Preparation of sulphate reducing bacteria culture
An isolate of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB4) from goat rumen, was selected among the isolates for its methane inhibiting ability in the authors laboratory and is maintained in lyophilized form. For supplementing the cultures to the animals, the lyophilized culture was inoculated in specific medium modified from Howard and Hungate (1976) under anaerobic conditions and fed to the animal by directly drenching the culture to the animals
Experimental animals and feeding
Thirty six growing male kids, 5-6 months of age with average body weight of (10.08 ± 0.21 kg) were distributed into six groups of six animals each, following complete randomized design (CRD) based on the body weight. The animals were fed maize hay and concentrate mixture as a basal diet (Table 1) following ICAR (2013) for the experimental duration of 150 days. Concentrate allowance was adjusted in such a way that proportion of concentrate intake did not exceed 50 % of DMI and thus the concentrate: roughage ratio of 50:50 was maintained in all the groups. The experimental groups were, T1 (basal diet), T2 (basal diet + SRB4 @ 0.5 ml/kg body weight, 1x106 CFU/ml), T3 (basal diet + sulphur (as sodium sulphate) @ 0.095 % of DMI, 1.5 times the requirement), T4 (basal diet + sulphur (as sodium sulphate) @ 0.095 % of DMI + SRB4 @ 0.5 ml/kg body weight), T5 (basal diet + sulphur (as sodium sulphate) @ 0.19% of DMI, 2 times the requirement) and T6 (basal diet + sulphur as (sodium sulphate) @ 0.19% of DMI + SRB4 @ 0.5 ml/kg body weight).The concentrate mixture was composed of wheat bran (27%), maize grains (40%), solvent extracted soybean meal (30%), mineral mixture (2%) and salt (1%).
Analysis of feed and fodder
The feed and fodder were dried in a hot air oven (100±10C) until a constant weight was achieved and then ground to pass 1 mm sieve and stored in airtight polythene bags for further analysis. Analysis of feed and fodder samples were done for organic matter, dry matter, crude protein and, ether extract as per AOAC (1995). The acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber content were analyzed by following Van Soest et al. (1991). Sulphur contents of feed was analysed as per the procedure of AOAC (2005).
Growth and apparent nutrients digestibility
Body weight (BW) of the animals was recorded at weekly interval in the morning before offering feed and water, consecutively for two days. To determine the digestibility of nutrients, a six days metabolism trial was carried out after 90 days of experimental feeding. For this purpose, animals were kept in the metabolic cages, individually. After three days adaptation period, sample collection was done for 6 days. The feed offered and residues were collected individually, and dried samples were pooled animal wise. Faeces voided by individual animal in 24 h were collected and an appropriate aliquot of the faeces was taken for DM estimation and dried samples were pooled for six days animal wise in the polythene bags. Another aliquot of the faeces was transferred daily into a glass bottle containing 20% sulphuric acid individually for nitrogen estimation. The dried pooled samples of feed offered, residue left and faeces were analysed for proximate principles and fibre fractions.
Estimation of methane emission
Methane concentration was measured by open circuit respiration chamber, which was maintained at 65% relative humidity and 25°C temperature. Animals were subjected to acclimatization in respiration chamber for three days after completion of metabolic trial, followed by measurement of methane emission for two consecutive days. The total volume of air (l/d) passed through the chamber was recorded. The observations were made for flow rate, temperature of dry and wet bulb and atmospheric pressure. Methane was measured by an Infrared Gas Analyzer (Analytical Development Co. Ltd. Hoddesdon, England, model 300) in the air coming to the chamber and going out from the chamber.
Estimation of gross energy
Gross energy (GE) was measured by measuring GE content of feed, orts, urine and faeces by Ballistic Bomb Calorimeter (Gallenkamp, C.B.370), taking benzoic acid as a standard.
Estimation of purine derivatives
Estimation of purine derivatives like allantoin, uric acid, xanthine and hypoxanthine in urine sample was estimated by the standard procedures given by IAEA-TECDOC-945 (1997).
Statistical analysis
The data generated in the above experiment were statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20 computer package. For comparison of groups, generalized linear model ANOVA procedure and Duncan’s multiple range tests were used (Snedecor and Cochran 1994). Significant difference among the treatments was established at P<0.05.