New advances in wildlife tracking have allowed obtaining a large number of records with great precision that would have never been recorded with traditional methods such as ringing or radio-tracking. However, one of the key challenges of studying wildlife with GPS/GSM telemetry is the lack of observational data that endows recorded locations with biological sense. To fill this gap, new tools that allow the categorization of movements in an automatized and objective way have arisen, enabling researchers to analyze not only ecological parameters but also behaviors. Thanks to the development of devices that continuously track individuals and analytical tools that allow the study of movement data, here we have thoroughly analyzed the PFDP and given biological significance to individuals’ movements.
Our results showed that the PFDP resulted in a similar time span for wild and reintroduced individuals, with both performing the first flight at a similar age. This first flight can only take place once juveniles are fully feathered, which occurs at an age of approximately 60 days (Gil-Sánchez 2000), and are in an appropriate physical condition. Our results agree with the ones obtained from the study conducted on Montagu’s harrier (Cyrcus pygargus), in which reintroduced and wild juveniles showed no differences during the PFDP and similar behavior (Amar et al. 2000).
Wild individuals depend on their parents during the juvenile PFDP for food provisioning, however, towards the end of the PDFP, raptor parents tend to decrease investment in their offspring, reducing the amount of prey delivered to the juveniles (Ceballos and Donázar 1990; Arroyo et al. 2001). This reduction encourages juveniles to develop hunting and flying skills and promotes their departure from their natal area to avoid intraspecific competition (Trivers 1974). In fact, parental aggression towards the juveniles has been reported for the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) at the end of the PFDP (Alonso et al. 1986) and harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) (Urios et al. 2017). Reintroduced individuals do not account for this parental presence, on the contrary, they are fed in order to keep them in the release site as long as possible to favor their return and settlement there. In this situation, juvenile Bonelli’s eagles depart from the natal site presumably when they acquire an optimal body condition as seen in other raptors (Ferrer 1992; Walls et al. 1999; Delgado et al. 2010). However, raptor juveniles tend to expand their PFDP and remain in the parental territory to benefit from their hunting areas and protection from other conspecifics (Weston et al. 2018). The fact that reintroduced individuals disperse later supports the idea that the onset of dispersal is mostly driven by the individual, although parental presence can prompt it. Also, it is worth noting that food availability does not seem to prevent dispersal departure from their natal territory, as juveniles which were fed ad libitum eventually abandon their hacking site, although it could delay the onset of dispersal as seen in Vergara et al. (2010), where food supplemented kestrels tended to acquire independence later. Finally, Bonelli’s eagle, as other raptors, is bounded to climate traits, which affect not only its distribution but also its breeding success (Ontivero and Pleguezuelos 2003; Carrascal and Seoane 2009; Di Vittorio and López-López 2014). Therefore, the warmer climate of Sicily could have favored an earlier development of wild eagles.
The age at which individuals performed their first flight, began dispersal and the total length of the PFDP were similar to those obtained by Real et al. (1998) who found that first flight occurred at an average age of 63 ± 6 days after hatching (range 52–66 days), dispersal began at an average age of 163 ± 17 days after hatching (range 143–177 days) and thus the whole PFDP lasted for 98 ± 18 days (range = 77–113 days, n = 5 in all cases). Although age of first flight showed similar results between both populations, in the case of reintroduced juveniles, they were not able to perform the first flight until the hacking cages were opened for them by the team, so probably there were some individuals that could have flown for the first time earlier. However, first flight is related to feather development, and it has been shown that ad libitum feeding of captive juveniles favors feather growth (Lacombe et al. 1994). Also, food supplementation has been shown to allow juveniles to acquire a better physical condition and homogenizes their development, minimizing differences among them (Muriel et al. 2015), so probably body condition of hacked juveniles was similar when allowing them to leave the facility. In this way, reintroduced juveniles’ age of first flight was similar not only to the one obtained for the wild population but also to that obtained in previous studies. The duration of the PFDP recorded here was longer than that reported in Balbontín and Ferrer (2005) which lasted for 77 ± 19 days (range = 50–114 days, n = 28). These differences were probably because they radio-tracked the chicks once a week and considered dispersal started when chicks were 3.5 km apart from the nest during two consecutive observations. This distance and timespan could correspond to a one-time excursion performed by the juvenile and not necessary the emancipation itself as discussed by Cadahía et al. (2007a). In fact, Nygård et al. (2016) defined an excursion in Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), as movements performed further than 10 km apart from the nest with a return to the surroundings of the nest, less than 5 km apart. Different tracking techniques, radio-tracking versus GPS/GSM telemetry, as well as the use of unbiased methods such as recursive analyses, can explain differences in the results obtained, with much more precision and accuracy in the later (Thomas et al. 2011).
During the whole dependence period, all individuals remained in the vicinity of the nest or hacking site a similar amount of time, although the difference in the number of times individuals visited the nest area suggest that parental prey deliveries in wild individuals take place around this area (Bustamante 1995). Reintroduced individuals made little use of the hacking cage, thus using the platforms around the area for feeding.
When observing the movements performed by the eagles throughout the whole dependence period, we found that there were not substantial differences between wild and reintroduced birds. Overall, changes in the share of time spent on each behavior throughout the PFDP were more gradual and occurred later in reintroduced individuals than in wild ones. This progressiveness on the percentage of each movement observed in all individuals and its delay is consistent with the development of flight skills, in which flights that involve flapping (i.e., searching/foraging) are firstly acquired and perfectioned with practice, and more complex movements (i.e., active hunting and travelling/relocating) are later developed (Ruaux et al. 2020). In the Golden eagle, at the beginning of the dependence period, flapping flights were found, and complex movements developed later (Walker 2008), indeed, Weston et al. (2018) showed that the PFDP could be divided into two phases: ontogenic phase and maintained phase. During the ontogenic phase, eagles first increase their mobility, during the first 10 weeks (68 days), and later, this mobility was maintained until week 14 (99 days). However, the ability to perform complex movements seems to be acquired sooner if there is parental presence (Ruaux et al. 2020). Juveniles learning from parents has also been observed in the Osprey (Pandion haliaaetus), where hand-raised chicks acquired hunting skills without the presence of other conspecifics (Schaadt and Rymon 1982).
According to Balbontín and Ferrer (2005), two different hypotheses could explain the onset of dispersal: Resource Competition Hypothesis (RCH) (Howard 1960; Murray 1967) and the Ontogenic Switch Hypothesis (OSH) (Holekamp 1986). The first one explains emancipation as a response to competition with their conspecifics for food resources, so under abundance of food they will not leave the parental territory. The OSH states that when resources are abundant, juveniles achieve earlier the optimal body condition and therefore emancipate earlier. Here, as Balbontín and Ferrer (2005), we observed that behavior in Bonelli’s eagle juveniles might support the RCH, as reintroduced juveniles, which were fed ad libitum, delayed the age of dispersal. Similar results were obtained in juvenile golden eagles, which despite acquiring enough physical capacity, remained in their parental territory (Weston et al. 2018).
Studies aimed at assessing the outcome of reintroductions such as this one are essential to provide new insights in conservation biology, offering crucial information on the efficacy of different techniques with applications for future reintroduction projects. Our research highlights the importance of reintroductions together with an exhaustive monitoring of reintroduced individuals. Overall, wild and reintroduced eagles behaved in a similar way and neither sex nor year had an effect on the PFDP. In this way, the techniques used during the whole process did not affect the development and behaviour of individuals, as they do not differ substantially from the wild ones. Our results also illustrate that although parents are not responsible for the onset of dispersal, they can prompt an earlier ending of the dependence period and in conditions of high food availability, juveniles delay their onset of dispersal.