Clear aligners differ from conventional fixed appliances in biomechanics. For clear aligners, tooth movements are achieved through compression force on teeth produced by elastic changes of aligners. In contrast, tooth are moved through both compression and traction forces generated by the interaction between brackets and wires. Moreover, distinct from fixed appliances, the clear aligner system suffers from a significant disadvantage: teeth may “escape” from the aligners (off-tracking) and force applications cannot be fully applied on these teeth (15). This results in varying degrees of predictability for different types of tooth movements, with molar distalization most predictable (88%) and incisor extrusion least predictable (30%) (11–14). The evaluation system of treatment complexity elaborated in this study was designed specifically for the clear aligner system. The results revealed that the assessment of treatment complexity by this objective evaluation system matched perfectly with that by experts (gold standard) (kappa = 0.80).
Several evaluation systems for assessing treatment complexity are available for conventional fixed appliances, e.g., peer assessment rating (PAR) and ABO discrepancy index (DI) (9, 10). PAR system appraises treatment complexity based on model analysis only and DI system evaluates treatment difficulty through analysing dental models and radiographs. However, neither include soft tissue analysis for the assessment of treatment complexity. The evaluation system described in this study is complete for taking all the three tissues (dental, skeletal and soft tissues) into considerations. All the evaluation system, including the one elaborated in this study, assess treatment difficulty through adding difficulty points for each independent item, e.g., overjet, overjet and molar relationship. PAR and DI systems fail to evaluate treatment difficulty dynamically. For example, a full Class II molar relationship is considered to be more difficult than Class I relationship. In effect, in clinical scenarios, full Class II molar relationship is sometimes acceptable and does not require molar movement. Thus, for the item of molar relationship, the treatment difficulty is the same for a Class I relationship and a full Class II relationship. The only difference between the two clinical conditions is different overjets: patients with full Class II are more difficult due to a larger overjet that should be corrected rather than due to molar relationship. No point is added for patients whose molar relationship will be maintained. Therefore, the dynamic movement of molars are considered in our evaluation system, rather than a simple classification of molar relationship.
The multivariate regression test revealed that difficulty level was positively correlated with difficulty score (β = 0.13, 95% CI: 0.11 ~ 0.16; p < 0.001), indicating that difficulty level will be increased by 0.13 if difficulty score is increased by one. Moreover, we found that difficulty level was positively associated with tooth extraction and number of difficult tooth movement. Although clear aligners are able to manage extraction patients with good treatment outcomes (16, 17), premolar extractions followed by anterior teeth retraction requires meticulous design of aligner biomechanics and will definitely increase treatment complexity. Difficult tooth movement is defined by the clear aligner software based on predicted distances of tooth movement for each tooth, e.g., molar intrusion greater than 5 mm. Conceivably, a higher difficulty level is anticipated with a larger number of difficult tooth movement. Ironically, we found that difficulty level was negatively associated with patient age (β=-0.04, p = 0.015 < 0.01). This may be attributed to a selection bias that adults patients with high treatment complexity were not included in this study given that patients with greater age had smaller number of difficult tooth movement (p = 0.01 < 0.05).
For the domain of model analysis, the multivariate regression test revealed that difficulty level was positively associated with all items except for spacing (Table 2). A large overjet requires premolar extractions and subsequent upper anterior retraction while large overbite requires large amounts of lower incisor intrusions. All of these types of tooth movement are considered to be difficult in clear aligner treatment. Therefore, we put more weights on these two items (e.g., 10 points will be added for patients with an overbite greater than 9 mm and 9 points will be added for patients with an overbite of 6 mm). Treatment complexity is increased among patients with more crowding (p < 0.001). However, we did not put much weight on this item since severe crowding could be easily resolved through premolar extraction and subsequent minimal incisor retraction (most of the extraction space is used for resolving crowding rather than incisor retraction). As mentioned above, we evaluated molar relationship dynamically. Zero point is added for patients needing molar relationship maintenance (Class I, full Class II or III). For clear aligner treatment, considering molar mesialization is more difficult than molar distalization (18), we put more weights on molar mesialization. For posterior teeth, all the three types of malocclusion (openbite, crossbite and scissorbite) are difficult to correct and thus we add much weight on this item, e.g., 10 points will be added for patients with a posterior tooth with a 5-mm openbite (2 pts/tooth·mm). For the item of spacing, we only analyzed the largest space since patients with one space of 5 mm will be more difficult to treat than those with several small spaces totaling 5 mm (if the spaces are to be closed orthodontically). Moreover, if a space will not be closed orthodontically (e.g., closure through implants), no point will be added. The reason why spacing was not correlated with difficulty level in this study is that all patients received low marks for spacing and the marks of spacing were similar among patients. For other model analysis, it encompasses tooth anomaly, midline deviation, premolar rotation and incisor rotation. As is well documented, tooth movement is achieved through elastic changes of aligners and adequate aligner wrapping is critical for the predicted tooth movement. Any tooth anomaly will reduce the adequacy of aligner wrapping and make tooth movement less predictable. Five points will be added for each abnormal tooth. It has been reported that a midline deviation less than 2 mm was acceptable by general population (19). Thus, only the amount of midline deviation greater than 2 mm counts in our evaluation system. Rotations of premolar and lateral incisors are difficult to correct in clear aligner system, since premolars are round or oval in shape and lateral incisors are short from the occlusal view (clear aligners are not able to exert adequate tangent forces that are crucial for derotation).
The domain of radiographic examinations encompasses ANB, U1-SN, SN-MP and other radiographic examinations. ANB is a radiographic index for assessing relative positions between upper and lower jaws and SN-MP is an index for evaluating mandibular plane angle. Deviations of these two indices from normal range will increase clear-aligner treatment complexity. U1-SN denotes upper incisor proclination and proclined upper incisors require gaining space and subsequent retraction of incisors. Thus, treatment complexity is increased among patients with abnormal U1-SN values. Moreover, tooth impaction, supernumerary teeth, missing teeth, tooth transposition, root resorption and severe skeletal problems needing orthognathic surgery all increase clear-aligner treatment difficulty. We put different weights on these items according to their influence on treatment complexity. The multivariate regression test showed that difficulty level were associated with all items in the domain of radiographic examinations except for other radiographic examinations. This could be attributed to the fact that small number of patients had these other radiographic problems (e.g., impaction), making this index (other radiographic examinations) similar among patients with different difficulty levels. Thus, further study with a larger sample size is warranted.
The domain of clinical examinations had three indices: E-line, gummy smile and other clinical examinations. The multivariate regression test found that difficult level was correlated with E-line and other radiographic examinations, while not with gummy smile. Likewise, this may be due to that small number of patients required gummy smile correction. An abnormal E-line (e.g., 4 mm denoting lips are protrusive by 4 mm in reference to E-line) requires space gaining and anterior teeth retraction, thereby increasing aligner case difficulty. Moreover, all of the indices (chin deviation, occlusal canting, periodontitis, TMD and generalized caries) in the other clinical examinations increase clear aligner treatment complexity. Thus, we put different weights on these indices.