CV: coefficient of variation; EC: electrical conductivity
Salinity significantly reduced the plant height of rice varieties at EC 9,38 dS/m, the standard variety infected with IR28 significant decreased in plant height with increasing salinity concentration, the remaining varieties and Doc Phung had an increased plant height and decreased salt concentration (Fig. 1). Reduced plant height was due to decreased cell division and elongation (Yaghubi et al., 2013). Sodium chloride damage plants through ionic toxicity and osmotic stress. The rapidly osmotic phase inhibits the growth of young leaves by reducing cell proliferation and delaying cell elongation, whereas the ionic phase gradually induces cellular aging in mature leaves (Urano et al., 2014).
Panicle/plant was related to the tillering ability of rice plants. Here salt significantly reduced panicle/plant compared with the control (0 dS/m). IR28 was not recorded in panicles exposed to salt treatments (Fig. 2). Inhibition of tillering was the main cause of yield loss under salt stress (Zeng et al., 2003; Haq et al., 2009). The reduction in tilling may be due to the salt effect on the vegetative and reproductive stages.
Panicle length is an important yield component under salinity because it determines the number of seeds per panicle. Here, salinity reduced panicle length than the control (0 dS/m) and started decreasing at EC 9,38 dS/m (Fig. 3). In standard varieties, IR28 was not recorded to influence the panicle length because the variety died at EC 9,38 dS/m, whereas Doc Phung salt-tolerant varieties had decreased panicle length from 22,1 cm to 20,0 cm. Further, Zeng et al. (2001) stated that salinity affects the panicle length of rice by reducing primary and secondary branches and the number of spikelets produced per panicle.
The results of grain/panicle in Fig. 4 show that grain/panicle decreased significantly as the EC concentration increased. For example, Nep Than had its grain/panicle reduced to 50% from 120 grains at EC 0 dS/m and had approximately 60 grains at EC 15,63 dS/m. In a study, scientists revealed a linear decrease in several yield components with increasing salinity, including percentage of sterile flower and the number of shoots and grains per plant, thereby reducing seed weight per plant (Zeng and Shannon, 2000).
Salt stress reduces a 1000 grain weight of all rice varieties from EC 9,38 dS/m. Doc Phung, Trang Lun, Gie Hanh had its 1000 grain weight insignificantly decrease; in contrast, the remaining varieties were significantly decreased (Fig. 5). Rao et al. (2008) reported that a 1000 grain weight significantly decreased under salty conditions, showing that salinity reduced rice grains' size.
Grain yield depends on the number of panicle/plant, grains/panicles, and a 1000 grain weight (Zeng et al., 2003). Here, a decrease in grain yield was observed in all rice varieties when EC increased from 9,38 to 15,63 dS/m (Table 3).
Table 3
Grain yield (g) of five traditional rice varieties in differently electrical conductivity concentrations
EC (dS/m)
Yield/plant \(\pm\) sd (g)
Nang Cha Ran
Nep Than
Trang Lun
Gie Hanh
Nang Tich
Đoc Phung
27,9 \(\pm\) 0,4a
28,5 \(\pm\) 0,2a
23,7 \(\pm\) 0,3a
25,5 \(\pm\) 0,2a
30,2 \(\pm\) 0,3a
28,6 \(\pm\) 0,1a
25,6 \(\pm\) 0,1a
11,7 \(\pm\) 0,2b
11,4 \(\pm\) 0,2b
10,0 \(\pm\) 0,3b
10,6 \(\pm\) 0,3b
13,5 \(\pm\) 0,3b
13,5 \(\pm\) 0,3b
0,0 \(\pm\) 0,0b
8,5 \(\pm\) 0,5c
7,3 \(\pm\) 0,2c
5,3 \(\pm\) 0,2c
6,5 \(\pm\) 0,2c
9,5 \(\pm\) 0,2c
9,4 \(\pm\) 0,3c
0,0 \(\pm\) 0,0b
5,2 \(\pm\) 0,3d
5,4 \(\pm\) 0,4d
4,1 \(\pm\) 0,2d
4,8 \(\pm\) 0,3d
4,5 \(\pm\) 0,2d
5,6 \(\pm\) 0,4d
0,0 \(\pm\) 0,0b
Means in the same column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P = 0.05, according to Duncan's test for multiple means
Grain yield reduction of rice varieties with increasing EC concentrations is shown in Fig. 6. Grain yield at EC 9,38 dS/m declined significantly than the control (0 dS/m), what less than 40% for all rice varieties (Nang Cha Ran, Nep Than, Trang Lun, Nang Tich, and Doc Phung), whereas at EC 15,63 dS/m had decreased productivity of 80%. For IR28, only sensitive variety had their yield decreased by 100% at EC 9,38 dS/m.