1. Clinical and gross pathological findings
All African giant rats from the three zones used in this study were apparently healthy without any physical injury. The body weight range of the AGR was between 700-840g.
2. Neuroecotoxicological findings in distinct neuronal cells of AGR sampled from their natural environment
i. Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) dopaminergic neuron
In the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) of AGR brains sampled from high vanadium (Fig.1b, e) and high lead (Fig.1c, f) concentration zones, the distribution of the populations of TH-immunoreactive neurons appeared reduced. Also, immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of AGR brains sampled from both high vanadium and high lead concentration zones appeared decreased compared to those sampled from low metals (Fig.1a,d) concentration zone. Stereological cell counts of these TH cells showed a significant loss (-41.8%) of SNC dopaminergic neurons in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and (-50.7%) in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone (Fig.1g).
ii. Prefrontal (cingulate) cortex, hippocampus, dentate gyrus and reticular thalamic nuclei fast spiking GABAminergic interneurons (parvalbumin neurons)
The prefrontal cortex (Fig.2), hippocampus (Fig.3a-h), dentate gyrus (Fig.2i) and reticular thalamic nuclei (Fig.3j) of AGR brains sampled from high vanadium and high lead concentration zones, had reduced populations of parvalbumin-containing immunoreactive interneurons. Also, immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of AGR brains sampled from both high vanadium and high lead concentration zones appeared decreased compared to those sampled from low metals concentration zone. The soma of these parvalbumin-containing interneurons of AGR sampled from high vanadium and high lead concentration zones appeared swollen or thickened compared to those sampled from the low metal concentration zone. Stereological cell counts of these cells showed a significant loss (-39.9%) of prefrontal cortex fast spiking GABAminergic interneurons in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and (-40.8%) in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone (Fig.2g). For the different regions of the hippocampus and reticular thalamic nuclei, stereological count of PV cells showed a significant loss (-34.7% and −55.9% respectively) in the CA1 (Fig.3g); (-45.8% and −59.6% respectively) in the CA3 (Fig.3h); (-44.9% and −39.2% respectively) in the dentate gyrus (Fig.3i) and (-35.4%and −26.7% respectively) in the reticular thalamic nuclei (Fig.3j) of AGR exposed to high vanadium and those exposed to high lead respectively, compared to those from low metals region.
iii. Lateral hypothalamus (LH) orexinergic (OX-A) and Melanin concentration hormone (MCH) neurons
In the lateral hypothalamus of AGR sampled from high vanadium and high lead concentration zones, the distribution of the populations of OX-A-immunoreactive (Fig. 4) and MCH-immunoreactive (Fig. 5) neurons was reduced and immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of AGR brains sampled from these zones appeared decreased compared to those sampled from low metals concentration zone similar to what was observed for TH and PV neurons. Stereological cell counts of OX-A neurons showed a significant loss (-50.6%) in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and (-65.3%) in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone (Fig. 4g). Similarly, a significant loss (-59.7% and − 45.5% respectively) of MCH neurons in the lateral hypothalamus was observed in same animal groups compared to those of low metals region (Fig. 5g).
iv. Dendritic architecture of orexinergic (OX-A) neurons
There was a significant decrease in the dendritic arborization of OX-A immunostained neurons in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone (Fig. 6a). Also, other parameters measured such as mean intersections (Fig. 6b), ramification index (Fig. 6c), ending, intersecting and critical radii (Fig. 6d-f respectively) were significantly decreased in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone. No significant difference was seen in the OX-A immunostained neurons dendritic critical value (Fig. 6g) of the animals exposed to high vanadium, and in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone. This quantification therefore revealed a marked reduction of the complexity of dendritic arborization of OX-A-immunostained neurons in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and in those exposed to high lead in their natural habitat, compared to those from low metals zone.
v. Perineuronal nets (PNNs) and extracellular matrix (ECM) alterations of fast spiking GABAminergic (Parvalbumin) interneurons
Our results showed a significant decreased integrated density of WFA around soma and dendrites of PV+ neurons in the animals exposed to high vanadium, and in those exposed to high lead, compared to those from low metals zone. Generally, there was scanty and loss of ECM staining intensity in same animal groups compared to those from low metals zone (Fig. 7).
vi. Microglia and Astrocytes activation
AGR in high vanadium, and high lead groups had microglial cells showing increased Iba1 immunostaining; their cell body appeared hypertrophied, and their branches were hypertrophied, shorter and thicker, presenting a typical bushy appearance especially in the high lead group. These changes were seen in all regions of the brain (including the cortex, substantia nigra, lateral hypothalamus, corpus callosum and hippocampus) indicating their activation (Fig. 8) compared to those from low metals zone. In one of the brain samples from the high lead exposed AGR group, the microglia appeared amoeboid in shape, with their cell body extensively thickened, with thickened and retracted branches, presenting the so called “angry microglia” appearance (Fig. 8d).
Analyses of GFAP-positive astrocytes showed similar results to Iba 1. Astrocytes hypertrophy with enhanced GFAP immunostaining was observed in all regions of the brain in high vanadium, and high lead groups (including the cortex, substantia nigra, lateral hypothalamus, corpus callosum and hippocampus) indicating their activation compared to those from low metals zone (Fig. 9). The pathological changes were remarkably consistent in all brain samples of AGR from high vanadium exposed, and high lead exposed, compared to those from low metals zone. These microglia and astrocytic pathological changes were seen more in the high lead group.
3. Neurotoxicological findings in distinct neuronal cells of experimental vanadium exposed AGR, and in comparison with naturally exposed
i. Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopaminergic neurons
In the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) (Fig. 10) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) (Fig. 11) of AGR brains exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV, the distribution of the populations of TH-immunoreactive neurons appeared reduced compared to control. Immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of these regions of the AGR brains treated with SMV appeared decreased compared to control (Fig. 10a-f) and stereological cell counts of these TH+ cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) showed a significant loss (-54.7%) of SNC dopaminergic neurons in the animals exposed to SMV compared to control (Fig. 10g).
ii. Prefrontal (cingulate) cortex, hippocampus, dentate gyrus and reticular thalamic nuclei fast spiking GABAminergic interneurons
In the prefrontal cortex (Fig. 12), hippocampus (Fig. 13a-h), dentate gyrus (Fig. 13i) and reticular thalamic nuclei (Fig. 13j) of AGR brains exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight of SMV, the distribution of the populations of parvalbumin-containing immunoreactive interneurons appeared reduced compared to the control match. Similar to what was observed for TH positive neurons, immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of AGR brains treated with SMV, they appeared decreased or destroyed compared to their control match. Stereological cell counts of these cells also showed a significant loss (-37.2%) of prefrontal cortex fast spiking GABAminergic interneurons in the animals experimentally exposed 3mg/kg SMV compared to control. A similar pattern was observed for different regions of the hippocampus (-50.5% in the CA1; -30.5% in the CA3 and 41.7% in the dentate gyrus) (Fig. 13g-i) and in the reticular thalamic nuclei (-37.6%) (Fig. 13j), comparing the experimentally 3mg/kg body weight SMV exposed group to their control match.
iii. Lateral hypothalamus (LH) orexinergic (OX-A) and Melanin concentration hormone (MCH) neurons
In the lateral hypothalamus of AGR brain exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV, the distribution of the populations of OX-A-immunoreactive (Fig. 14) and MCH-immunoreactive (Fig. 15) neurons appeared reduced and immunolabelling of dendrites and neuropil of these neurons appeared decreased compared to control. Stereological cell counts of OX-A neurons showed a significant loss (-56.6%) in the animals exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body SMV compared to control (Fig. 14e). Similarly, a significant loss (-37.8%) of MCH neurons in same brain region in 3mg/kg body SMV exposed group compared to control was observed (Fig. 15e).
iv. Dendritic architecture of orexinergic (OX-A) neurons
The architecture of OX-A immunostained dendritic arbors showed a significant decrease in the AGR exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV compared to control (Fig. 16a). A similar pattern (decreased) was noticed in ramification index (Fig. 16b), intersecting, critical and ending radii (Fig. 16c-e) in experimentally exposed group compare to control. However, no significant difference was noted in mean intersections and dendritic critical value in OX-A immunostained neurons of the experimentally 3mg/kg body weight SMV exposed animals compared to control (Fig. 16f-g). This quantification revealed a marked reduction of the complexity of dendritic arborization of OX-A-immunostained neurons in the animals exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV compared to control.
v. Perineuronal nets (PNNs) and extracellular matrix (ECM) alterations of fast spiking GABAminergic interneurons
Scanty and loss of ECM staining intensity was observed in SMV treated group compared to control and statistical analysis revealed a significant decreased mean integrated density of WFA around soma and dendrites of PV+ neurons in the animals exposed to 3mg/kg body weight SMV compared to control match (Fig. 17).
vi. Microglia and Astrocytes activation
In the brains of AGR exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV, microglial cells showing increased Iba1 immunostaining and cell body and their ramification hypertrophy were observed in almost all regions of the brain (including the cortex, substantia nigra, lateral hypothalamus, corpus callosum and hippocampus) studied indicating microglia activation compared to control match (Fig. 18).
Analyses of GFAP-positive astrocytes in brains of AGR exposed experimentally to 3mg/kg body weight SMV, showed astrocytes hypertrophy with enhanced GFAP immunostaining in all regions of the brain (including the cortex, substantia nigra, lateral hypothalamus, corpus callosum and hippocampus) studied, indicative of astrocytes activation compared to control (Fig. 19). The pathological changes were remarkably consistent in all brain samples of experimentally SMV exposed AGR compare to control.
Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in all parameters measured comparing natural high vanadium zone and experimentally 3mg/kg body weight SMV exposed groups.
4. Electron microscopic finding in brains of experimental 3mg/kg body weight SMV exposed AGR
i. Scanning electron microscopic findings
Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed severe pathological changes characterized by mass denudation, conglomeration and general loss of cilia on the surface of the lateral ventricles of brains of AGR exposed experimentally to SMV (Fig. 20b-d) compared to control that showed healthy and well spread cilia covering the surface of the lateral ventricle (Fig. 20a). The presence of ruptured surfaces (3/4) of the lateral ventricles was also noticed in brains of AGR exposed experimentally to SMV (Fig. 20d).
ii. Transmission electron microscopic findings
Transmission electron microscopic studies also revealed severe pathological changes characterized by disintegration of the ependymal layer, dissolution of tight junction between ependymal cells and severe subependymal edema, intracytoplasmic membranous vesicle and numerous vacuolations (Fig. 21b) compared to control (Fig. 21a). These vesicles in some cases are very large, edematous and contains some protein materials (Fig. 21e) engulfed by activated microglia as large numbers of electron dense granules similar to granules of neutropil (Fig. 21c). Interesting finding in the experimental exposed SMV group is the intense destruction of myelin sheath due to splitting of lamella of the sheath (Fig. 21f) presenting numerous unmyelinated axons (Fig. 21 e) and presence of swollen mitochondria in myelinated axons compared to control (Fig. 21d).