Calculating Method of Dielectric Permittivity of 8YSZ in Different Relative Humidity with Low Water Contents



An improved approach for calculating the dielectric permittivity of 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) in different relative humidity corresponding to low water contents is proposed. For this, a new virtual pore constituted by air and water is proposed using the microstructural modeling. 8YSZ material is assumed to be made up of 8YSZ solid and virtual pore. The results showed that the dielectric permittivity of the virtual pore is calculated using the upper limit of the Wiener approach for low water contents, and the effective dielectric permittivity of 8YSZ material constituted by solid and virtual pore in different relative humidity using Jayannavar’s expression. The proposed approach gives a better interpretation of the experimental results in different relative humidity corresponding to low water contents.

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