4.1 Land use prediction and Land cover Assessment
4.1.1 Markov model validation to assess the accuracy of prediction
CA-Makov was used to simulate 2030 and 2040 future scenarios from classified land use maps. The transition area and probability matrix are created according to the1996 and 2016 classified land use maps based on the suitability atlas that has already been created (Fig. 3). The modeling results show a very strong similarity between simulated and classified images (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the predictive power was validated by comparing the results map for the 2020 simulation with the classified LULCC for the same year using kappa statistics. Generally, the validation results show a reasonable consistency between the observed and simulated with an overall spatial accuracy of 72%. Hence, this method can be used to predict the results for 2030, 2040 since kappa statistics between 0.6–0.88 and 0.81-1 means substantial and almost perfect agreement between simulated and actual images (Feinstein A.R. and Cicchetit V.D., 1990). The predicted 2030 and 2040 images were input in ArcSWAT to assess the response of hydrological variables to possible land-use changes in the future.
4.1.2 Historical And Future Land-use Change Dynamics
The conversion rate and trend of land use in the Vea catchments are depicted in Fig. 5. The statistics of the change map indicate a general decline in savannah forest and savannah woodlands and an increase in farmlands and built areas between 1986 and 2020. A marginal increase is observed for water within the same period. These changes are inevitable, anticipated to increase in the future as the drivers of change (population) are expected to grow (GSS, 2012)), resulting in a similar pattern in the future scenarios 2030 and 2040 with the most prevalent changes being derived by farmlands.
There is generally an increase in farmlands of about 6.0 km2 within the first decade of the study period (1986–1996). The surge in agriculture development was remarkable between 2006 and 2020 (Fig. 6). This could partly be because of the wider gap of 14 years compared to the 10-year interval of the previous years. Projecting into the future, farmland is expected to increase by 34.89km2 and 49.41km2 between 2020–2030 and 2030–2040 respectively. This is validated by Ghana’s agriculture sector development policy, planting for food, and jobs program that resulted in a shift from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture (Martey et al., 2012). The program involves subsidizing farm inputs to encourage commercialization, to provide job opportunities for the youth and reduce rural-urban migration. In addition, built-up areas have seen a gradual increase of about 1.3km2 between 1986 and 1996 and are projected to increase by 7.3km2 between 2030 and 2040. The consequences of anthropogenic activities (agricultural and built area expansion) is glaring on natural resources including savannah forest, savannah woodlands, and water resources, which is projected to reduce considerably by -20.1 km2, -14.2 km2, and − 3.3 km2 respectively between 2020–2030 as well as -21.3 km2, -15.2 km2 and − 4.3 km2 respectively between 2030 and 2040. From the statistics, it is obvious that the reduction in the Vea catchment forest is largely attributable to the consistent increase in farmlands. A shift in land use toward farmlands and built areas at the disadvantage of forests are also reported in other studies; Gebremicael et al., (2013) in the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia, Ottinger et al., (2013) in the yellow river, China, Guan et al., (2011) in Saga, Japan, and Opoku et al.,( 2019) in southern Ghana. These changes have implications beyond just the area numbers and in the subsequent section, we discuss the implication of these changes in land use on water balance components and sedimentation in the basin.
4.3 Hydrologic Parameter Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis determines the variables that when changed slightly can stimulate quick runoff generation. Sensitivity analysis is important since it decides whether suitable data can be attained to give realistic model output (Baker and Miller, 2013). The model parameters identified to be sensitive during the calibration process are presented in Table 3. Among them, the most sensitive parameters representing surface runoff, soil character, and groundwater are CNmgt, SURLAGhru, Soil AWCsol, and ESCOhru. Some of these parameters were also observed to be sensitive in the works of Guug et al., (2020) in the Sherigu Catchment of the White Volta basin, and Kundu et al., (2017) in a part of the Narmada river basin, India.
Table 3
Sensitive parameters adjusted for the calibration of the SWAT model: Note, r- Multiply default values of the parameter in ArcSWAT by (1 + bestfited value). V - Replace the default value of the parameter in ArcSWAT with the best-fitted value. The final values in the table are for the 1986 Scenario.
Parameter | Parameter description | Range | SWAT default | fitted Value | Method | Final value |
Cn2.mgt | Scs runoff curve number | 35–98 | 78.61 | 0.015 | r | 79.79 |
SOL_AWC.sol | Available water capacity of the soil layer | 0–1 | 0.13 | -0.19 | r | 0.105 |
GW_DELAY.gw | Ground water delay (days) | 0-500 | 31 | 34.1 | v | 34.1 |
GW_REVAP.gw | Ground water revap to occur (mm) | 0.02–0.2 | 0.02 | 0.0279 | v | 0.0279 |
REVAPMN.gw | Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for revamp to occur (mm) | 0-500 | 750 | 830 | v | 830 |
SURLAG.bsn | Surface runoff lag time | 0.05-24 | 5.8 | -0.907 | r | 0.54 |
GWQMN.gw | Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur | 0-5000 | 1000 | 1205.3 | v | 1205.3 |
ESCO.hru | Soil evaporation compensation factor | 0–1 | 0.95 | -0.48 | r | 0.49 |
ALPHA BE.gw | Base flow alpha factor (days) | 0–1 | 0.01 | 0.012 | V | 0.012 |
4.3 Swat Model Calibration And Validation
The performance of the model was verified by comparing the simulated streamflow with the measured streamflow. The sensitive parameters used for calibration in SWAT CUP are listed in table (3) together with their value ranges and fitted values. Though the model captures the rising and recession limbs of the hydrograph (Fig. 6), the peak flow was generally underestimated by 22.5% and 29.2% for calibration and validation periods respectively (Table 4). These deviations can be attributed to the extremely low rains in the Uppers East Region between 2014 and 2015 as well as the deficiency of SWAT in representing extreme flows occasionally encountered in the catchment process (Golmohammadi et al., 2014). Notwithstanding, the performance statistics indicate a good agreement between simulated and observed streamflow with NSE values of 0.738 and 0.782 for calibration and validation respectively (Table 4). The performance statistics of the model range from good to very good according to the performance criterion proposed by Moriasi et al., (2007). Hence, the SWAT model could be said to have performed satisfactorily and can be used for further analysis.
Table 4
SWAT Model performance statistics for monthly streamflow simulations
| Calibration (2013–2014) | | Validation (2015) |
| Simulated flows | Performance rating | | Simulated flows | Performance rating |
NSE PBIAS RSR | | Very good Good Good | | | Very good Good Good |
4.4 Hydrological Dynamics In Response To Lulc Change Scenarios
This section analyzes the hydrological and sedimentation effects of LULCC at the basin scale and sub-basin scale. At the basin scale, rainfall is partitioned into different water balance components and how these components vary at the annual and seasonal levels is examined.
4.4.1 Water balance ratios to mean annual rainfall under different LULC scenarios
The calibrated SWAT model was deployed to simulate the hydrological response of the Vea reservoir catchment to six LULC scenarios (1986, 1996, 2006, 2020, 2030, and 2040). The mean annual simulated water balance components for each scenario as a proportion of the catchment’s mean annual rainfall are given in Table 5. The annual average rainfall for the climate period used for model simulation and analysis (2000–2018) is 940mm. Precipitation is partitioned into various components in a watershed including baseflow, runoff, and evapotranspiration among others (Tang and Wang, 2017). The majority of rainfall in the Vea catchment is lost to evapotranspiration (ET) with the ratio of precipitation to ET ranging from 0.73 in 1986 and projected to decline marginally to 0.68 in 2040. Apart from water lost to ET, the remaining total amount of water available including surface runoff and groundwater is termed water yield (Ayivi and Jha, 2018). Water yield constitutes about 32% of the total rainfall (940mm) in 1986 and is projected to increase marginally to 35% by 2040, Out of which surface runoff accounts for about 7% and 16% in 1986 and projected 2040 while base flow consists of 16.9% and 10.2% of rainfall in same period respectively (Table 5). Percolation is simulated to account for the lowest proportion between 9% in1986 and 6% in 2040.
The results obtained from this study are affirmed by previous studies within the Volta Basin. For instance, using a spreadsheet-based soil water balance model (WaSIM-ETH), Martin, (2006) simulated the water budget of Atankwidi, which is a sub-catchment of the white volt basin adjacent to the Vea watershed. With an annual average rainfall of 990 mm for the 1961–2001 simulation period, he reported that 11–20% of annual rainfall goes into the surface runoff, 2–13% goes into groundwater recharge and 63–82% of the annual rainfall is lost to ET. Similarly, Ibrahim et al., (2015) determined the water balance for the Vea catchment from water budget modeling using GR2M MODEL and found about 74.6% of precipitation going into ET processes with surface runoff and recharge being 11.9% and 12.9% of the annual rainfall. Also, Larbi et al., (2020) simulated water balance components of the Vea catchment from 1993 to 2017 and found that 74.3% of mean annual rainfall (954mm) is lost to ET while 8.6% is lost to surface runoff. Guug et al., (2020) also reported that 70.02–73.9% of annual average rainfall (844.1mm) in the Sherigu catchment of the white volta basin which covers Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso is lost to evapotranspiration while base-flow contributes 13.7%-11% and surface runoff consist of 25%-9.3%.
Table 5
Ratio of precipitation to hydrological components in Vea catchment. ET-Evapotranspiration, PERC-Percolation, GWQ-Baseflow, SURF-Surface runoff, WYLD-Water yield
WBC | 1986 | 1996 | 2006 | 2020 | 2030 | 2040 |
CN | 79.79 | 80.24 | 80.96 | 81.26 | 83.83 | 86.06 |
ET | 0.731 | 0.728 | 0.718 | 0.707 | 0.698 | 0.681 |
PERC | 0.096 | 0.093 | 0.089 | 0.081 | 0.070 | 0.058 |
GWQ | 0.168 | 0.160 | 0.151 | 0.138 | 0.124 | 0.102 |
SURF | 0.072 | 0.081 | 0.090 | 0.108 | 0.130 | 0.159 |
WYLD | 0.323 | 0.327 | 0.331 | 0.338 | 0.343 | 0.351 |
4.4.2 Mean Annual And Percentage Change In Hydrological Components
The mean annual and percentage of the basin’s parameters response tested (surface runoff, water yield, percolation, base flow, and ET) are given in Fig. 7 and table 6. The impact of land-use change indicates a general increase in weighted CN values (Table 5) and an associated increase in water yield, and surface runoff as well as a consequent decline in Evapotranspiration (Fig. 7, table 6).
The average weighted CN values for the Vea catchment increased rapidly from 79.79(1986) to 86.06 (2040), attributable to the significant forest degradation due to the increasing urbanization and agricultural land expansion. Linking surface runoff variation in Vea catchment with their respective LULC scenarios, the relatively higher curve numbers corresponded to a decrease in the ability of the soil to retain rainfall, and hence produce much more runoff. A remarkable increase in surface runoff is expected from122.23mm in 2030 to 149.75mm in 2040 representing 22.5% while the least increase in runoff from 76.7mm to 85.3mm (11%) was observed between 1996 and 2006 (Fig. 7VA and Table 6). The overall projected increase in surface runoff from 2020 to 2040 is 46.9%. The excess runoff in the catchment is attributable to the increase in imperviousness associated with settlement expansion to the disadvantage of the Savanah forest. This is confirmed by Cerdà et al., (2017) findings that, the expansion of cultivated lands and the reduction of natural vegetation would be considered, triggers for the generation of substantial runoff and soil erosion. Gashaw et al., (2018) also reported increasing surface runoff resulting from an increase in agriculture and built areas as well as a decrease in forested areas. Many studies show that impervious surfaces associated with urban expansion alongside loose soils from farmland expansion, lead to more water flowing through runoff networks and increased eroded sediment yield. Thereby, resulting in a higher sedimentation impact on reservoirs downstream (Kondolf et al., 2014). Hence, the high sedimentation rate in the Vea reservoir and other reservoirs within the catchment, widely reported in the literature (Adwubi et al., 2009; Adongo et al., 2016; Adongo et al., 2019) may likely be linked to the excessive runoff in the catchment.
The increase in surface runoff tends to reduce percolation and for that matter contributes to the decline in groundwater as base flow and percolation in the Vea catchment declined from − 5% and − 3.6% between 1986 and 1996 to a projected 16.9% and 17.5% respectively between 2030 and 2040 (Table 6). Notwithstanding, the impact of decreasing percolation may not be felt on groundwater supply because of the existing high groundwater storage in Northern Ghana coupled with the general insignificant abstraction rate due to the prevalent Fluoride concentration underlying the geological terrains of the Bongo area located in the Vea catchment (Agyekum and Asare, 2016). It is worth noting that, because water yield comprises surface runoff, vertical flows, and groundwater (Ayivi and Jha, 2018), the increasing effect of surface runoff is neutralized by the decreasing effect of base flow and percolation, resulting in a rather marginal increase in water yield from 1.4% in 1986 to a projected 2.8% in 2040(table 6). The lowest increase in water yield is observed from 303.1 (1986) to 307.4 (1996) and the highest increase is expected to be from 324.3mm (2030) to 333.5mm (2040) (Fig. 7VB). In any case, surface runoff, which forms a significant part of the water yield, could be harnessed through the construction of dams and dugouts for use in the long dry season for irrigation and livestock watering among others. In the long term, dealing with surface runoff through institutional collaboration is critical to dealing with sedimentation in dams and dugouts within the catchment and particularly the Vea dam. Regarding ET in the catchment, the highest decline in actual ET is expected to be -2.4% between 2030 (656.0mm) and 2040 (640.3mm) with the lowest decline of -1.3% observed between 1996(684.6mm) and 2006(675.5mm) (Fig. 7VF). The major factors influencing ET are evaporation from water bodies and transpiration and photosynthesis processes from plants and trees (Bhatt and Hossain, 2019; Alhassan and Jin, 2020). Hence, the reduction in transpiration due to excessive vegetation cover removal is augmented by the increase in evaporation from water bodies due to the construction of mini dams and dugouts within the Vea catchment between 1985 and 2006 for dry season irrigation and livestock watering (GIDA, 2010). Thus, resulting in a rather minimal decline in ET than expected.
Table 6 Annual percentage of change between scenarios in the Vea catchment; SURQ-Surface runoff (mm), Water yield(mm), - WYLD, Percolation(mm) –PERC, Baseflow(mm)- GW_Q, Evapotranspiration(mm)- ET |
Scenario | SURQ | WYLD | PERC | GWQ | ET | |
1986–1996 | 12.65747 | 1.420632 | -3.5985 | -5.06664 | -1.37966 | |
1996–2006 | 11.22276 | 1.307844 | -4.80502 | -5.35851 | -1.32431 | |
2006–2020 | 19.50973 | 1.907786 | -9.14556 | -8.65718 | -1.4875 | |
2020–2030 | 19.90668 | 2.199062 | -13.0118 | -10.5339 | -1.42235 | |
2030–2040 | 22.515 | 2.847457 | -16.8851 | -17.4894 | -2.40159 | |
2020–2040 | 46.90367 | 5.109136 | -27.6999 | -26.181 | -7.76638 | |
4.4.3 Monthly And Seasonal Response Of Hydrological Variables To Lulcc
The mean monthly distribution of simulated water balance components' response to LULCC in the Vea catchment is given in Fig. 8. The catchment is located in the savannah ecological zone of Africa, characterized by long dry periods (Namara et al., 2014; Berhane et al., 2016). Rainfall begins in May and surface runoff and water yield peak in August because the early rains tend to build up the soil moisture level towards the end of July. The presence of vegetation, as well as the initial soil moisture in the subsequent month (August), tend to allow rainfall to satisfy their soil moisture deficit quickly and then more water runoffs the catchment from upstream into the reservoirs, hence producing more runoff in late August (Fig. 8V1). Percolation is water that infiltrates into the deeper layers of the soil to form part of the groundwater. Since percolation takes some days after rainfall or irrigation incident (Schreiner-McGraw and Vivoni, 2017), the Vea catchment percolation hydrograph peaks in August-September (Fig. 8V3). Baseflow is the sub-surface flow that is fed to streams by delayed paths, mostly derived from the precipitation of previous months. While rainfall and surface runoff hydrographs peak in August, the base flow ascending limb peaks in September and the recession limb extends to February (Fig. 8V4). Larbi et al., (2021) also observed a similar trend in the Vea catchment where surface runoff peaks in August and base flow extends to February. Evapotranspiration is highest in August and September due to the abundance of water from rain and water content in vegetation. In response to land-use change, the peak ET in August decreases marginally from 125.2(mm) in 1986 to a projected 122.6(mm) in 2040 (Fig. 8V2). Surface runoff increased all through the rainy season in response to agriculture expansion and is projected to increase from 26.7mm (1986) to 48.9mm (2040) in August (Fig. 8V1). On the other hand, base flow is expected to reduce from 41.9mm (1986) to 24.7mm (2040) in September. Similarly, Gebremicael et al., (2013) reported that the rising trend in surface runoff and water yield in the wet seasons spanning from March to September, and the downward trend in the same variables in the dry season was mostly linked to Agriculture expansion and Urbanization in El Diem station of the Blue Nile basin. Generally, the seasonal responses of LULCC to parameters show minimal variations in the dry season (December-April).
4.4.4 Hydrological Components Response To Lulcc At Subwatershed Scale
The sub-watershed-wise spatial variation in hydrological variables from 1985 to 2040 is given in Fig. 9. The spatial map shows a significant increase in surface runoff, occurring principally in the Upper northern and southeastern part of the catchment corresponding to the spatial distribution of settlements and farmlands dominant areas (Fig. 4) and potential future expansion. The impermeability of topsoil associated with built areas usually results in high surface runoff leading to a reduction in groundwater recharge rate demonstrated by the spatial pattern of percolation and base flow (Fig. 9 VP and VB). Thus, though the general trend of base flow and percolation is that of a decreasing one, the rate of decline is lowest in areas where there are still patches of tree reserves, particularly in the Northern and southeastern parts of the catchment. This is substantiated by Feddema, (1998) assertion that degraded vegetation in an environment usually results in a decrease in soil water retention and for that matter a decrease in the recharge of the aquifers, generating an increase in surface runoff. The Hotspots of decreases in ET are localized in the mid-portion where the Vea reservoir is located and the northern part where there is still a substantial amount of forest cover (Fig. 9VS). Therefore, the reduction of natural vegetation is the trigger of the declining ET in the catchment. Conforming to the present study, Sajikumar and Remya, (2015) reported an increase in peak runoff because of land-use change, and Niu and Sivakumar, (2013) reported increased flow due to deforestation and decreased flow due to afforestation. Additionally, the increased discharge has been long recognized to be associated with urbanization and farmlands (Du et al., 2012).
4.6 Disparities In Watershed Water Balance Modeling
Land, climate, and water resources are integral components of the watershed ecosystem (Gessesse et al., 2015). Different land uses have different influences on hydrology as they influence the curve number differently (Kundu et al., 2017). The land cover transition from tree cover to tree cover removal tends to decrease the CN resulting in an increase in surface runoff and the accompanying reduction in groundwater recharge rate due to a decline in sub-surface flow. Since ET depends on evaporation and transpiration, tree cover removal and reduction in water resources consequently will result in ET reduction. At the same time, IPCC, (2001) pointed out that even with high precipitation in sub-Saharan Africa, surface runoff may decrease due to increasing ET driven by increasing temperatures. In any case, a reduction in tree vegetation means a decline in ET while the increased temperature will increase ET. Implying therefore that inevitable reduction in future tree cover removal and increase in future temperature will affect water balance components in different directions.
Assessing the impact of land cover change on hydrology in Africa, ( Li et al., 2007) indicated a decrease in ET and an increase in surface runoff as well as streamflow in response to deforestation in the Niger and lake chad basins. In lake Tanan and Guder watershed Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia, expansion of farmlands and decline in forests, shrubs, and woodlands was linked to the increase in surface runoff and decline in ET and base flow (Woldesenbet et al., 2017; Kidane et al., 2019). An Increase in surface runoff and water yield due to the continuous increase in cropland and decrease in forest cover was also reported in an East African watershed (Baker and Miller, 2013) and Pra basin in Ghana ( Awotwi et al., 2019). In other parts of the world, similar trends were reported ( Warburton et al., 2012; Wagner et al., 2013; Kundu et al., 2017).
On the other hand, climate change's impact on watershed hydrology has been widely studied and an opposite trend is observed. For instance, Kankam-Yeboah et al., (2013) projected a decrease in mean annual rainfall by 19% and a 1.9oc increase in temperature for the 2050s resulting in a decrease in streamflow in the white Volta basin. Gemechu et al., (2021) assumed a constant future land use while changing climate variables under RCP Scenarios in the Upper Abbay Basin (Ethiopia) and reported a decrease in water yield from 0.6–9% under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, which was attributed to precipitation decline and increased temperature. Despite a 20.1mm increase in rainfall by 2050 in the Densu river basin of Ghana, Justice Ankomah-Baffoe et al., (2021) reported a 61% increase in ET and a 23mm decline in water yield due to a 2o increase in temperature.
The current study with a 2000–2018 simulation period and projecting to 2020–2040 for the Vea catchment found a -7.8% decrease in ET, 46.9%, and 5.1% decrease in surface runoff and water yield due to an increase in CN from 81.26 to 86.06. Contrarily with mean monthly rainfall showing relatively no change in the same catchment, Larbi et al., (2021) reported about 8.3% increase in ET and − 42.8% and − 38.7% decrease in surface runoff and water yield due to a 1.3oc increase in mean annual temperature under RCP 4.5 Scenario, with 1981–2005 simulation period and projecting to 2020–2045. Climate was held constant with the current study while varying land cover change varied whereas Larbi et al., (2021)’s SWAT model held constant the land use and varied climate. Therefore though uncertainties regarding model calibration can not be ruled out(Parajuli et al., 2009), the different outcomes can mainly be attributed to the difference in the direction of influence of past and future climate and land-use changes on the water the balance components. Since the variability in surface runoff and water yield depends on several factors including LULCC, soil, surface rise, climate change, and soil water recharge among others, treating variation in climate and land-use change as stand-alone may not afford a holistic view of future water balance variations in a watershed. In other to understand and predict water resources realistically, taking into account the climate and land-use changes is imperative to present the reality of balance between the input of water from precipitation and outflow by evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and streamflow.
4.7 Uncertainties
Uncertainty refers to a quantity or process associated with the measurement or analysis that is not known. Though it will be ideal to have data and modeling processes free from uncertainties so that models can represent the real-world system perfectly, but this is not possible. The uncertainties associated with the current study include; uncertainties linked to the SWAT input data, and the SWAT modeling process.
I. Uncertainties connected to the SWAT input data;
Uncertainties associated with fixed and dynamic input data maybe liked to hydro-climatic input data such as the measured discharge data used for calibration of streamflow, temperature, precipitation, and DEM. Additionally, the SWAT hydrological model inherits uncertainties from LULC maps derived from the classified satellite images.
II. SWAT modeling process;
Every modeling process comprises some uncertainties. In the case of this study, the uncertainty is associated with the model assumption that land cover change and climate variations are stand-alone so that climate is held static while varying land cover change. This may not afford a holistic view of water balance variations in a watershed since the climate is not static and the fact that, land cover changes influences climate and vice versa and both influence watershed hydrology (Zhang et al., 2009). Also, because of the lack of data to calibrate sediment, the outcome of the model only provides the foundation for sediment management. It must be stated that the uncertainties connected to the image projection are more than those linked to the hydrological model.