2.1 Reduced-dimensional simulation of stochastic ground motion
Estimating the evolutionary power spectral density function is a necessary condition to characterize the spectral characteristics of the non-stationary process of ground motion, and X(t) is used to represent its random ground motion. According to Priestley's evolutionary spectrum representation theory, the non-stationary simulation of random ground motion\(\hat {X}\left( t \right)\)can be expressed as [35–36]:
$$\hat {X}\left( t \right)=\sum\limits_{{k=1}}^{N} {\sqrt {2{S_X}\left( {{\omega _k},t} \right)\Delta \omega } \left[ {\cos \left( {{\omega _k}t} \right){\alpha _k}+\sin \left( {{\omega _k}t} \right){\beta _k}} \right]}$$
where\({\omega _k}\)is the discrete frequency and\(\Delta \omega\)is the increment of frequency. \({S_X}\)is the bilaterally evolving power spectral density function (EPSD), which is usually defined as: \({S_X}\left( {{\omega _k},t} \right)={\left| {A\left( {\omega ,t} \right)} \right|^2}S\left( \omega \right)\), and\(A\left( {\omega ,t} \right)\)is the random ground motion time-frequency non-smooth modulation function. The uncertainty of ground motion is characterized by the standard orthogonal random variables\({\alpha _k}\)and\({\beta _k}\), which satisfy the following orthogonality conditions according to the spectral representation theory [36].
$$E[{\alpha _k}]=E[{\beta _k}]=0,E[{\alpha _j}{\beta _k}]=0,E[{\alpha _j}{\alpha _k}]=E[{\beta _j}{\beta _k}]={\delta _{jk}}$$
where\({\delta _{jk}}\)is the Kronecker-Delta function. Eq. (1) is used as an approximate expression for non-stationary random ground motion, and when N is taken to be large enough, we can obtain ground motion simulation results with a small enough error truncation; to make the truncation error small enough without losing the accuracy of the results, usually, N is taken to be in the range of 500–1000 [37]. In this case, the uncertain random variables of the most primitive ground motion are \(\left\{ {{\alpha _k},{\beta _k}} \right\}_{{k=1}}^{N}\), and the dimensionality will be reduced to 2N. However, even so, the uncertainty simulation of ground motion still consists of having an ultra-high dimensional probability space. In order to improve the efficiency of non-stationary random ground motion simulation and reduce the number of random variables as well as the computational effort of structural seismic response, this investigation adopts the method of representing random variables as random functions to simulate non-stationary ground motion [36], which transforms the random variable\(\left\{ {{\alpha _k},{\beta _k}} \right\}_{{k=1}}^{N}\)into an orthogonal function with only two variables, thus achieving effective dimension reduction. The orthogonal function is constructed as follows:
$${\hat {\alpha }_k}=cas(k{\theta _1}),{\hat {\beta }_k}=cas(k{\theta _2}),k=1,2, \cdots ,N$$
where \(cas=\sin {\text{(}} \cdot {\text{)}}+\cos {\text{(}} \cdot {\text{)}}\) is the Hartley orthogonal basis function, \(\left\{ {{{\hat {\alpha }}_k},{{\hat {\beta }}_k}} \right\}\) satisfies the condition shown in Eq. (2) [36].
By orthogonal function simulation, the ultra-high-dimensional random variables\(\left\{ {{\alpha _k},{\beta _k}} \right\}\)will be reduced to 2 elementary random variables\(\left\{ {{\theta _1},{\theta _2}} \right\}\). The process of dimension-reduced non-stationary random ground motion simulation is as follows:
(1) Generate representative sample points\(\left\{ {{\theta _1},{\theta _2}} \right\} \in \left[ {0,2\pi } \right)\)of random variables that satisfy uniform distribution and are mutually independent;
(2) Substitute\(\left\{ {{\theta _1},{\theta _2}} \right\}\)into Eq. (3) to construct the independent orthogonal random variables\(\left\{ {{{\hat {\alpha }}_k},{{\hat {\beta }}_k}} \right\}\);
(3) Generate non-stationary ground motion by randomly mapping the random variables\(\left\{ {{{\hat {\alpha }}_k},{{\hat {\beta }}_k}} \right\}\)into\(\left\{ {{\alpha _k},{\beta _k}} \right\}\) Eq. (1).
2.2 Equivalent Extreme Value Theory based on EVD
Generally, the randomness of the structure under seismic ground motion is characterized by the uncertainty of the structural parameters. Assuming that \({\mathbf{\zeta }}=\left\{ {{\zeta _1},{\zeta _2}, \cdots ,{\zeta _s}} \right\}\)is the random variable of the structural parameters,\({\mathbf{\theta }}=\left\{ {{\theta _1},{\theta _2}} \right\}\)denotes the random variable that determines the uncertainty of the reduced-dimensional ground motion, then the dynamic equation of the bridge structure under seismic action can be expressed by the following equation:
$${\mathbf{M}}({\mathbf{\zeta }}){\mathbf{\ddot {X}}}(t)+{\mathbf{C}}({\mathbf{\zeta }}){\mathbf{\dot {X}}}(t)+G\left[ {{\mathbf{X}}(t){\mathbf{\dot {X}}}(t),{\mathbf{\zeta }}} \right]= - {\mathbf{M}}({\mathbf{\zeta }}){\mathbf{I}}{\ddot {x}_g}({\mathbf{\theta }},t)$$
where M is the mass matrix of the structure, C is the damping matrix and G is the non-linear restoring force vector of the structure; \({\mathbf{X}}(t)\), \({\mathbf{\dot {X}}}(t)\) and \({\mathbf{\ddot {X}}}(t)\) are the displacement, velocity, and acceleration vectors of the structural response, respectively, and \({\ddot {x}_g}({\mathbf{\theta }},t)\) is the ground motion generated by the method described in the previous subsection. In the structural reliability analysis, the limit state functional function of the structure can be expressed as:
$$Z=H\left( t \right)$$
H(ζ) > 0, H(ζ) = 0, and H(ζ) < 0 correspond to the safe, limiting, and failure states, respectively. Due to the difficulty of obtaining a numerical solution, the probability of failure R of a structure can be transformed into a simple numerical integral according to the equivalent extreme value theory [22]:
$$R=\text{P}\text{r}\left[ {{Z_{ext}}\left( t \right) \leqslant {Z_m}} \right]=\int_{0}^{{{Z_m}}} {{p_{{Z_{ext}}\left( t \right)}}\left( z \right)dz}$$
where Pr represents the probability; \({Z_m}\) is the limit value of the limit state of the structure in performance-based earthquake engineering; \({Z_{ext}}\) is the extreme value of the response of the structure under seismic action, and \({p_{{Z_{ext}}\left( t \right)}}\left( z \right)\) is the EVD of the seismic response of the structure.
2.3 Maximum entropy method and single-loop solving strategy
Accurate obtaining the EVD of structures under ground motions is a critical step in SRA based on the equivalent extreme value theory. Here the maximum entropy method (MEM) proposed by E.T. Jaynes [38] is applied to obtain the probability density function of the structural extremes.
The response extremum consisting of both structural and ground shaking uncertainties is \({\text{z}_{ext}}(t)\), denoted for convenience as Z. By definition, the information entropy \({\rm H}(z)\) of a response extremum Z with probability density function \({p_z}(z)\) is [38]:
$${\rm H}(z)= - \int_{Z} {{p_z}(z)\log \left( {{p_z}(z)} \right)dz}$$
According to the MEM, the entropy value \({\rm H}(z)\) is maximum when obtaining the PDF of the extreme response Z. Eq. (7) can be equated to a nonlinear optimization problem with the constraint:
\(\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\text{Find}}:{p_z}(z){\text{ }}} \\ {{\text{ Maximize}}:H(z)= - \int_{Z} {{p_z}(z)\log \left( {{p_z}(z)} \right)dz{\text{ }}} } \\ {s.t.\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\int_{Z} {{p_z}(z)\log \left( {{p_z}(z)} \right)dz} =1} \\ {{\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}=\int_{Z} {{z^{{\eta _r}}}{p_z}(z)dz} } \end{array}{\text{for }}r=1,2, \cdots ,M} \right.} \end{array}} \right.\)
where \({\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}\) is the ηrth order fractional moment of the structural extreme response and M is the truncation number of the fractional moment. Generally, the fractional moment can be expressed as follows:
$${\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}=\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{m} {{\varpi _i}z\left( {{{\mathbf{\zeta }}_i},{{\mathbf{\theta }}_i}} \right)}$$
where \({{\mathbf{\zeta }}_i}\) and \({{\mathbf{\theta }}_i}\) are the integration points of the structural and ground motion parameters, respectively; \({\varpi _i}\) is the weight of each integration point.
By applying the Lagrange multiplier method to Eq. (7) and making the first-order partial derivative zero, the estimate of the probability density function is easily obtained as follows:
$${\hat {p}_Z}(z)=\exp \left( { - \sum\limits_{{r=0}}^{M} {{\lambda _r}{z^{{\eta _r}}}} } \right){\text{ }}$$
where \({\mathbf{\lambda }}={[{\lambda _0}, \cdots ,{\lambda _M}]^{\text{T}}}\) is the Lagrange multiplier; \({\eta}={[{\eta _0}, \cdots ,{\eta _M}]^{\text{T}}}\) is the fractional-order moment.
Further, to assess the difference between the estimate \({\hat {p}_Z}(z)\) and the true value \({p_Z}(z)\) of the probability density function, the evaluation is performed here by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence [39], which transforms a constrained nonlinear problem into an unconstrained optimization problem:
$$\left\{ {{\eta _r},{\lambda _r}} \right\}_{{r=1}}^{M}=\mathop {Arg}\limits_{{{\eta}{\text{\& }}{\mathbf{\lambda }}}} {\text{ min}}\left\{ {\ln \left[ {\int_{Z} {\exp \left( { - \sum\limits_{{r=1}}^{M} {{\lambda _r}{z^{{\eta _r}}}} } \right)dz} } \right]+\sum\limits_{{r=0}}^{M} {{\lambda _r}{\mu _Z}^{{{\eta _r}}}} } \right\}$$
Due to the inclusion of a large amount of central moment information, this allows the fractional moments to fully avoid the instability caused by the integer moments in the optimization process [39]. However, the two-parameter unconstrained optimization problem remains a major challenge because the initial values of \({\mathbf{\lambda }}\) and η are generated randomly, and the optimization with double-loop results in functions that are difficult to converge, or a large number of calculations yield only local extremes. To overcome the above disadvantages, a single-loop strategy [40] will be adopted in this study to ensure the robustness of the MEM solution.
First, perform integration by parts to the constraint in Eq. (8), and then we have [41]:
$$\begin{gathered} {\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}=\int_{Z} {{z^{{\eta _r}}}{p_z}(z)dz} \hfill \\ {\text{ =}}\frac{1}{{\eta r+1}}\left[ {{z^{{\eta _r}+1}}{p_z}(z)} \right]_{{za}}^{{zb}}+\frac{1}{{\eta r+1}}\int_{Z} {{z^{{\eta _r}+1}}d{p_z}(z)} \hfill \\ r=0,...,M \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$
where za and zb are the upper and lower bounds of the response, respectively. Suppose za = 0 and zb = 1 and substitute Eq. (10) into Eq. (12), such that:
$$\left( {{\eta _r}+1} \right){\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}={p_z}(1)+\sum\limits_{{k=1}}^{M} {{\lambda _k}} \,{\eta _k}\,{\mu _z}^{{({\eta _r}+{\eta _k})}}$$
Then, replacing i in the above equation with i + 1, Eq. (13) can be rewritten in the following form:
$$\left( {\eta r+1+1} \right){\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}+1}}={p_z}(1)+\sum\limits_{{k=1}}^{M} {{\lambda _k}} \,{\eta _k}\,{\mu _z}^{{({\eta _{r+1}}+{\eta _k})}}$$
Subtract Eq. (13) from Eq. (14) to obtain:
$$\left( {{\eta _{r+1}}+1} \right){\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}+1}} - \left( {{\eta _r}+1} \right){\mu _z}^{{{\eta _r}}}=\sum\limits_{{k=1}}^{M} {{\lambda _k}} \,{\eta _k}\,({\mu _z}^{{({\eta _{r+1}}+{\eta _k})}} - {\mu _z}^{{({\eta _r}+{\eta _k})}})$$
Eventually, such a transformation makes the Lagrange multiplier \({\mathbf{\lambda }}={[{\lambda _0}, \cdots ,{\lambda _M}]^{\text{T}}}\) linearly solvable by Eq. (15), and the original two-loop nested optimization problem of Eq. (11) is simplified to a single-loop optimization problem of Eq. (16), which effectively ensures the stability of the convergence of the optimization function with sufficient accuracy [40].
$$\left\{ {{\eta _r},{\lambda _r}} \right\}_{{r=1}}^{M}=\mathop {Arg}\limits_{{\eta}} {\text{ min}}\left\{ {\ln \left[ {\int_{Z} {\exp \left( { - \sum\limits_{{r=1}}^{M} {{\lambda _r}{\kern 1pt} {z^{{\eta _r}}}} } \right)dz} } \right]+\sum\limits_{{r=0}}^{M} {{\lambda _r}{\mu _Z}^{{{\eta _r}}}} } \right\}$$
The above conclusion for the general case where the response extremum Z is at [za, zb] can be linearly transformed by Eq. (17) to satisfy the condition.
$${{{Z}}^*}=\frac{{{{Z}} - {z_a}}}{{{z_b} - {z_a}}}$$
2.4 ICLHS and unequal weighted fractional moment estimation
Assuming that px(X) is the joint probability density function of the uncertain random variable X, then the fractional-order moments can be estimated by the following equation:
$${\mu ^{{\eta _r}}}={\int_{{{X}}} {z{{({{X}})}^{{\eta _r}}}p} _{{X}}}({{X}})d{{X}}=\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{m} {{\varpi _i}z{{\left( {{{\bar {{{X}}}}_i}} \right)}^{{\eta _r}}},} \left( {i=1,2, \cdots ,m} \right)$$
where \({\bar {{{X}}}_i},i=1,2, \cdots ,m\) is the integration point, \({\varpi _i}\) is the weight corresponding to the integration point. The following three aspects should be interested for the relevant sampling methods and unequal weights: (1) How to generate the set of integral points with reduced correlation? (2) How to construct the unequal positive weights of the integration points? (3) How to ensure that the number of generated integral points is sufficient? The specific steps for these three aspects of interest are as follows:
(1) For d random variables \(\bar {{{X}}}{\kern 1pt} ={\kern 1pt} \left\{ {x1,x2, \ldots ,xd} \right\}\)in the structure, given the number of integration point sets MRep, determine the set of discrete standard positive-terminus distribution points \({P_{{U}}}=\left\{ {{\mathbf{u}_q}=({u_{1,q}},{u_{2,q}}, \cdots ,{u_{d,q}}),q=1,2, \cdots ,m} \right\}\) by
$${u_{i,q}}=\Phi _{{0,1}}^{{ - 1}}\left( {\frac{{{\theta _{i,q}}}}{{m+1}}} \right)$$
where m is the total number of integration points, \(\Phi _{{0,1}}^{{ - 1}}\left( \cdot \right)\) is the inverse distribution of the standard normal distribution, each column of \({\mathbf{\theta }}=\left\{ {{{\mathbf{\theta }}_1},{{\mathbf{\theta }}_2}, \cdots ,{{\mathbf{\theta }}_d}} \right\}\) is a random permutation vector of 1,2,…,m;
(2) According to the structural random parameter distribution of interest, the sample point set is generated by
$${{{P}}_{{{\tilde {{{X}}}}_i}}}=F_{i}^{{ - 1}}\left( {\frac{{{{\mathbf{\theta }}_i} - {{{R}}_{{i}}}}}{m}} \right)$$
where Fi is the distribution function of the ith random variable, Ri is a random vector satisfying the (0,1) uniform distribution;
(3) Estimate the covariance matrices of A and B separately, perform the Cholesky decomposition such that [30]
$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{L_0}{L_0}^{T}=\operatorname{cov} \left( {{P_{{U}}}} \right)} \\ {{L_1}{L_1}^{T}=\operatorname{cov} \left( {{P_{\tilde {{{X}}}}}} \right)} \end{array}} \right.$$
where L0 and L1 are the lower triangular matrices obtained by Cholesky decomposition, respectively. The updated set of points for local correlation stripping can be obtained by [34]
$${P_{{U}}}^{*}={P_{{U}}}{\left[ {{\text{inv}}({L_0})} \right]^T}{L_1}^{T}$$
where inv(•) is the matrix inverse operator. In this case, the internal arrangement of the fundamental points of \({P_{{U}}}^{*}\) changes to \({{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{i}\left( {i=1,2, \cdots ,d} \right)\), the updated random permutation matrix \({{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}=\left\{ {{{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{1},{{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{2}, \cdots ,{{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{d}} \right\}\) can be obtained;
(4) Generate a new point set \({\kappa _q}=({\kappa _{1,q}},{\kappa _{2,q}}, \cdots ,{\kappa _{d,q}}),q=1,2, \cdots ,m\) in the [0,1]d unit hypercube space based on the updated random permutation vector \({{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{i}\left( {i=1,2, \cdots ,d} \right)\) by
$${{\kappa}_i}=\frac{{{{\mathbf{\theta }}^*}_{i} - {{{R}}_{{i}}}}}{m},i=1,2, \cdots ,d$$
(5) Repeatedly generated MRep group point sets. The uniformity of the point set was quantified using the central L2 discrepancy (CL2) [37], which was determined by
$$\begin{gathered} C{L_2}\left( {m,P} \right)={\left( {\frac{{13}}{{12}}} \right)^d} - \frac{2}{m}\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{m} {\prod\limits_{{j=1}}^{d} {\left( {1+0.5\left| {{\kappa _{j,l}} - 0.5} \right| - 0.5{{\left| {{\kappa _{j,l}} - 0.5} \right|}^2}} \right)} } \hfill \\ {\text{ +}}\frac{2}{{{m^2}}}\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{m} {\sum\limits_{{k=1}}^{m} {\prod\limits_{{j=1}}^{d} {\left( {1+0.5\left| {{\kappa _{j,l}} - 0.5} \right|+0.5\left| {{\kappa _{j,k}} - 0.5} \right| - 0.5\left| {{\kappa _{j,l}} - {\kappa _{j,k}}} \right|} \right)} } } \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$
The smaller the CL2 discrepancy indicates that the point set is more uniform. To assess the fractional moments as accurately as possible, the point set needs to have the smallest CL2 discrepancy
$$\tilde {P}=\mathop {Arg}\limits_{{\left\{ {{P_1},{P_2}, \cdots ,{P_{{N_{Rep}}}}} \right\}}} {\text{ min}}\left\{ {C{L_2}\left( {m,{P_1}} \right),C{L_2}\left( {m,{P_2}} \right), \cdots ,C{L_2}\left( {m,{P_{{N_{Rep}}}}} \right)} \right\}$$
After selecting the set of basic points, the integral points can be generated by the iso-probabilistic transformation
$${{{P}}_{\tilde {{{X}}},i}}=F_{i}^{{ - 1}}\left( {{{\kappa}_i}} \right)$$
(6) Using Voronoi cell elements to partition the distribution domain of the integral points generated by Eq. (26), the Voronoi cell elements are expressed as [42]
where \({\mathbb{R}}\) represents the cell subdomain. For any particular point xq, the distance from any point y in its Voronoi cell subdomain to xq is smaller than the distance to any other particular point xj, and satisfies
$${\Omega _{{P}}}=\mathop \cup \limits_{{k=1}}^{m} {\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} Vk\;\quad V1 \cap V2 \cap \cdots \cap Vm=\emptyset$$
(7) The weights wi corresponding to the integration points can be equated to the probability Pk for each Voronoi cell subdomain. The MCS numerical method is applied here to determine the probability Pk by scattering the point set \({\widetilde {{{x}}}_j}=\left( {{{\widetilde {x}}_{1,j}},{{\widetilde {x}}_{2,j}}, \cdots ,{{\widetilde {x}}_{m,j}}} \right)\quad j=1,2, \ldots ,{N_L},{N_L} \gg m\) in the truncated domain [23]
$${w_i}={P_k} \cong \frac{\mathbb{S}}{{{N_L}}}\sum\limits_{{j=1}}^{{{N_L}}} {{f_{{X}}}\left( {{{\widetilde {{{x}}}}_j}} \right)} \times I\left[ {{{\widetilde {{{x}}}}_j} \in {V_k}} \right]$$
where \({\mathbb{S}}\) represents the cubic volume. \(I\left[ \bullet \right]\) is the indicator operator that satisfies
$$I\left[ {{{\widetilde {{{x}}}}_j} \in {V_k}} \right]=\left\{ {_{{0\quad {{\widetilde {{{x}}}}_j} \notin {V_k}}}^{{1\quad {{\widetilde {{{x}}}}_j} \in {V_k}}}} \right.$$
(8) Determine the number of integration points needed according to the fractional moments of the test function. Define the relative error as
$$e=\hbox{max} \left( {\frac{{\left| {\mu _{{e - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}} - \mu _{{c - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}} \right|}}{{\left| {\mu _{{e - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}} \right|}}} \right),{\text{ }}{m_r} \in \Omega$$
where \(\Omega\) is the truncation domain of fractional order \({\eta _r}\), usually taken as [-3, 3]. \(\mu _{{e - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}\) is the fractional moment obtained from the original MCS simulation, and \(\mu _{{c - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}\) is the fractional moment estimated by the unequal-weight ICLHS method. A typical nonlinear test function is defined as [43]
$$Z\left( {{X}} \right)=1+{{{{{X}}^T}{{X}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{{X}}^T}{{X}}} 2}} \right. \kern-0pt} 2}$$
The fractional moments of the test function estimate by the crude MCS simulation are
$$\mu _{{e - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}={\int_{{{X}}} {z{{({{X}})}^{{\eta _r}}}p} _{{X}}}({{X}})d{{X}}=\frac{1}{{{N_L}}}\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{{{N_L}}} {{{\left( {1+{{{{\tilde {{{X}}}}_i}^{T}{{\tilde {{{X}}}}_i}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{\tilde {{{X}}}}_i}^{T}{{\tilde {{{X}}}}_i}} 2}} \right. \kern-0pt} 2}} \right)}^{{\eta _r}}}}$$
The fractional moments estimated by the unequally weighted ICLHS simulation are
$$\mu _{{c - t}}^{{{\eta _r}}}={\int_{{{X}}} {z{{({{X}})}^{{\eta _r}}}p} _{{X}}}({{X}})d{{X}}=\sum\limits_{{i=1}}^{m} {{w_i}{{\left( {1+{{{{\bar {{{X}}}}_i}^{T}{{\bar {{{X}}}}_i}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{\bar {{{X}}}}_i}^{T}{{\bar {{{X}}}}_i}} 2}} \right. \kern-0pt} 2}} \right)}^{{\eta _r}}}}$$
For a given relative error \(\varepsilon\), the number of integration points is considered to meet the requirement when calculating the relative error \(e \leqslant \varepsilon\). Otherwise, the number of integration points is increased;
(9) After generating uncertain seismic waves by dimension reduction of the stochastic ground motion, perform nonlinear dynamic analysis on the structure, and finally calculate the fractional moments of the response by Eq. (18).
It should be noted that for steps (1)-(8) do not involve dynamic response analysis, which can greatly reduce the computational burden while ensuring accuracy. The complete implementation of the proposed framework for SRA of structures is shown in Fig. 1.