In this work, Ti nanorods with branches are deposited on Si{001} and microscope glass slide substrates by using an electron beam (e-beam) physical vapor deposition system under GLAD conditions. Details about the deposition method and conditions have been discussed in the previous report 6. Before deposition, Si{001} and glass slide substrates are ultrasonically cleaned in a sequential bath of acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and deionized water for 30 mins each and are then set to dry in atmospheric air. The cleaned Si{001} and glass slide substrates are attached to the stage set at a glancing angle of 87° with the direction of the incident flux and a temperature of 625K. The nominal deposition rate is set to 0.5 nm/s. This rate is monitored with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and it is achieved with a voltage of 10 kV and an emission current ranging from 70–120 mA. During deposition, the temperature of the substrate is increased by 3K during deposition. The total nominal film thickness (with no porosity) is 1500 nm.
In the case of Ag capping, after the deposition of branched Ti nanorods, the source material target is switched to Ag in the deposition chamber without breaking the vacuum. The glancing angle is set to 87°, The substrate stage temperature is set to 625K, and the deposition rate is decreased to 0.1 nm/s. The total nominal film thickness of Ag is 10, 20, 50, and 100 nm, respectively for each test. The branched Ti nanorods capped with Ag (represented as Ti-AgX – where X is the Ag cap nominal thickness) are set aside for characterization. To optimize the SERS sensitivity even further, another set of substrate samples was produced. Similar to Ti-AgX, after the deposition of branched Ti nanorods, N2 gas is introduced into the chamber for 15mins after shutting off both the turbomolecular pump and roughing pump. The branched Ti nanorod is annealed in N2 for 4 hours with the substrate stage temperature still at 625 K. After 4 hours, the roughing and turbomolecular pump are turned on so as to bring the chamber back to vacuum condition again and the source material target is switched to Ag in the deposition chamber. The glancing angle is kept at 87°, and the deposition rate is set to 0.1 nm/s. The total nominal film thickness of Ag is set as 10, 20, 50, and 100 nm, respectively for each test. The branched Ti nanorods annealed in N2 gas and capped with Ag (represented as Ti-TiN-AgX – where X is the Ag cap nominal thickness) are set aside for characterization.
The morphology and microstructural analysis of the prepared nanorods is performed using a high-resolution field scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-4800, Tokyo, Japan). Under the accelerating voltage of 3 kV and with a working distance of 8 mm, the spatial resolution is 2 nm. The structure and elemental composition are characterized using a Cs-corrected transmission electron microscope (Thermo Fisher, TEM/STEM, FEI Titan Themis 300, Waltham, MA, USA). Under 300 kV, the spatial resolution reaches 0.07 nm and a diffraction detection diameter of 200 nm. Texture analysis is performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD, CuKa radiation of wavelength 0.154 nm, 40 KV, 44 mA, Rigaku ultima IV, Tokyo, Japan) for a sample size of 900 mm2 in area and 1.01 mm in total thickness of the Ti and the glass slide substrate. The nanorod dimensions are analyzed, measured, and processed using the ImageJ Processing Program 44,45. SERS performance is characterized using a Raman Spectroscopy (Horiba Jobin Yvon HR800, Lille, France) at room temperature, with 1.5 × 10− 6 M Methylene Blue (MB) as an analyte probing molecule. Raman spectra are collected based on an excitation laser of 532 nm, hole size of ~ 100 microns in diameter, acquisition parameters of five seconds exposure time, and reduced laser power of ~ 0.211mW. The acquisition time and laser power were selected to avoid molecular degradation of the probing molecule induced by photochemical or thermal effects. Before SERS characterizations, all substrates are immersed into the MB solution for 30mins and then dried naturally in atmospheric air. The data collection time from each spectrum is set to be five seconds and each SERS spectrum is obtained by measuring and averaging the signals collected from three different spots on the same substrate.