The unique sites (Mt. Kamenec, Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení) were selected to the detailed field geomorphology research and geomorphological inventory in the study area (e.g. Rypl et al. 2014, 2016, 2020; Rypl and Kirchner, 2017) Their short and simplified descriptions of the unique sites of Mt. Kamenec, Mt. Myslivna, Mt. Jelení are given below and are shown in more details on Fig. 2. (A, B, C).
4.1 Localities
Mt. Kamenec
Location: 3.5 km southwest of the Pohoří na Šumavě village, at the Austrian border
Cadastral area: Pohoří na Šumavě village
Altitude: 1 072 m a. s. l., the highest top on the Czech side of the Novohradské Mountains
Bedrock: magmatites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton - medium grained, porphyritic Weinsberg granites.
The top rounded ridge elongated in the direction NE-SW with two cryoplanation platforms at two altitude levels (1 050 m a. s. l. and 1 072 m a. s. l.). The distinctive castle koppie (60 x 10 x 12 metres) is created on the cryoplanation platform at the altitude level 1 050 m a. s. l. The distinct group of seven tors (up to 15 m high) is created on the cryoplanation platform at the altitude level 1 072 m a. s. l.
Mt. Myslivna
Location: 3.5 km northwest of the Pohoří na Šumavě village
Cadastral area: Pohoří na Šumavě village
Altitude: 1 040 m a. s. l.
Bedrock: magmatites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton - medium grained, porphyritic Weinsberg granites.
The top rounded ridge elongated in the direction NNW-SSE with two distinctive elevations creates part of the Mt. Myslivna. The higher peak is situated on the north with the altitude 1 040 m a. s. l. The lower peak is situated on the south with altitude 1 025 m a. s. l. The particular lower peak is created the cryoplanation platform with the rock fragment.
Mt. Jelení
Location: 2.5 km south of the Leopoldov village
Cadastral area: Dolní Příbraní village
Altitude: north top of Mt. Jelení 939 m a. s. l.
Bedrock: magmatites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton - medium grained, porphyritic Weinsberg granites.
The north top of Mt Jelení is stretched into the top ridge in the direction W – E with two distinctive elevations. The higher peak is situated on the east with the altitude 939 m a. s. l. The lower peak is situated on the west with altitude 920 m a. s. l. There are group of ten frost – riven cliffs (height up to 10 m) on the southwest erosion – denudational slope of the lower peak.
4.2 Geoheritage Values
Geoheritage values are shown in Table 2 for localities of southern part of the Novohradské Mountains and are characterized below.
Table 2
Geoheritage values of Mt. Kamenec (A), Mt. Myslivna (B) and Mt. Jelení (C).
(source: modified by Stejskal 2016).
1. Scientific value
1.a Representation
1.b Conservation (current state of the site, condition)
1.c. Exemplarity, educational value
1.d. Rarity (number of similar sites in the target area)
1.e Presence and diversity of meso- and microforms
1.f Presence of further geological and pedological features
1.g Geological significance (for the understanding of the geological evolution)
1.h Palaeographic significance (possibility of landscape or climate reconstruction
1.i Popularity of the site from the point of view of Earth sciences, scientific
1.j Level of the legal protection due to the geomorphological reasons
Total Scientific value
2. additional values
2.a Aesthetic value
The colours, number of colours
The structure, number of clearly differentiable components
General aesthetic value
2.b Ecological value
An impact of geomorphological features on biota
The presence of significant preserved species of plants and animals
The level of legal protection due to ecological reasons
2.c Cultural value
Historical and archaeologic significance
Religious and symbolic significance
Literature and artistic significance
2.d The popularity of the site from the point of view of ecological, aesthetic and
cultural value
Total Additional values
3. POTENtial for use
3.a Recognition
3.b Accessibility ( by walking, by car, by public transport)
3.c Infrastructure
3.d Actual use of geoscientific values of the site, approximate number of the visitor
per year
3.e Actual use of additional values of the site
3.f Propagation and existence of commercial products presenting the site
3.g Limits for the use, possibility of access, entrance, coming close to, possibility
of the guided tours
3. h Number of the possibilities for the use of the site (geoeducation, geotourism,
sports, culture etc.)
Total potential for the use
4. THREATS And vulnerability
4.a Existence of the natural threats leading to the devaluation of the site
4.b Existence of the anthropogenic threats leading to the devaluation of the site
4.c Existence of the legal protection of the site (any kind of legal protection)
Total Threats and vulnerability
Total value
Scientific values
The criterion 1a, Representation, reached in the case of all individual sites the level of 0.5 points, (middle representation - mainly for the scientific community). The particular geomorphological components are well visible, but the processes are understandable only to the part of public possessing at least a basic knowledge of geomorphology. The sites are included in the database of the geologically important localities, kept by the Czech Geological Survey. The criterion 1b Conservation, reached the value of 0.75 points, (locality slightly disturbed) at Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení. The conservation of the sites was influenced mainly by their location within the scope of the Czech Republic and long-standing human disinterest. The location of the sites near of the Czech–Austrian border was the reason for the limited human activity under the times of so-called „Iron Curtain“, before the year 1989. In the past, the main human activities in this area were wood processing and glass making. Another reason for the long-standing lack of human interest was also the vicinity of the more attractive touristic area, the Šumava Mountains. The most conservative landforms are located in Mt. Kamenec where the criterion 1b reached the level of 1.0 points.
The criterion 1c reached the value of 1.0 points on the Mt. Kamenec a Mt. Myslivna because landforms have a clear genesis and have direct use in geodidactic or geotourism. Individual components and processes are visible and illustrative, but the explanation of an educator (a teacher or any other specialist being able to describe and explain exemplarily individual components and processes) is necessary on the Mt. Jelení where the criterion 1c reached the level of 0.5 points.
There are three localities in the target area Mt. Kamenec, Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení and each locality has a different depiction of landforms, from this reason, the criterion 1d reached the value of 1.0 points. (3 different localities in the area). The criterion 1e (Presence and diversity of meso- and microforms) reached the value of 1 point on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna. There are representative mesoforms (e.g., castle koppies, tors, frost-riven cliffs), as well as microforms of the relief (e.g., weather pits, rock ledges). The criterion 1e reached the value of 0.5 points on Mt. Jelení because the presence of mesoforms and microforms is not as representative.
The three target sites were assessed just the same according to the criterion 1f, Presence of further geological and pedological features: Mt. Kamenec, Mt. Myslivna, and Mt. Jelení were assessed according to this criterion only by 0.5 points: there are just partial non- geomorphological and abiotic aspects in this area. From the geological significance point of view, (criterion 1g), the localities reached the value of 0.5 points – existing geological significance. It is possible to observe the consequences and processes of geological evolution, but in order to understand, knowledge of the geological evolution of the extended area (the Šumava Mountains, the Třeboňská basin and the Českobudějovická basin) is necessary. The target area introduces a part of larger geomorphological area of the Novohradské Mountains, beyond the Czech–Austrian border and stretching to the river Danube and from this reason, this area is so suitable for palaeographic research (the value of criterion 1h is 1 point).
The criterion 1i, Popularity of the site from the point of view of Earth Sciences and scientific publications was evaluated according to the number of publications in scientific databases Web of Science and Scopus and reached the score 0.5 points – there have been references registered in the scientific community. The all three sites are included in the database of the geologically important localities, kept by the Czech Geological Survey. Hence, criterion 1j reached by 0.5 points.
Additional values
The criterion 2a, expressing the aesthetic values, is based on the field research and on the subjective opinion of the evaluator, and therefore, the results are debatable. As for as the number of the colours, the green tints are characteristic for this area, due to the typical spruce monoculture spread on this area with only a small impact of anthropogenic factor (buildings, fields, water areas, infrastructure etc.). For this reason, the value of 0.25 points was chosen (2 to 3 colours) for all sites. Of course, the colouring has changed during the year. The number of clearly differentiable components were evaluated as 0.25 points for all sites; there are individual components as forests, meadows etc. The general aesthetic value reached the middle score – 0. 5 points on Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení and the high score − 1.0 points on Mt. Kamenec because of its frequency frost weathering landforms.
The criterion 2b, Ecological values was assessed as follows: An impact of geomorphological features on biota reached by 0.5 points on Mt. Kamenec. As geomorphological and biotic components of the sites are affecting each other and 1.0 points reached on Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení, because geomorphological and biotic components of the sites are affecting each other so that on the site Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení are declared Natural Monument (preservation of the beech forest). The target area represents a part of the Novohradské Mountains, an area with a great amount of protected species of animals and plants. For this reason, the criterion assessing the existence of protected species was evaluated as 0.5 point for the sites. In the case of the criterion assessing the legal protection for ecological reasons, the target area was assessed as a locality with existing legal protection. Hence, the chosen assessment was 0.5 points.
The criterion 2c, Cultural values, was based on the field research and survey of the available literary sources. The survey was aimed at the notice of literary and artistic significance of the target area. No reference of historical and archeologic significance was found on Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení and because here was chosen an assessment of 0.0 points. There was found remains of a castle and an inn near the top of Mt. Kamenec and because here was chosen an assessment of 0.5 points. No reference of religious and symbolic significance and of literary or artistic significance was found in all three locations and because here was chosen an assessment 0.0 points.
The evaluation of the criterion 2d, Popularity of the site, based on the factors mentioned above is debatable. The target locality is not absolutely unknown, but on the other hand, it is not very popular on a national or even international level. From that reason the middle evaluation of 0.5 points was chosen – „popular on the regional level “, taking into account the fact, that the target sites are located near of the border with Austria.
Potential for the use
The criterion 3a, Recognition, reached a value of 0.5 points – individual sites are well recognisable, but for the observation of individual geomorphological components, it is necessary to walk through the localities directly. Criterion 3b, describing the accessibility of the site is based on the fact, that all three localities are available more than 1,000 meters from the nearest car park. For this reason, the criterion 3b reached the score 0.0 points. The criterion 3c infrastructure reached 1.0 point on Mt. Myslivna because you can borrow right on the top a cottage from the state enterprise: “Forest of the Czech Republic”. This criterion reached 0.5 points on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Jelení because the nearest infrastructure is more distant than 5,000 metres.
The criteria 3d and 3e – the actual use of the geoscientific and additional values of the site reached the value 0.5 – partially used. None of the two criterion prevailed. Criterion 3f, the existence of commercial products presenting the site and propaganda, reached the value 0.5 points on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna. The area is shown in tourist guides of the Novohradské Mountains The tourist information offices in the neighbouring towns, especially in Nové Hrady offer leaflets aimed at the promotion of tourist routes and bike routes. This area is shown on various website. This criterion reached 0.0 points on Mt. Jelení because this area is not shown on commercial products presenting of the Novohradské Mountains.
The criterion 3g reached the value 1.0 points on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna because localities are well accessible by walk or by car. This criterion reached value 0.5 points on Mt. Jelení because locality is not well accessible by walk or by car as on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna. Similarly, the criterion 3h – the possibilities of the use reached the score 1.0 points on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna because there are lot of possibilities for the use in this area – tourism, biking, cross-country skiing during the winter, there are some objects of geocaching. This criterion reached the value 0.5 points on Mt. Jelení where the possibilities of the use are not great as on Mt. Kamenec and Mt. Myslivna.
Threats and vulnerability
The criterion 4a, Existence of the natural threats leading to the devaluation of the site: this locality is quite well - preserved. Neither during the field research nor in the literature was any nature hazard detected which could influence the components and features of the landscape in target area. For this reason, the criterion 4a reached the highest possible score of 1.5 points in the case of Mt. Kamenec. Protected beech woods in the area of Natural Monument Myslivna on the slope of Mt. Myslivna and Natural Monument Ulrichov on the slope of Mt. Jelení are injured, hence the criterion of the existence of nature hazards reached the score of 1 points on Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení..
The criterion 4b, Existence of the anthropogenic threats leading to the devaluation of the site is significant today. Especially in the area of Mt. Kamenec where is the most intensive tourism from all three locations. For this reason, this criterion in case of Mt. Kamenec achieved only 0.5 points. In case of Mt. Myslivna and Mt. Jelení where no remarks of anthropogenic activity are visible, this criterion reached 1.0 points.
The criterion 4c, already existing legal protection of the site, reached the value of 0.5 points in the case of all sites. The target area is a part of the Natural Park of the Novohradské Mountains, and all the three localities have been declared as geomorphologically significant localities by the Czech Geological Survey, in addition to the Natural Monument Myslivna on the slope of Mt. Myslivna and the Natural Monument Ulrichov on the slope of Mt. Jelení. There is not possible to assign higher value of this criterion in this case because this area is not declared as a national park, nor does it appear on the list of UNESCO.