Minerals are necessary for proper cellular function in infants and children, especially during critical periods of growth and development. In this study of young Malawians, the egg intervention did not change plasma magnesium, copper, selenium, or zinc concentrations compared to the control group. At the 6-months, plasma iron concentrations were significantly lower in the intervention group compared the control group. Additionally, the likelihood of mineral deficiency was particularly concerning for zinc.
Plasma selenium levels were not increased by provision of one egg daily for six months in these young Malawian children. Similar results have been reported in adults who consume eggs daily, but little is known about the effect of eggs in young children 39,40. Adults have higher recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) of selenium; therefore, one egg provides only 36% of the RDA of selenium compared to approximately 77% of the daily requirement for young children 19,20,41. Previous reports have shown that egg consumption is associated with higher intakes of selenium, which supports dietary intake data seen in our study 21,24. Even with high selenium concentrations in the provided eggs and adequate intake reports, plasma selenium levels decreased from baseline to follow-up in both groups. Given the age of the children in the study, this contradicts the typical response of circulating selenium levels, as previous studies on healthy infants have shown levels decrease from birth to 4 months of age and then start to increase, with median plasma selenium levels of 49 µg/L between 4–12 months and 71 µg/L between 1–5 years of age 42. Selenium within the plasma is bound to lipoproteins, and in states of malnutrition, lipoprotein synthesis is reduced. Malnutrition thus, may secondarily result in decreases in plasma selenium content, which is not necessarily reflective of total body selenium status 43–45. This may explain our findings here, as children in both cohorts had high rates of stunting and underweight status at the 6-month follow-up 25.
At baseline, prevalence of zinc deficiency was found to be equivalent to previous reports ranging from 60–66% in children and adults living in Malawi 46. This can be explained in part by the high prevalence of dietary zinc inadequacy at baseline 24. In the context of the baseline deficiencies found in these children, and the increased physiologic demand for adequate zinc intake during these times of rapid growth, the egg alone provides approximately 43% of the child’s RDA of zinc, which would not be enough to surpass their baseline shortcomings and ameliorate the zinc deficiencies 7,47. Other important variables to consider are the interactions between minerals, bioactive compounds in eggs, and other components of the complementary feeding diet. These interactions can impact mineral absorption, metabolism, and ultimately the mineral status of young children 48.
Iron can be particularly sensitive to other components of the food matrix. As shown in adults, iron bioavailability can be decreased by proteins like phosvitin, ovalbumin, and ovotransferrin, which are all found in eggs. These proteins lead to iron chelation and decrease its absorption in processes intended to prevent microbial growth in eggs 49. A study conducted by Makrides et al. showed adding four egg yolks a week for 6-months into infant diets improved plasma iron levels 50. This suggests that the egg white may have impeded iron absorption in those in the intervention group. Other factors potentially affecting both the intervention and control group may also contribute to impaired iron absorption. For example, maize is a major component in the diet of Malawian children. Maize is high in phytates, antioxidant compounds which have also been shown to hinder iron absorption 51. Plasma iron levels also have diurnal variations, and are negatively affected by infection, inflammation, and poor enteric health 6. The combination of inadequate iron intake, and the introduction of foods that may inhibit its absorption, and a high prevalence of chronic infections in this population may account for the high prevalence of iron and zinc deficiencies in this population 24,26,52,53. Since plasma iron levels should not be used as the sole method to assess iron status, a separate analysis was previously published demonstrating that ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor concentrations, body iron stores, and hemoglobin were not affected by the intervention in this study 26. These findings suggest that although eggs may not improve iron status, they will not contribute to iron deficiency anemia.
The Mazira Project was designed as a replication trial building on the Lulun Project in Ecuador. The Lulun trial found significant improvements after intervention on linear growth velocity and plasma DHA and choline levels 14,54. Another study by Bierut and colleagues found that bovine colostrum/egg intervention reduced stunting and increased plasma choline concentration in young Malawian children23. Mineral status was not reported in either of these studies and is rarely reported in other similar trials. More commonly, concentrations of plasma minerals and trace elements were assessed after direct use of supplemental micronutrient powders or ready to use foods to increase zinc and iron levels 55,56.
One notable difference in this Malawian context compared to previous studies was type of foods reported on dietary intake surveys 24,57. For example, fish intake was reportedly higher in Malawian children than in Ecuadorian children. However, further inquiry revealed that Malawian infants were given broth made using fish, but very little meat, and were therefore not gaining beneficial calories and nutrients, including iron, calcium, and zinc, provided by fish intake 58. Children in the Mazira project had overall lower total intakes of protein, vitamin C, iron and zinc from complementary foods compared to the children living in Ecuador 57. The nutritional gaps of young children living in Malawi may be greater than those living in Ecuador, and the egg intervention was not sufficient to overcome these mineral and nutrient deficits. Additional research is necessary to determine the impacts of egg intervention on mineral status of young children across multiple contexts.
There were strengths and limitations to acknowledge in this study. It was a rigorously designed randomized control trial with high adherence to the intervention and a comprehensive set of mixed methods including detailed dietary recalls 24. Furthermore, there was a large sample size for detecting intervention effects on several nutrient biomarkers. One limitation for this analysis was the loss in numbers of samples with sufficient volume, although groups remained comparable across characteristics. Additionally, venous samples were obtained on non-fasting infants and times ranged throughout the day. This may result in greater variability but was adjusted for during statistical analysis. Another potential limitation was the inability to measure the concentrations of minerals within a complex of protein carriers, such as, lipoproteins in the case of selenium, or body storages. It is possible that there was an increase in total body mineral content that we were not able to account for with our analysis.