Acetic acid tolerance of putative acetate transporter deletion mutants
To analyze the combined impact of the putative acetic acid transporters Aqr1, Tpo2, and Tpo3 on acetic acid tolerance, individual, double, and triple gene deletion mutants were constructed using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. Single gene deletions have been studied before (Tenreiro et al., 2002, Fernandes et al., 2005), but have not previously been combined to yield double and triple deletion strains. This allows us to resolve the combined role of this network of transporters in acetic acid tolerance. Therefore, acetate transporter single (aqr1∆, tpo2∆, and tpo3∆), double (aqr1∆tpo2∆, aqr1∆tpo3∆, and tpo2∆tpo3∆) and triple (aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆) deletions were generated. Next, cells were grown on mineral medium with 2% (w/v) glucose and in the presence or absence of acetic acid at pH 4 (Figure 1). In the absence of added acetic acid, the wild type and single transporter deletion strains showed identical growth and no apparent growth defect. Slightly increased maximal growth levels were noted with the tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutant and the aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutant, whereas the aqr1∆tpo3∆ mutant showed a reduced growth rate. When cells were exposed to low levels of acetic acid (20 mM), growth of the wild type and all single acetate transporter deletion mutants was not affected, nor was growth of the aqr1∆tpo2∆ mutant further affected. In contrast, the tpo2∆tpo3∆ and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutants were unable to grow in the presence of 20 mM acetic acid (Figure 1). At higher acetic acid concentration (50 mM), growth defects became apparent for nearly all strains but to varying degrees. Since the mutants with both TPO2 and TPO3 deletion were already unable to grow at low concentrations of acetic acid, it appears that Tpo2 and Tpo3 combined play an important role in acetic acid tolerance.
To further define the effects of the TPO2 and TPO3 double deletion, growth profiles and acetate production were compared between the wild type and tpo2∆tpo3∆ strain grown in shaken flasks. The lag phase of tpo2∆tpo3∆ was extended to nearly 72 hours in the presence of 15 mM acetic acid, while the wild type showed no significant lag phase extension (Figure 2A). Addition of 15 mM acetic acid to the medium during exponential phase resulted in a growth arrest both for the wild type and tpo2∆tpo3∆ after 3 h. However, the wild type resumed growth after 7 h, while tpo2∆tpo3∆ remained in growth arrest for more than 4 days. Acetate production by the tpo2∆tpo3∆ strain was always lower than that of the wild type (Figure 2B). Following the acetic acid pulse stress, growth recovery by the wild type was not accompanied with net consumption of acetic acid. Rather, the extracellular acetic acid levels increased. Taken together, the deletion of TPO2 and TPO3 severely reduces the tolerance of S. cerevisiae towards acetic acid and its ability to recover from acetic acid stress.
Expression of the putative acetate transporters in the various mutants
Since the severe growth defects at lower acetic acid concentration were only observed with cells harboring both the TPO2 and TPO3 deletion, and not in cells with individual gene deletions, the expression levels of AQR1, TPO2, and TPO3 were determined to examine if the expression of the remaining exporters changes in the single deletion strains. Cells were grown in mineral medium with and without 20 mM acetic acid, and the expression of the aforementioned genes was determined by RT-PCR using the ACT1 gene as an internal reference from early exponential grown cells (Figure 3). Transcriptional expression levels were normalized relative to the expression of the same gene in the wild type grown in the absence of acetic acid. With the wild-type, growth in the presence of 20 mM acetic acid significantly increased the expression of TPO2 5-fold. Likewise, increased levels of TPO2 expression were also noted in the aqr1∆ (2.0 ± 0.6) and tpo3∆ (6.7 ± 0.5) mutants grown in the absence of acetic acid. TPO2 expression levels increased further (5.2 ± 0.4) in the aqr1∆ strain but decreased (3.2 ± 0.4) in the tpo3∆ strain when grown in the presence of 20 mM acetic acid. In the presence of 20 mM acetic acid, a decrease in AQR1 expression was noted in the wild type, tpo2∆, and tpo3∆ strains. Further, the expression of TPO3 was slightly increased in the aqr1∆ and tpo2∆ strains, and in the aqr1∆tpo2∆ strain when grown in the presence of acetic acid. In the tpo2∆ strain, no significant changes in expression of TPO3 and AQR1 were noted. Because of the significant growth defects of the strains lacking both TPO2 and TPO3 in the presence of acetic acid, AQR1 levels were not determined in those cells. Since a major upregulation of TPO2 occurred in the individual aqr1∆ and tpo3∆ mutants when cells were grown in the presence of acetic acid, the elevated levels of Tpo2 in these cells likely contributes to the remaining acetic acid tolerance and hence cause a weaker phenotype.
Since the above data indicates that Tpo2 and Tpo3 are the main acetic acid exporters, their ability to restore acetic acid tolerance was tested in the tpo2∆tpo3∆ strain. Herein, the respective genes were cloned into the expression vector pRS313-P7T7 containing the truncated promoter and terminator of HXT7 (Nijland et al., 2014). The resulting plasmids were transformed into the wild type and the tpo2∆tpo3∆ strain for overexpression of TPO2 and/or TPO3. Spot assays were employed to compare the impact of TPO2 and TPO3 overexpression on acetate resistance (Figure 4). In the tpo2∆tpo3∆ strain, Tpo2 or Tpo3 expression restored the acetate tolerance to wild type levels, with TPO2 overexpression being more effective than TPO3 overexpression. Combined TPO2 and TPO3 overexpression did not improve the tolerance to acetate beyond that observed for the wild type, suggesting that high level tolerance depends on other cellular processes.
Accumulation of intracellular acetate
Next, the intracellular levels of acetic acid in the various deletion mutants were determined. Herein, cells grown in the absence of acetic acid were collected from the mid-exponential phase, and the cellular metabolites were extracted with cold methanol. The mutants harboring both the TPO2 and TPO3 deletion, showed a significantly higher level of intracellular acetate than the control cells and the other deletion mutants (Figure 5). This is consistent with the notion that acetate formed during sugar metabolism will be less efficiently secreted in these cells, although altered metabolism might also contribute to this phenomenon. Acetate levels were also determined in cells grown in the presence of 20 mM acetic acid. It should be noted that cells harboring both the TPO2 and TPO3 deletion showed a severe growth defect and therefore could not be used in these studies. In the other strains, levels of acetate were found to be much lower as compared to the growth conditions without extracellular acetic acid. Only in the aqr1∆ mutant, the intracellular level of acetic acid was slightly lower than that in the control cells. In the presence of 20 mM acetic acid, no major changes in extracellular acetic acid levels were noted in the wild type, the single deletion mutants and the aqr1∆tpo2∆ mutant (Supplemental Figure S1).
Acetate efflux analysis
To determine if the reduced tolerance against acetic acid in the deletion strains is due to reduced secretion, efflux of acetate was measured employing cells grown in the absence of acetic acid. Cells were equilibrated for 15 minutes with 50 mM [1-14C] acetic acid yielding initially loading levels of 8.10 ± 0.29, 8.60 ± 0.31, 8.63 ± 0.20, and 8.71 ± 0.21 nmol of acetic acid/OD600 for the wild-type, aqr1∆, tpo2∆tpo3∆, and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ strains, respectively. Next, the efflux of acetic acid was measured by diluting the cells more than 20-fold into a medium without acetic acid. Whereas the rate of acetic acid efflux was almost similar for the wild-type and aqr1∆ mutant, slower efflux was observed in the strains lacking both the TPO2 and TPO3 genes (Figure 6). After long term incubation (>30 minutes), the levels of remaining [1-14C] acetate were identical for all strains (Figure 6). These data demonstrate that deletion of the Tpo2 and Tpo3 transporters indeed results in a reduced efflux of acetate.
Sugar fermentation of deletion strains
Next, the various deletion strains were grown both anaerobically and aerobically on glucose, and the ethanol and acetate yield on glucose was determined. Increased levels of ethanol production were observed for the deletion strains relative to the wild type both under anaerobic and aerobic conditions (Table 1). Moreover, statistically significant differences of ethanol production were found in all mutants under aerobic condition, and in aqr1∆tpo2∆, the tpo2∆tpo3∆ and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutants under anaerobic condition. In the anaerobic fermentation, this effect was most pronounced for the aqr1∆tpo2∆, the tpo2∆tpo3∆ and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutants. The levels of acetic acid production remained mostly unaffected in aerobic and anaerobic fermentation or was slightly decreased in the tpo2∆tpo3∆ and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ mutants under anaerobic growth conditions (Table 1). These data suggest an altered ethanol metabolism, in particular in strains lacking both TPO2 and TPO3.
Table 1. Ethanol and acetate yield by wild type and mutant cells grown aerobically (9.5 h) or anaerobically (48 h) on glucose.
Aerobic fermentation
Anaerobic fermentation
Ethanol yield g/g glucose consumption
Acetate yield g/g glucose consumption
Ethanol yield g/g glucose consumption
Acetate yield g/g glucose consumption
Wild type
0.371 ± 0.008
0.019 ± 0.003
0.386 ± 0.011
0.020 ± 0.001
0.442 ± 0.019*
0.021 ± 0.004
0.402 ± 0.001
0.021 ± 0.001
0.478 ± 0.024**
0.021 ± 0.002
0.396 ± 0.012
0.019 ± 0.001
0.458 ± 0.004**
0.020 ± 0.001
0.410 ± 0.010
0.020 ± 0.001
0.476 ± 0.006**
0.019 ± 0.001
0.431 ± 0.005**
0.022 ± 0.004
0.454 ± 0.006**
0.019 ± 0.001
0.434 ± 0.002**
0.018 ± 0.001
0.452 ± 0.012*
0.020 ± 0.001
0.434 ± 0.001**
0.018 ± 0.001
Statistical differences were performed by R programing. One-way ANOVA analysis and Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference test were used to analysis the statistical difference between mutants and wild type under the same growth condition. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01.
Expression of genes related to acetic acid metabolism
In S. cerevisiae, pyruvate decarboxylase (Pdc1) converts pyruvate into acetaldehyde, which is further converted to ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh1, Adh3, Adh4 and Adh5) or is oxidized to acetate by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (Ald2, Ald3, Ald4, Ald5, Ald6) (Figure 7. A). The cytosolic enzymes Ald2, Ald3 and mostly prominent Ald6, catalyze acetate formation from glucose, while the mitochondrial enzymes Ald5 and in particular Ald4 are expressed during growth on ethanol to connect ethanol to primary metabolism. Ald2 and Ald3 play a limited role in this process as their genes are expressed by excessive levels of acetaldehyde (Aranda & del Olmo Ml, 2003) and during osmotic stress and glucose exhaustion (Navarro-Aviño JP, 1999, Saint-Prix et al., 2004). Adh4 and Adh5 are not involved in the reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol (de Smidt et al., 2012).
To examine how ethanol and acetic acid metabolism are affected in the various deletion strains, the expression levels of the genes involved in these pathways (Figure 7. A) were determined by RT-PCR. For this purpose, RNA was extracted from the wild type and deletion strains grown to early exponential phase in mineral medium with or without 20 mM acetic acid. The expression of all analyzed genes was normalized relative to their expression in the wild type using ACT1 as reference gene. With most of the deletion strains, upregulation was observed for the ADH2, ADH5, ALD5, and ACO1 genes while ALD2, ALD4, ALD6, ADH3, ACS2, and PDC1 were downregulated in absence of acetic acid (Figure 7B). In particular, the downregulation of the major acetaldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4 and Ald6, and the upregulation of alcohol dehydrogenases Adh1 in the mutants is in line with the increased levels of ethanol production. In the expression response, the two strains lacking both TPO2 and TPO3 clustered together and show the strongest responses. These strains show remarkably reduced expression levels (fold-change) of ALD4 (9.4 ± 0.3 and 10.6 ± 0.4 in tpo2∆tpo3∆ and aqr1∆tpo2∆tpo3∆ strains, respectively), ALD6 (2.3 ± 0.2 and 5.5 ± 0.6) and ACS2 (5.5 ± 0.3 and 12.2 ± 0.5). Overall, these data suggest that a reduction in the capacity to secreted acetic acid is accompanied with an altered metabolic gene expression pattern that favors conversion of acetaldehyde into ethanol, hence preventing further accumulation of intracellular acetic acid. Interestingly, when the wild type and deletion mutants were challenged with 20 mM acetic acid, also higher levels of ADH2, ACO1, ALD5 and ADH5 and reduced levels of PDC1 and ADH3 were observed Most notably, the expression levels of ACS1 and ALD6 changed from downregulation to upregulation while ADH1 expression levels were downregulation in the presence of acetic acid, which likely limits the accumulation of intracellular acetate by shuttling the acetic acid into the TCA cycle.