2.1 Study area
The study area is the Sistan plain within a vast desert in eastern Iran (Fig. 1) with an average of 475-500 m above sea level (lat 30 25 to 31 27N–long 60 56 to 61 43E). In this plain, the Hamoun wetlands are providing critical water resources for local people and wildlife. The Ramsar Convention introduced a large part of Hamoun as a protected area (Ramsar Convention, 2016). The Hamoun wetlands consist of Hamoun-e Puzak, Hamoun-e Sabari, and Hamoun-e Helmand (In this paper, we used the word “Hamuon” and “wetland” instead of Hamoun wetlands). Under normal conditions, Hamoun covers 300,000 ha of a desert in an arid area that makes a vital water resource for all residents. However, in recent years, climate change as the prolonged drought has led to a decline in precipitation. Humans by unsustainable land and water management policies in upstream cut off the wetland water input in downstream that have made this valuable wetland dry in most time of the year (Maleki et al., 2018; Maleki et al., 2019).
2.2 Data
A time series of Landsat satellite images were used to map the wetland land cover classes. Table 1 presents the acquisition date of these images. Long-term mean annual precipitation and temperature were obtained from Zabol Meteorological Station and gridded data from CRU were employed to investigate the climate variability. The satellite images were achieved from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) website, and CRU meteorological data were downloaded from (HTTP:// www.cru.uea.ac.uk/data).
Field data were collected in 2019 based on satellite overpass. Mainland cover classes were identified in field observation, which are described in Table 2. A total of 250 samples were collected by the stratified random sampling method. The effect of neighbor classes was avoided by collecting the samples in the homogeneous area by a random approach in each class (AlaviPanah2003). In addition, the field measurements of our previous studies were used in this study (Maleki et al., 2016; Maleki et al., 2018). The samples were applied in image classification and validation.
Table 1. Landsat satellite image acquisition date were used in this study.
Acquisition date
Acquisition date
Acquisition date
Acquisition date
Table. 2. Hamoun wetland land cover classes
Land use
Agriculture land
Bare land, salt land, area without vegetation cover
Herbs on the ground
Tamarix (Main species in study area)
Flooded vegetation
Vegetation in shallow
Water surface without vegetation
2.3 Methods
2.3.1 Climate variability (Precipitation and temperature anomaly)
The previous studies in this region indicated that climate change occurred in this basin as a decline of precipitation and an increase in temperature (Maleki et al., 2019). In this paper, the anomaly of annual precipitation and the mean annual temperature over 1977–2019 were calculated to determine the intensity and duration of drought in the study area. The anomaly was calculated by Equation 1.
Pij = Mean i – Mean j,
Py = measurement from year(y),
STD = standard deviation.
2.3.3 ESs mapping
The main ESs of the Hamoun wetland in the Sistan plain were mapped over 45 years included carbon storage, crop production, water birds habitat, water resource providing, and sand and dust storm risk reduction.
To quantify the ESs, the Hamoun wetland land cover map over 45 years (1985-2019) was created and used as the input data for the ESs mapping. Habitat was mapped by the Maxent model using the Biomod2 package in R software. Sand and dust storm risk reduction were quantified by detecting changes in the bare land area and the frequency of dusty days. Water resource providing was achieved by the water body map extracted from the land use/land cover map.
Land cover mapping
The Hamoun wetland land cover maps over 45 years (1985-2019) were created and used as the input data for ESs mapping. The land-sat image of each date was classified using the support vector machine (SVM) method. In this method, a linear separating hyperplane in a multi-dimensional feature space is obtained by the training samples based on field measurements. The SVM algorithm works based on minimizing the error risk and maximizing the margins between the separating hyperplane and the closest training samples (Bigdeli, Samadzadegan, & Reinartz, 2013). The accuracy of the created maps was assessed by 5-fold cross-validation, and the overall accuracy and the kappa coefficient (K) were calculated. In the n-fold cross-validation method, the field samples are divided into n-folds. The classification algorithm is trained by n-1 portions and the remaining partition to assess the result. This process is repeated n times, and a different fold is used each time as the test set, and the remaining partitions are used as the training data (McCauley & Goetz 2004; Maleki et al., 2019).
Carbon storage
The InVEST model was applied to determine carbon storage. Using the Invest model, a raster image was created for each year, showing the amount of carbon stored in mg in each pixel (Sharp et al., 2015). To determine the change in the extent of each class, the area of each class was calculated during the study period.
Total carbon storage is calculated using Equation 2. The area of each pixel is equal to 900 m2, and in each pixel, the carbon storage is equal to 7.5, 9.2, 12.2 mg in classes 1 to 3, respectively.
Total carbon storage of class i = (A * C) / 900 Equation (2)
Class i = The class of carbon storage in Invest output
A= The area of class i
C = The amount of carbon stored in Mg in each pixel
900 = the area of each pixel
Waterbirds habitat suitability map
The MaxEnt model using the Biomod2 package in the R software was applied to create the suitable habitat map for four waterbird species in 2019, including Botaurus stellaris, Limosa limosa, Charadrius hiaticula, and Podiceps grisegena. The ecological maps as input layers included distance to road and residential area, tasseled cap wetness-greenness difference (TCWGD) map, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) map, and land cover map. The correlation among variables was tested to eliminate highly correlated variables (r ≥ 0.85 Pearson correlation coefficient). Since there was no significant correlation among the variables, all of them were used in creating the habitat suitability map. The MaxEnt Software provides a 10-percentile training presence logistic threshold to determine suitable classes. Using this threshold, the suitable class for each waterbird species (Botaurus stellaris, Limosa limosa, Charadrius hiaticula, Podiceps grisegena) in the Hamoun wetland was mapped. The suitable range for each species was extracted from the ecological maps in each year of the study period, and it was used to map the suitable habitat for water birds.
2.3.2 How ESs were changed due to human and climate changes?
The changes in the mean annual temperature and precipitation were detected. Based on changes in the climate variables, the study period was divided into two sections: before and after changes in climate variables. The changes in ecosystem services after and before human and climate effects were compared to each other.
2.3.3 Which ecosystem services are degraded more by human and climate change effects?
The trend of changes in each service over the study period was illustrated. Then, the degradation rate of each service was determined over each climate variation period using Equation 3.
2.3.4 Which ecosystem services have a higher priority for restoration measures?
To determine the ESs with priority for restoration measures, the weighted linear combination (WLC) method was used (Equation 4).
Where, Mi is the overall score for restoration measures for ith gird cell;
wj is the weight of jth variable
xij is the degradation rate of ith gird cell for jth variable.
The weight of ESs was assessed using the AHP method. The degradation rate of ESs was achieved in Section 2.3.3.