walters etal.,2005).For each species, we followed the process of Forrest et al. (2015), The biomass limit/target reference points for the classification of stocks in terms of their biomass levels were determined to be 30% and 50% of the biomass in the first year (0.3B19880.5B1988), respectively. The First Year Of The Model. Forrest et al.2015 found the lowest biomass proportions in the first year (20% and 40%). We Raised These Values: We already had pre-built fisheries on the Karapuzha Reservoir before 2008, to represent a higher level of overfishing.