Sample collection
K. alvarezii thalli were collected from the culture sites located at Muttom, Kanyakumari District, South India and H. opuntia were collected from the wild along the coastal waters of Gulf of Mannar, Tamilnadu South east coast of india. Macroalgae were cleaned, washed with distilled water to remove dust and soluble impurities, then shade dried, milled and stored at room temperature in airtight containers.
Preparation of seaweed extracts
The dried powdered algal powders were separately mixed with 100ml distilled water and reflexed for 30mins in the Erlenmeyer flask.The extract obtained was filtered twice with Whatman paper No1 and stored at 4ºC till further use.
Synthesis of selenium nanoparticles
Analytical grade selneious acid was purchased from Merck. About 10ml of macroagal extract was mixed with 90ml of 30 mM selenious acid and 1.8ml of 40mM ascorbic acid.The ascorbic acid is added to induce the synthesis process.These preparations were incubated at room temperature in a shaker incubator at 160–170 rpm for 3 days till it reaches ruby red or brick red color. The solution was then kept in dark for further analysis.
Characterization of biosynthesized selenium nanoparticles
UV–Visible spectroscopy
Noble metal nanoparticles absorb strongly in the visible region due to surface Plasmon resonance. Colour transitions arise due to atomic level structural changes in the substances being tested, leading to related changes in the ability to absorb light in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Appearance of colour arises from the property of the coloured material to absorb selectively within the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Absorption of energy leads to a transitional change of electron from ground to excited state. Hence the UV–visible absorption spectroscopy is a primary characterization tool to study the metal nanoparticles formation. The nanoparticles were primarily characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy, which proved to be a very useful technique for the analysis of Nanoparticles (Sastry et al. 1998). The reduction of metallic selenium ions was recorded by measuring the UV-Vis spectra of the solution at room temperature with Shimadu UV-vis spectrophotometer UV-2450 at a wave length of 250 -700nm .
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
The Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) measurements were carried out to identify the existence of the functional groups in the synthesized selenium nanoparticles. Dry powders of the biomass and SeNPs solutions were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 min and the resulting suspensions were redispersed in sterile distilled water. The purified pellets were dried and analysed on Shimadzu FT-IR instrument the frequency range of of 4000–400 cm-1 to evaluate the functional groups that might be involved in the absorption process.
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Solids were separated by ultra centrifugation an d12000 RPM for 20 minutes followed by redispersion of SeNPS in to deionized water. The resultant solids were dried in an oven at 55°C. The XRD pattern was obtained with Bruker instrument using Cu- Kα (1.54 °A) source, and the data were collected from 10° to 80° (2θ) with a scan speed of 4 min − 1. XRD analysis was also applied to determine the particle size using Scherrer’s formula:
d = kλβ(Cosθmax)
Where, d is the average crystal size, λ is the X-ray wavelength (0.1541 nm), β is the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and θ is the diffraction angle
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Morphology and particle sizes were determined with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) on a JEOL Model 1200 EX instrument operated at an accelerating voltage at 80 kV by focusing nanoparticles following (Rajasree and Gayathri, 2015).
Determination of Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using Resazurin Microtitre Assay
Minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) values of SeNPs and controls were determined based on a microwell dilution method using 96-well sterile microtiter plate for which reasasurin microtitre method (Palomino et al.2002) was employed. The resazurin solution was prepared by dissolving 270 mg in 40 mL of sterile distilled water. A vortex mixer was used to ensure that it was a well-dissolved and homogenous solution. A sterile 96 well plate was labelled. A volume of 100 µL of the sample was pipetted into the first plate. To all other wells 50 µL of nutrient broth was added and serially diluted it. To each well 10 µL of the resazurin indicator solution was added. 10 µL of bacterial suspension was added to each well. Each plate was wrapped loosely with cling film to ensure that bacteria did not become dehydrated. The plate was incubated at 37°C for 18–24 h. The color change was then assessed visually. Any color changes from purple to pink or colorless were recorded as positive. The lowest concentration at which color change occurred was taken as the MIC value.
Antioxidant assay
ABTS assay
For ABTS assay, the method of Emad et al.(2013) was followed with some modifications. To 100 µl of sample (different concentration), 0.9 ml of ABTS solution was added. The stock solutions included ,7mM ABTS solution and 2.45 mM potassium persulfate solution. The working solution was then prepared by mixing the two stock solutions in equal quantities and allowing them to react for 4–16 hrs at room temperature in the dark. The resulting solution was then diluted with ethanol by mixing 1 ml of freshly prepared ABTS solution. The extent of decolorization was measured at 734nm to obtain an absorbance of 0.706 ± 0.001 units. Fresh ABTS solution was prepared for each assay. The ABTS scavenging capacity of the extract was compared with that of BHT(Butylated hydroxytoluene) and percentage inhibition was calculated as;
ABTS radical scavenging activity (%) = [O.D.of control - O.D. of sample/O.D. of control] Χ 100
DPPH Assay
The DPPH assay was done following the method of (Brand Williams et al.1995) with slight modifications. The radical scavenging and antioxidant potential of the macro algal extracts were determined by the capacity of the extracts to scavenge the stable free radical DPPH and exchange it into Diphenyl picryl hydrazine. The degree of decolourization from purple to yellow color was assessed spectrophotometrically at 517 nm. Different concentrations of K.alvarezii and H. opuntia extract and the biogenic synthesized SeNPs were separately mixed with 3 ml of 0.1 mmol DPPH and incubated in dark for 15 min. The reaction mixture was mixed well and left in dark for 30 minutes at room temperature. The absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically at 517 nm. The scavenging ability of the extracts was calculated using the following equation:
Antioxidant activity (% ) = {(absorbance at blank) – (absorbance at test) / (absorbance at blank)} X 100