Data Quality
Microplastics monitoring data reported in Zhu et al. (2021) received total accumulated scores of 13, 10, and 14 for manta trawl, grab samples, and wastewater treatment plant effluent samples respectively according to criteria defined in Koelmans et al. (2019) (Table S1). While manta trawl and wastewater treatment plant effluent data received a score of at least one for each quality criteria, grab samples received “zero” scores for several criteria (sample size and sample treatment) (Table S1). Accordingly, manta trawl and wastewater treatment plant effluent data from Zhu et al. (2021) are considered sufficiently reliable for the purposes of risk characterization, while the grab sample data are not, however only manta trawl data (surface water) were used for risk characterization due to the non-applicability of wastewater data for estimating exposure. Because blank-corrections were applied based on color-morphology combinations instead of polymer identification, all matrices received a score of “1” for negative controls instead of “2”. The blank correction procedure applied in Zhu et al. (2021) may lead to an underestimation of concentrations if microplastic particles of the same color have a different polymer identity - an uncertainty which is not accounted for in this probabilistic assessment. The grab, wastewater treatment plant effluent, and manta trawl data scores were higher than the average score for surface waters (7.9; range 4 to 15; n = 55) reported in Koelmans et al. (2019). While additional quality criteria are available for biota and sediment (Hermsen et al. 2018; Redondo-Hasselerharm et al. in press; Bäuerlein et al. Submitted), risk thresholds are unavailable for these compartments and these data were not quality scored here. Additionally, stormwater was not scored due to a lack of established quality criteria.
Microplastics characterization
The percentage of analyzed particles spectroscopically determined to be plastic was significantly different between matrices according to a one-way ANOVA (p < 1x10− 16; Table S3), so matrix-specific plastic correction factors were derived accordingly using PDFs (Figures S3 and S9; Tables S2 - S4; Table S10). Tukey’s post-hoc test for significance revealed significant differences in plastic proportions of total particles between manta trawl and sediment, fish tissue, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, and surface water collected with 1-L grab (Table S4). Surface water samples collected with manta trawl contained the highest percentages of confirmed microplastics (72% ± 24%), followed by surface water collected by 1-L grab (42% ±24), sediment (37% ± 14%), wastewater treatment plant effluent (31% ± 18%), and fish tissue (24% ±12%) (Table S2; Figure S2). Additional significant differences were found between sediment and fish tissue; sediment and 1-L grab surface water; and fish tissue and 1-L grab surface water (Table S4). As surface water data obtained using manta trawl were the only monitoring data used for risk characterization here, site-specific differences were tested using a one-way ANOVA, which demonstrated no significant difference in proportions of plastic particles relative to all spectroscopically characterized particles by location (p = 0.12; Table S5; Figures S3 – S4). Accordingly, a single correction factor for plastic percentages was applied to all manta trawl data regardless of location, which was the median value of 0.63 (0.31 to 0.95: 95% CI) that was derived from a two-shape beta distribution PDF (Table S10; Figure S9).
To correct for the systematic removal of fiber particle data from the blank-corrected dataset reported in Zhu et al. (2021), data were used from Hung et al. (2020) for 9 manta trawl samples from SFB in which all fibers were counted. On average, fibers constituted 78% (± 28% sd) of particles in the manta trawl samples in which they were counted (Table S6). Other aqueous matrices and sediment contained lower percentages of fibers, while fish tissue contained a higher percentage (Table S6, Figure S5). Based on the PDF of the fiber proportions, a fiber correction factor of 8.87 (95% CI: 1.29 to 50.89; Table S10) was calculated and applied to manta trawl monitoring data as part of the Monte-Carlo analysis. Due to the relatively small sample size (n = 9) and skewed nature of the fiber proportion distribution (Figure S6), the fiber correction factor contains relatively high uncertainty compared to the plastic spectroscopy correction factor and size rescaling correction factor (Figure S13).
Rescaled Environmental Occurrence Data
Size abundance distributions of microplastics in SFB were fit by linear regression on a log(10)-log(10) scale using a maximum likelihood estimation approach (Kooi et al. 2021), with a exponent values ranging from 2.15 to 3.02 (Figure S7, Table S7). Length-based power law exponent values (a) derived for microplastics in SFB were comparable to values derived from various locations in Europe reported by Kooi et al. (2021) (Table S7). Notably, the a values for marine surface waters were 2.15 ± 0.48 and 2.07 ± 0.03 (mean ± sd) for SFB and in Europe, respectively, thus representing less than a 5% difference and are not statistically significant from one another (Table S7). Additionally, a law exponents followed the same rank order by matrix between Kooi et al. (2021) and those derived here for comparable matrices (i.e., marine surface water < wastewater effluent < marine sediment). The greatest difference between a law exponents was for marine sediment (2.90 ± 0.41 and 2.57 ± 0.20 for SFB and Europe, respectively) (Table S7). Direct comparisons for power law exponents derived for SFB to other studies/locations were not possible for stormwater runoff (which has not been reported elsewhere) or fish tissue (“biota” reported in Kooi et al. 2021 corresponds to benthic invertebrates).
Size-based correction factors for matrices ranged from 58 to 9,774 depending on matrix (a value) and mesh size (Table S8). Fish tissue data had the smallest mesh size (25 µm) and had the smallest correction factor accordingly (58; 95% CI: 53 to 63) (Table S8). Manta trawl data had the largest mesh size (333 µm) and had the second largest correction factor (529; 95% CI: 401 to 704 based an a value of 2.07 form Kooi et al. 2021) (Table S8). Stormwater data had a smaller mesh size than manta trawl (106 µm), however the correction factor was over 10x higher (9,774; 95% CI: 5,614 to 17,019) due to the high a value (2.97 ± 0.83) (Table S8).
In theory, rescaling data and correcting for systematic biases (i.e., fiber correction, spectroscopic subsampling) should reduce differences in monitoring concentrations taken at similar times and locations within a given matrix due to size-differences in mesh sizes of sampling apparatus (Koelmans et al. 2020). Before rescaling and correcting, surface water concentrations collected using manta trawl as well as effluent from wastewater treatment plants were not significantly different from one another according to one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc (p > 0.05; Tables S11 – S12) but were both significantly lower than surface water collected through other means (stormwater, 1-L grab surface water; p < 0.001) (Table S12). Additionally, 1-L grab surface water concentrations were significantly higher than stormwater concentrations collected with a depth-integrated peristaltic pump (p = 0.03; Table S12). Following rescaling and correcting, manta trawl-collected surface water concentrations were still significantly lower than other surface water concentrations collected via other methods (i.e., stormwater, 1-L grab surface water) (p < 0.001; Tables S13 – S14), however wastewater concentrations were no longer significantly different from both 1-L grab and manta trawl-collected surface water concentrations (p > 0.05) (Fig. 2; Table S14). Despite the combined correction factor to account for systematic under-counting based on size and fibers as well as fractions of particle spectroscopically confirmed to be plastics, rescaled and corrected manta trawl surface water data were still significantly lower (p = 3.4 x 10− 14; Table S14) than rescaled surface water 1-L grab samples, of which the majority were taken at similar locations and times. These results suggest that additional systematic biases are present in either the manta trawl (likely undercounting) or the 1-L grab samples (potentially overcounting). Undercounting in manta trawl samples may be due in part or in whole to imprecise blank corrections based on shape-color combinations as opposed to polymer-based corrections.
Risk characterization
Depending on the postulated effect mechanism/pathway (i.e., food-dilution or tissue translocation), risk exceedances of microplastics in SFB vary significantly. For all comparisons of PNECs (i.e., hazard thresholds from Mehinto et al. 2022) with PECs (i.e., corrected, and rescaled surface water concentrations in SFB) stated throughout this manuscript, only those in which the 95% CI does not include ‘0%’ represent statistically significant exceedances. Accordingly, only food-dilution thresholds one, two, and three have statistically significant exceedances in the SFB, while all other thresholds (i.e., food-dilution threshold four, and all tissue translocation thresholds) do not.
Comparison of corrected and rescaled manta-trawl collected surface water samples with food-dilution thresholds derived by Mehinto et al. (2022) resulted in 82% (95% CI: 27–100%) of samples exceeding the most conservative risk threshold (i.e. “Investigative monitoring” threshold one), 27% (95% CI: 3–73%) of samples exceeding threshold two (“Discharge monitoring”), 21% (95% CI: 3–58%) of samples exceeding threshold three (“Management planning”), and 3% (95% CI: 0–18%) of samples exceeding threshold four (“Source control measures”) (Table S15).
Comparison of surface water samples with tissue translocation-based thresholds derived by Mehinto et al. (2022) resulted in 3% (95% CI: 0–9%) of samples exceeding the most conservative risk threshold (i.e., “Investigative monitoring” threshold one), 0% (95% CI: 0 to 3%) of samples exceeding threshold two (“Discharge monitoring”), 0% (95% CI: 0 to 3%) of samples exceeding threshold three (“Management planning”), and 0% (95% CI: 0 to 0%) of samples exceeding threshold four (“Source control measures”) (Table S15).
Risk exceedances were higher during the rainy season, with 94% (95% CI: 41–100%) of surface water samples collected following a storm event exceeding food dilution threshold one compared with 71% (95% CI: 12–100%) of samples collected during the dry season (Figure S10). Rainy season samples exceeded food dilution threshold three within confidence limits (29%; 95% CI: 6–71%), however dry season samples did not (12%; 95% CI: 0–47%) (Figure S10).
Risk exceedances varied by location within the SFB (Fig. 4, Table S16). The Central Bay had the highest proportion of samples exceeding risk thresholds, with 85% (95% CI: 38–100%) exceeding Mehinto et al. (2022)’s most conservative food dilution threshold one (“Investigate monitoring”), 38% (95% CI: 8–85%) exceeding food-dilution threshold two (“Discharge monitoring”), 38% (95% CI: 8–77%) exceeding threshold three (“Management planning”), and 8% exceeding food dilution threshold four (“Source control measures”), however exceedances of threshold four were not statistically significant (95% CI: 0 to 31%) (Table S16). Additionally, the Central Bay was the only location with any samples exceeding a tissue translocation-based threshold at the 50th percentile, with 8% exceeding threshold one – however these exceedances were not statistically significant (95% CI: 0 to 23%) (Table S16).
Comparison of SFB samples to samples taken from outside of the bay demonstrated substantially higher risk within the bay. Samples taken from the National Marine Sanctuaries - which is an open-ocean location with minimal inputs from wastewater discharge or stormwater runoff and was selected as a reference location as part of the study design (Zhu et al. 2021) did not have any samples exceeding the most conservative threshold (i.e., food-dilution threshold one) with statistical significance (i.e., 35%; 95% CI: 0–91%) (Table S16; Fig. 4). Of the samples in the National Marine Sanctuaries exceeding food dilution threshold one at 50th percentile, the three highest were at the mouth of the bay just West of the Golden Gate Bridge, suggesting rapid dilution of microplastic particle concentrations outside of the SFB (Fig. 4).
Sensitivity Analysis
Comparison of the influence of factors in estimating environmental occurrence from manta trawl data reveals that the fiber correction factor contains the highest relative uncertainty compared to the spectroscopic sub-sampling correction factor for plastics and the size-based alignment correction factor (Figure S13). Holding variability for all correction/rescaling factors constant except for the fiber correction, the 95% confidence interval for percentage of samples in SFB exceeding Mehinto et al. (2022)’s food-dilution threshold one is (29–100%), compared with (76–88%) for size rescaling, (65–94%) for the plastic-proportion due to spectroscopic subsampling correction, and (26–100%) for combined rescaling and corrections (Figure S13). If the fiber correction factor is omitted from the analysis entirely, uncertainty decreases substantially in the risk characterization, and the overall number of statistically significant risk exceedances decreases as well (Figure S11). If the fiber correction factor is not applied, 27% of SFB samples would exceed food-dilution threshold one (95% CI: 18–39%) compared to 82% of samples when the fiber correction is applied (95% CI: 27–100%) (Figure S11 and Table S15).
While the size distribution value (a) has a substantial impact on the outcome of the risk characterization due to the high correction factor values derived for manta trawls (529; 95% CI: 401 to 704, Figure S9), the site-specific values for marine surface waters for SFB were of minimal difference from those derived elsewhere and applied for this risk characterization (i.e. Kooi et al. 2021) and therefore had limited uncertainty in this assessment (Figures S13 - S14). However, larger mesh sizes correspond to exponentially larger correction factors (Eq. 2) and are therefore highly influential in the case of manta trawl data (333 µm mesh). For example, the correction factor for 1-L grab samples would be 66 (95% CI: 55 to 80), using the same a value and uncertainty applied for manta trawl here, indicating the higher uncertainty and influence of rescaling manta trawl data compared to grab samples.
Comparison of the total uncertainties associated with estimating environmental surface water concentrations with the uncertainties in risk thresholds from Mehinto et al (2022) reveals comparable levels of uncertainty, with food dilution thresholds spanning ~ 2 to 5 orders of magnitude between 95% confidence intervals depending on the tier (Table S10) while estimated environmental concentrations for manta trawl surface samples span ~ 2.5 orders of magnitude between 95th percentiles based on the combined correction and rescaling uncertainties (Table S11).