Performance of eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analysis for ecological surveys
Sensitivity and positive predictivities were compared across different experimental conditions (Fig. 1). The sensitivity and positive predictivity of the eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analysis in arthropods both drastically improved when an expanded database was used (merged data; current database: 0–3.2%/0–22.2%, expanded database: 7.6–22.1%/43.7–73.1% (sensitivity/positive predictivity)) (Fig. 1A). The sequences in the expanded database improved the performance of the metabarcoding analysis. Furthermore, when only quantitative data were used as TFS data, there were maximum sensitivity values for the eDNA and eRNA. However, positive predictivities using quantitative analysis slightly decreased when compared with those using quantitative and qualitative data (no significant differences were found). Similar results were confirmed for the metabarcoding of arthropod ecological surveys using the MLIT database (Supplementary Fig. S1). Thus, in this study, we mainly analyzed the conditions with high sensitivity (using quantitative TFS data obtained in the present study and an expanded database of metabarcoding analysis) for arthropods.
When comparing eDNA and eRNA, the sensitivity of eDNA was significantly higher than that of eRNA in the expanded database. In contrast, the positive predictivity of eRNA was higher than that of eDNA, although no significant difference was found.
When individual datasets were merged, sensitivity increased, and positive predictivity decreased. The order of the performance of eDNA and eRNA did not change. However, the percentage increase in sensitivity with the merged data was higher for eRNA (eDNA: 12.3–22.1% [×1.79], eRNA: 3.5–11.4% [×3.25]). In contrast, the percentage decrease in positive predictivity was higher for eDNA (eDNA: 67.4–43.7% [×0.83], eRNA: 73.4–61.5% [×0.64]). This indicates that eRNA can easily increase sensitivity, and eDNA may be prone to generating false positives on using merged data.
The performance of each taxon was also evaluated, focusing on the EPTOD (Table 2). Plecoptera was not detected in eDNA or eRNA metabarcoding. In terms of sensitivity, Ephemeroptera had the highest average score for eDNA and Diptera had the greatest score for eRNA. Odonata had the highest merged score for both eDNA and eRNA. In terms of positive predictivity, the average and merged scores were the highest for Ephemeroptera in eDNA and Trichoptera in eRNA.
In algae, the sensitivity was mostly equivalent. The average score was slightly higher for eRNA (eDNA 9.1%, eRNA 9.4%), and the merged score was equal (no significant difference). Positive predictivities were also similar. The average score was higher for eRNA, whereas the merged score was higher for eDNA. However, no significant differences were found (Fig. 1B).
Differences in the species detected using eDNA/eRNA vs. TFS analyses
Venn diagrams illustrate the differences in species detected between the eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analysis and TFS under multiple analytical conditions (Fig. 2). For the arthropods, eDNA and eRNA analyses detected 71 and 26 species, respectively. The TFS detected 140 species at two sampling points (Nakagawa-oohashi and Shin-nakabashi). The lower species detection rate with eRNA was probably responsible for the low sensitivity and high standard deviation of positive predictivity in eRNA (Fig. 1A). Although 25 species were commonly detected in the eDNA/eRNA analyses, only 16 species were common in the eDNA/eRNA analyses and TFS. The sensitivity of eRNA detection (11.4%) was lower than that of eDNA detection (22.1%). The positive predictivity of eRNA (61.5%) was higher than that of eDNA (43.7%).
For algae, eDNA and eRNA analyses detected 71 and 80 species, respectively, equivalent to the number detected with the TFS (61). However, only 8 species were common with the TFS results. Conversely, almost all species (62) were common in eDNA/eRNA analyses. The sensitivity and positive predictivity of eDNA/eRNA were equivalent (sensitivity, 13.1%; positive predictivity, 10–11.3%). The TFS focuses on algae attached to stones in rivers, whereas eDNA/eRNA was collected from surface water. Hence, eDNA/eRNA analyses could detect species that were identified by TFS when using bottom water.
A total of 109 species (67+42 species in Fig. 3A) were not detected in the metabarcoding analysis, but were detected in the TFS. Moreover, 42 of the 109 species have already been registered in an expanded database. Then, we compared the composition of the species detected with the eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analysis and those only detected in the TFS (Fig. 3B). The results showed that the EPTO ratio was similar (approximately 60–70%). However, Plecoptera was not detected in eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding, whereas all Odonata species could be detected in that analysis.
Comparison of the read numbers from the metabarcoding analysis and TFS abundance
The abundance of the top 30 arthropod species in the TFS and their read numbers in the metabarcoding analysis were illustrated using a heatmap (Fig. 4). No species were detected in the eRNA metabarcoding only, and the eDNA identified all species detected in the eRNA. For several species (e.g., Drunella ishiyamana and Isonychia valida), the eDNA read numbers were remarkably higher than the eRNA read numbers. Of the top 30 species in TFS, 10 were found in eDNA metabarcoding. Of these 10 species, 7 were found in eDNA and 6 were detected in eRNA. Of the 20 species not found in eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding, 10 have been already registered in the expanded database.
Comparison of water quality indices in eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding and TFS
To evaluate the usefulness of metabarcoding analysis as a water quality index, the EPT (%) and ASPT scores derived from TFS were compared with those derived from eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analyses. For EPT (%), the average score derived from the eDNA was slightly higher than that derived from TFS. In contrast, the average score derived from eRNA was lower than that derived from TFS (Fig 5A). When comparing the merged scores, eRNA had the highest score when compared with eDNA and TFS. The average ASPT score derived from TFS was higher than that from the eDNA and eRNA. When comparing the merged scores, the ASPT scores derived from the eDNA, eRNA, and TFS were equivalent (Fig. 5B). These data suggest that individual surveys using eDNA can allow the stable evaluation of water quality indices derived from the TFS. However, the individual values of the indices derived from eRNA may be slightly lower than those from TFS, while merged values are likely to be equivalent to those from the TFS.
Effect of ecological traits related to false positive generation in eDNA/eRNA metabarcoding analysis
Some species of arthropods were detected only in the eDNA analysis and the common functions of these species were explored. Interestingly, terrestrial arthropods were mainly detected in eDNA and not in eRNA. However, two terrestrial species (Pteronemobius fascipes and Nysius plebeius) had extremely high read numbers in eRNA when compared with those in the eDNA (Fig. 6A). These results suggest that the amount of eRNA in terrestrial arthropods can be extremely high or low. Thus, eRNA could act as an indicator to determine whether a species is actually inhabiting the water environment or if it enters from the outside. Moreover, the eDNA read numbers of aquatic arthropods were significantly higher than those of terrestrial arthropods (Fig. 6B). Hence, the combined analysis of eDNA and eRNA may provide an effective means to detect false positives.
In algal metabarcoding analysis, common ecological traits were not found in species detected only in eDNA or eRNA. Planktonic and attached algae, together with seawater and brackish algae were distributed homogeneously (Fig. 6C).