X-linked ichthyosis (XLI) (OMIM # 308100) is the second most common type of ichthyosis after ichthyosis vulgaris. It affects approximately 1 in 6000 males from different ethnic groups and different geographic locations (Craig et al., 2010; Scot, 1966). In our report, we described 8 male patients from 3 unrelated Tunisian families. All patients showed a classical XLI phenotype, characterized by generalized, thick, dark and polygonal scales. Palms and soles are typically spared, which allows clinicians to distinguish XLI from ichthyosis vulgaris. Extracutaneous manifestations such as corneal opacity, mental retardation and gonadal alterations have been described in patients with XLI. One patient of our cohort has cryptorchidism.
STS gene is located on Xp22.3 close to the pseudoautosomal region. STS locus has the highest ratio of chromosomal deletion among all genetic disorders loci (Yen et al., 1990)(Herna, 1999). Up to 90% of XLI patients display a large deletion of the entire STS gene. It is often deleted in XLI patients by unequal crossing-over. The presence of a high number of Low Copy Repetitive Elements (LCR), such as the hypervariable locus called (CRI232), flanking the STS and contiguous genes increases unequal crossing-over during female meiosis (Herna, 1999) (Yen et al., 1990). Large deletions on Xp22.3 can spread to STS neighbouring genes and cause associated phenotypical abnormalities such as mental retardation, short stature and endocrine diseases (Diociaiuti 2018)(Ben Khelifa et al., 2013).
Patient III.10 from the F1 family and patient IV.12 from the F2 family showed two interstitial microdeletions in the Xp22.31 region of 986.2Kb and 1.4Mb, respectively. STS gene microdeletions are considered classic when the size ranges from 1.35Mb to 1.6Mb (Diociaiuti 2018 et al). Regardless of different deletion breakpoints between the two patients, the latter share the same number of deleted OMIM genes that span the STS gene and PUDP1, VCX, PNPLA4 contiguous genes responsible for roughly similar clinical manifestations. It was demonstrated by Van Esch et al (2005) that Deletion breakpoints are due to the presence of a high number of the CRI-S232 LCR sequence flanking the STS gene, each harbouring a member of the VCX gene containing several repeat units (RU2) located at the 3' end of the gene served as recombination sites. These findings may explain the different deletion breakpoints in our two patients.
MLPA and FISH analysis showed that the mothers of our patients are carriers of the same STS deletions. The mothers show no XLI clinical manifestations, confirming that the STS gene faces the "Lyonisation" theory in which it escapes X chromosome inactivation and maintains the enzymatic activity of STS in carriers’ mothers.
The high-sequence similarity; around 94% for exons; (Castillo 1992) between STS gene and the unprocessed pseudogene located on Yq11.2 (so-called STSP1) could mislead genetic analysis results (Fig. 7).
Herein, direct Sanger sequencing was performed for all of our patients and revealed a 13 bp deletion within the exon 4 of the Y chromosome STSP1 pseudogene. In fact, no common haplotype shared by affected patients was detected around X chromosome STS gene and no mother was carrier of this mutation. STS and STSP1 genes partial homology (Fig. 7) explains the unstable amplification of exon 4 in our patients (Genet et al., 1993)(An et al., 2005). The non-amplification of exons 1, 5 and 10 in our patients is explained by their weak homology on Y chromosome.