Background: We reported one case of parafalcine meningioma, using a full neuroendoscopic contralateral longitudinal fissure approach to completely resect meningioma through the falx cerebri.
Case presentation: This case was a 50-year-old female with a right anterior cerebral parafalcine meningioma. Her left limbs had decreased sensations of temperature, tactile and pain than the right side, muscle strength was grade IV, and Babinski sign was positive on the left. CT and MRI showed a mass on the right frontoparietal with edema.
The patient was in supine position and the head was rotated 20 degrees to the opposite side. A neuronavigation was employed to perform a precise surface localization of parafalcine meningioma. Under neuroendoscopy, a contralateral craniotomy and a longitudinal fissure approach were followed by an incision of dura to expose arachnoid, then arachnoid was separated until falx cerebri along its surface. Neuronavigation was employed again to precisely locate the projection of meningioma in the contralateral falx cerebri. According to the position, firstly removed the invaded falx cerebri, blocked the blood supply of the meningioma, then completely resected the meningioma without retraction of normal brain tissue.
Conclusion: This report explored a full neuroendoscopic contralateral longitudinal fissure approach to complete resect parafalcine meningioma via falx cerebri using retractorless surgical technique. This approach can reduce the retraction of normal brain tissue to enhance protection of brain function, while maximizing the total resection rate of parafalcine meningioma.