Proximate composition
The moisture content of salmon and olive flounder was 65.3% and 75.8%, crude proteins were 20.2% and 22.2%, and crude lipids of fish were 15.7% and 3%, respectively (Table 1). These results were similar to those reported by Erdem et al. (2020) and Yoon et al. (2015). Overall, the crude protein and water contents of olive flounder were higher than those of salmon, but the crude lipid content was lower than that of salmon.
Time-temperature profiles
The time-temperature profiles of salmon and olive flounder during storage for 12 days are shown in Figure 1. Refrigeration treatment was implemented at 3 °C, and all salmon samples reached 3 °C after 1.5 h of storage. Stepwise algorithm cooling was applied to accomplish slow cooling for the supercooled storage of salmon and olive flounder. The limit lower temperature was set at -2.0 °C since the nucleation temperature of fishes were mostly from -1.0 °C to -2.5 °C (Sivertsvik et al., 2002). The fish were slowly cooled and sustained at -2 °C for 18 h. Thereafter, temperatures were restored to prevent nucleation by repeating the stepwise algorithm. While repeating the algorithm, the temperature of the sample followed the target temperature in the range of ±0.1 °C. Temperatures of samples were maintained -2.1 °C to -1.9 °C without phase transition at 54–72 h, which was in the range of the initial freezing temperature of fish (Kim et al., 2021). During this slow-cooling storage, all the samples stably maintained supercooled conditions. The freezing treatment was conducted at -18 °C and reached -18 °C after 6.5 h of storage. The samples were preserved at -18 °C to -19 °C for 12 days. The physicochemical properties of the samples were then evaluated to compare the frozen and refrigerated samples at 3, 6, 9, and 12 days.
Quality analysis
Drip loss
Drip loss is the amount of liquid lost from food and is an important indicator of quality (Hong et al., 2013). The greater the amount of drip, the more water-soluble nutrients, texture, and flavor compounds that are lost (Xu et al., 2020). The drip loss of treated salmon and olive flounder is shown in Figure 2 (A). Drip losses of all samples were 1.74–3.77% after 3 days of storage and increased with storage treatments and periods in salmon (p< 0.05). Fish stored after the refrigeration treatment showed sharply increased values of drip loss, with increases of 10.56% and 9.21% for salmon and olive flounder, respectively, after 12 days of storage. According to Kaale et al. (2014), refrigerated samples showed a higher drip loss value than frozen samples, which is in agreement with this experiment. However, samples stored in the freezing and supercooling treatments maintained their quality during the storage period compared with those stored in the refrigerated treatment. In particular, salmon and olive flounder stored in the supercooled treatment had a lower drip loss value than those stored in the freezing treatments after 12 days of storage (p < 0.05). The drip loss of salmon was higher than that of olive flounder, which is inconsistent with the results of a study where it was observed that the lower the moisture content and the higher the fat content, the lower the drip generation (Kim et al., 2013). The drip loss value after the freezing treatment was higher than that for the supercooling treatment. We hypothesize that cell tissues may have been damaged by ice crystals generated during freezing storage. Considering these results, the supercooling treatment of salmon was advantageous for drip loss in fish.
The changes in the WHC of fish during the cooling treatments and storage periods are presented in Figure 2 (B). According to Kaale and Eikevik (2015), WHC is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of food products. Generally, WHC is influenced by several factors, such as destruction of muscle fiber structure, myosin denaturation, and increased extracellular space (Kaale et al., 2014). The WHC values of fresh fish were 88.78% and 89.75% in salmon and olive flounder, respectively, which showed different patterns during storage with different cooling treatments and periods. Samples stored in the refrigeration conditions showed a constant decrease in the WHC value for 9 days and a rapid decrease after 12 days. During the last two storage days, the WHC values of salmon and olive flounder stored under refrigerated conditions were 82.93% and 82.33%. In comparison, the WHC content of fish stored in other treatments also showed a decrease with an increase in the storage period. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences between supercooling and freezing treatments (p < 0.05). Jung et al. (2016) reported that the WHC value of fish tended to be inversely proportional to drip loss. This result is consistent with that of our study. This may be due to degradation of the protein structure induced by proteolytic activity of enzymes (Wu and Sun 2013). Overall, the WHC of olive flounder with high water content was lower than that of salmon, which is due to the high proportion of loosely bound water in fish with high water content (Duun and Rustad, 2007). Considering this result, supercooling was considered beneficial for maintaining muscle fiber structures as a freezing treatment for 12 days.
The changes in pH during the storage period of salmon and olive flounder are shown in Figure 2 (C). According to Mazrouh (2015), the pH value of fish flesh is a good indicator of quality. The pH values of the fresh fishes were 6.11 and 6.21, respectively. However, there were no significant differences in the pH values during the storage treatment at 3 days of storage (p < 0.05). After this storage period, the pH values of the refrigerated samples showed an increasing trend. After 12 days of storage, the pH values of samples stored in the refrigerated conditions were 6.49 and 6.61 in salmon and olive flounder, respectively, which were significantly lower than those of samples stored in other storage treatments (p < 0.05). However, the pH value of the supercooled samples increased slightly and was higher than that of frozen salmon. The pH of olive flounder, particularly after the refrigeration treatment, was higher than that of salmon. Hernández et al. (2009) reported that the pH increase during storage may be related to the degradation of amino compounds caused by microbial reactions. Therefore, it appears that the high protein content of olive flounder indicates a high pH value. The increase in the pH value of the sample stored at -2 °C was lower than that of the refrigerated fish. This result indicated that biochemical and microbial reactions were faster at 3 °C. In contrast, the frozen fish showed a constant pH throughout the storage period after 12 days (p < 0.05). This means that the metabolic activity of bacteria might be inhibited at a lower temperature, resulting in a constant pH in fish. Therefore, a supercooling treatment was helpful in maintaining the quality of the fish without decomposition by microbial activity compared to the refrigeration treatment.
Color and appearance
Color is an important indicator of food because it generally affects consumer acceptance of a product (Tee & Siow 2015). The color of fish with different storage treatments and periods are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The CIE L* values for fresh fishes were 39.77 and 58.64% in salmon and olive flounder, respectively. After 12 days of storage, the CIE L* value of salmon stored under refrigerated treatment decreased by 36.76. However, salmon stored in other treatments showed a higher value than those stored in the refrigerated treatment. Refrigerated salmon showed a decrease in the CIE a* values to 9.85 after 12 days. In contrast, samples stored under supercooling and freezing treatments did not change color during the storage period. However, the CIE a* content of olive flounder did not show any trend and was lower than that of salmon. This difference may be due to the carotenoid (mainly astaxanthin and canthaxanthin) pigments in salmon (Ouahioune et al., 2022). the CIE b* of fresh salmon was 11.95 and decreased to 9.62 after 12 days in the refrigeration treatment. While fish were stored at relatively high temperatures, water dehydration occurred on the surface of the fish, resulting in a darker flesh color (Drummond & Sun 2010). Therefore, the CIE b* of salmon stored under the refrigerated treatment was significantly different from that of the other treatments (p > 0.05). According to Cropotova et al. (2020), a gradual increase in the CIE b* value is due to the accumulation of lipids and water-soluble aldehydes in fish muscle. Furthermore, Tolstorebrob et al. (2014) reported that refrigeration of fish with high TBARS values had a greater effect on the muscle color of fish compared to that of other fish. The ΔE values of the fish stored in the refrigeration treatment were higher than those in the other treatments. In particular, the color change of the refrigerated samples was remarkable compared with that of the other treatments (Figure 3). However, the ΔE of fish stored under refrigeration showed an increasing trend, but that of the other treatments did not present a pattern during the storage period. Accordingly, it is assumed that the reaction of salmon stored in refrigeration treatment is faster than that in freezing and supercooling treatments. Consequently, supercooling storage is beneficial for preventing color change compared to refrigeration storage.
Freshness analysis
The TMA of fish subjected to various storage treatments and periods is shown in Figure 4 (A). Generally, the TMA value is correlated with sensory evaluation and the main odor property of deteriorated seafood (Jääskeläinen et al., 2019). The TMA value of fresh salmon was 0.21 mg/100 g and the TMA values of fish stored for three days were not significantly different during storage treatments (p > 0.05). However, samples stored at refrigeration temperatures tended to increase sharply after six days. The values of refrigerated salmon and olive flounder were 3.76 mg/100 g and 2.75 mg/100 g respectively, whereas those of frozen and supercooled fishes were significantly lower than those of fresh fishes (p < 0.05). The TMA values of supercooled samples showed sharp increases and exceeded over 3 mg/100 g. However, the TMA values of frozen samples were 1.02 mg/100 g and 1.09 mg/100 g for salmon and olive flounder, respectively, at 12 days of storage but there was no significant difference compared to that of freezing treatment for 3 days (p > 0.05). Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is a natural and nontoxic substance found in aquatic species, such as fish and shellfish (Tee and Siow, 2015). The TMAO contained in defunct fish is converted to TMA by bacteria or enzymes, and a fishy smell is generated, which determines the degree of spoilage of fish (Park et al., 2016). During fish spoilage, there is not only an increase in TMA level, but also in total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) (Shin, 2008). The TMAO value of the samples stored in the refrigerated treatment increased rapidly from 3 to 6 days, which is consistent with Shin (2008). A large increase in TMA probably occurs as the activity of enzymes or bacteria increases (Park et al., 2016). Consequently, supercooling storage is more effective in slowing the spoilage of fish than refrigeration storage.
The TBARS values of fish subjected to various storage treatments and periods are shown in Figure 4 (B). The TBARS values of salmon were also influenced by the storage temperature. Generally, salmon and olive flounder contain unsaturated fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are vulnerable to oxidative substances and form hydroperoxides that deteriorate secondary products such as MDA (Luan et al., 2018; Fidalgo et al., 2021; Jeong et al., 2021). The TBARS values of fresh salmon and olive flounder were 0.19 mg MDA/kg and 0.16 mg MDA/ kg, respectively, which were not significantly different from those of the other treatments for 6 days (p < 0.05). However, values of samples stored at 3 °C showed 0.31 mg MDA/kg and 0.28 mg MDA/kg for salmon and olive flounder, respectively, after 9 days. However, the values of frozen and supercooled samples were under 0.23 mg MDA/kg and presented no significant difference after 12 days of storage (p > 0.05). The TBARS levels of fish stored in the refrigerated treatment were higher than those of the other groups after 9 days of storage. Hydroperoxide, which is the primary product generated by oxidation of fat and produced by microbial metabolism and lipolytic enzymes, is more easily developed during refrigerated treatment (Joo et al., 2016). In this study, the TBARS values of refrigerated salmon and olive flounder increased more sharply than those of samples stored under the supercooled treatment. However, the TBARS content of salmon was slightly higher than that of olive flounder, which may be due to the difference in fat content. Therefore, preserving fish during supercooling is more effective than refrigerated treatment in preventing lipid oxidation.
The TVBN content, which measures the amount of volatile compounds, is used as one of the parameters of fish freshness (Soares et al., 2015). The changes in TVBN during the storage of salmon and olive flounder are presented in Figure 4 (C). The TVBN values of fish were influenced by storage temperature, and the value of almost all treated samples increased compared to that of the controls. The TVBN values of fresh salmon and olive flounder were 8.68 mg/100 g and 9.48 mg/100 g, respectively, which was similar to the changes in TMA and TBARS during the storage period. In particular, the increase in TVBN was significant during refrigeration storage (p > 0.05). On the 9th day, the TVBN content of refrigerated salmon and olive flounder increased significantly, but those of the other treated samples were significantly lower than those of samples preserved under refrigeration (p > 0.05). After 12 days of storage, TVBN values of the samples stored in the supercooled treatment were higher than those stored in the freezing treatment, but there was no significant difference (p < 0.05). According to Lee et al. (2013), the value of TVBN increases as proteins are decomposed into low-molecular-weight substances such as peptides, amino acids, and peptones. These nitrogen-containing substances are produced by the proteolytic activities of microorganisms (Lee, 2020). Therefore, preserving fish at low temperatures is important for decreasing the amount of TVBN by prohibiting the reactions of microorganisms related to TVBN compound production (Park et al., 2021b). In this experiment, olive flounder had more protein content than salmon, which caused more protein degradation and led to a higher TVBN value. Obemeata et al. (2011) also observed that many bacteria were found in samples stored under refrigeration. Therefore, supercooling treatment was more effective than freezing treatment for preventing protein degradation in salmon.
Microbial analysis
The activity of microorganisms is a major factor related to the expiration date of fish and is affected by temperature and pH (Lu et al., 2019). The total aerobic count (TAC) for fish with various storage treatments and periods is shown in Figure 4 (D). The TAC of fresh salmon and olive flounder was 1.54 log CFU/g and 2.52 mg/100 g, respectively. The TAC values of the samples increased depending on the storage time for all the treatments. In particular, the TAC of refrigerated conserved samples was the highest for all storage periods (p > 0.05). The TAC value of salmon and olive flounder stored in the refrigeration treatments steeply increased to 4.02 log CFU/g and 6.08 log CFU/g, respectively, after 9 days of storage. After 12 days, the TAC values of refrigerated salmon and olive flounder were 4.15 log CFU/g and 6.6 log CFU/g, which was the highest value among all treatments (p < 0.05). In this experiment, the overall trend of TAC values related to the storage temperature was similar to that of TVBN values. The amount of TAC in olive flounder appeared faster than that in salmon, which may be due to the difference in the protein content required for the growth of microorganisms (Lee, 2020). According to Ye et al. (2020), storage at low temperatures is necessary to control the number of microorganisms present. Refrigeration caused microbial growth in fishes owing to higher storage temperature and the value of TAC reached 5 ± 0.5 log CFU/g, which satisfied the criteria for decomposition (Soares et al., 2015). Freezing treatment was effective in preventing microbial spoilage of samples during the storage period. Supercooling treatment also inhibited the increase in the TAC value of fish. Therefore, supercooling is a beneficial storage treatment for fish without a phase transition during 12 days of storage.