Pigments, particularly those obtained from natural sources have gained importance in the food industry, since they could replace synthetic colorants, which have been associated with some ailments when they are consumed frequently. According to some studies, they could alter the children’s behavior, increasing respiratory allergies and in extreme cases show genotoxic activity (Amchova et al., 2015). The most common natural pigments are chlorophylls, carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins and betalains (Delgado-Vargas, 2002). The ingestion of natural pigments may promote healthy benefits since they can prevent or help in the treatment against ailments such as cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, among others (Delgado-Vargas, 2002; Sarı et al., 2019).
Betalains are water-soluble pigments commonly found in the plant vacuoles. They are divided in betaxanthins (orange-yellow) and betacyanins (red-purple) (Chandrasekhar et al., 2015; Delgado-Vargas, 2002). Betalains possess high antioxidant activity and may have antimicrobial properties against some microorganisms (Choo, 2018).
Pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) fruits are endemic to Mexico. Pitayas have a berry shape with middle large thorns, small and edible black seeds, and mucilaginous flesh with white, yellow, pink, orange, red or purple colors (García-Cruz et al., 2017). The pitaya pulp is the largest part in the fruit and represents the edible portion (García-Cruz et al., 2013). The consumption of pitaya could provide to humans the benefits of betalain compounds due to their high amount as well as other benefits provided by flavonoids, carotenoids, sterols, triterpenes, iron (Fe), and ascorbic acid (García-Cruz et al., 2017; Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2020). However, the short shelf life of the fruit and short period of production may limit their consumption (Ochoa-Velasco & Guerrero Beltrán, 2013). On the other hand, since pitaya is a climatic fruit, it last only for few days in fresh fashion. In addition, the environmental conditions (temperature, pH, light and oxygen) and its high sugar content may cause the loss of color of betalains in the juice (Khan and Giridhar, 2014).
Encapsulation of natural compounds, such as pigments, has shown to extend the pigments stability, being spray drying one of the most used method due to the low cost, simplicity and short time of processing (Bakry et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2018). The operational parameters and mixture of encapsulates plays an important role through encapsulation and drying. Therefore, some researchers suggest that a pretreatment applied to the extract of the material, before spray drying, could increase the amount and stability of betalains before encapsulation (Castro-Enríquez et al., 2020; Kumar and Giridhar, 2017; Quirós et al., 2019; Sravan Kumar et al., 2014).
A pretreatment of fermentation of the material to be spray dried could help the drying process due to the reduction of fermentable sugars. The fermentation of low molecular weight (low glass transition temperature) compounds such as sugars will avoid that the powder be adhered to the walls of the dryer during the process (Bhandari et al., 1997; Santos et al., 2018). Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is commonly used for making this fermentation, hydrolyzing sugars and pectic substances in the juice. S. cerevisiae release pectinolytic enzymes for hydrolyzing pectins in the system (Poondla et al., 2015); despite, commercial enzymes can also be used for hydrolyzing pectic substances in liquid food systems such as fruit juices. Commercial enzymes have the disadvantage of requiring special means for their production, which result in high costs.
The addition of carrier agents to the liquid to be spray dried improve the yield of the obtained powder due to the reduction of stickiness and the increase of the glass transition temperature of the final product. The most common carrier/encapsulation agents are starches, gums, lipids, and proteins (Jiménez-González & Guerrero-Beltrán, 2021). Furthermore, the use of different carrier agents may result in a final product with physicochemical properties that are characteristic of each agent; however, in some cases, the combination of carrier agents could improve the properties of the powders such as the retention of color. To the scientific knowledge, no research has been reported about the encapsulation of betalains using mesquite gum as carrier or its combinations with other agents such as gum arabic and, or maltodextrin.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the combination of three encapsulation agents (mesquite gum, gum arabic, maltodextrin) for obtaining powders, by spray drying, of fermented red pitaya juice.