Human subjects protocols were reviewed and approved by the University of Oregon Institutional Review Board (IRB) (Protocol #20210509). One human subject participated in this study. The participant was instructed to:
Climate chamber
Experiments were conducted at the Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory, Portland, OR, USA, using a custom environmentally-controlled climate chamber with an interior volume of 27 m3 (Fig. 1A). Filtered air was supplied through a ceiling plenum and exhausted through a floor plenum. Air was exchanged at ~ 3 air changes per hour (ACH) during test periods and flushed at > 20 ACH for a minimum of 20 minutes between trial periods. We observed the concentration of breath tracers during the experiment as a distinct VOC that is associated with breath mints to confirm the removal of previous residuals before the beginning of each trial.
Ambient indoor air was supplied through a MERV-13 prefilter and high-flow activated carbon filters (Air Box 4 Stealth; AirBox Filters, Laval, Quebec, CA) and exhausted through an identical filtration system (shown as supply filter package and return filter package in Fig. 1A). Air exchange rates were monitored throughout the experiments by balancing supply and exhaust air velocities measured at center-of-duct locations using a thermal anemometer and multi-function ventilation meter (#964 and #9565-P, respectively; TSI Incorporated, Shoreview, MN, USA).
Each trial began with adjustment of the climate chamber's ventilation rate to the maximum value (20 ACH) for a minimum duration of 20 minutes without the presence of the participant in order to evacuate detectable residuals of prior trials (Fig. 1B). We monitored the concentration of menthone to assure it reached a negligible steady-state background concentration. Next, the participant was instructed to enter the chamber, sit in a chair, and breathe normally for five minutes without consuming any breath mints. These 5-minute periods provided a baseline reference for each trial and were included in the study protocol to identify certain compounds that are exclusively associated with natural human breath and not breath mint flavoring, and to additionally provide a baseline to observe any exhaled compounds that may have remained in the participant’s mouth from previous trials. After 5 minutes, the participant was visually informed to begin consuming one breath mint every 10 minutes (Fig. 1B), resulting in 6 breath mints consumed during each 1-hour trial (minutes 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50). All breath mints were carried into the chamber by the participant in an air sealed plastic bag. To keep emissions relatively constant, the participant was instructed to remain silent and minimize body movement during the entire course of study. The participant also took care to maintain a resting activity level between trials to avoid emission irregularities while inside the chamber during the trials.
A summary of all trials conducted in this study is presented in Table 1. We used a single sampling line attached to a portable tripod and moved the probe to designated spots on the floor, measuring 2.5 ft, 5 ft and 7.5 ft from the participant’s mouth (Table 1, Trials A-C). Additionally, we placed another sampling line of equal length inside the floor plenum exhaust duct (called exhaust trials) to measure exhaust air as a “well-mixed” approximation of the volume -averaged concentration (Table 1, Trial D).
In addition to trials A-D (Table 1) within the climate chamber (Fig. 1A), we conducted two other experiments to confirm the presence of unique tracer compounds associated with the exhaled breath of the participant consuming breath mints (Trials E&F, Table 1). In trial E, we placed one single breath mint in the headspace of a 250 mL glass container for ~ 1 minute and monitored the concentration of VOCs over a 20-minutes period. In trial F, the participant was instructed to consume one breath mint while breathing normally into the same 250 mL glass container for ~ 1 minute. Similar to trial E (Table 1), we monitored the concentration of VOCs over a 20-minute period. For trials E and F (Table 1), PTR-ToF-MS sampled at a flowrate of ~ 100 cc/min during both experiments and three minutes of background (BCK) measurements are shown prior to the start of the experiment.
Table 1
Summary of all experiment trials
Trials | Sampling probe distance from the participant’s mouth | Number of replicates | Time step sample numbers per each replicated trial |
A | 2.5 ft | 2 | 3600 s |
B | 5 ft | 2 | 3600 s |
C | 7.5 ft | 2 | 3600 s |
D | Exhaust | 2 | 3600 s |
E | Breath mint in a 250 ml glass container | 1 | 1200 s |
F | Breath mint exhaled into a 250 ml glass container | 1 | 1200 s |
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed using the statistical programming environment R. The Taylor expansion26 procedure was applied using the propagate package27 to calculate the expanded uncertainties associated with VOC measurements (Supplemental Fig. 2 Supplemental table1). The ratio of samples collected at 2.5, 5, and 7.5 ft were normalized by the volume-averaged concentration resulting in a series of magnifiers for each distance expressed in percentage values. The effect size associated with each magnifier was assessed using the Cohen’s D test.28,29