In this part, first, the nanofluid rheological behavior in terms of being Newtonian is studied. Then, the measured values of the viscosity of hybrid nanofluid in various VFs and temperatures are reported. Next, the values of experimental viscosity are compared against predictions of available theoretical and experimental models and the abilities of such models are evaluated. Eventually, an equation is represented to estimate hybrid nanofluid viscosity in different temperatures and VFs, which is developed for different applications such as simulations.
3.1. Rheological behavior of nanofluid
In order to assess the rheological properties of hybrid nanofluid, the nanofluid viscosity is measured in the range of 50-1000 rpm (665.5-13330 1/s) and thus it is measured in various SRs. Figures 7 and 8 show the changes in SS and dynamic viscosity in terms of SR for hybrid nanofluid in various temperatures and VFs, respectively.
According to Fig. 7, the changes in SS are non-linear in terms of SR which indicates the behavior of the nanofluids is non-Newtonian. Based on Fig. 8, the most viscosity reduction is observed at 5°C. These changes indicate the dependency of viscosity to SR. Therefore, the 5W30/SiO2- MWCNT(10–90) nanofluid can be considered as non-Newtonian which it behaves like a pseudoplastic fluid in all VFs and temperatures. Also, it is concluded that when the SR is augmented in low temperatures, the viscosity changes is increased. That means that in lower temperatures, the fluid behavior is close to non-Newtonian behavior. Contrary to the results of present study, the experimental results of Afrand et al. [35] on SiO2-MWCNTs/SAE40 hybrid nanofluid, show that the base fluid and nanofluid have a Newtonian behavior. Therefore, the results of Fig. 8, show that the base oil also plays an important role in the rheological behavior of nanofluid. Also, the experimental study of Motahari et al. [33] on MWCNT-SiO2 (20–80)/20W50, show that the base fluid and nanofluid have a Newtonian behavior. So, in addition to the importance of the role of base oil, the mass fraction of each nanoparticles affects the rheological behavior of nanofluid.
To further investigate the rheological behavior of hybrid nanofluid, the consistency index (m) and power law index (n) of the well-known power law model (Eq. 2) are calculated at a shear rate of 800 RPM in Fig. 9.
Figure 9-(a) shows that with increasing temperature from 5°C to 45°C, the consistency index decreases, which corresponds to the trend of decreasing viscosity with increasing temperature, in Fig. 8. Also, from 45°C to 65°C, m values do not change significantly, which indicates that the slope of viscosity changes in terms of VF is almost constant in this range; In other words, a sharp decrease in viscosity is prevented by increasing the temperature.
In addition to, as can be seen in the Fig. 9-(b), the power law index is less than one at all temperatures and VFs. Therefore, it can be concluded that the viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate and the hybrid nanofluid has the characteristics of a pseudoplastic (shear-thinning) fluid.
3.2. Changes of hybrid nanofluid viscosity by temperature
As it is observed in Fig. 10, when the temperature is increased at constant VF, the nanofluid viscosity is decreased. In fact, as the temperature is increased, the base fluid and nanoparticles will have free molecular motion and molecules will collide less. In addition, when the temperature is increased, the intermolecular distance is increased in the base fluid and nanoparticles. Therefore, the resistance against the flow and consequently the viscosity is decreased. To put it another way, the viscosity in fluids is a result of molecules cohesive force, therefore, the viscosity of fluids is decreased when the temperature is increased. In fluids, molecules with more energy in higher temperatures, dominate the forces of cohesion and consequently, molecules move with more energy. In the SR of 600 RPM for the base fluid of 5w30, when the temperature changes from 5°C to 65°C, the dynamic viscosity is reduced. Also, for the VFs of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2, it is reduced by 93.22, 93.23, and 93.01 percent, respectively.
3.3. Changes of hybrid nanofluid viscosity by the VF
In Figs. 11, the changes in dynamic viscosity of hybrid nanofluid in terms of the nanoparticles VF are illustrated in different temperatures for various SRs. As it could be observed, as the VF of nanoparticles is increased, the nanofluid viscosity is increased in all temperatures. When the nanoparticles SiO2 and MWCNT are incorporated into the oil, the contact and intermolecular forces of oil particles and nanoparticles are increased which results in increased fluid resistance against flow, which means that the viscosity increases. Also, as the nanoparticles VF is increased, due to the increase in molecular forces between nanoparticles, the probability of addition to their branches increases and also, more resistance is created between the layers of the fluid against motion from this point of view.
At the temperature of 5°C, when the VF is increased from zero to 0.1%, the dynamic viscosity is increased from 34.38–40.88%. Also, at the temperatures of 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65°C, it increases by 38.88–44.23%, 30.43–53.90%, 31.73–36.27%, 34.27–38.35%, 43.05–48.12%, 56.38–70.55%, respectively.
Figure 12 shows the relative viscosity in terms of VF at various temperatures at a SR of 800 RPM. As shown, the maximum increase in viscosity occurs at temperature of 65°C and a VF of 1, which is about 58.8% in relation to the base fluid. Also, in only four cases, a reduction in viscosity in relation to the base fluid occurs. both of which are related to the VF of 0.05 and 0.1 and at temperatures of 55°C and 65°C. The maximum decrease in viscosity is associated to temperature of 65°C and VF of 0.05, which is about 5%.
In this section, the experimental data of present paper are compared with predictions from several conventional models. These models include the Einstein model, the Brinkman model, the Batchelor model, and the Wang and Mujumdar model. Einstein [42] proposed Eq. (3) for calculating relative viscosity. Brinkman [43] developed Einstein model for higher concentrations of fine particles as Eq. (4). Batchelor [44] assumed the base fluid to be uniform and also assumed that the nanoparticles were evenly distributed in the fluid and had a spherical shape. In this case, taking into account the Brownian motion of the particles, he presented Eq. (5) for the nanofluid relative viscosity. Wang and Mujumdar [45] also presented Eq. (6) to predict relative viscosity.
The measured relative viscosity of the present study at temperature of 45°C and SR of 800 RPM is compared with mentioned conventional models in Fig. 13. It is worth noting that since relationships (3) to (6) are not a function of temperature and SR, they will produce the same result at other temperatures and SRs.
As illustrated by Fig. 13, the models of Einstein, Brinkman and Batchelor give almost the same results, and Wang model is different from these three models, and its results are closer to the results of the present experimental work, but nevertheless, the difference between our results and old previous models is significant. The smallest difference belongs to the VF of 0.05, which is about 0.63%, and the largest one occurs at the VF of 1, which is about 62.49%. These differences can be attributed to the utilizing multi-walled carbon nanotubes that have a larger contact area with other molecules and their molecular interaction is different from spherical nanoparticles. The mentioned conventional models are presented for the presence of spherical nanoparticles. While, in the present study, both spherical nanoparticles (SiO2) and cylindrical nanoparticles (MWCNTs) are used. Therefore, conventional models are not suitable to predict the behavior of prepared hybrid nanofluid, and therefore a novel model is presented in the next section.
As it is observed, relationships (3) to (6), cannot correctly predict the viscosity changes of the nanofluid studied in this paper in terms of VF and are weak in this regard. Nanofluid of present research is hybrid and non-Newtonian and so its viscosity is a function of VF, temperature and SR. While in relationships (3) to (6), the effects of temperature and SR are not considered. Therefore, a novel correlation (7) is developed for the studied nanofluid. The constant coefficients a to s in this proposed correlation are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Constant coefficients in the proposed correlation
Coefficient | Value | Coefficient | Value |
a | 9.7872×10− 1 | k | -3.9462×10− 6 |
b | 3.5488×10− 3 | l | -4.5068×10− 3 |
c | 8.9778×10− 5 | m | -1.5642×10− 4 |
d | 8.2047×10− 2 | n | -3.3825×10− 8 |
e | -1.0124×10− 4 | o | 1.5964×10− 4 |
f | -7.2729×10− 8 | p | 5.4565×10− 9 |
g | 6.1913×10− 1 | q | 2.0629×10− 7 |
h | 1.0452×10− 6 | r | -1.6534×10− 3 |
i | -4.5686×10− 11 | s | -1.6420×10− 4 |
j | -2.2656×10− 1 | | |
This proposed correlation (7) predicts the relative viscosity with accuracy parameters which is presented in Table 4. Figure 14 shows the results predicted by the developed correlation compared to the experimental data. As shown, the proposed correlation predicts the experimental results with a relative error of less than 8.48%.
To further examine the accuracy of the proposed correlation, the predicted results by the proposed correlation are compared with recent correlations (Esfe and Arani [38] and Esfe et al. [40]) in which hybrid nanofluids including SiO2 and MWCNT nanoparticles have non-Newtonian behavior.
A comparison of the results in Figure 15 as well as the accuracy parameters of recent correlations in Table 4 demonstrate the inability of recent correlations to accurately predict the viscosity of oil (5W30)/SiO2- MWCNT hybrid nanofluid.
3.4. GMDH-type neural network (GMDH-NN)
Combination of linear regression and artificial neural network algorithms establishes the polynomial neural networks, which group method of data handling (GMDH) method as a self-organizing system is the well-known and extensively-used algorithm among other polynomial neural networks [46, 47]. The aim of this algorithm is proposing a correlation in a feed-forward network employing regression procedure based on a quadratic node transfer function [48]. The network introduces the estimation function \(\widehat{f}\) for prediction of output \(\widehat{y}\) in terms of a set of inputs x = (x1, x2, …, xn) so that the minimum relative difference to the real output could be obtained. The definition of system is as below.
$${y}_{i}=f\left({x}_{i1},{x}_{i2},{x}_{i3}, \dots , {x}_{in} \right), for i=\text{1,2}, \dots , M$$
The GMDH-type neural network is trained for prediction of output data \(\widehat{y}\) based on input variables in such a manner that the squares of the difference between the predicted and actual output values are minimized as follow.
$${\widehat{y}}_{i}=\widehat{f}\left({x}_{i1},{x}_{i2},{x}_{i3}, \dots , {x}_{in} \right)$$
$$\sum _{i=1}^{M}{\left[{\widehat{y}}_{i}-{y}_{i}\right]}^{2}\to Minimum$$
The achieved nonlinear relationship of input/output variables is represented in the form of Kolmogorov–Gabor function as follows [48].
$$y={a}_{0}+\sum _{i=1}^{n}{a}_{i}{x}_{i}+\sum _{i=1}^{n}\sum _{j=1}^{n}{a}_{ij}{x}_{i}{x}_{j}+\sum _{i=1}^{n}\sum _{j=1}^{n}\sum _{k=1}^{n}{a}_{ijk}{x}_{i}{x}_{j}{x}_{k}+\dots$$
In order to examine the accuracy of our proposed GMDH-type neural network, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and absolute fraction of variance (R2) are used, which is calculated as follow.
$$RMSE=\sqrt{\frac{1}{M}{\sum }_{i=1}^{M}{\left({y}_{exp}-{y}_{pred}\right)}^{2}}$$
$$MAE=\frac{1}{M}{\sum }_{i=1}^{M}\left({y}_{exp}-{y}_{pred}\right)$$
$${R}^{2}=1-\sum _{i=1}^{n}\frac{{\left({y}_{exp}-{y}_{pred}\right)}^{2}}{{{y}_{exp}}^{2}}$$
In the present work, the GMDH-type neural network is employed to predict the polynomial models of relative viscosity of oil (5W30)/SiO2-MWCNT hybrid nanofluid associated with their effective input variables. A series of 376 experimental data consists of temperature, SR, and VF of nanofluid as input variables and relative viscosity of nanofluid as the single output parameter is considered. For producing the network, 90% of the data is dedicated for GMDH-type neural network training and the rest 10% is dedicated for testing the network. The developed model is shown in Appendix A.
Figure 16 illustrates the predictive ability and values of residuals of trained network in order to estimate the unforeseen relative viscosity of our hybrid nanofluid obtained from experimental analysis. It is obviously seen that there is an excellent agreement between the experimental data and those predicted by the GMDH-type neural network. RMSE, MAE, R2 and maximum relative error values of the neural network are listed in Table 4, demonstrating the high-precision performance of the GMDH-type neural network.
Table 4
Accuracy parameters of the GMDH-NN model and the proposed correlation.
Parameters | Training | Testing | Proposed correlation | Esfe and Arani correlation [38] | Esfe et al. correlation [40] |
RMSE | 0.01811 | 0.02133 | 0.02207 | 0.07911 | 0.09629 |
MAE | 0.01245 | 0.01436 | 0.01530 | 0.04816 | 0.08803 |
R2 | 0.999747 | 0.999656 | 0.978966 | 0.832476 | 0.924291 |
Maximum Relative Error (%) | 8.31 | 6.60 | 8.48 | 24.75 | 18.02 |
The experimental, correlation and GMDH-NN results are compared in Fig. 17. As it can be found that, there is closer agreement between the experimental results and GMDH-NN outputs especially at high relative viscosities, than that was established between the experimental data and the proposed correlation. This result can be also deduced from Table 3 and indicates the ability of the GMDH-NN model.