N. Elkassas et al, 2018[5]
General Hospital
To evaluate the acceptance of the role of the pharmacist in implementing antibiotic stewardship
Pre-post study
July,2014-Dec, 2015
CP involved in advising physicians about proper selection of antibiotics
Acceptance post intervention, (p < 0.001) DRPs is reduced, compliance to clinical pharmacist by physician increased
Defined daily dose (DDD) per 1000 patient-days
Niaz Al-Somai.et al 2014 (6)
Saudi Arabia
Tertiary hospital
to measure the
impact of the clinical pharmacist and infectious disease consultant interventions on the
use of three antimicrobials (caspofungin, imipenem, meropenem)
pre and post study
August 31, 2011 to August 31, 2012
CP review medical chart, lab test and culture report, and provided therapeutic intervention, advice physician regarding doses, interaction and duration of antimicrobial
Significant reduction in the average duration of use (imipenem, p = 0.0144); and meropenem, p = 0.0089)
defined daily doses as per 100 bed days (DDD)
Kiresten E. et al.2016 [7]
Teaching hospital
To assess the impact of pharmacist intervention on appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing on a geriatric psychiatric unit
Pre and post study
August 2014 -January 2015
CP reviewed patient chart and evaluated appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing on geriatric psychiatric unit
Significantly less inappropriate doses for indication compared to the pre-intervention group (10.6% vs. 23.9%, p = 0.02), and less antibiotics prescribed for an inappropriate duration (15.8% vs. 32.4%, p < 0.01), more patients in the post intervention group had medications prescribed with appropriate dose, duration, and indication (51% vs. 66%, p = 0.04)
N. Lauren, et al. 2019 [8]
To evaluate the impact of a pharmacist-led ASP in the urgent care setting
Pre-post study
Implementation of a pharmacist-led urgent care ASP
Antimicrobial prescribing
for all patients including all diagnoses was significantly improved during
the post-ASP period compared with the pre-ASP period (53.3% and 41.3%,
respectively; p = 0.037)
pre- and post ASP compared by percentage
Hai-Xia Zhang. et al 2014 (9)
Tertiary hospital
To evaluate the
impact and cost-benefit value of pharmacist interventions for
Prophylactic antibiotic use
pre and post study
January 1, 2011 to
June 30, 2012
CP intervened real-time monitoring of medical records and controlling of the prescriptions of prophylactic antibiotics against the criteria
Prolonged duration of prophylaxis decreased from 7.58 days to 2.91 days (p < 0.001). Mean antibiotic cost decrease from $338.59 to $98.95 (p, 0.001).] and significant increase was observed in the rate of correct choice of antibiotics (p < 0.001) after the intervention
Cost benefit analaysis
Lucas M. et al. 2012 [10]
To assess the impact of an intervention-prospective
audit with feedback to prescriber, with and without the presence of a pharmacist in ASP team
Pre-post study
January 2003 to December 2008
follow all patient-cases prospectively,
recording the clinical data associated with the antimicrobial
agent and the patient illness
Consumption of antimicrobials decreased from 48.9% during pre-ASP to 36.9% in post-ASP (P = 0.001). The mean monthly antibiotic cost, during the pre-ASP was US$ 30,727.56, and US$ 9,623.73 in the last period of the study (P = 0.001)
mean monthly consumption in DDD/100 patient-days
Box MJ. et al 2015 (11)
Health care center
To assess impact of Pharmacists on ASP Teams in a Community Setting
Pre and post study
CP has a role in educational interventions and pharmacist led antimicrobial therapy duration of iv treatment
Improved the mean time to targeted antibiotic therapy (61.1 vs. 35.4 hrs; p = 0.001),
reduced median time to positive culture from 3 days to 2 days (p = 0.0001),
Adherence to the antibiotic treatment was 48.4% in the CG and 67.2% in the IG, p = 0.033)
Mean, median and percentage
Dunn K, et al. 201 1[12]
university hospital
To assess the impact of the introduction of antimicrobial sub-committee-led, pharmacist delivered guidelines and criteria for switching from IV to PO antimicrobials
Pre-post study
December 2006 to June 2007
Application of stickers, guidelines to the drug chart, and providing consultation service to physician during IV to PO switch by PC
Significant reduction in the duration of IV antimicrobial treatment Improvement in the timeliness of IV to PO switch
Percentage and proportion
Angoulvant F et al. 2013[13]
tertiary pediatric hospital,
To evaluate therapeutic education delivered in a pediatric emergency care and attitudes about judicious antibiotic use
randomized controlled trial
February 2, 2009 to
September 26, 2011
Therapeutic education on antibiotic was delivered by CP in the pediatric emergency department
parents satisfied with the information on antibiotics received was significantly higher (96.9% versus 83%, P = 0.002)
percentage of
parents satisfied
Gross et al. 2001 [14]
Tertiarycy Hospital
To improve the quality of patient care by ensuring the effectiveness of treatment regimens
Pre-post study
November 1993
Management of Antimicrobial recommendation
Better antimicrobial recommendations,
cost effectiveness
Appropriateness use, cure and failure of the first regimen
H. Khalili et al. 2013 [15]
university Hospital
To evaluate the
effect of clinical pharmacy services on medication costs
Pre and post study
September 2010 to September 2011
CP intervention involved with adding, discontinuation, and changing the frequency, duration or dose of drugs and Management of drug interactions, therapeutic drug level monitoring, stability of drugs and preventing medication error
Direct medication cost per patient was decreased ($160,140.5 ± 12,445.1 versus $141,621.8 ± 10,540.8),
Hospitalization duration of patients reduced (15.8 ± 4.9 versus 17.3 ± 5.6 days, P < 0.001) and total number of ordered medication per patient was reduced by 9 ± 4.7 and 6.6 ± 3.1 (P < 0.001),
CP recommendation on stability of drugs and preventing medication error was accepted 100% by nurses and physicians
Percentage. and mean ± standard deviation (SD)
Gums et al, 1999 [16]
To identify financial and outcome benefits of therapeutic
intervention by a multidisciplinary antimicrobial treatment team composed of
Pharmacists, a clinical microbiologist, and an infectious disease specialist.
September 1994 to March 1996
Clinical pharmacist involved in recommendations concerning antibiotic therapy and monitoring, as necessary
Median length of stay was reduced from 9 to 5.7 days,
(p = 0.0001)
Median patient services’ charges were reduced by $4404/intervention, (p = 0.008) and median hospital costs were reduced by $2642/intervention ( p = 0.016)
Mean cost
Mean time