3.1. Safety in soil and plant of sewage regeneration irrigation
3.1.1 Heavy metal content in paddy field
The content of heavy metals in each soil layer of paddy field was shown in Fig. 3. It was shown that, after irrigation in 2020 and 2021, the contents of Cd and Pb increased, but the contents of Cr, Cu and Zn decreased, which may be related to that the reclaimed water mainly came from domestic sewage, and the contents of Cr, Cu and Zn in this area were low. The Cd content in the surface layer of the soil was significantly higher than that in the deep layer, which was just due to the small mobility of Cd in the soil that it was easy to accumulate in the upper layer of the soil. With the increase of water level control and the extended of irrigation time, the Cd content in each soil layer showed an obvious increasing trend. The increase of Cd content in each soil layer was largest under R1 water source, moderate under R2 water source, and smallest under R3 water source, where the Cd content under R3 was close to that under CK. Such results indicated that the reclaimed water had a certain interception effect on Cd after purification by the ecological pond. In the year of 2020, Cr content in paddy field was decreased, except for the treatments of W1R2 and W3R2, but the Cr content was generally increased compared with the background value in 2021. With the extended irrigation time, the Cr content changed significantly. The results of ANOV were shown in Table 4. It showed that water level regulation and irrigation water source had a significant impact on Cd content in both 0-20 cm soil layer (P<0.01) and 20-40 cm soil layer (P<0.05), and irrigation water source had a significant impact on Cr content in 20-40 cm soil layer and Cu content in 40-60 cm soil layer (P<0.01). In addition, according to the calculation of the potential ecological risk index RI of heavy metals in the root layer (0-20cm), the RI of R1, R2, R3 and CK was 108.23, 128.33, 67.77 and 84.43 respectively. According to the heavy metal ecological risk rating standard, the ecological risk of each water source irrigation was mild, especially the ecological risk of heavy metals of R3 was lowest.
3.1.2 Heavy metal content in rice plant organs
Contents of heavy metals in rice plant organs were shown in Fig. 4, i.e.: stem>leaf≈grain. For rice stem, the content of total heavy metals in different irrigation water sources showed R1>R2>R3≈R4. Compared to R4, the content of total heavy metals under R1, R2 and R3 was increased by 1.52 times, 1.25 times and 1.15 times, respectively, and the total amount of heavy metals under R3 was close to that under R4. The content change of total heavy metals regulated by different water levels showed W1≈W2>W3. Compared with W3, the content of total heavy metals under W1 and W2 was increased by 1.07 times and 1.06 times, respectively. For rice leaf, the content of total heavy metals in different irrigation water sources showed R1>R4>R2≈R3. Compared with R3, the content of total heavy metals under R1, R2, and R4 was increased by 1.07 times, 1.04 times and 1.06 times, respectively. The content change of total heavy metals regulated by different water level regulations showed W3>W1>W2. Compared with W2, the content of total heavy metals under W1 and W3 was increased by 1.05 times and 1.17 times, respectively. For rice grain, the content change of total heavy metals in different irrigation water sources was consistent with that in stem. Compared to R4, the content of total heavy metals under R1, R2 and R3 was increased by 1.16 times, 1.09 times and 1.12 times, respectively, and the content change of total heavy metals regulated by different water levels was basically same. The results of ANOV were shown in Table 5. It showed that different irrigation water sources had significant effects on Zn content in both stem and leaf, and Pb content in grain, and had extremely significant effects on Pb content in stem, and Cu content in both leaf and grain. Different water level regulations had a significant effect on Cd content in stems and leaves (P<0.01), and Cr content in leaf (P<0.05).
3.1.3 PPCPs content in paddy field
In this paper, 23 kinds of PPCPs were detected, and 16 kinds of PPCPs were detected in paddy soil. The changes of PPCPs content in paddy field were shown in Fig. 5. It was shown that there were 6 kinds of PPCPs with high content in paddy field, namely ATE, MET, OLF, MAL, OXY, and MIN, with the change range of 0.10~0.40 ug/kg, 0.02~0.55 ug/kg, 0.003~0.68 ug/kg, 0.13~0.59 ug/kg, 0.001~0.23 ug/kg, and 0.001~0.23 ug/kg, respectively. With the increase of soil depth, the PPCPs content decreased, and the interannual change of PPCPs content in each soil layer showed an increasing trend. The growth rate of PPCPs in paddy field with different irrigation water sources was varied greatly, and showed R1>R2>R3≈R4. For water source of R1, compared to background value, the PPCPs content was increased by 1.58 times and 1.73 times in 0-20 cm soil layer, 1.27 times and 1.58 times in 20-40 cm soil layer, 1.50 times and 1.71 times in 40-60 cm soil layer, and 1.44 times and 1.70 times in 60-80 cm soil layer, respectively in 2020 and 2021. For water source of R2, compared to background value, the PPCPs content was increased by 1.48 times and 1.76 times in 0-20 cm soil layer, 1.30 times and 1.48 times in 20-40 cm soil layer, 1.20 times and 1.58 times in 40-60 cm soil layer, and 1.15 times and 1.21 times in 60-80 cm soil layer, respectively in 2020 and 2021. For water source of R3 and R4, in 2020 and 2021, the PPCPs content was increased by 1.24 and 1.19 times, 1.41 and 1.26 times in 0-20 cm soil layer, 1.25 and 1.12 times, 1.38 and 1.13 times in 20-40 cm soil layer, 1.14 and 1.13 times, 1.18 and 1.24 times in 40-60 cm soil layer, 1.11 and 1.09 times, 1.32 and 1.21 times in 60-80 cm soil layer, respectively. The growth rate of PPCPs regulated by different water levels was similar, namely W2>W3>W1 in 0-20 cm soil layer, W1≈W2≈W3 in 20-60 cm soil layer, and W3>W1>W2 in 60-80 cm soil layer, indicating that the growth rate of PPCPs in 60-80 cm soil layer was accelerated with the increase of water level control in paddy field.
3.1.4 PPCPs content in rice plant
The analysis of 3.1.3 showed that different water level regulations had little impact on the PPCPs content in paddy field. Therefore, in this paper, the changes of PPCPs content in rice plant were analyzed under different irrigation water sources (Fig. 6). For rice grain, the high content PPCPs mainly included ATE, OFL, MAL, OXY, MET and MIN, the change of PPCPs content in rice grain showed that R2 (6.33 ug/kg)>R1 (6.82 ug/kg)> R3 (5.00 ug/kg)≈R4 (4.79 ug/kg). Compared to R4, the PPCPs content of R1, R2 and R3 was increased by 32.3%, 42.4% and 4.4%, respectively. For rice husk, the high content PPCPs mainly included ATE, OFL, ACE (not detected in grain), MAL, OXY, MET, MIN and TET (not detected in grain), the change of PPCPs content in rice husk showed that R1 (11.48 ug/kg)>R2 (11.30 ug/kg)>R4 (9.92 ug/kg)≈R3 (9.31 ug/kg). Compared to R3, the PPCPs content of R1, R2 and R4 was increased by 23.3%, 21.4% and 6.4%, respectively. The average PPCP content in rice grain was 5.73 ug/kg, and that of rice husk was 10.50 ug/kg, namely the latter was 1.83 times of the former. In general, the PPCPs content in both rice grain and husk was at a very low level, and had a cumulative effect under irrigation of R1 and R2 water source.
3.2 High efficiency of sewage regeneration irrigation
3.2.1 Utilization of water and nitrogen
Utilization of water and nitrogen in paddy field under different irrigation water sources and water level regulations was shown in Table 6. It showed that the yield can be effectively improved by reclaimed water irrigation regulation. Compared to CK, the yield under R1, R2 and R3 has increased by 6.3%, 7.6% and 5.4% respectively. IWA showed R3≈R4>R1≈R2. The reason may be the one that the content of COD, nitrogen and organic matter in reclaimed water (R1 and R2) was relatively high, which affected the ventilation and leakage of paddy soil, thus resulting in large water consumption and slightly high irrigation water amount irrigated by R3 and R4. WCT, WUEI and WUEET under irrigation of R1 and R2 were slightly higher than those under irrigation of R3 and R4. Meanwhile, RUE and NUE can be significantly improved by reclaimed water irrigation. Compared to CK, RUE and NUE of R1, R2 and R3 was increased by 6.7% and 24.2%, 9.3% and 22.6%, 9.4% and 21.7%, respectively. Under different water level regulations, yield, IWA, WCT, RUE and NUE were increased, but WUEI and WUEET was decreased with as the field water level control increased. Compared to W1, yield, IWA, WCT, RUE and NUE was increased by - 0.1%, 18.0%, 6.8% and 3.4%, 2.1%, 30.6% under W2, 7.3% and 14.0% under W3, respectively, WUEI and WUEET was decreased by 15.4% and 3.3% under W2, 21.9% and 5.2% under W3, respectively. In addition, water level regulation had a significant impact on all indicators of utilization of water and nitrogen except WUEET, irrigation water source had a significant impact on yield, IRA, RUE and NUE, and interactions between water level regulation and irrigation water source had a significant impact on yield, RUE and NUE.
3.2.2 Microbial diversity in root layer of paddy field
In this paper, the effective tags of all samples were clustered, and the sequence was clustered into OTUs (operational taxonomic units) with 97% identity. At the same time, the diversity of microbial community was analyzed by alpha diversity (Table 7). OTUs reflects species diversity, Shannon index reflects community diversity, and Chao1 index reflects community richness. Under different irrigation water sources, it showed that the peak values of OTUs, Shannon and Chao1 were appeared in R3 water source irrigation. Except for R1, the indexes of OTUs, Shannon and Chao1 of R2 and R3 were higher than those of CK, indicating that the species diversity, community diversity and richness of root layer soil under reclaimed water irrigation were higher than those of CK. Under different water level regulations, all indexes showed W1>W3≈W2, indicating that species diversity, community diversity and richness were decreased with the increase of field water level control. In addition, the effects of irrigation water source, water level regulation and their interactions on microbial diversity in paddy field were extremely significant.
3.3 Safe and efficient regulation mechanism of sewage regeneration irrigation
The entropy weight TOPSIS multi-objective decision-making model was used to optimize the regulation schemes of different irrigation water sources and water level regulations. Nine indexes were selected as the evaluation factors to establish the initial matrix [Y] (Fig. 7), related to soil and crop safety (potential ecological risk index RI and PPCPs content in soil, content of heavy metals and PPCPs in grain), efficient utilization of water and nitrogen (WUEI, RUE, and NUE), microbial diversity (Shannon index), and economic benefit (yield). According to the principle that the larger the RUE, NUE, Shannon and yield are, the smaller the WUEI, RI and PPCPs content in paddy field and heavy metals and PPCPs content in rice grain are, the better the regulation schemes are, thereby the standardized decision matrix [R] can be constructed (Fig. 7). The entry weight W (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9) was calculated to be equal to 0.157, 0.099, 0.087, 0.175, 0.107, 0.086, 0.086, 0.084, and 0.119. The ideal solution x+ and negative ideal solution x- was determined, as x+ = (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0864, 0.0862, 0.0836, 0.1190), x- = (0.1574, 0.0989, 0.0870, 0.1750, 0.1065, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000). The euclidean distance of ideal solution and negative ideal solution (di+ and di-), and the relative closeness of ideal solutions (Si) under different regulation schemes were respectively calculated, and the results therefrom were ranked from large to small (Table 8). As what it was shown, the order of comprehensive benefits showed R2>R1>R3>R4 under different water sources, W3>W1> W2 under different water level regulations, indicating that the high water level regulation under R2 water source was conducive to the exertion of the comprehensive benefits of rural domestic sewage regeneration irrigation regulation. Therefore, in the process of rural domestic sewage irrigation and reuse regulation, R2 was given as the priority water source, following R3 and CK as the supplementary water sources.
3.4 Effectiveness evaluation in demonstration area
The rice planting area in the demonstration area is about 10 ha. According to the conclusion of 3.3, the field irrigation was regulated by W3, R2 was given as priority water source, R3 and CK were used as supplementary water sources during the rice growth stages. Effectiveness indicators of crop and soil system in rice planting demonstration area were shown in Table 9. It showed that the irrigation water amount was 635 mm, including 215mm of R2 water source, 300 mm of R3 water source, and 120 mm of river water CK. Compared to the background value, the amount of fresh water can be reduced to 530mm, for paddy field, the Cd content was remained unchanged, the content of Pb, Cr and PPCPs was increased slightly, with an increase of 0.3%, 0.9% and 2.5%, respectively, for rice grain, the Pb content was decreased, the Cd content was remained unchanged, and the content of Cr and PPCPs was increased slightly, with an increase of 1.3% and 1.5% respectively, and rice yield was increased by 9.6%. It indicated that, on the basis of ensuring the safety of soil and crops, the amount of fresh water can be significantly reduced, and the increase benefit of yield was significant.