1.1 Materials
A total of 419 patients with SMA from the Genetics and Prenatal Diagnostic Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2010 to July 2019 were enrolled in the study. Among them, 235 were male, and 184 were female. The age of treatment ranged from 45 days to 36 years. The clinical types and proportions of all patients are shown in table 1. There were 177 patients with SMAI, 126 patients with SMAII, 100 patients with SMAIII and 16 patients with SMAIV. The SMN1 genes of the 419 SMA patients and their parents were analyzed. All SMA cases met the diagnostic criteria established by the International SMA Consortium (Munsat and Davies, 1992). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, and all subjects signed informed consent forms.
Table 1. Results of genetic diagnosis of SMA patients
Clinical type
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
We suggested that pregnant women come to our hospital for villi extraction at 12-14 weeks of gestation for prenatal diagnosis. For pregnant women over 14 weeks of gestation, we recommend extraction of amniotic fluid at 16-20 weeks of gestation in our hospital for prenatal diagnosis. It is completely voluntary for any family to decide whether to take action based on the diagnosis. Overall, we conducted a total of 339 prenatal diagnoses from January 2010 to September 2019.
1.2 DNA extraction
1.2.1 Genomic DNA extraction from human peripheral blood
Two milliliters of peripheral blood was taken from each proband and his/her parents and placed into an EDTA anticoagulation tube. Genomic DNA was extracted using OMEGA's Mag-Bind® Blood & Tissue DNA HDQ 96 Kit. DNA concentration determination was performed using the Life Technologies Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit.
1.2.2 Genomic DNA extraction from chorionic villi
After informed consent was obtained, a small sample of chorionic villus tissue was taken from each pregnant woman by abdominal puncture under the guidance of B-ultrasound at 12-14 weeks of gestation. Intrauterine tissue was selected, and blood clots, placenta and other tissues were removed. Then, 3 to 4 pieces of villi of approximately 5 mm in length were selected and washed in normal saline. The villus samples were cut, and whole genomic DNA was extracted using a tissue extraction procedure of an Eppendorf epMotion 5075m workstation (Eppendorf, Germany).
1.2.3 Genomic DNA extraction from amniotic fluid
After informed consent was obtained, 5 ml of amniotic fluid was taken from each pregnant woman by amniocentesis under B-ultrasound at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation. The genomic DNA was extracted immediately from amniotic fluid by using the German Qiagen Genomic DNA Extraction Kit, and the extracted DNA was stored in a low-temperature refrigerator at -20 °C for subsequent use.
1.3 MLPA testing
The extracted genomic DNA was diluted to 40 ng/μl, and 5 μl was taken and used for MLPA detection. SMN1 and SMN2 gene copy numbers were detected by using MLPA with the SALSA P060-B2 SMA Kit (MRC Holland) according to the manufacturer's protocol. PCR products were analyzed on the ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems), and data were analyzed by Coffalyzer software (MRC Holland) or MLPA analysis–specific software (version 6.1, SoftGenetics, State College, PA). Ratios < 0.7, 0.7 < ratio < 1.3, 1.3 < ratio < 1.7, and 1.7 < ratio < 2.3 indicated one, two, three and four gene copies, respectively. All samples were analyzed at least twice.
1.4 QF-PCR
Multiple QF-PCRs were performed on chromosomes 21, 18 and 13 and short tandem repeat (STR) sites on chromosomes. Chromosome 21 included 21A (D21 S1435), 21B (D21S11), 21C (D21S1411), 21D (D21S1444), 21H (D21S1442), and 21I (D21S1437). Chromosome 18 included 18B (D18 S978), 18C (D18 S535), 18D (D18S386), 18J (D18S976), and 18M (GATA178F11). Chromosome 13 included 13A (D13 S742), 13B (D13S634), 13C (D13S628), 13D (D13S305), and 13K (D13S1492). The sex loci included X1 (DXS1187), X3 (XHPRT), X9 (DXS2390), SRY, XY2 (DXYS267), XY3 (DXYS218), AMELXY (AMELXY, AMELXY), ZFYX (ZFY, ZFX), T1 (indicating 7 and X chromosomes) and T3 (indicating 3 and X chromosomes) loci. The amplified product was subjected to capillary electrophoresis using an ABI-3130XL Genetic Analyzer, and GeneMapper accessory software v3 was used to analyze the presence of trisomy in the fetal chromosome. Maternal contamination was excluded.
1.5 Long-range PCR
PCR was performed using KOD FX Neo Polymerase (TOYOBO, Osaka, Japan). The PCR product was detected by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis to confirm that the product length was as expected (see details in the supplementary materials).
1.6 Nested PCR and Sanger sequencing
Intragenic mutation and hybrid SMN gene analysis was performed by sequencing. We used 1 μl of purified long fragment PCR product as template to amplify each exon of SMN1 by nested PCR. Sequencing PCR primers and their annealing temperatures are listed in the supplementary materials. Two-step PCR was performed by using KOD FX polymerase (TOYOBO). Each SMN1 exon product was purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) and sequenced on the ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems) using the BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit. (see details in the supplementary materials.)